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1、全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷 3 及答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 host countries2 labor intensive3 international banking4 financial standing 5 D/P6 airway bill7 level of consumption8 offer9 forwarding charges10 reserve currency二、词组汉译英11 环太平洋圈12 单价13 资信可靠状况14 东道国15 预付现金16 售货确认书17 零库存18 储备货币19 交易场地20 利弊三、配对题20 a. the price or cost o

2、f transportationb. to keep fixed or unchangedc. money earned on the sales of goods to other countriesd. something designed, built or installed to serve a specific function or perform a particular servicee. the act of paying a bill, debt, charge, etc.f. reduceg. a tract of land including its building

3、sh. an official group of persons who direct or supervise some activities of a firm i. public argument about something which many people disagree with j. a way by which a place, esp. property can be reached or entered or used21 facilities22 premises23 rebate24 peg25 access26 controversy27 carriage28

4、settlement29 board30 export earnings四、名词解释31 balance of payments32 legal holder33 contribution34 compound duty35 gold tranche五、简答题36 What are the several presumed advantages in counter trade?37 Explain briefly the following methods of payment; cash in advance; open account; consignment transactions.

5、38 Give the major items of the proper contract.39 Summarize briefly the factors that have caused the changes in the transportation industry.六、句子英译汉40 In addition to visible trade, which involves the import and export of goods, there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services be

6、tween countries.41 No matter whether business negotiation is conducted orally or by way of writing, transaction is considered concluded once an offer or a counter-offer is accepted. That is to say, a legitimate contract can be either in written or oral form.七、句子汉译英42 合同依法实施,未能履行合同义务的一方可能受到起诉,并被强制做出赔

7、偿。43 即期付款交单要求进口商立即付款以取得单据。44 所有的运输方式以及其代表性的运载工具在整个运输系统中起着重要的作用。45 世界贸易组织的重要决策由两年举行一次的部长会议作出。46 就出口商而言,即期付款交单比远期付款交单有利,付款交单比承兑交单有利。全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷 3 答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 【正确答案】 东道国【试题解析】 host 意为“主人”;country 意为“国家”。2 【正确答案】 劳动密集型【试题解析】 labor 意为“劳动,劳动力”;intensive 意为“密集的”。3 【正确答案】 国际银行业务【试题解析】 international 意

8、为“国际的”;banking 意为“银行业,金融”,此处将 international banking 译作“国际银行业务”是固定译法。4 【正确答案】 财务状况【试题解析】 专业商务术语。5 【正确答案】 付款交单【试题解析】 documents against payment,付款交单。6 【正确答案】 空运提单【试题解析】 airway 意为 “空中航线”;bill 意为“提单”。7 【正确答案】 消费水平【试题解析】 level 意为“水平”;consumption 意为“消费”。8 【正确答案】 发盘【试题解析】 其相对的词语是 counter offer,回盘。9 【正确答案】 交

9、货费用【试题解析】 forwarding 意为“寄发,运输的”;charge 意为“费用”。10 【正确答案】 储备货币【试题解析】 reserve 意为“储备,储存”;currency 意为“货币”。二、词组汉译英11 【正确答案】 Pacific Rim【试题解析】 Pacific 意为“太平洋”;rim 指环形物的边缘。12 【正确答案】 unit price【试题解析】 unit 意为 “单位,单元”;price 意为“价格”。13 【正确答案】 credit worthiness【试题解析】 credit 意为“贷款,信誉”;worthiness 意为“值得,有价值”。14 【正确答

10、案】 host countries【试题解析】 host 意为“主人”;country 意为“国家”。15 【正确答案】 cash in advance【试题解析】 cash 意为“现金”;in advance 意为 “提前”。16 【正确答案】 sales confirmation【试题解析】 sales 意为“销售”;confirmation 意为“确认,证明”。17 【正确答案】 just-in-time inventory【试题解析】 just-in-time 意为“及时,恰好”;inventory 意为“存货”。18 【正确答案】 reserve currency【试题解析】 res

