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1、医学博士外语模拟试卷 4 及答案与解析一、Section A(A)What does he do to help the woman?(B) How long has the woman had allergies?(C) What is causing the allergic problem?(D)What has the woman just said?(A)Take the medicine twice a day.(B) Schedule another appointment with his doctor.(C) Stop taking the medicine.(D)Rest

2、his head for a few days.(A)She is not confident.(B) She has a cold.(C) She is falling down.(D)Nothing is wrong with her.(A)He will only be available in the afternoon.(B) It s not his office hour.(C) He doesnt have time.(D)He is too tired after class.(A)Half an hour late for the show.(B) The first sc

3、ene had started.(C) The second scene was about to start.(D)After the interval of the show.(A)Two days ago, 50 families tried to leave the town.(B) Two days ago, there was a bloody murder in the town by the river.(C) Fifty families in the town fought against the flood by the river.(D)Two days ago, th

4、e disaster made a lot of people homeless.(A)The wrong address of Paul s house.(B) Paul s house is three blocks from his old one.(C) The exact address of Paul s house.(D)No information about Paul s house.(A)Bob and Janica would have won if they hadn t quarreled with each other.(B) The person steering

5、 should be the captain.(C) They should draw lot to decide who would be the captain.(D)Bob should take over steering the canoe.(A)His friend.(B) His sister.(C) His mom.(D)His aunt.(A)Eat lunch.(B) Go to the park.(C) Park the car.(D)Get change for Rite.(A)She doesn t need anything from the supermarket

6、.(B) She 11 go shopping with the man.(C) Her car is being repaired right now.(D)She prefers to go to the supermarket near the school.(A)Drop out of the play.(B) Switch parts with another actor.(C) Be patient about learning her part.(D)Have her lines memorized by tomorrow.(A)Preparing a picnic.(B) Go

7、ing shopping.(C) Cooking dinner.(D)Having a party.(A)In a restaurant.(B) In an airport.(C) In a store.(D)In a bookstore.(A)The gym doesnt open until tomorrow.(B) She s too busy to go to the gym.(C) There s a special project going on at the gym.(D)The gym is full of kids.二、Section B(A)To find out how

8、 to prevent illness.(B) To find out how to maintain a nutritious diet.(C) To find out if she has the flu.(D)To find out the results of a blood test.(A)She gets ill at the same time every year.(B) She doesnt get enough exercise.(C) She often has difficulty sleeping.(D)She s sick with influenza throug

9、hout the winter.(A)cough(B) fever(C) running nose(D)headache and stomachache(A)She s unwilling to be immunized.(B) She doesn t get enough rest.(C) She forgets to take her medicine.(D)She doesnt dress warmly enough.(A)Physical examinations are given free there.(B) She can get an influenza vaccination

10、 there.(C) She 11 be able to get a prescription for medication there.(D)She 11 find literature on nutrition there.(A)Somewhat impolite.(B) Sometimes possible.(C) Always too difficult a job to do.(D)Something one ought to do.(A)Whether he could find a better job in Spain.(B) Whether he could become a

11、 doctor in England.(C) Whether he could quit the job he did not like.(D)Whether there would be any opportunity to be rich.(A)He said yes.(B) He said no.(C) He didn t give definite answer.(D)He didn t know.(A)The doctor was very rich.(B) The doctor knew him well.(C) The doctor used the chance to than

12、k him for his advice.(D)The doctor was very happy with his job in Spain.(A)In Valencia.(B) In a hotel.(C) In Barcelona.(D)In Sevilla.(A)In the spring time or fall.(B) In the spring time or winter.(C) In the winter or fall.(D)In the summer or fall.(A)They havent devoted as much energy to medicine as

13、to space travel.(B) There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify.(C) It is not economical to find a cure for each type of cold.(D)They believe people can recover without treatment.(A)They reveal the seriousness of the problem.(B) They indicate how fast the virus spreads.(C) They tel

14、l us what kind of medicine to take.(D)They show our body is fighting the virus.(A)It actually does more harm than good.(B) It causes damage to some organs of our body.(C) It works better when combined with other remedies.(D)It helps us to recover much sooner.(A)Eating chicken.(B) Taking hot bath.(C)

15、 Taking medicines.(D)Drinking warm liquids.三、Section A31 Skippers must make a report to customs either in person or by telephone, if they have any dutyfree goods on board, or are carrying prohibited goods including animals_their port of departure.(A)with regard to(B) ignorant of(C) resistant to(D)ir

