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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词 1.Its sunny today.Lets go out and enjoy ( 享受 ) the sunshine. 2.Mr.Green is really busy.He doesnt have time to spend ( 花费 ) with his family. 3.She likes living in the countryside because the air ( 空气 ) is so clean. 4.Mom,I want some money ( 钱 )

2、 to buy the book. 5.Im busy now,but Ill be free ( 空闲的 ) this afternoon.,.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Its too noisy ( noise ).I cant hear you. 2. To get ( get ) there,you have to take the bus. 3.Tony often spends two hours doing ( do ) his homework. 4.Take a map with you,and you can find the hotel easily ( eas

3、y ). 5.Jim is watching those children playing ( play )basketball.,.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.要去那里,你只需要穿过北街就可以了。To get there,you just need to cross North Street. 2.当我玩游戏时,时间总是过得很快。 When I play games,time always goes quickly . 3.那个女孩看起来像李萍的姐姐。 That girl looks like Li Pings sister. 4.沿着这条街一直走,在第二个十字路口向左转。Go/Wa

4、lk along the street,and turn left at the second crossing. 5.这些猴子总是在山上到处爬。 These monkeys always climb around in the mountains.,.单项填空 ( B )1.Go this street.Youll see a white house on your right. A.at B.downC.to D.cross ( A )2.Is there a pay phone the neighborhood? Yes,its Center Street. A.in;on B.on;o

5、nC.on;in D.on;down ( C )3. to England,I study English hard every day. A.Go B.GoingC.To go D.Goes,( C )4.The children enjoy in the pool in summer. A.swim B.swimsC.swimming D.to swim ( B )5.The old man often watches the white cat the trees. A.climbing B.climbC.playing D.play,.阅读理解 Sue and Linda usuall

6、y go to school by car.They drive past a restaurant,a supermarket and a shop.There is a library next to the supermarket.Jack and Michael usually go to school by bus.They go past a bank and a post office.The bank is next to the post office.Mary usually goes to work by bike.She rides past a library,a h

7、otel and a swimming pool.,( D )1.How many people are there in this passage?A.Two. B.Three.C.Four. D.Five. ( C )2.Where is the bank?A.Its next to a swimming poor.B.Its behind a supermarket.C.Its next to a post office.D.Its between a shop and a restaurant. ( C )3.How does Linda go to school?A.By bike. B.By bus.C.By car. D.By subway.,( A )4.Where does Sue drive past?A.A restaurant.B.A post office.C.A park.D.A swimming pool. ( B )5.How does Michael go to school?A.On foot. B.By bus.C.By bike. D.By car.,


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