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1、2013 年安徽专升本(英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 Mary, thanks very much for your help. _. Have a good day.(A)Its OK(B) It s my pleasure(C) Nothing particular(D)No problem2 The owner of the store_his floor when I walked in.(A)is sweeping(B) sweeps(C) was sweeping(D)swept3 Never ignore the impress

2、ion you may make_others.(A)for(B) on(C) to(D)with4 _well go for a picnic depends on the weather.(A)Whether(B) If(C) That(D)Why5 As he has been in America for 3 years now, Hong Liang is_for China.(A)anxious(B) famous(C) responsible(D)homesick6 American Global University is a private institution of hi

3、gher learning, _ in June of 1996.(A)founding(B) to found(C) having founded(D)founded7 I wish you_come back to Beijing with us, but that s for you to decide.(A)will(B) should(C) would(D)shall8 If you want to eat out, you d better call a restaurant and make_.(A)a reservation(B) an effort(C) a decision

4、(D)a deal9 Im terribly sorry. I seem to have_my book at home.(A)scattered(B) forgotten(C) left(D)hidden10 April Fool s day is a day_people play jokes on friends.(A)when(B) why(C) that(D)which11 Even as a child, Daisy was a(n)_reader. She spent all of her pocket money on books.(A)careful(B) patient(C

5、) keen(D)efficient12 The ring has been_in my family. It was my great-grandmother s originally.(A)handed down(B) picked up(C) left behind(D)given out13 Sophia spoke_softly that I could hardly hear her.(A)very(B) rather(C) too(D)so14 We will have made full preparations for the ceremony_tomorrow.(A)whe

6、n the guests will arrive(B) when the guests arrive(C) when will the guests arrive(D)when are the guests arriving15 The newly published book is really good. I would not_for a second to recommend it to my classmates.(A)determine(B) hesitate(C) discuss(D)consider16 The more people there are around them

7、, _fun the kids seem to have.(A)much(B) more(C) the most(D)the more17 Dont be too formal. Plain, simple clothes are_for school wear.(A)attractive(B) mysterious(C) appropriate(D)expensive18 What does “encyclopedia“ mean, John? Sorry, I have no idea. You d better_in the dictionary.(A)look it up(B) loo

8、k at it(C) look into it(D)look it over19 It was at university _I first met Hopkins.(A)where(B) in which(C) which(D)that20 It s been a really hard day today, so I should have a_sleep tonight.(A)shallow(B) sound(C) light(D)broken21 If you want to hold someone s attention, look them_in the eye, but don

9、 t stare.(A)sharply(B) angrily(C) carefully(D)directly22 The _ between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former put into practice what they have learned, while the latter dont.(A)link(B) difference(C) balance(D)relationship23 Tom together with his friends_to play basketball every Sunday

10、 afternoon.(A)go(B) goes(C) has gone(D)have gone24 I will never forget Mary, _I saw her only once.(A)though(B) before(C) while(D)as25 The two strangers met_in Beijing and got married one month later.(A)by chance(B) by rule(C) in turn(D)in vain26 I turned to my coach for information on swimming skill

11、s, but got _ as he was away.(A)few(B) some(C) none(D)much27 Lucy seldom goes to the theatre, _she?(A)does(B) doesnt(C) is(D)isnt28 _of the earth s surface is covered with water.(A)Two-third(B) Second-thirds(C) Second-third(D)Two-thirds29 To my_, this is one of the worst films I have ever seen.(A)sat

12、isfaction(B) disappointment(C) relief(D)taste30 Mike, I m afraid it s too late. I d better be going now. _.(A)Quite well(B) Help yourself(C) Good job(D)See you30 A happy life and a meaningful life are not the same. Leading a happy life is associated with being a “taker“ , while leading a meaningful

13、life corresponds with being a “giver“.Happiness is about feeling good and getting what we want. People who are happy tend to think that life is easy. They are in good physical health and able to buy the things that they need and want. Happiness is about satisfying our needs and desires. The pursuit(

14、追求)of happiness is often associated with selfish behavior. Animals have needs and desires and they can feel happy too. What sets human beings apart from animals is not the pursuit of happiness, but the pursuit of meaning, which is unique to humans.We can often find meaning in helping others or makin

15、g a sacrifice(牺牲)for a “greater good“. Meaning often comes at the expense of happiness. When people have invested themselves in something bigger than themselves, they worry more and have higher levels of stress and anxiety in their lives than happy people. Volunteering(做义工)in rural schools, for exam

