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1、2011 年山东专升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 The coat has a_inside to show the size and where it was made.(A)label(B) mark(C) sign(D)tag2 Im very sorry to have _you with so many questions on such an occasion.(A)interfered(B) bothered(C) impressed(D)offended3 When she retired she did a lot of

2、_work for the Red Cross.(A)valid(B) portable(C) prosperous(D)voluntary4 The French pianist who had been praised very highly_to be a great disappointment.(A)turned in(B) turned out(C) turned up(D)turned down5 Martin Luther King Jr. was_ the Nobel Peace Prize for advocating the nonviolence policy in t

3、he movement for citizen rights.(A)gained(B) got(C) awarded(D)owned6 This is the first draft of the book, please feel perfecdy free to_on it.(A)conform(B) complain(C) confirm(D)comment7 A positive answer makes you feel good, but a(n) _one teaches you a lot.(A)affirmative(B) negative(C) offensive(D)su

4、bjective8 The noise _until she couldnt stand it any longer.(A)set up(B) rang up(C) built up(D)called up9 The dog waiting behind the gate looked so_that I did not dare to go in.(A)bold(B) fierce(C) wild(D)harmful10 Jane is scolded by her boss because she left the office with the computer _ yesterday.

5、(A)on(B) out(C) unlocked(D)unclosed11 Dont joke with Linda, she takes everything far too_.(A)carefully(B) gravely(C) critically(D)seriously12 Mr. Morgan can be very sad_ , through in public he is extremely cheerful.(A)by himself(B) in person(C) in private(D)as himself13 She keeps a supply of candles

6、 in the house in case of power_.(A)failure(B) lack(C) absence(D)drop14 Some people are_to politics and what is going on in other places.(A)keen(B) curious(C) enthusiastic(D)indifferent15 We are quite sure that we can_our present difficulties and finish the task on schedule.(A)get across(B) get over(

7、C) get away(D)get off16 The reason_he rejected our plan is that he had no faith in us.(A)which(B) that(C) why(D)because17 If you stick _the piano every day, you will become quite a good musician.(A)to practice(B) practicing(C) to have practiced(D)to practicing18 No one _this building without the per

8、mission of the police.(A)is leaving(B) will be leaving(C) has left(D)is to leave19 _you realize your trouble with English learning , you can take some effective steps.(A)Now that(B) From now on(C) Ever since(D)By now20 It was not until he arrived in class_realized he had forgotten his book.(A)when h

9、e(B) that he(C) and he(D)he21 Prof. Lees book will show you _can be used in other contexts.(A)that you have observed(B) how that you have observed(C) that how you have observed(D)how what you have observed22 But for the favorable weather, we_ in such a good harvest.(A)cannot get(B) could not get(C)

10、couldnt have got(D)could have got23 So little_with each other that the neighbors couldnt setde their differences.(A)agreed did they(B) did they agree(C) they agree(D)they did agree24 The alarm clock didnt ring this morning. You _ it last night.(A)need to have forgotten to wind(B) may have forgotten

11、winding(C) ought to have forgotten to wind(D)must have forgotten to wind25 A series of measures _, people in that area managed to survive the sever famine.(A)having taking(B) were taken(C) having been taken(D)have been taken26 It wasnt such a good dinner_ she had promised us.(A)that(B) which(C) as(D

12、)what27 Evidence came up_specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.(A)that(B) what(C) which(D)whose28 _that the pilot couldnt fly through it.(A)The storm so severe was(B) So the storm was severe(C) So severe was the storm(D)Such was the storm severe29 His knowledge o

13、f language and international relations _him in his work.(A)help(B) helps(C) was helped(D)have helped30 I dont think lunch is a good time to get together,_.(A)dinner is neither(B) so is not dinner(C) not dinner, too(D)nor is dinner 30 Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies wi

14、th the student. If a long reading assignment is given, teachers expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or give an examination. The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one

15、 only interested in getting high grades. When research is assigned, the professor expects the student to take the initiative and to complete the assignments with minimal guidance. Professors will help students who need it, but prefer that their students not be overly dependent on them. In the United

16、 States, professors have other duties besides teaching. Often they are responsible for administrative work within their departments. In addition, they may be obliged to publish articles and books. Therefore, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. If a student

