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1、四川省教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)模拟试卷 1 及答案与解析单项选择题1 教师职业是促进个体_的职业。(A)自然化(B)现实化(C)社会化(D)自由化2 衡量各科教学的重要标准是_。(A)教学计划(B)教学大纲(C)教学目标(D)课程目标3 在教学方法的改革过程中,布鲁纳提出了_。(A)发现学习教学法(B)探究研讨法(C)纲要信号图式教学法(D)暗示教学法4 下列关于复式教学叙述正确的是_。(A)复式教学可以在同一年级内进行(B)复式教学适用于学生多、教室少的情况(C)复式教学中教师的教学和学生的自学或作业同时进行(D)复式教学情景下的学生的基本技能和自学能力相对较弱5 下列属于道德讨论中“

2、引入提问 ”的策略是_ 。(A)升华性问题(B)突出道德争端(C)澄清与总结(D)突出相邻阶段的论点多项选择题6 教育对科学技术发展的作用表现为( )。(A)能完成科学知识的再生产(B)推进科学的体制化(C)改变人们的科技价值观(D)具有科学研究功能(E)具有推进科学技术研究的功能7 教育对人类地位的提升表现在( )。(A)帮助人发现自身价值(B)认识并发掘自身潜能(C)形成并发展人的个性(D)发展人的精神力量(E)使人的身心得到和谐、全面的发展8 意志的特征有( ) 。(A)有自觉的目的(B)能有意识地支配和调节自己的行动(C)坚持不懈的努力行为(D)与克服困难相联系(E)具有主观能动性9

3、申请认定教师资格,应当提交教师资格认定申请表和下列证明和材料:( )和户籍所在地的街道办事处、乡人民政府或者工作单位、所毕业学校,对其思想品德、有无犯罪记录等方面情况的鉴定及材料证明。(A)身份证(B)学历证书或者教师资格考试合格证明(C)教育行政部门或者受委托的高等学校指定的医院出具的体格检查证明(D)教材教法合格证(E)教师思想品德证明10 小学生注意发展的特点包括( )。(A)小学生从无意注意占优势逐渐发展到有意注意占优势地位(B)小学生的注意容易为具体生动的事物所引起(C)小学生的注意有明显的情绪色彩(D)小学生的注意容易由直观形象引发抽象新异的联想(E)小学生的注意有明显的感情色彩填

4、空题11 _的教学目的在于培养学生听的策略和语感,特别强调培养在听的过程中获取和处理信息的能力。12 在设计任务时,教师应以学生的_和_为出发点,积极促进英语学科与其他学科间的相互渗透和联系,使学生的思维能力、想象力、审美情趣、艺术感受、协作和创新精神等综合素质得到发展。判断题13 情感目标是新课标所规定的五大目标之一,对外语学习者来说,情感方面的因素,尤其是动机、态度和性格等对外语学习的成败有着特殊影响。 ( )(A)TRUE(B) FALSE14 英语教学的最终目的是培养学生的交际能力。有效的语言学习不是传授性的,而是经历性的,学习活动和语言内容一样重要。 ( )(A)TRUE(B) FA

5、LSE15 隋唐以后盛行的察举制,使得政治、思想、教育的联系更加制度化。 ( )(A)TRUE(B) FALSE16 教育的双重文化属性,决定了教育与文化的发展是完全一致的。 ( )(A)TRUE(B) FALSE17 注重教育的价值,对教育改造人的本性,形成社会所要求的知识、能力、态度等,都持积极乐观态度的是内发论。 ( )(A)TRUE(B) FALSE简答题18 基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是什么?Vocabulary and Structure19 I_it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materia

6、ls should be given a fair price for their products.(A)make(B) look(C) take(D)think20 What a pity ! Considering his ability and experience, be_better.(A)need have done(B) must have done(C) can have done(D)might have done21 Shall we go out for a walk? Sorry. This is not the right_to invite me. I am to

7、o tired to walk.(A)moment(B) situation(C) place(D)chance22 We finished the run in less than half the time_.(A)allowing(B) to allow(C) allowed(D)allows23 If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him_during the day.(A)away(B) up(C) in(D)back24 He is neither_European, nor_American. H

