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1、医学博士外语模拟试卷 30 及答案与解析一、Section A(A)The vacation has been too long.(B) The lady smells musty.(C) The lady smells something musty.(D)The windows are inspected.(A)Borrow money from his parents.(B) Meet his parents.(C) Run at the end of the month.(D)Be good to his parents.(A)To have a rest.(B) To watch T

2、V.(C) To go to a movie.(D)To have a dinner out.(A)Jim s superior attitude.(B) Jim s irrelevant response.(C) Jim s choice of subject.(D)Jim s negligence.(A)Buy something before the meeting.(B) Eat food at the meeting.(C) Head to the meeting and eat afterwards.(D)Dont go to the meeting and eat instead

3、.(A)He went water skiing last summer.(B) He has water skied all over the world.(C) He wanted to have a try.(D)He isn t interested in going.(A)She s thrilled that her mother is coming.(B) She s thrilled about a number of things.(C) She s feeling ill.(D)She s satisfied with the new house.(A)It is too

4、old.(B) Some of the items cannot be moved out of it.(C) She cannot afford to buy a new one.(D)It has many items inside.(A)Pull it out.(B) Save it since the cavity is small.(C) Try to save it.(D)Do nothing since it s healthy.(A)A new kindergarten.(B) A new hotel.(C) A new hospital.(D)A new airport.(A

5、)When they will make up again.(B) Why the woman doesn t want to talk to Lucy.(C) What happened to Lucy.(D)Why they were close friends in the past.(A)She shouldn t take it too seriously.(B) She should have regular massage.(C) She should exercise more and work less.(D)She should exercise her neck and

6、have physical treatment.(A)She convinced the man to take medicine as his major.(B) She asked the man to give a talk on medicine.(C) She persuaded the man not to take medicine as his major.(D)She gave a talk on medicine.(A)Go to see an ophthalmologist.(B) Go to see a pediatrician.(C) Go to see an int

7、ern.(D)Go to see a neurosurgeon.(A)She doesn t know Mary well.(B) Nancy is the best nurse.(C) Linda knows Mary.(D)Nancy is not as good as Linda.二、Section B(A)Nausea.(B) Fever.(C) A cold.(D)Diarrhea.(A)The stale food he ate.(B) The fruit juice he drank.(C) Too much food he ate.(D)The cold he got.(A)P

8、orridge.(B) Purified water.(C) Pizza.(D)Apple juice.(A)When his stool becomes loose and watery.(B) When his diarrhea becomes inconveniently frequent and watery.(C) When his lips and mouth are dry.(D)When he loses a lot of body fluids.(A)It is a mild case of diarrhea.(B) It is an urgent case of diarr

9、hea.(C) It is improving.(D)It is deteriorating.(A)In the main lab.(B) At a computer terminal.(C) In a small lab.(D)Before the bulletin board.(A)To discipline the students who have broken the rules.(B) To explain why there are not enough computers.(C) To warn the students about the problems with the

10、lab.(D)To explain the rules of the lab to the students.(A)They are larger.(B) They do not have strict rules.(C) They give privileges to departmental majors.(D)They are easier to use.(A)No talking is allowed.(B) Identification cards must be displayed.(C) Food and drinks are not allowed.(D)Computer sc

11、ience majors have priority.(A)The assistants must know their names.(B) They tell what their majors are.(C) Too many non-students use the lab.(D)The computers require them to operate.(A)The person loses all self-worth.(B) The person possesses no spirit.(C) The person cannot function as a part of a wh

12、ole.(D)All of the above.(A)By working for an organization.(B) By wearing uniforms.(C) By being different.(D)By driving the same car.(A)To complain about communication and restaurants.(B) To criticize government interference in people s lives.(C) To illustrate the impossibility of wearing uniforms.(D

13、)To predict the future fashions.(A)Fashion industry.(B) The image of an organization.(C) Advertising industry.(D)Entertainment industry. (A)Individuality.(B) Wholeness.(C) Qualification.(D)Uniformity.三、Section A31 Pleasure, or joy, is vital to_health.(A)optimistic(B) optional(C) optimal(D)operationa