17、 have problems with classroom work, the student should either approach a professor during office hours or make an appointment.Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the students in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the students oral parti

18、cipation. Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role ( i. e. listening and taking notes) many courses are organized around classroom discussions, students questions, and informal lectures.In the teaching of science and mathematics , the dominant mode of instructio

19、n is generally traditional, with teachers presenting formal lectures and students taking notes. However, new educational , sociology, and psychology classes, for example, are often required to solve problems in groups, design projects, make presentations and examine case studies. Since some college

20、or university courses are“applied“ rather than theoretical, they stress “doing“and involvement.31 When research is assigned, the professor_.(A)will give the students some necessary guidance(B) will not give the students any guidance(C) prefer that the student not be dependent on him at all(D)expect

21、the student to complete it under his guidance32 Which of the following is not the duty of an American Professor?(A)Solving the students problems during office hours.(B) Being responsible for some administrative work.(C) Publishing articles and books.(D)Spending a lot of time with the students out of

22、 class.33 In the teaching of science and mathematics, the dominant mode of instruction is _(A)classroom discussions(B) student presentations(C) formal lectures(D)informal lectures34 New educational trend has emerged in the humanities and social sciences that stress_(A)the role of reading(B) good aca

23、demic record(C) the professors illustration(D)the students participation34 The last few years have seen new wealth in the group of white-collar workers in China. Primarily this group consists of lawyers, artists, company presidents and employees of joint-venture companies. This group did not exist t

24、en years ago. Business ventures such as real estate development, computer companies, and travel agencies have nurtured this new class of ambitious Chinese who have tasted the good life and want even more of it. What are the marks of this group of people? First of all, it is defined by what its membe

25、rs have: cell phones, washing machines, microwave ovens, computers, cars homes, and carefree optimism is also present. Middle-aged successful company presidents, young professionals and even college students are optimistic, expecting the best in their future.Chinese entrepreneurs (企业家) began accumul

26、ating money in the late 1980s . But it was not until the middle 90s that the material possessions of the newly-rich-cell phones, computers , cars, houses were easily available. These high-tech entrepreneurs quit state enterprise to start private companies nearly a decade ago, when China started to t

27、ransform from a planned to a market economy. These early entrepreneurs are now wealthy by any countrys standards. 73 However, like any newly-rich Chinese, they seem a little uncomfortable when asked about wealth. One reason for their discomfort is that they realize that the prosperity wealth that ha

28、s created the group of newly-rich has not benefited all Chinese equally. Some entrepreneurs have move up in social status, but many workers have been laid off, losing their jobs temporarily for economic reason, from state-run factories.For most Chinese, the move into this style of life is still a st

29、ep-by-step progress. It may be slow but many business people are hopeful. As a real estate entrepreneur from Beijing said; “This is not just about money. Its about a better quality of life. “35 The word “nurture“ (Line 4, Praral ) probably means_.(A)naturalize(B) nourish(C) care for and educate(D)he

30、lp the development of36 According to the passage , which of the following are NOT marked of the newly-rich Chinese?(A)Great ambition and the whish for a new lifestyle.(B) Houses and vacations.(C) Mobile phones and computers.(D)Mental independence and optimism.37 Why do many newly-rich Chinese feel e

31、mbarrassed when saked about wealth?(A)Because they have higher social status.(B) Because they have quit state-run factories.(C) Because they have fired many employees.(D)Because they know many others are not so wealthy.38 Accoding to the real estate entrepreneur, many business people are looking for

32、ward to this Style of Life for the sake of_.(A)more wealth(B) higher social status(C) better quality of life(D)greater fame38 74 In recent years a new and serious problem has arisen for international airlines and their passengers. This is the relatively new crime of hijacking. Once an unheard-of eve

33、nt, it has now become a common occurrence.There is not very much anyone can do once a hijacker is on board an aeroplane. He may be carrying a gun or a hand grenades, which if used, would cause a disaster. The only thing to do is try to ensure that these people never get on the plane in the first ins

34、tance. So airlines all over the world have security procedures. Before any passenger can get on an airplane at the airport, he must go through a series of security checks to make sure he isnt carrying anything that is potentially dangerous or could be used as a weapon on board. The security measures