11、erve 意为“储备,储存”;currency 意为“货币”。19 【正确答案】 market floor【试题解析】 market floor,也称作 trading floor,证券交易所进行交易的大厅。20 【正确答案】 pros and cons【试题解析】 pro 意为“正面,赞成”;con 意为“反面,反对”。三、配对题21 【正确答案】 d22 【正确答案】 g23 【正确答案】 f24 【正确答案】 b25 【正确答案】 j26 【正确答案】 i27 【正确答案】 a28 【正确答案】 e29 【正确答案】 h30 【正确答案】 c四、名词解释31 【正确答案】 It is a

12、 statement of the total payments to and the total receipts from foreign countries【试题解析】 balance of payments 意为“同际收支 ”,指一国在一定时期内对所有国家发生的全部对外支出与收入的对比,或称国际收支差额表。32 【正确答案】 A legal holder is an owner of a property who is entitled to it by law【试题解析】 legal holder 意为“合法持有人”,指通过合法手段而得到的持有人。33 【正确答案】 A person

13、 cannot be allowed to insure twice for the same risk,and claim compensation from both insurersIf two policies do cover the same event,the insurance companies contribute pro rata to the loss,and the insured is only restored to the indemnity position【试题解析】 contribution,指根据某些保险单规定的条款照比例分摊损失的份额。若投保人就同一保

14、险标的和相同的风险同时向两家以上保险人投保,当发现损失时,为了防止被保险人获得双份或多份赔偿,需将实际损失在各保险人之间进行分摊。34 【正确答案】 A type of tariff levied according to both the amounts and the prices of the commodities【试题解析】 compound duty,混合税、复合税,对同一税目的商品,同时按从价和从量两种税率计征的关税。35 【正确答案】 Thats the gold share paid by the member countries to IMF,including two p

15、arts:amount in gold and the amount in theirown currency. The former amounts to 25 and the latter 75【试题解析】 gold tranche 意为“黄金份额”,指国际货币基金会员国对基金会应缴纳的份额,包括用黄金交付和用本国货币交付的两部分。前者占各自份额的25,后者占 75。五、简答题36 【正确答案】 There are several presumed advantages in counter trade:(1)Counter trade is implemented because it

16、helps a country to deal with foreign exchange shortages(2)Counter trade can be used to promote exports(3)Counter trade can be used to reduce uncertainty regarding export receipts(4)Counter trade is used to bypass an international price agreement(5)Counter trade may help those nations with serious de

17、bt problems to continue to import goods while,in effect,concealing export earnings from creditors 【试题解析】 对销贸易的几种好处:(1)进行对销贸易有助于应对一个国家的外汇短缺。(2)对销贸易可以促进出口。(3)对销贸易可用来减少出口收入方面的不确定性。(4)使用对销贸易可避开国际价格协议,如石油输出国组织的价格协议。(5)对销贸易可帮助有严重债务的国家继续进口商品而实际上向债权人掩盖出口收入。37 【正确答案】 (1)Cash in advance :when the political an

18、d economic situation in the importing country makes payment uncertain or when the buyers credit standing is dubious,the exporter may prefer cash in advance. In this case the importer has no guarantee that the exporter will fulfill his obligations once he has made payment by cash(2)If the buyer and t

19、he seller know each other well,they may decide to trade on open accountThis means that uo documents are involved and that legally the buyer can pay anytimeThe seller loses all control over the goods once they have shippedSales on this basis are usually paid for by periodic payments,and obviously the

20、 exporter must have sufficient financial strength to carry the cost of the goods until receiving payment(3)If the exporter wishes to retain title or ownership to the good he can enter into consignment transactionsThis means the exporter has to send his goods abroad and will not get payment until the

21、 goods are soldIf not sold,the goods can be shipped back【试题解析】 (1)预付现金。当进口国的政治和经济形势使付款不稳定或者当买方的信誉让人感到怀疑的时候,出口商喜欢采用预付现金或者部分预付现金。在这种情况下,进口商在预付现金后不能保障出口商履行其责任。(2)记账方式。如果买卖双方互相非常了解,他们可能以记账方式进行贸易。这意味着买方从法律上讲可以在任何时间付款。卖方一旦运出货物便失去对货物的控制。在这种基础上进行的销售,通常是以定期付款来支付的。显然,出口商必须有足够的财力来承担收到货款之前的货物费用。(3)寄售交易。如果出口商希望保