8、e is from_Australia.(A)a;a; /(B) a;an;the(C) a;an;/(D)an;an;/25 _is mentioned above, the number of the cattle here has been limited to 200.(A)It(B) Which(C) That(D)As26 Was it in this very room_he made up his mind_he should break away from his family?(A)that; which(B) which; that(C) which;which(D)th

9、at;that27 May I take your order now?(A)No, Im in trouble now(B) Yes, we obey orders(C) Yes, Id like a dish of chicken(D)No, I dont have a choice of meat28 I had a really good weekend at my uncles.(A)Oh, thats very nice of you(B) Congratulations(C) Its a pleasure(D)Oh, Im glad to hear that29 I am so

10、sorry to have come late for the meeting.It is not your fault. With_rush - hour traffic and_heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.(A)a;a(B) the;the(C) /;/(D)/;a30 It was announced that only when the fire was under control_to return to their homes.(A)the residents would be permitted(B) had the res

11、idents been permitted(C) would be residents be permitted(D)the residents had been permitted31 Do you think we should accept that offer? Yes, we should, for we_such bad luck up till now, and time_out.(A)have had; is running(B) had; is running(C) have;has been run(D)have had;has been run32 Jack is lat

12、e again. It is_of him to keep others waiting.(A)normal(B) ordinary(C) common(D)typical33 Animals suffered at the hands of Man_they were destroyed by people to make way for agriculture had to provide food for more people.(A)in which(B) for which(C) so that(D)in that Reading Comprehension33 The unders

13、ea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secrets there. Scuba diving is a new sport today. It can take you into a wonderful undersea world.You will find many strange animals in the sea. Some are as large as a school bus. Many sea animals give out lig

14、ht in the dark and some have sharp teeth.During the day, there is enough light. Here, under the sea, everything is blue and green. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. However, you cant dive

15、too deep. And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water.The deep sea is not an easy place to live in. Its cold, and its dark, too. The deeper it is, the less sunlight there is. At about 3, 000 feet, there is no light at all. It is dark in the sea. Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big e

16、yes. A few have eyes on one side.Besides (除了 ) the cold and darkness, deep - sea animals face a third danger - other animals.Animals eat! They must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, some animals eat meat. This means these sea animals have two big jobs. They need to find animals as

17、food, and they have to try not to become other animals meal.34 Why do people want to dive in the sea? Because_.(A)they want to catch fish(B) they want to find the secrets of the undersea world(C) the sea is deep(D)there are all kinds of plants in the sea35 In the daytime, when you dive in the sea, y

18、ou_.(A)can see everything green and blue(B) cant be in danger(C) can catch nothing(D)cant see anything clearly36 How many dangers will animals meet in the deep sea?_.(A)One(B) Two(C) Three(D)Four37 When you do scuba diving, you can_.(A)stay in deep water for a long time(B) dive very, very deep(C) li

19、ve in deep water easily(D)dive freely without any dangers38 Which of the following is WRONG?_(A)One animals finds something to eat, and it may be eaten by others.(B) At the depth of 3, 000 feet under the sea, many animals can find their way by hearing and feeling.(C) The deeper the sea is, the darke

20、r and colder it is.(D)At the depth of 3, 000 feet under the sea, all animals can find their way by seeing.38 Violent ocean storms in the northern part of the world usually develop in late summer or autumn near the equator. When they happen over the northwestern Pacific Ocean, the storms are called t

21、yphoons. And, in the eastern Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean, they are called hurricanes. South of the equator, the winds flow in the same direction as the hands on a clock. North of the equator, they flow counter - clockwise.Storms can result when the air temperature in one area is different from th

22、at of another. Warmer air rises and cooler air falls. These movements create a difference in the pressure of the atmosphere, If the pressure changes over a large area, winds start to blow in a huge circle. High - pressure air is pulled into a low - pressure center. Storms can get stronger and strong

23、er as they move over warm ocean waters. Up to 50 centimeters of rain can fall. Some storms have produced more than 150 centimeters of rain.The scale is divided into 5 categories. A category one storm has winds of about 120 to 150 kilometers an hour. It can damage trees and lightweight structures. Wi

24、nd speeds in a category two hurricane can reach close to 180 kilometers an hour. These storms are often powerful enough to break windaws or blow the roof off a house. Winds between about 180 and 250 kilometers an hour represent categories three and four. Anything even more powerful is a category fiv