35、 vary from airport to airport. At some airports there is very little security . At other airports the security checks are very strict and it can take up to half-an-hour to get through them all.Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong, China, has a good security system. No aircraft starting its journey from Hong

36、 Kong has ever been hijacked. At Kai Tak, when a passenger first checks in, his or her name is matched with the computer list of passengers booked on the particular flight. If the name is not recognized, the passenger will be taken aside and questioned by security guards and may not be allowed on th

37、e plane. Next , every suitcase is X-ray checked before it goes into the plane. Any suitcase that seem to have something dangerous in it is not put on the plane. Then the hand baggage which the passengers will carry onto the plane is checked. Each passenger has to open his or her bag and the security

38、 clerk examines the contents. If there is anything that could be used as a weapon, a penknife, for example, the security staff take it away and keep it in a safe place on the plane until the flight is over. The passenger can then collect it. Finally there is a body check of all passengers. They must

39、 pass through a door where X-ray will show if they are carrying anything made of metal, like a gun. If anything suspicious is found, they will be asked to explain. 75.It is only after all these checks that a passenger is allowed to board the plane.39 According to the first paragraph, which of the fo

40、llowing will the author disagree?(A)Hijacking is a relatively new crime.(B) Hijacking is practically unheard-of.(C) The number of hijacks is increasing.(D)Hijacking is a serious problem facing international airlines.40 The only thing we can do to prevent the disaster caused by hijacking is_.(A)set u

41、p a series of security procedures(B) exert control over guns(C) fight bravely against the hijackers(D)meet the hijackers demands41 If there is anydiing that could be used as a weapon, the passenger_.(A)can keep it in a safe place on the plane(B) can take it back from the security staff when the flig

42、ht is over(C) may not be allowed on the plane(D)will be taken aside and questioned by security guards42 At Kai Tak, a passenger has to get through all the following checks before boarding the plane except_.(A)having his name matched with the computer list(B) having every suitcase X-ray checked(C) ha

43、ving the hand baggage X-ray checked(D)passing through a door for a bady check42 A. Soon after he transferred to the new school, John found that he had great difficulty keeping up with the rest of his class.B. Through the project, many people have received training and decide to launch their own ente

44、rprise.C. Our efforts will pay off if the results of the research can be applied to the development of the new technologies.D. I cannot boot my computer now. Somediing must have gone wrong with its operating system.43 如果研究结果能够应用于新技术的开发,我们的努力就没有白费。44 我的电脑现在无法启动。一定是操作系统出了毛病。45 通过这一项目,许多人接受了培训,决定自己创业。4

45、6 转校后不久,约翰发现自己很难跟上班里其他的同学。46 A. The girl decided to travel abroad on her own despite the strong opposition of her parents.B. It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are more likely to put on weight.C. The study shows that the poor functioning of the human body is closely related t

46、o the lack of exercisesD. Thanks to a series of new inventions, doctors can treat this disease successfully.47 多亏了一系列的新发明,医生们才能够成功地治疗这种疾病。48 这个女孩决定不顾父母的强烈反对独自出国。49 研究表明身体状态不佳与缺乏锻炼密切相关。50 据说那些压力大或常加班的人更有可能增加体重。Section ADirections: Translate the following English into Chinese.51 Professors will help s

47、tudents who need it, but prefer that their students not be overly dependent on them.52 Since some college or university courses are applied rather than theoretical, they stress doing and involvement.53 However, like many newly-rich Chinese, they seem a little uncomfortable when asked about wealth.54

48、 In recent years a new and serious problem has arisen for international airlines and their passengers.55 It is only after all these checks that a passenger is allowed to board the plane.Section BDirections: Translate the following Chinese into English.56 你最好带件毛衣,以防天气变冷。57 如果你方便的话,请于明天上午十点到办公室找我。58 你

49、越解释,我越糊涂。59 大多数父母所关心的是尽可能为孩子提供最好的教育。60 尽管遭遇了许多困难,马克从未放弃对知识的追求。二、Writing61 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “A Letter of Complaint“. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.假设你是魏芳,住在一幢公寓楼里。你的邻居赵先生太吵了,你实在难以忍受。写一封投诉信给公寓楼的管理员,内容应包括:(1)解释写信的目的。(2)详细说明邻居的行为对你的生活造成的影响。(3)你希望管理员做些什


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