16、ple, is meaningful but also involves hardship.Happiness, like any emotion, is felt in the here and nowit eventually fades away. However, meaning is enduring. It connects the past to the present to the future.31 What is the main idea of the passage?(A)A happy life is basically different from a meanin

17、gful life.(B) Leading a happy life is connected with being a “taker“.(C) Happiness is about feeling good and getting what we want.(D)Meaning connected the past to the present to the future.32 Paragraph 2 tells us that the pursuit of happiness_.(A)sets humans apart from animals(B) is associated with

18、selfish behavior(C) means to give up what one has(D)is unique to human beings33 From Paragraph 3 we know that_.(A)helping others can make our life meaningful(B) meaning comes together with happiness(C) happy people have higher levels of anxiety(D)volunteering in rural schools makes a happy life34 It

19、 is implied in Paragraph 4 that_.(A)meaning will disappear sooner or later(B) living a happy life means to be a “giver“(C) happiness lasts a relatively short period of time(D)making a sacrifice for a “greater good“ brings us happiness35 The passage is organized by_.(A)giving examples(B) making contr

20、asts(C) defining(D)classifying35 Our traditional belief has it that morning larks are most likely to be healthy, wealthy and wise. But those who are early to bed and early to rise do not always have the upper hand(占上风). Researchers have revealed that night owls(夜猫子)are generally brighter and wealthi

21、er than those able to get up early in the morning.Experts examined the habits of 1000 youngsters to determine whether they liked to stay up late and sleep in later in the morning, or preferred to go to bed early. School performance and inductive(归纳的)reasoning were measured and academic(学业的)grades in

22、 the major subjects were also taken into consideration.The results show that evening types score higher than morning types on inductive reasoning, which has been shown to be a good estimate of general intelligence and academic performance. The night owls also have a greater capacity to think concept

23、ually(概念性地)and analyze. Such abilities have been linked to creative thinking, better jobs and higher incomes.Morning larks, however, often get better exam results in school, possibly because lessons are held at wrong time of day for night owls.36 The underlined expression “morning larks“ in Paragrap

24、h 1 refers to_.(A)birds which scream late at night(B) birds which sing early in the morning(C) people who like to stay up late at night(D)people who are early to rise in the morning37 Traditionally, we hold that_.(A)morning larks do not always have the upper hand(B) nights owls are generally brighte

25、r and wealthier(C) morning larks tend to be healthy, wealthy and wise(D)night owls often get better exam results in school38 Why did experts examine the teenagers on their habits?(A)To measure their inductive reasoning.(B) To measure their school performance.(C) To determine whether they are night o

26、wls or not.(D)To know their academic grades in major subjects.39 Paragraph 3 tells us that_.(A)night owls have a poorer capacity to analyze(B) night owls score higher on inductive reasoning(C) morning larks are more likely to get better jobs(D)morning larks are more likely to get higher incomes40 Mo

27、rning larks often score higher in exams, possibly because_.(A)they are generally brighter(B) they are early to bed and early to rise(C) they have a greater capacity to analyze(D)the arrangement of lessons fits their body clocks40 While drunken driving may be decreasing, traffic safety experts remain

28、 troubled over how to cope with another alcohol-related problem: drunken pedestrian(行人). Studies have shown that pedestrians injured and killed by cars are often extremely drunk.Some types of pedestrian accidents have been decreasing in the U. S. , especially those involving children, but the number

29、 of drunken adult pedestrians killed in traffic has remained relatively constant at 2500 a year. The total number of pedestrians killed annually in traffic accidents is at least 7000 or one of every seven highway deaths.Studies have revealed some of the causes, including a lack of adult supervision(

30、监督)for children, long delays in traffic signals that encourage jaywalking(无视交通规则任意行走), less attention paid to pedestrian accidents in the past, and few methods to regulate walking habits. However, the most challenging problem, according to some experts, is alcohol-related, although pulled, researche

31、rs are making great efforts to find ways against the drunken pedestrian accidents.41 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?(A)Causes for Traffic Accidents(B) Drunken Pedestrian Accidents(C) Severe Highway Safety Problems(D)Consequences of Drunken Driving42 The annual number

32、of highway deaths is about_.(A)49,000(B) 7000(C) 2500(D)100043 Among the causes for walker s accidents, the most challenging is_.(A)long delays in traffic signals(B) drunken pedestrians(C) lack of adult supervision for children(D)few methods to regulate walking habits44 What can be inferred from the