14、l32 A_effort is required to achieve health.(A)committed(B) restricted(C) composed(D)sophisticated33 Many professors encourage students to question and_their ideas.(A)convey(B) voice(C) challenge(D)confirm34 The_of emotional and psychiatric disorders that can prompt a person to seek therapy is wide.(

15、A)formula(B) coverage(C) interval(D)spectrum35 Today people still dont make health a(n)_because they have no time.(A)privilege(B) issue(C) principle(D)priority36 The city government is getting its residents to properly_their garbage.(A)break up(B) dispose of(C) check out(D)hand out37 Certain memory-

16、aiding strategies have been found to help_the short term memory loss experienced by some old people.(A)extend(B) recollect(C) reverse(D)expend38 Before a drug is_, the patient should be asked if he has previously had a reaction to it.(A)manufactured(B) synthesized(C) administered(D)purchased39 Medic

17、al students who prepare case studies for their classes are advised to_the identity of the patients.(A)familiarize(B) acquaint(C) discard(D)uncover40 A patient then is not only a person_to a hospital but is any person who can benefit from professional health expertise.(A)restricted(B) restrained(C) c

18、onfined(D)enclosed四、Section B41 The recent deterioration in the economy is of great concern to the government.(A)depression(B) deficiency(C) degeneration(D)deformity42 A substantial hike in the top rate of income tax would not solve this problem but merely aggravate the nation s already waning suppo

19、rt.(A)depreciating(B) warning(C) declining(D)startling43 He was not conspicuously hairy nor shiny-bald, but his hair was graying and receding tactfully in keeping with his age.(A)prominently(B) warily(C) consciously(D)conventionally44 Smoking makes one six times more likely to get oral cancer partly

20、 because the smoke constantly assaults the tissues that line the mouth and throat.(A)detects(B) contaminates(C) occupies(D)attacks45 Most organisms must fit in with their surroundings because their skills to alter their environment are restricted and highly specialized.(A)attach themselves to(B) suc

21、cumb to(C) lean on(D)adapt themselves to46 Instead of being recycled, garbage is left to accumulate in insanitary heaps which attract flies and spread infectious diseases.(A)innocuous(B) gathering(C) filthy(D)inflammable47 The prevalence of highly intelligent devices has eliminated the handicaps ass

22、ociated with most disabilities.(A)disadvantages(B) dispositions(C) disappointments(D)discomforts48 Shyness, the most common form of social anxiety, occurs when a person s apprehensions are so great that they inhibit his making an expected or desired social response.(A)discharge(B) trigger(C) restrai

23、n(D)defer49 The secret to turning a daily stroll into a meaningful form of exercise is to pick up the pace.(A)dilate(B) multiply(C) accelerate(D)enlarge50 The project was hampered by a constant stream of visitors.(A)held up(B) cut off(C) carried out(D)given up五、Part Cloze50 Reading to oneself is a m

24、odern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading“ undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century【C1】_silent reading become commonplace.One should be【C2】_. however, of assuming that

25、silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a distraction to others. Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual【C3】_of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.The

26、last century【C4】_a steady gradual increase in literacy, and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of potential listeners declined, and【C5】_there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, 【C6】_came the flourish

27、ing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers.Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respe

28、ctfully, and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in【C7】_way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However, 【C8】_its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books

29、 and periodicals for a specialized readership on the other.By the end of the century students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate, 【C9】_not impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural, and technological changes in th

30、e century had greatly altered【C10】_the term “reading“ implied.51 【C1 】(A)would(B) should(C) did(D)could52 【C2 】(A)wary(B) aware(C) sick(D)thought53 【C3 】(A)mode(B) model(C) mould(D)mood54 【C4 】(A)saw(B) watched(C) produced(D)concluded55 【C5 】(A)ever(B) thus(C) even(D)for56 【C6 】(A)however(B) as(C) s

31、o(D)since57 【C7 】(A)no(B) any(C) one(D)some58 【C8 】(A)wherever(B) whoever(C) whatever(D)Whichever59 【C9 】(A)whether(B) though(C) if(D)unless60 【C10 】(A)that(B) what(C) how(D)why六、Part Reading Comprehension60 During the past 30 years or so, health care has increasingly become a form of business. In a