22、留其对货物的所有权,他可以进行寄售交易。这意味着出口商须将其货物运到国外,并且等货物卖出后才能收回货款。如果货物没有售出,可以运回。38 【正确答案】 The major items of the proper contract includes:(1)The full name and address of the buyer and the seller(2)The commodities involved including quantity,quality,specifications,packing ,etc (3)All the terms and conditions agree

23、d upon such as the price,total amount,terms of payment,transportation,insurance etc(4)Indication of the number of original copies of the contract,the languages used,the term of validity and possible extension of the contract。【试题解析】 合同正文包括:(1)买卖双方的全名和地址;(2)所涉及的商品,包括数量、质量、规格、包装等;(3)双方所同意的所有的条款,例如价格、总值

24、、付款条件、运输、保险等;(4)合同正本的份数、所使用的语言、有效期和合同可能的延期。39 【正确答案】 There are four factors that are substantially changing the transportation industryDeregulation has removed the shackles of control,both shippers and carriers are now free to innovate as much as their imagination allowsSecond ,just-in-time inventor

25、y systems are based on a production approach in which the firm maintains very small quantities of production inputsThird,competition often shifts to price considerationsAnother alternative is to compete on the level of customer service that is provided to each customerThe final factor that has had a

26、 positive impact on the transportation function is the globalization of business【试题解析】 实质改变运输业的四大因素:1对运输管制的放松。撤销了管理规定对运输控制的羁绊,承运人和托运人可以自由地充分发挥想象力进行革新。2能及时供应的库存系统。这种系统是以公司存储很少数量的生产投入的生产方式为基础的。3以高水平为客户服务为基础的竞争。从营销学的角度来说,竞争经常转移到价格因素上,另一个选择是在向每一个顾客提供高水准的服务方面进行竞争。4商业的全球化。这是对运输功能起着积极作用的最后一个因素。六、句子英译汉40 【正

27、确答案】 有形贸易指的是货物的进出口。除此之外,还有无形贸易,它指的是各国之间服务的交换。【试题解析】 本段为教材第六课课文原文,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:visible trade :有形贸易;import:进口;export:出口;invisible trade:无形贸易;exchange:交换;service:服务。41 【正确答案】 不管业务协商是以书面还是口又进行,一旦发盘或还盘被接受,便认为是达成了交易。也就是说,合法的合同既可以是书面的,也可以是口头的。【试题解析】 本段为教材第八课课文原文,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:business negotiat

28、ion:业务协商;transaction:交易;offer:发盘;counter-offer:还盘;legitimate:合法的;contract:合同;oral form:口头形式。七、句子汉译英42 【正确答案】 A contract is enforceable by law ,and any party that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced tomake compensation【试题解析】 本句为教材第八课课文原句。翻译时注意以下商务术语及重要词汇和短语:合同:contract

29、 ;合同义务: contractual obligations;做出赔偿:make compensation。43 【正确答案】 Documents against payment at sight requires immediate payment by the importer to get hold of the documents【试题解析】 本句为教材第十课课文原句,翻译是注意以下商务术语和重点词汇及短语:即期付款交单:Documents againstpayment at sight;支付:payment ;进口商:importer ;单据:document。44 【正确答案】

30、All the modes and their representative carriers play important roles in the overall transportation system【试题解析】 本句为第十四课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重点词汇及短语:方式:mode;代表性的:representative;运输系统:transportation system。45 【正确答案】 Important decisions of the WTO are made at its biennial ministerial meeting【试题解析】 本句为教材第二十一

31、课课文的句子,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:世界贸易组织:WTO;部长会议:ministerial meeting。46 【正确答案】 So far as the exporters interest is concerned,DP at sight is more favorable than DP after sight,and DP is morefavorable than DA【试题解析】 本句为教材第十课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及词汇:so far as :就而言;exporter:出口商;D P:documents agains payment 付款交单;DA:documents against acceptance 承兑交单;DP at sight:即期付款交单; DP after sight:远期付款交单。


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