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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 82(无答案)第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 Where is the mans home?(A)Rome(B) San Francisco(C) Paris2 How does the man arrange his work now?(A)He works three times as much as he did before.(B) He has two free days

2、 for every three days he works.(C) He works three nights every two weeks.3 Where are the speakers?(A)In a department store.(B) At a florists.(C) In a supermarket.4 When will the library be open on Saturday?(A)8 am to 9 pm.(B) 9 am to 5 pm.(C) Closed.5 What do we learn from the conversation about the

3、 present ages of the two?(A)They are both 40 years old.(B) The man is over 40 but not the woman.(C) None of them has reached 40 yet.第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。6 Whats wrong with the man?(A)He overslept

4、again.(B) He cant tell the woman the truth.(C) He failed the exam again.7 Why didnt the man pass the exam?(A)He didnt make full preparations.(B) He copied Smiths paper.(C) Nobody helped him.8 When is Julias birthday?(A)The next day.(B) The day after next.(C) The day they had the talk.9 What will the

5、 man and the woman buy for Julia?(A)A record.(B) A new pen.(C) A box of chocolates.10 Where does this interview take place?(A)In the radio studio.(B) In the bicycle shop.(C) On the road.11 Why do cyclists participate in the mountain lake cycle tour?(A)To meet cyclists from other countries.(B) To rac

6、e with professional athletes.(C) To exercise and enjoy themselves.12 How many cyclists will take part in the tour?(A)Two hundred cyclists.(B) Ten hundred cyclists.(C) Twelve hundred cyclists.13 Where does this conversation take place?(A)In a library.(B) In a bookstore.(C) On a sports field.14 Why is

7、 the man not able to find the book he needs?(A)Its the first time hes come to the library.(B) Theres only one reading room in the library.(C) He wants to refer to the book for some figures.15 Where is the General Reading Room?(A)Beside the library building.(B) Inside the library building.(C) In a wh

8、ite house across the sports field.16 How many reading rooms does the library have?(A)Four.(B) Five.(C) Six.17 What is the purpose of the meeting?(A)To determine who will graduate this year.(B) To discuss the seating arrangement.(C) To begin planning the graduation ceremony.18 What should the student

9、s write on the paper?(A)Their names, phone numbers, and job preference.(B) The names and addresses of their guests.(C) Their dormitory name, address, and phone number.19 Who should sign up?(A)Only students who have time for the work.(B) All the students who are at the meeting.(C) Only students who h

10、ave a telephone.20 When is the next meeting?(A)In two days.(B) Next week.(C) In one month.单项填空21 - Why do you think he is a liar? - We have proved _ many times.(A)so(B) as much(C) him(D)it22 The computers in the other shop will be _ , but _.(A)cheaper, not as better(B) cheaper, not as good(C) cheape

11、r, not as well(D)more cheap, not as better23 I have _ today.(A)a headache(B) headaches(C) the headache(D)headaching24 - What caused him to quit the job? - _ behind the counter ail day, facing strange angry faces.(A)Stand(B) Standing(C) He had to stand(D)That to stand25 Failure is the mother of succe

12、ss. _ your courage.(A)Keep on(B) Keep out(C) Keep up(D)Keep up with26 _ she reached home _ she find that her diamond was gone.(A)As sooner as. than(B) No sooner had. than(C) Hardly had. when(D)Not until. did27 The mother gave the baby a toy _ in order that she could do her washing.(A)to play(B) to p

13、lay with(C) to be played(D)to be played with28 Don t get off the bus until it _.(A)will stop(B) has stopped(C) won t stop(D)hasn t stopped29 Michael Jackson and his songs _ are famous in the United States are also very popular in many other countries in the world.(A)who(B) that(C) which(D)those30 -

14、Do you like this kinds of cigarettes? - _ cigarette agrees with me.(A)Hardly no(B) Nearly no(C) Rarely no(D)Almost none31 David didn t have _ money left after his vacation; _.(A)some, and so did she(B) no, and she did so(C) any, neither did she(D)any, she did either32 -What do you suppose made her w

15、orried? - _ her gold watch.(A)Lose(B) To lose(C) Lost(D)Losing33 Her brother likes playing _ football, while she likes playing _ piano.(A)a,a(B) , the(C) the, (D)the, the34 - Hello, is that Fred speaking? - Yes, this is _.(A)I(B) me(C) he(D)him35 Ill take _ wants to go with me.(A)anybody(B) who(C) w

16、hoever(D)whom he完形填空36 Having lived for over twenty years in the same district, Albert Hall was 【B1】 to move to a new place. He 【B2】 his landlord 【B3】 telling him that he was leaving because he could not 【B4】 to buy any 【B5】 chocolate.It 【B6】 a year ago when Albert returned home one evening and foun