16、respective of32 I didn t need any specific medical input or_ control, although I was in a mess physically and I did need to rest, relax, and recharge myself.(A)symptom(B) surface(C) treatment(D)synthesis33 The_was that, if you had to abandon ship and had time to put on a dry suit, it would be an exc

17、ellent aid to self-preservation.(A)conviction(B) contradiction(C) verdict(D)confusion34 With the_of China s political influence on the international stage, overseas Chinese are more and more respected in all fields.(A)elevating(B) lifting(C) ascending(D)descending35 A(n)_is a person who studies the

18、origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of human beings.(A)chronicler(B) astrologist(C) anthropologist(D)orthodontist36 The girl could not_the temptation of the piece of chocolate and told a lie.(A)resist(B) consist(C) persist(D)insist37 What he said, _,was that he c

19、ouldn t support our plans and would resign.(A)at large(B) in chorus(C) in time(D)in essence38 It is hard to imagine that this apparently_professor was a drugpusher.(A)respectable(B) respective(C) respectful(D)respirable39 The way people spend their leisure time is what makes people_ and reveals who

20、they are.(A)distinguished(B) discretionary(C) distinct(D)discrete40 Eating too much fat can_heart disease and cause high blood pressure.(A)attribute to(B) attend to(C) devote to(D)contribute to四、Section B41 The political dissident was accused of instigating a plot to overthrow the government.(A)devi

21、sing(B) supporting(C) funding(D)provoking42 The loss of Lusitanian and so many of its passengers, including 128 U. S. citizens, aroused a wave of indignation in the United States.(A)perplexity(B) wrath(C) distress(D)skepticism43 I was taken to the headmaster s office for my insolent remarks about ou

22、r math teacher.(A)rude(B) thoughtless(C) groundless(D)mischievous44 The new income law which was passed in the congress was denounced in the newspapers.(A)perturbed(B) criticized(C) postulated(D)segmented45 The old lady stumbled over a stool in the darkened room and got hurt.(A)staggered(B) found(C)

23、 startled(D)rebuked46 Humus is decayed organic matter that is an important element of fertile soil.(A)derived(B) compacted(C) decomposed(D)liquefied47 Behind these obvious ridiculous motives to anti-Jewish attitudes there was a deeper cause.(A)unreasonable(B) sad(C) reasonable(D)encouraging48 Classi

24、cism is a form of art derived from Greek and Roman styles and is characterized by harmony, symmetry, and serenity.(A)symbolism(B) ornamentation(C) balance(D)emotionalism49 North and south, as far as our eyes could see, it was unbroken white,save for a dark hairline that was the trail of the rough co

25、untry.(A)on accountof(B) in spite of(C) except for(D)as for50 At that moment the first idea that came to her mind was that a disaster was around the corner.(A)coming to an end(B) still in the air(C) soon to happen(D)out of the question五、Part Cloze50 America is changing its eating habits. Though medi

26、cal evidence mounts that we are【 C1】_what we eat, consuming a healthier diet has become almost a national passion in the United States. The food-for-fitness phenomenon began in the late 70 s when a U. S. Senate committee【C2】_the conclusion that six out of ten leading causes of death such as heart di

27、sease and cancer might【C3】_diet. The government issued dietary guidelines【C4 】_Americans to eat a variety of food, maintain proper weight, and limit intake of fat, salt, and sugar.For most Americans, what to eat is a matter of personal choice,【C5】_one of supply. An excellent nationwide food distribu

28、tion system assures that fresh【C6 】_is readily available in all parts of the country,【C7】_the season. Taking advantage of this abundance, many people are forsaking traditional meat-and-potatoes fare【C8】_lighter meals of salads, fruits, and vegetables.One of the most significant trends in the America

29、n way of eating is the healthful change in restaurant food. One of【C9】_two meals in the United States is eaten outside the home.Restaurants are making special efforts to provide low-fat, low-salt, and low-calorie items. Sal-adbars,【C10】_with fresh greens and raw fruits and vegetables, are found ever

30、ywhere.51 【C1 】(A)actual at(B) true for(C) exact about(D)indeed for52 【C2 】(A)arrived(B) reached(C) got(D)came53 【C3 】(A)be resulted from(B) be due to(C) be linked to(D)be aroused from54 【C4 】(A)advising(B) suggesting(C) demanding(D)calling55 【C5 】(A)other than(B) rather than(C) more than(D)better o

31、ff56 【C6 】(A)product(B) production(C) produce(D)output57 【C7 】(A)instead of(B) because of(C) out of(D)regardless of58 【C8 】(A)in honor of(B) in favor of(C) in place of(D)in terms of59 【C9 】(A)each(B) any(C) per(D)every60 【C10 】(A)loading(B) loaded(C) laid(D)pressed六、Part Reading Comprehension60 Most

