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1、全国自考(现代英语语法)模拟试卷 5 及答案与解析一、Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.1 Is that_schoolbag? No. _is white. ( )(A)his, His(B) her, His(C) he, His(D)her, Her2 There are a lot of _in Xinhua Childrens Hospital. ( )(A)woman doctors(B

2、) woman doctor(C) women doctors(D)women doctor3 Let us suppose that you are in _ position of _ parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing. ( )(A)a,a(B) a,the(C) the,a(D)the,the4 The students will plant trees if it_tomorrow. ( )(A)didnt rain(B) hasnt rained(C) wont rain(D)doesnt rain5 Mary

3、 and John_ each other since childhood. ( )(A)have been knowing(B) knew(C) have known(D)had known6 Almost all the main roads in the city center _by the end of next year. ( )(A)will be widened(B) were widened(C) will have been widened(D)would be widened7 _ the present unemployment continue, the societ

4、y would face a more troublesome situation. ( )(A)Would(B) Should(C) Might(D)Could8 My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where_I have put it? ( )(A)can(B) must(C) should(D)would9 We are not allowed_drinks into the computer lab. ( )(A)taking(B) to take(C) taken(D)take10 I meant_ you about it,but I forgot to

5、do so. ( )(A)telling(B) having told(C) to tell(D)to have told11 Adjust the chair height so your elbows are about _ the work surface. ( )(A)the same high as(B) high as(C) as higher as(D)the same height as12 The Conservative Party is one of the _ parties in Britain. ( )(A)major(B) main(C) big(D)huge13

6、 He was very disappointed_the salary the company offered him. ( )(A)with(B) to(C) for(D)on14 _, he couldnt deal with these problems. ( )(A)Obviously speaking(B) Obviously to speak(C) Obvious(D)Obviously15 At present shes focused on next month _ will see her set on her biggest UK tour to date. ( )(A)

7、what (B) it(C) when(D)that16 The merchandise on display in the shop window _ not for sale. ( )(A)/(B) is(C) are(D)being17 The captain, together with the crew,_ determined not to abandon the ship until all the passengers were aboard the lifeboats. ( )(A)is(B) are(C) were(D)was18 Nobody _historians wo

8、uld be fascinated with the ugly marks made by the early man on the wall. ( )(A)besides(B) but(C) for(D)and19 I agree with most of what you said, but I do not agree with_. ( )(A)everything(B) anything(C) something(D)nothing20 Not until three years ago_to work outside. ( )(A)he began(B) he begins(C) b

9、egan he(D)did he begin二、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given.21 cover,covers,is,are,was,were The Alps _ an area of 200, 000 square kilometers and _the greatest mountain range in Europe.22 a, the, some, all, each, suchA knife is no good. You need _ screwdriver to do _ jo

10、b properly.23 had to look , must look , should have looked , after, on, atCarey didnt go to the party last night because she_ _the baby for her sister until 9:30.24 is given , was given , given, will be given , is now being sought, soughtThe theatre company_ a grant of $ 6, 000 and a further $ 2 ,00

11、0_from elsewhere.25 will, shall be , will be , live, life, livesAlmost 85 percent of Americans_ experience some type of back pain in their_.26 than, as, more, so, less,farIm not going out with a man whos twice_old_ me.27 that,which,who,is,are,have beenThe boy and the dog_are in the picture_very love

12、ly.28 which,that,/,who,heThat was the proposal_he put forward at the meeting but _was rejected by all the other members.29 what, which, that, is, are, was_my wife said and thought_ none of your concern.30 both, whether, neither, or, nor, but_by accident_by design, he arrived too late for the appoint

13、ment.三、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required.31 With a determiner:I suddenly realized Id come out without_money.32 With a determiner:Do you know_Browns? They live next to us.33 With a modal verb:Peter_come with us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet.34 With a modal verb:A com

14、puter_think for itself;it must be told what to do.35 With a modal verb:As an new emloyee, he _ have the guts to defy the club rule.36 With a modal verb:_we go to a crowded bar to socialize exclusively with ourselves?37 With an appropriate preposition:His words are strongly impressed_my memory.38 Wit