17、d a large dog in front of his gate. He was very 【B7 】 of animals and as he 【B8】 to have a small piece of chocolate in his pocket, he gave it to the dog. 【B9】 the dog was there again. It held up its paws and received 【B10】 piece of chocolate as a reward. Albert called his new friend “Bingo“. He never

18、 【B11】 the dogs 【B12】 name, 【B13】 【B14】 his owner was. However Bingo 【B15】 regularly every afternoon and it was quite clear 【B16 】 he preferred chocolate to bones. He soon grew 【B17】 with small pieces of chocolate and demanded much more a day. Whenever at any time Albert didnt do his duty, Bingo got

19、 very angry and 【B18】 to let him open the gate. Albert could do nothing but let it get into his 【B19】 house. He spent such a large part of his weekly wages to keep Bingo supplied with chocolate 【B20】 in the end he had to move to a place where the dog could not find him.36 【B1 】(A)lucky(B) willing(C)

20、 forced(D)encouraged37 【B2 】(A)informed(B) paid(C) noted(D)surprised38 【B3 】(A)by(B) of(C) about(D)for39 【B4 】(A)offer(B) afford(C) refuse(D)agree40 【B5 】(A)American(B) other(C) fine(D)more41 【B6 】(A)all began(B) so happened that(C) struck him that(D)appeared that42 【B7 】(A)interested(B) tired(C) af

21、raid(D)fond43 【B8 】(A)used(B) happened(C) liked(D)had44 【B9 】(A)The other day(B) The day followed(C) The followed day(D)The next day45 【B10 】(A)the other(B) several other(C) another(D)piece by46 【B11 】(A)asked(B) searched(C) found(D)found out47 【B12 】(A)own(B)真(C) second(D)real48 【B13 】(A)or(B) nor(

22、C) and(D)either49 【B14 】(A)who(B) which one(C) wherever(D)how50 【B15 】(A)showed(B) presented that(C) ran away from home(D)appeared51 【B16 】(A)that(B) whether(C) how(D)how much52 【B17 】(A)used to(B) taller(C) angry(D)dissatisfied53 【B18 】(A)prevented(B) resisted(C) offered(D)refused54 【B19 】(A)empty(

23、B) small(C) big(D)own55 【B20 】(A)and(B) that(C) then(D)but短文理解56 Forty-thousand of the worlds young children die every day. This is 15 million a year. Many of these deaths can be prevented. In fact, experts say, techniques now exist to save the lives of half of these children. The techniques are med

24、ically effective, simple to use and low cost. The biggest task bas been to inform parents about these life-saving techniques.Diarrhea(腹泻 )is the main cause of death among children in developing countries. Diarrhea results when the body tries to clear itself of harmful bacteria(细菌). The body does thi

25、s by getting out liquids, sometimes uncontrollably. If too much water, sugar and salt are lost in this way, the body cannot work normally. The child may die.The United Nations International Childrens Fund, UNICEF, introduces a technique. It uses a simple mixture of sugar and salt in water. The mixtu

26、re does not stop diarrhea. But if used often as needed, it keeps fluid (体液) levels normal until the body has fought off the harmful bacteria. In Egypt, for example, the treatment was used in a childrens health care program in the province of Alexandria. It reduced by one-half the number of deaths ca

27、used by diarrhea. The technique bas now been used throughout the country.56 According to the passage, a large number of children can be saved only when _。(A)the life-saving ways are medically effective(B) their parents are rich enough for the life-saving techniques(C) the life-saving techniques are

28、easy to use(D)their parents learn the life-saving techniques57 Which of the following situations will cause the death of a child?(A)The child clears its body of bacteria.(B) The body loses liquids without any control.(C) The child has diarrhea in a developing country.(D)The body controls its fluid l

29、evels.58 When the mixture is used, it is important to _.(A)keep sugar and salt in water(B) drink it as often as necessary(C) take it as much as possible(D)use it to kill the bacteria59 Nipponex ElectricsTokyo, Japan27 December 2005Amperlite Ltd146 OLeary StDublin, IrelandDear Sirs,Improved ways of p

30、roduction make us able to offer you our change of Drilite batteries (电池) at a reduced price for large quantifies.Further information of the new prices for your market are sent to you together with the letter, and you will see that the price has already reduced 5 percent. As c. i. f (成本,保险加运费)to Dubl

31、in is included in our prices, you will agree that they are clearly lower than those of producers of the same batteries, both here in Japan and elsewhere. The quality of our products remains the same-only the finest chemicals are used. The new prices are for the least orders of 1 000 pounds and will