32、 of us find the forgetting easier, but maybe we should work on the forgiving part. “Holding on to hurts and nursing grudges wear you down physically and emotionally,“ says Stanford University psychologist Fred Luskin, author of Forgive for Good. “ Forgiving someone can be a powerful antidote. “In a

33、recent study, Charlotte, assistant/associate professor of psychology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan, and this colleague asked 71 volunteers to remember a past hurt. Tests recorded the highest blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tensionthe same responses that occur when people are angry. Rese

34、arch has linked anger and heart disease. When the volunteers were asked to imagine empathizing, even forgiving those who had wronged them, they remained calm by comparison.What s more, forgiveness can be learned, insists Luskin, director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project. “We teach people to rewri

35、te their story in their minds, to change from victim to hero. If the hurt is from a spouse s infidelity, we might encourage them to think of themselves not only as a person who was cheated on, but as the person who tried to keep the marriage together. “Two years ago, Luskin tested his method on 5 No

36、rthern Irish women whose sons had been murdered. After undergoing a week of forgiveness training, the women s sense of hurt, measured using psychological tests, had fallen by more than half. They were also much less likely to feel depressed and angry. “ Forgiving isn t about forgetting what happened

37、,“ says Luskin. “ It is about breaking free of the person who wronged us. “The early signs that forgiving improves overall health are promising; a survey of 1423 adults by the University of Michigan s Institute for Social Research in 2001 found that people who had forgiven someone in their past also

38、 reported being in better health than those who hadn t.However, while 75% said they were sure God had forgiven them for past mistakes, only 52% had been able to find it in their hearts to forgive others. Forgiveness, it seems, is still divine. 61 Which of the following statements can be used as a be

39、st title for this passage?(A)The Healing Power of Forgiveness(B) Forget and Forgive(C) Forgiveness is Divine(D)The Study on Forgiveness62 The following statements can be concluded from the study made by Charlotte EXCEPT that_.(A)forgiving can make people calm down(B) when people recall a past hurt,

40、they tend to be more irritated(C) there is no link between forgiving and a heart disease(D)when people recall a past hurt, they tend to have a higher blood pressure and heart rate63 According to Luskin, if one s husband is not loyal to her, she d better_.(A)seek help from a therapist(B) try to keep

41、the marriage together(C) clean forget what has happened(D)take it seriously64 According to the passage, the survey made by the University of Michigan s Institute for Social Research mainly shows_.(A)it is divine to forgive others(B) people are more healthy if they can forgive someone in the past(C)

42、forgiving is clean forgetting what has happened(D)forgiving cannot improve health65 The last paragraph implies that_.(A)only God is able to forgive others who have made errors(B) forgiveness is already widespread among common people(C) God is more lenient than human being(D)it s not easy for people

43、to forgive others 65 At the Kyoto conference on global warming in December 1997, it became abundantly clear how complex it has become to work out international agreements relating to the environment because of economic concerns unique to each country. It is no longer enough to try to forbid certain

44、activities or to reduce emissions of certain substances. The global challenges of the interlink between the environment and development caressingly bring us to the core of the economic life of the states. During deep cuts in emissions harmful to the ozone layer, these reductions were made possible b

45、ecause substitutions had been found for many of the harmful chemicals and, more importantly, because the harmful substances could be replaced without negative effects on employment and the economies of states. Although the threat of global warming has been known to the world for decades and all coun

46、tries and leaders agree that we need to deal with the problem, we also know that the effects of measures , especially harsh measures taken in some countries, would be nullified if other countries do not control their emissions. Whereas the UN team calls on the emissions to be cut globally by 60% to

47、stabilize the content of CO2 in the atmosphere, this path is not feasible for several reasons. Such deep cuts would cause a breakdown of the world economy. Important and populous lowor mediumincome countries are not yet willing to undertake legal commitments about their energy uses. In addition, the

48、 state of world technology would not yet permit us to make such a big leap. We must, however, find a solution to the threat of global warming early in the 21st century. Such a commitment would require a degree of shared vision and common responsibilities new to humanity. Success lies in the force of

49、 imaginations, in imagining what would happen if we fail to act. Although many living in cold regions would welcome the global warming effect of a warmer summer, few would cheer the arrival of the subsequent tropical diseases, especially where there had been one.66 The main purpose of this passage is to_.(A)convince people that global warming is a real threat(B) argue against making deep cuts in emissions(C) analyze the probl


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