15、h an appropriate preposition: She decorated the room_good taste.39 With an appropriate conjunct:John is smart, and well-behaved, _,he is admirable.40 With an appropriate conjunct: Do it now,_,it will be too late.41 With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb: Leave out every word_serves

16、no function.42 With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb:Thank you very much for the Barbie doll _ you sent my daughter.43 With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adverb:He is a straight A student, _his brother never was.44 With an appropriate relative pronoun or relative adve

17、rb: This is the biggest lap_we have ever built in our university.45 With an appropriate link verb:I, who_ your teacher, will try my best to help you with your study.46 With an appropriate link verb:Writing stories and articles_what I enjoy most.47 With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator: He

18、never came_he was in trouble.48 With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator:You wont enjoy your trip to that country_you are careful about what you eat.49 With a WH-word:_not speak to the professor about it?50 With a WH-word:_come you didnt tell me earlier.四、Rewrite the following sentences as re

19、quired.51 Using passive voice:We are going to fly the kites tomorrow.52 Using subjunctive mood:I had recommended him to be placed in a more responsible position.53 Using a modal auxiliary: All men will certainly die.54 Using a non-finite verb form:The book is so easy that everyone can understand it.

20、55 Using a non-finite verb form:I am sure itll do you good if you admit that you made the mistake.56 Using a preposition:Are you sure that Simon has disappointed?57 Using an adverbial clause:John spoke through a microphone. He could be heard in every room.58 Using a relative clause:They told me that

21、 she stole the money. It turned out to be true.59 Using a relative clause:This is the only one of the many houses here. This was destroyed by the earthquake.60 Using coordination:I have an idea. She will be late.61 Using an intensifier: Im not interested in geography.62 Adding a suitable tag: Few of

22、 them realized it was a hoax.63 Using extraposition:Whether you keep the money or give it away is none of my concern.64 Using anticipatory “it“:They seem to be satisfied with the result.65 Using inversion:The enemy tried in vain to encircle and wipe out the guerrillas.五、Answer the following question

23、. 66 Provide examples to illustrate a nominal antecedent that only accepts the restrictive relative clause and one that only accepts the non-restrictive relative clause.六、Define the following terms with examples. 67 putative should68 the relative clause全国自考(现代英语语法)模拟试卷 5 答案与解析一、Choose the best answe

24、r from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查点:代词辨析。根据句意:这是他的书包吗?不,他的是白色的。问句中,形容词性物主代词在句中作修饰语。答句中需要主语,所以需要名词性物主代词。he 的形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词都为 his。答案为 A。2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 复合词变复数的形式有三种:将最后一部分变复数,前一部分变复数和前后两部分同时变复数(尤其当复合词是并列的)。woman doctor

25、变复数的情况属于第三种。答案为 C。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 in the position of 意为“处于某一位置”,这里特指“父母的位置”;此处用的是单数 parent,故用 a 修饰,表泛指。答案为 C。4 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 “主将从现”的考查。句意:如果明天不下雨,学生们就去植树。时间状语分句和条件状语分句的谓语动词应遵循“主将从现”原则。即主句用将来时态,从属分句用一般现在时表将来。答案为 D。5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 since childhood 意为“从童年时期开始 ”,可知本题应使用完成体。由于没有明显的过去时间标志词出现,因此可选用现在完成体。

26、答案为 C。6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 by the end of意为直到为止,一般和完成体连用。next year的出现表明本句应采用将来完成体。由于主语 the main roads 与动词 widen 为动宾关系,因此还需用被动态。答案为 C。7 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 should the present unemployment continue 相当于 If the present unemployment should continue,表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,连词 if 省略时,要将 should 提到主语之前形成倒装。答案为 B。8 【正确答案】 A【试题解

27、析】 句意:我的 MP4 不在包里,我可能把它放在哪里了呢?can 表示可能性,符合句意;must 与完成体连用时表推测,不用于疑问句;而 should 和would 的完成体不合句意。答案为 A。9 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 be allowed to do sth的否定形式是在 be 动词后加 not,意为“不被允许做某事”。答案为 B。10 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 首先考虑到 mean to 的结构,所以先排除 A、B 两项。而且此处是讲述一件本来要做而没做的事情,要用虚拟语气,所以只能选 D。本句意为:本打算告诉你这件事的,可我忘了。答案为 D。11 【正确答案】 D【试题解