33、 passage?(A)Drunken driving is getting more serious.(B) Pedestrian accidents involving children are on the rise.(C) Effective measures have been taken to regulate walking habits.(D)Long delays in traffic signals may encourage walkers to break traffic regulations.45 The coming paragraph will probably

34、 discuss how to cope with_.(A)drunken driving(B) drunken jaywalking(C) alcohol-related pedestrian accidents(D)traffic accidents involving children45 In writing Smart Thinking, I myself learnt as much as I would hope for its readers and so, in the end, it was an easy decision to produce a new edition

35、.This second edition reflects my experiences of teaching with Smart Thinking over the years since it was first published. In revising it, I have found that much of the first edition remains valuable, and that students have learnt much from it. But I have also made some significant changes. Greater a

36、ssistance has been provided in the earlier chapters of this edition to help readers with more complicated skills, and later chapters on reasoning and on research have been expanded. The final chapter is now a fully worked example of the skills offering a model of the power of the approach I am oudin

37、ing. I would hope that readers will now find the journey towards greater ability in critical thinking and reasoning a little bit easier, and with a clearer goal ahead.46 The author of the passage is_.(A)a teacher(B) a publisher(C) a reporter(D)a bookseller47 Which of the following is true of the fir

38、st edition of Smart Thinking?(A)It has been revised several times over the years.(B) The decision to produce its new edition is difficult.(C) It fails to help its readers improve their thinking skills.(D)Writing it is a kind of learning for the author herself.48 In the second edition of the book_.(A

39、)a chapter on research has been added(B) the chapter on reasoning has been canceled(C) an example of thinking skills has been provided(D)the content of the first edition has been excluded49 The final chapter of the second edition_.(A)deals with reasoning(B) provides a model(C) focuses on research(D)

40、sets a new goal50 The passage is most probably a part of_.(A)a public speech on writing(B) a composition on smart thinking(C) a report on research findings(D)an introduction to a book50 Television, if under proper supervision(监督), can be excellent source of education and entertainment for kids. But

41、too much time on TV can have unhealthy side effects. Here are some practical ways to make kids TV time more effective.Stock the room in which you have your TV with plenty of other non-screen entertainment to encourage kids to do something other than watch TV.Treat TV as a privilege(特权)that kids need

42、 to earn. Tell them that TV viewing is allowed only after their homework has been completed.Choose shows that develop your kids interest in hobbies and learning. Then preview the programs to make sure they re proper before your kids watch them.Come up with a family TV schedule. Make sure to turn off

43、 the TV when the “scheduled“ programs are over instead of watching something else on TV.Watch TV with your kids and talk to them about what they see on TV and share your own beliefs and values, asking them thought-provoking(令人深省的)questions.51 Proper supervision can make_ more effective.52 Non-screen

44、 entertainment can encourage kids to do something else rather than_.53 Allow kids to watch TV only after they have completed their_.54 Before your kid watch TV, you should preview the programs to ensure that the shows chosen are_.55 While watching TV, you should take the opportunity to share your ow

45、n_with your kids.二、Cloze55 Long ago there was a busy marketplace in a town. People came to buy and【C1】_all sorts of things there.One day an old man went to the【C2 】_to buy some vegetables. He saw lots of people.【C3 】 _them was a young man, strong and fierce. Everyone was【C4】_him.In front of the stro

46、ng man, there was a heavy rock. Some people tried to lift it but it was too【C5 】_for them. The strong man said, “Look at me. I can lift this heavy rock. “The man【C6】_and took hold of the heavy rock. He pulled and pulled. His face went redder and redder. Slowly he lifted the rock【C7】_his head to show

47、 off.“I am the【C8 】_man in the world, “ he cried.Then someone shouted, “You are like a buffalo(水牛 )! A buffalo is strong too!“【C9】_hearing that, all people laughed, including the strong man himself.Just then the strong man saw the old man smiling at him.【C10 】_but somewhat confused, the young man sh

48、outed angrily, “Why are you smiling? Are you stronger than I am?“The old man said, “ You may be very strong,【C11 】_you are too proud. You should not【C12】_yourself. True, a buffalo is strong, but it has no【C13 】_!“The strong man felt foolish. He looked down at the ground and walked away,【C14】_he finally realized that it was better to be【C15】_than strong. After that, no one was afraid of him any more.56 【C1 】(A)check(B) beg(C) sell(D)rent57 【C2 】(A)shop(B) market(C) mall(D)farm58 【C3 】(A)Among(B) Around(C) Inside(D)Between59 【C4


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