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1、1第 10课时 八年级上册 Units 56一、单项选择 1Could you lower your , please? My favorite pop star is singing on TV now.No problem.Amouth BvoiceCsound Dnoise2Our teacher was very happy because failed the examination.Asomebody BnobodyCanybody Deverybody3Ill go to visit my aunt in England the summer holiday starts.Aso

2、 BsinceCuntil Das soon as4A cup fell down to the ground from the desk and the noisy classroom became quiet.Aactually BusuallyCsuddenly Dcarefully5Mrs. Smith planned to go hiking with her friend. But they stayed at homegoing out because of the rainy day.Ainstead of Bthanks toCas for Dsuch as6(2018辽宁鞍

3、山模拟)Last month, Miss Han a doctor.Amarried with Bmarried toCwas married with Dgot married to7I with my friend when my mother came in.Aam talking Bwas talkingCtalked Dam going to talk8Mr. Li reminded us the door when we go out. Ato close BcloseCwill close Dclosing9I hear Daniel has got into great tro

4、uble in managing his bookshop.2Yes. But he never gives up. Its of him to face such a difficult situation.Apolite BclearCbrave Dhelpful10It is nice weather we can go out to have a picnic.Aso; that Bsuch; thatCtoo; to Dsuch; as 二、阅读理解(2016山东日照中考)In 1959, when Jean Harper was in the third grade, her te

5、acher asked them to write a report on what they wanted to be when they grew up. She poured her heart into her report and expressed her dream of becoming an airline pilot. Her paper came back with an “F” on it. The teacher told her it was a “fairy tale”. Jean was completely disappointed. As the years

6、 went by, Jean was beaten down by the discouragement. “Girls cant become airline pilots; never have, never will. Youre crazy.” Finally Jean gave up.In her senior year of high school, her English teacher was Mrs. Dorothy Slaton, a strict teacher with high standards. One day Mrs. Slaton asked this que

7、stion, “What will you do in the future?” Jean felt a rush of the old enthusiasm(热情), and with excitement she wrote down the very old dream right away.The next thing that Mrs. Slaton said changed the course of Jeans life. “I have a little secret for you. You do have unlimited(无限的) abilities and talen

8、ts. When you leave school, if you dont go for your dream, no one will do it for you. You can have what you want if you try!”The hurt and fear of years of discouragement disappeared suddenly. Jean felt thrilled and told her teacher about her dream of becoming a pilot. Mrs. Slaton slapped(敲) the desk

9、top, “Then do it!” she said.So Jean did. It didnt happen overnight. In her 10 years of hard work, even facing all kinds of difficulties, she never gave up her dream.Eventually, Jean Harper became a Boeing 737 captain(机长) of the United Airline Company.1Jeans thirdgrade teacher thought her dream to be

10、 .3Agreat BimpossibleCchallenging Dreasonable2Mrs. Slaton may think that .AJean is not a nice girlBonly some of her students have great abilitiesCa belief helps to realize ones dreamDher students are good enough to enter the best schools3According to the passage, we can infer that .AJeans dream was

11、always in her deep heartBJean didnt go for her dreamCmost people around Jean were for her dreamDJean achieved her dream overnight4What does the underlined word “thrilled” in Paragraph 4 mean?Aexcited BsurprisedCdisappointed Drelaxed5Whats the best title of the passage?AFace DifficultiesBDream the Fu

12、tureCVoice Your DreamDGo for It三、单词拼写根据汉语提示,在横线上写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。1Lots of (旅行者) visited the Great Wall yesterday.2I hope our friendship will last (永远)3It is a (广泛地) accepted truth that the earth moves around the sun.4We have planted many trees (最近)5The Chinese is a (勇敢的) and hardworking people.6When I

13、 was driving behind a truck, it stopped (突然)7I fell (睡着) on the bus to my friends house.8When you (微笑), people think you are friendly and easy to talk to.9Then Bill explained the (全部的) story.410The PE. teacher always said I was (愚蠢的)四、阅读表达阅读下面的短文,根据要求完成文后各小题。Hiram Fong grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii. H

14、e began picking beans when he was only four years old to help support his family. Fong also sold newspapers, shined shoes, and worked as a golf caddy when he was a boy. A golf caddy is a person who carries a players golf clubs.Fong began working in Hawaiis government in 1983. At that time, Hawaii be

15、longed to the United States, but not a state. Fong believed that Hawaiians should be able to take part in making laws for the United States government, just as other Americans could. Fong said Hawaii should be a state of the United States. In 1959, Hawaii became the fiftieth state, and Fong was chos

16、en as one of Hawaiis first two senators(参议员). He became the first AsianAmerican in the United States Senate.As a senator, Hiram Fong supported equal(平等的) rights. For example, he wanted the laws about immigrants(移民) to be fairer. He wanted to improve conditions for workers in factories and businesses

17、. He also believed that women and men should be paid the same for doing the same job. In a lifetime of hard work, Fong found more than personal success. His work helped millions of people.1What is a golf caddy?2When did Fong begin working in Hawaiis government?3The underlined word “AsianAmerican” pr

18、obably means “ ” in Chinese.4Try to put the underlined sentence into Chinese.5Give a proper title to the passage.5参考答案一、15 BBDCA 610 DBACB二、BCAAD三、1.travelers 2.forever 3.widely 4.recently5brave 6.suddenly 7.asleep 8.smile9whole 10.stupid四、1.A golf caddy is a person who carries a players golf clubs.2In 1983.3亚裔美国人4当他只有四岁的时候就开始摘豆子帮助养活他的家庭。5Hiram Fongs Lifetime6


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