28、析】 译文:调整椅子的高度,使你的肘部和操作台保持大致相同的高度。表示“和一样”有两种形式:as+形容词副词+as;the same+ 名词+as。答案为D。12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 译文:保守党在英国是比较大的政党之一。big(大的)和 huge(巨大的)一般不用来修饰 party(在本句中意为政党) 。major 意为主要的、(较)重要的。main 意为主要的,但是不能突出“重要的”的内涵。the major party,表示占统治地位的政党(基本也是人数较多,很重要的政党),为常见搭配。答案为 A。13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本题考查 disappointed 的用法。

29、be disappointed inwith sth表示对某事感到失望;disappointed 后面也可以接动词不定式,表示对做了感到失望,但是本题中出现的是名词 the salary,因此 B 项是错误的。disappointed 没有和 on 或 for 的搭配。答案为 A。14 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 评注性状语从语义上可分为两类:文体一评注性状语和内容一评注性状语(可添加 speaking)。obvious 是形容词,不可单独位于句首作状语。obviously 是文体一评注性状语,不可与 speaking 连用。答案为 D。15 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 此题考查关系分句。

30、关系分句 will see her set缺少主语,且先行项是 next month,故用关系代词 that。答案为 D。16 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 merchandise 为不可数名词,表示货品或物品,属于集体名词,因此其后的谓语常为单数形式。答案为 B。17 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 together with thecrew 和 the captain 一起构成了句子的主语,但是根据语法原则,谓语动词要和逗号前的主语保持一致。又因为 untill 句中出现了were,说明事情发生在过去。因此谓语动词也要用过去式。答案为 D。18 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 译文:除了历史学

31、家,没人会对早期人类在墙上做的那些难看的标记着迷。nobody but 意为 “除了之外没有,只有”。A 为“除了之外还有”,C 为“对于”,D 为“和”,这三项与 nobody 连用不符合本题语意。答案为 B。19 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 everything 可以用于肯定、否定和疑问句中,在否定句中是不完全否定,即“不是所有的”。I do not agree with everything 是一个部分否定的句子,强调“我不完全同意你讲的一切”。答案为 A。20 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 具有否定意义的 not until 放在句首时,主句要用倒装语序,即将助动词 did 提到主语

32、 he 前。答案为 D。二、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with one of the items given.21 【正确答案】 cover, is【试题解析】 The Alps 意为“阿尔卑斯山脉”,常被当作复数,谓语动词用复数。cover an area of 是固定搭配,意为“占地”。又因此句讲述的是事实情况,所以整个句子用一般现在时。故第一个空填 cover,第二个空填 is。答案为 cover,is。22 【正确答案】 a ,the【试题解析】 译文:一把刀子没有用,你得需要一把螺丝刀才能干好这件事。句中 screwdriver(螺

33、丝刀)为可数名词单数,并且是第一次出现,所以前面应该用不定冠词 a。另外,根据句意可以看出 job 是双方都知道的事情,表特指,所以用定冠词 the。答案为 a,the 。23 【正确答案】 had to look,after【试题解析】 译文:凯利昨晚没参加聚会因为她不得不照顾她姐姐的孩子直到 9点半。have to 和 must 都指必须,但 have to 指的是客观上的不得不;must 指主观上的必须;另外,主句用的时态为过去时,因此,从属分句也相应地用过去式 had to。look after 意为“照顾,照看”,是固定用法。答案为 had to look,after。24 【正确答

34、案】 was given,is now being sought【试题解析】 译文:剧院已经得到了 6000 美元,另外的 2000 美元正在从别的地方寻找。从题意可知,句子整体为被动态。两个句子形成时间上的前后,前半句为过去时,因此选用 was given;后半句可选用被动态的现在进行体,更好地表达句子的内涵,即 is now being sought(seek 的一 ed 分词)。答案为 was given,is now being sought。25 【正确答案】 will,lives【试题解析】 在所给的选项中,只有 will 后可以直接跟动词原形,所以第一个空填 will;in on