32、ddition, the environment surrounding health care has been greatly altered by the advent of more sophisticated medical technologies and increased specialization. It is no longer true to say that all doctors regard their profession as a sacred calling, and while the doctor-patient relationship still r

33、emains, it is not the relationship based solely on trust which it used to be. Of course there are many doctors who have endeavored to increase the transparency of their behavior as medical professionals, and patients can receive effective treatment when such doctors work closely together and share n

34、otes.An example of such cooperation can be found in the field of remote health care, which has been introduced on an experimental basis in several regions. Since most medical specialists live in cities, patients who live in the country have to travel a long distance to consult a specialist. This is

35、especially hard on the elderly, both financially and physically. Through a computer network, patients who live in the country can consult a medical specialist in the city, tell him their symptoms, and receive advice without the need for a journey to the specialist s office. Also, with several doctor

36、s being assigned to a single patient, the transparency of each doctor s behavior is further ensured.On the other hand, however, it is also true that remote health consultation is not generally regarded as a form of medical treatment. For any sort of consultation to be regarded as medical treatment,

37、most people feel that the patient must actually visit the doctor, and undergo an examination by the doctor in person. Remote health care is essentially a means for doctors to work as a team. In order for this to be practicable, it is important to establish a system whereby financial support can be e

38、xtended to a doctor who, as a member of a medical team, provides only information. Establishment of such a system will further advance the cause of “free access to information“ in the health care field.61 Which is the best title for the passage?(A)Doctors: Patients Reliable Friends(B) Health Care in

39、 a Dilemma(C) Information Technology Applied to Medical Services(D)Doctor-patient Relationship62 As a result of the altered environment of health care, medical practice_.(A)has experienced great changes(B) has changed its nature(C) has abolished the doctor-patient relationship(D)has lost its trust o

40、n the part of doctors and patients63 When they work closely together and share notes, doctors can_.(A)work in a remote area(B) transparentize their behavior(C) set up a relationship with patients(D)treat financially and physically disadvantaged patients64 The writer urges that_.(A)remote health care

41、 be implemented(B) doctors be sent to the country(C) people turn down traditional medical treatment(D)a system offering doctor s financial aid be set up65 It can be concluded that_.(A)information will play an important part in the field of medical treatment(B) medical professionals will be more spec

42、ialized(C) the difference between cities and the country will never be eliminated(D)it is impossible for patients to be treated without seeing doctors themselves65 Some problems can be readily identified simply by looking around. These problems concern the pollution of our environment by technology

43、as a result of sudden upsets in the physical, economic and social balance. The most obvious of these are the general pollution of our physical environment and the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources. Not so obvious as these, but just as painfully significant to some, are the disappearing

44、and changing of jobs which overnight often create large groups of jobless citizens.Can technology be used to undo what it has done, replace what it has destroyed or substitute for what it has caused to disappear? No one knows. Many wonder whether or not all of the sources of pollution have yet been

45、identified, whether or not they are being arrested and whether or not they will be prevented from recurring.Another set of problems relates to what technological advancement has done to the quality of life. An improved social life has not been unfortunately, either the goal or the chief beneficiary

46、of technological change. Rather, any improvements that have occurred have been more accidental than intended. Too much has happened too fast. The changes demanded of marriage and family relationships remain largely unexamined. It is often a matter of “put up or shut up“, and a person has to adapt hi

47、s life-style to ever-changing conditions with little time for choice. The “no-move-no-advancement“ type is an example of one such problem. Many people are coming to think that the reward is simply not worthy of the struggle, and they are taking jobs with less responsibility and lower pay.66 In the f

48、irst paragraph the author is mainly talking about_.(A)environmental protection(B) environment and technology(C) technology producing obvious and insidious problems(D)the advantages and disadvantages of technology67 According to the passage, no one knows whether or not technology_.(A)will solve the p

49、roblems it has created(B) will continue to produce conveniences(C) will stop advancing(D)will undo itself68 The author would say that technological advancement_.(A)has done nothing to the quality of life(B) has improved the quality of life(C) has harmed the quality of life(D)has redefined the quality of life69 What do you learn from the phrase “put up or shut up“ in the third paragraph?(A)Technology has put a great deal of stress o


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