25、e hurricane. The researchers say that about 35% of all hurricanes in the past ten years were category four or five.Weather scientists call hurricanes by names to make clear just which storm they are talking about, especially when two or more take place at the same time. They say using short names is

26、 especially important when exchanging storm information among weather stations and ships at sea. Weather scientists used the names of their girlfriends or wives for storms during World War Two. The United States weather service started officially using womens names for storms in 1953. In 1978, reali

27、zing the sex prejudice of such names, it began including mens names as well.39 The first paragraph mainly_.(A)tells us the areas where hurricanes come about(B) confirms the position of typhoons(C) gives clear definitions of violent ocean storms(D)explains the different changes near the equator40 Sto

28、rms move over warm ocean waters, making _lower and the storms get stronger.(A)air pressure(B) ocean water(C) cool air(D)warm air41 If it makes some of the houses of a coast village fall down, the hurricane is category _at least.(A)2(B) 5(C) 4(D)342 Hurricanes began to be given mens names in 1978 bec

29、ause_.(A)more women scientists studied hurricanes(B) people wanted to show respect for women(C) womens names were used too frequently(D)men were jealous43 Where is this passage most probably taken from?_.(A)A popular science book(B) A dictionary(C) A university physics book(D)An advertisement43 How

30、often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few respon

31、sibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child - thing

32、s that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well - known. But a child has his parents, he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things or being punished for what he has done wrong. When the young man starts to earn his own living,

33、 he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of h

34、is parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.44 According to the second paragraph, the writer thinks that_.(A)life for a child is comparatively easy(B) a c

35、hild is always loved whatever he does(C) if much is given to a child, he must do something in return(D)only children are interested in life45 After a child grows up, he_.(A)will have little time playing(B) has to be successful in finding a job(C) can still ask for help in time of trouble(D)should be

36、 able to take care of himself46 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?_.(A)People are often satisfied with their life(B) Life is less interesting for old people(C) Adults are freer to do what they want to do(D)Adults should no longer rely on others47 The main idea of

37、 the passage is_.(A)life is not enjoyable since each age has some pains(B) young men can have the greatest happiness if they work hard(C) childhood is the more enjoyable time in ones life(D)one is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life48 The paragraph following this passage wil

38、l most probably discuss_.(A)examples of successful young men(B) how to build up ones position in society(C) joys and pains of old people(D)what to do when one has problems in life48 Ive loved my mothers desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standin

39、g by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother. But the desk, shed said again, its for Elizabeth.I never saw

40、 her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me;she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart - to - heart talks between mother and daughter.They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was“too emotional(易动感情的) . But she lived on the surface(表面)“.As years passed I had my ow

41、n family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive (原谅) me.I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came.My hope turned to disappointment(失望), then little interest and, fi

42、nally, peace -it seemed that nothing happened. I couldnt be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.Now the present of her desk told, as shed never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was

43、 my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers insidea photo of my father and a one -page letter, folded(折叠) and refolded many times.Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.49 The writer began to lo

44、ve her mothers desk_.(A)after mother died(B) before she became a writer(C) when she was a child(D)when mother gave it to her50 The passage shows that_.(A)mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter(B) mother was too serious about everything her daughter had done(C) mother ca

45、red much about her daughter in words(D)mother wrote to her daughter in careful words51 The underlined word gulf in the passage means_.(A)deep understanding between the old and the young(B) different ideas between the mother and the daughter(C) free talks between mother and daughter(D)part of the sea

46、 going far in land52 What did mother do with her daughters letter asking for forgiveness?_.(A)She had never received the letter(B) For years, she often talked about the letter(C) She didnt forgive her daughter at all in all her life(D)She read the letter again and again till she died53 Whats the bes

47、t title of the passage?_.(A)My Letter to Mother(B) Mother and Children(C) My Mothers Desk(D)Talks Between Mother and MeClose53 Charlie came from a poor village. His parents had【C1】_money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad. Mr. King lived next to him . He found the boy【C2】_

48、and had pity on him and lent some money to him. So the boy could go to school. He studied hard and【C3】_all his lessons. When he finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work.Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to t

49、ake care of his daughter, Sharon . The young man【C4】_and several years later he married the girl. He loved her very much and tried his best to make her happy . He often bought beauliful clothes and delicious food for her . He was good at cooking and he cooked【C5】_for her . So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk.

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