35、es life 意为“在某人的一生中”,因为主语为复数,所以第二个空填lives。答案为 will,lives。26 【正确答案】 as,as【试题解析】 译文:我不和这个男人出去,他的年龄是我的两倍大。asas表倍数时格式为 twice(three times)as adjas。答案为 as,as。27 【正确答案】 that,are【试题解析】 当先行项有两个且一个指人一个指物时,关系代词应该用 that。第二个空由题意可知,缺少一个 be 动词,该句的主语是 the boy and the dog,并列的项指不同内容,要遵循语法一致原则,谓语动词用复数形式。答案为that,are。28

36、【正确答案】 that,which【试题解析】 关于平行关系分句我们需注意几点:(1)这些分句可被不同代词引导,但仍保持平行关系。(2)在适当的语境中,第一个关系代词可省略,第二个不能(如有三个以上关系词,后面的关系不能省略)。(3)可用 which 或 that 指代第一个关系分句的宾语,但在第二个及其以后的关系分句常用 which。由于第(3) 点,第二个空需选 which,那么第一个空只剩 that 合适。答案为 that,which 。29 【正确答案】 What,are【试题解析】 译文:我妻子的所说所想与你无关。第一空分句缺少 said and thought 的宾语,故用连接代词

37、 what;此外,整个句子主语是由 and 连接的所说和所做两项作主语,故谓语动词用复数。答案为 What,are 。30 【正确答案】 Whether ,or【试题解析】 译文:无论他是有意还是无意,他赴约赴得都太晚了。其中“无论还是”为 whetheror,后面既可接名词、短语,也可接不定式。但是一定要记住两个词后面跟的成分必须是一致的。答案为 Whether,or 。三、Fill in the blanks on the ANSWER SHEET with an item as required.31 【正确答案】 any【试题解析】 any 常用于疑问句和否定句,表示“任何一些,任何一

38、个”,作定语时修饰不可数名词,起不定指数量的限定作用。答案为 any。32 【正确答案】 the【试题解析】 the+姓氏表示“一家人”,起特指限定作用,姓氏后通常加 s。答案为 the。33 【正确答案】 may【试题解析】 由句中的 not very sure 可知,此处应填 may,表示推测意义,即可能性。答案为 may。34 【正确答案】 cant【试题解析】 由第二个句子的句意可知,此处应填 cant,表示不可能。答案为cant。35 【正确答案】 cant【试题解析】 句意为:作为一名新员工,他有勇气反对俱乐部的规则。由句意判断,填入具有“不可能”含义的情态助动词比较符合句子的语境

39、。答案为 cant。36 【正确答案】 Shall【试题解析】 情态动词 shall 与第一人称连用的一般疑问句可表达建议、询问的意义。答案为 Shall。37 【正确答案】 on【试题解析】 impress sthonupon sb意为“使某人铭记某事物,使某人深深意识到某事物”,其被动形式 sth+be+impressed on sb意为“某物给某人留下了深刻的印象“。答案为 on。38 【正确答案】 in【试题解析】 in good taste 意为“大方,得体”,是固定词组。答案为 in。39 【正确答案】 In a wordIn short【试题解析】 in a word in sh

40、ort 意为“总之”,为总结状语,用于总结性话语之前。答案为 In a wordIn short。40 【正确答案】 Otherwise【试题解析】 otherwise 意为“否则“,为推理一连接性状语。答案为 Otherwise。41 【正确答案】 that【试题解析】 先行项为 every word,应用关系代词 that,在关系分句中作主语。答案为 that。42 【正确答案】 thatwhich【试题解析】 先行项为 the Barbie doll,在关系分句中作宾语,指物的关系代词作宾语时可选 that 或 which。答案为 thatwhich。43 【正确答案】 which【试题

41、解析】 先行项为 a straight A student,在关系分句中作表语,因此,本句为非限定关系分句,应填 which。答案为 which。44 【正确答案】 that【试题解析】 当先行项前有形容词最高级修饰时,关系词用 that。答案为 that。45 【正确答案】 am【试题解析】 本题考查主谓一致。who 指代 I,根据意义一致原则,who 后谓语动词用 am。答案为 am。46 【正确答案】 s【试题解析】 动词一 ing 作主语,谓语动词用单数,这里 writing stories and articles“写故事和文章”表示同一概念、同一件事,应用单数。答案为 is。47