32、begin from January 1. Immediate sending off is sure because enough can be made whenever you require it.We appreciate your past dealing and co-operation (合作) with us, and look forward to supplying you in the new year at the new prices.Yours truly,Nipponex Electrics59 From the passage we know the qual

33、ity of the products _.(A)is as high as before(B) is lower(C) is improved(D)is reduced60 If the Irish expect to enjoy the 5% of reduction at prices, they should _.(A)pay the Japanese at least 1 000(B) order 1000 pounds of batteries in weight(C) order 1 000 worth batteries at least(D)pay the Japanese

34、1 000 ahead61 Which is NOT the reason of reduction of the price at 5 percent?(A)The Japanese producer holds a large quantity of stores and cant sell them out.(B) The Japanese have improved their production means.(C) They can turn out more products.(D)They expect to go on dealing with the Irish in th

35、e coming year.62 From the letter, we can know _.(A)the two sides cooperated before(B) the Irish should pay for the transportation fee in terms of the new price(C) they use the best chemicals to improve the quality(D)they have enough storage that can supply at any time63 The research was done by a Dr

36、. Griffiths in England. He compared the behavior of 15 regular gamblers (赌徒) with those of 15 non-regular gamblers before and after they gambled. Both groups had increased heart rates during gambling because it was exciting. But the regular gamblers heart rates went down almost straight after the ga

37、me, while the non-regulars remained excited and had in- creased heart rates for longer.When the heart beat increases, the body produces one chemical called endorphins which make you feel good. Dr. Griffiths thinks that regular gamblers lose this good feeling soon after a game and need to play again

38、quickly to regain the pleasure.He has also discovered that regular gamblers have different psychological reactions (心理反应) from non-regular gamblers. In an experiment where regular and non-regular gamblers spoke their thoughts aloud while playing, regular gamblers had far more unreasonable thoughts.

39、In their minds they turned losses into near wins. Dr. Griffiths thinks that nearly winning gives the gambler a high in the same way that a win would do.Based on Dr. Griffithss research, doctors suggest that one way to help regular gamblers to give up gambling is to give them -blockers-drugs ( 受体阻滞药)

40、 that stop them getting a high in the first place.63 Dr. Griffithss research helps you find out _.(A)which group of gamblers played the game better(B) a chemical to increase gamblers heart beat(C) a way to help gamblers give up gambling(D)when gamblers should be given drugs64 How did Dr. Griffiths d

41、iscover the gamblers feelings when winning and losing?(A)By examining the different chemicals in gamblers bodies.(B) By asking the gamblers to speak aloud their feelings.(C) By asking the gamblers to discuss their ideas.(D)By testing the gamblers heart beat.65 The underlined words “a high“ probably

42、mean“ _.(A)a feeling of happiness(B) a reasonable thought(C) a great expectation(D)an exciting idea66 According to the text, what do we know about non-regular gamblers?(A)Their bodies produce less endorphins during the game.(B) They dont consider losses in a game as reasonable near wins.(C) Their bo

43、dies have no reaction to beta blockers.(D)They have faster heart rates during the game.67 In period of the summer holidays there will be a revised schedule(修改过的时刻表)of services for the students. Changes for dining-room and library service hours and for bus schedules will be posted on the wall outside

44、 the dining-hall. Weekly film and concert schedules, which are being arranged(安排), will be posted each Wednesday outside the student club.During the summer holidays, buses going to the town centre will leave the main hall every hour on the half hour during the day. The dining-room will serve three m

45、eals a day from 7:00 a. m. to 7: 00 p.m. during the week and two meals from noon to 7:00 p.m. on weekends. The li- brary will continue its usual hours during the week, but has shorter hours on Saturdays and Sun- days. The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00 p. m.All students who want to use the libr

46、ary lending services must have a new summer card. This announcement will also appear in the next weeks student newspaper.67 The main purpose of this text is to _.(A)tell students of important schedule changes(B) tell students of new bus and library services(C) show the excellent services for student

47、s(D)ask students to renew their library cards68 At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall?(A)8: 00,9: 00,10:00,11: 00.(B) 8: 30,9: 30,10: 30,11: 30.(C) 8: 30,9: 00,9: 30,10: 00.(D)8: 00,9: 30,11: 00,12: 30.69 In the summer holidays, the library will have _.(A)no special hours(

48、B) special hours on weekdays(C) special hours on weekends(D)special hours both on weekdays and weekends70 We may infer that during the summer holidays _.(A)few students will stay in the university(B) no breakfast will be served on weekends(C) the student newspaper will sell more copies(D)there will

49、be a concert or a film each Wednesday71 Computer programmer Brendan Tammy earned 55 000 a year by designing new computer games, yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a check card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18.He works for a small company in Liverpool, where most young people


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