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1、物流普及英语阅读练习试卷 1(无答案)一、单选题0 Logistics System1. A logistics system consists of different functions and activities,such as the following:Customer service is a core function in the logistics processEach business entityshould have a customer service department to handle complaints1 Which of the following

2、function does fllogistics system include?( )(A)Whole sales(B) Cash management(C) Storage(D)Internet2 Why is customer service an important element?( )(A)To retain and keep customers(B) Togather information about competitors(C) To develop new market(D)To strengthen business partner relationships3 What

3、 is the optimallevel of inventory?( )(A)The amount that you can sell as much as possible(B) The amount that you can barely meet market expectation(C) The amount to meet market demand with minimizing your current and potentialinventory costs(D)The amount that you can get the most profits4 Why is tran

4、sportation SO important to the current business environment?( )(A)Transportation means are limite(B) Because of globalization,exports and imports activities(C) Transportation is costly(D)Because of time5 Why does information system contribute to an efficient logistics system?( )(A)To link and integr

5、ate all logistics functions(B) To gather new information(C) To eliminate wrong data(D)To make all data public for future use5 Creating the Logistics VisionNowadays。most companies are familiar with the idea of“mission statement”as an ex-pression of setting a vision for the businessThe mission stateme

6、nt seeks to define the purpose of the business,its boun6 What does mission statement intend to do?( )(A)To please management(B) To define。summarize and achieve a common goal(C) To achieve higher market share and profitability(D)To develop new market7 What kind of goals can mission statement fail to

7、achieve?( )(A)FaiL to provide realistic guidelines to guide the actions to achieve results(B) Fail to design a goal that everyone agrees.(C) Fail to point out a good goal(D)Fail to implement effectively8 Which element should a logistics mission statement focus on?( ) (A)Transporration (B) Costs (C)

8、Customers (D)Punctuality9 How should a logistics vision statement add value to its customers?( )(A)To provide cheaper services(B) T0 provide more choices for transportations(C) To communicate better with customers(D)To provide better,more costeffective and punctual services10 What should a logistics mission statement provide?( )(A)Management encouragement(B) design of new methods to apply to customer satisfaction(C) Some detailed actions to undertake to obtain more market share(D)An outline of actions for goals to be achieved.


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