42、【正确答案】 when【试题解析】 本题考查从属连接词。前后两部分可单独成句,但两者间无并列关系,因此后一句为从属分句。因后一句不缺少句子成分,因此连接词应是在分句中作状语,根据句意应选用 when。答案为 when。48 【正确答案】 unless【试题解析】 unless 为简单从属连词,意为 “除非 ”,表条件。答案为 unless。49 【正确答案】 Why【试题解析】 why not 表示劝诱、建议或命令,意为“为什么不呢”,其后跟动词原形。答案为 Why。50 【正确答案】 How【试题解析】 How come 是固定搭配,意为“怎么会,怎么回事”,其后用陈述语序。答案为 How。

43、四、Rewrite the following sentences as required.51 【正确答案】 The kites are going to be flied by us tomorrow【试题解析】 译文:我们打算明天去放风筝。题干中用的是一般将来时,变为被动态时要用 be going to+be+一 ed 分词。动作的发出者可以由 by 引出,且 by 后要接 we 的宾格 us。52 【正确答案】 I had recommended that he be placed in a more responsible position【试题解析】 当句中含有 recommend

44、,decide ,advise 等表示命令、建议、要求等动词时,可用含有虚拟式的宾语分句,即 should动词原形,其中 should 可以省略。53 【正确答案】 All men must die【试题解析】 译文:人终有一死。根据题干中的 certainly 可知表示非常肯定,可用 must 代替,表示“一定会,肯定会”。54 【正确答案】 The book is easy enough for everyone to understand【试题解析】 本题要求变为非限定动词形式,根据译文:这本书很容易,每个人都能读懂,可知把 sothat变为相应的enoughto 即可。55 【正确答案

45、】 Im sure itll do you good if you admit making the mistake【试题解析】 admit 后面可接 that 分句,也可接动词的一 ing 形式,因此可以改为一 ing 形式的宾语。56 【正确答案】 Are you sure about Simons disappointment?【试题解析】 译文:你确定西蒙失望了吗?“be sure that 分句”意为“确信”,也可用于 be sure about sth,about 后接名词作介词宾语,disappoint 的名词形式是 disappointment,同时 Simon 要用其所格形式

46、。57 【正确答案】 John spoke through a microphone so that he could be heard in every room【试题解析】 译文:约翰使用了一个扩音器讲话。他的声音在每个房间都可以被听到。后面的句子是前面句子的结果,因此可用引导目的状语的从属连词 so that来连接两个句子。58 【正确答案】 They told me that she stole the money,which turned out to be true【试题解析】 本题要求改写为关系分句。本题可用 which 引导的非限制性关系分句引出第二句的内容,同时代替 it 指

47、代第一句的内容。59 【正确答案】 This is the only one of the many houses here which was destroyed by the earthquake【试题解析】 要求改写成关系分句。第二个句子中的 This 指代的是第一个句子的 the only one(of the many houses),因此可用关系分句连接两个句子。当先行项被 only 修饰时,一般用 that 引导关系分句,但本句中先行项和关系分句隔有一段距离,此时应用 which。60 【正确答案】 I have an idea that she will be late【试题解

48、析】 译文:我有一种感觉。她会迟到。两句合并意为:我感觉她会迟到。idea 为抽象名词,可用 that 引导同位语分句,同位语分句对前面的名词起进一步解释说明的作用。61 【正确答案】 Im not interested in geography at all【试题解析】 译文:我对地理不感兴趣。本题可用 at all 来加强否定语气,not at all 意为“根本不”。62 【正确答案】 Few of them realized it was a hoax,did they?【试题解析】 本题要求添加附加疑问句。由于句中有否定词 few 出现,因此附加疑问句要用肯定形式。本句为一般过去时,助动词要用 did。63 【正确答案】 It is none of my concern whether you keep the money or give it away【试题解析】 译文:你是想保留这些钱还是将其扔掉,这不关我的事


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