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1、1Unit 3 Protecting ourselvesPeriod One Welcome to the unit & Reading.单词拼写1He believes that education as well as _(医疗) treatment is the key to stopping the disease in the future.2The virus is spread in three waysthrough unprotected sex,bloodtoblood _(接触)and mothertochild transmission.3Many people thi

2、nk that HIV and Aids are an _(非洲)problem.4The type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying when caught by the police _(决定)the punishment.5He was so hardworking and efficient in his work that he was very soon _(提拔)6_ (生理上)girls develop much earlier than boys.7My grandfather is over 80 year

3、s old and he is becoming more and more_(健忘的)8When I came back I was really angry to find the room in a _(乱七八糟)答案 1.medical 2.contact 3.African 4.determine 5.promoted 6.Physically 7.forgetful 8mess.翻译与仿写1Sometimes,infected people have no outward symptoms.翻译:_仿写:可能有一些潜在的健康问题还没有表现出来。_答案 有时,感染者没有外部症状。Po

4、tential health problems may be latent and might not have shown as outward symptoms.2As the immune system weakens,it loses the ability to fight illnesses.翻译:_仿写:随着时间的流逝,细节被忘却,主要的轮廓保留下来。 _答案 随着免疫系统的减弱,它失去了同疾病作斗争的能力。As time passes,the details drop away and only the broad outlines remain.3The government

5、 is working hard to control the Aids epidemic,and has opened labs to test and monitor the disease.翻译:_仿写:她很用功,唯恐落在别人后面。 _答案 政府努力工作控制艾滋病传染,并开办了实验室检验和监控这种疾病。2She is working hard for fear(that)she should lag behind others.4All of this makes it clear that something must be done to stop this deadly disea

6、se.翻译:_仿写:这种方法使得我们有可能提前完成任务。_答案 所有这一切很清楚地表明,必须采取措施制止这种疾病。This method makes it possible for us to finish the task ahead of time.5To solve a crime,many people are involved.翻译:_仿写:为了开好这次会议,要涉及许多部门。_答案 为了解决犯罪问题,要涉及许多人。To hold the meeting successfully,many departments are involved.语篇填词I read a TV news sp

7、ecially _1_ on the most epidemic _2_Aids last night.The reporter _3_ an African man taking care of his grandson and granddaughter.Their story was so _4_ that I couldnt keep back my tears.The reporter said that Aids _5_ a persons immune system and that there is no _6_ for it.She also said that people

8、 can become sick easily,so that _7_ illnesses can be very serious.Aids _8_ education is very important,and I think we all have to do our _9_ to support it.If everyone in the world _10_ just a penny on it,we could make a really big difference.答案 1.focused 2.disease 3.interviewed 4.sad5destroys 6.cure

9、 mon 8.prevention 9bit 10.spent.单项填空1It was a pity that the great writer died _ his works unfinished.Afor B with Cfrom Dof答案 B解析 此题考查独立主格结构,即“with名词动词的过去分词” 。2_ is Charlies pen friend?AWhom do you thinkBDo you think whomCDo you think whoseDWho do you think答案 D解析 do you think 作为插入语放在疑问词后,这里疑问词用作主语,故选

10、 D。3To avoid _,the boy didnt tell the truth to his father.Apunishing Bto be punishedCbeing punished Dbeing to punish答案 C解析 avoid doing sth 避免做某事,这里要注意 doing 用被动形式,即“为了避免3被惩罚” 。4Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases.Awhat B which Cthat Dwhere答案 C解析 evidence 作为抽象名

11、词,后面接同位语从句。5Jack was considered _ the big glass of our classroom.A broken BbreakCbroke Dto have broken答案 D解析 consider 表示“认为” ,后接“宾语宾语补足语”结构,后面的动作 break已经发生,所以用完成时态。6How much should I pay for the ice cream?Its my _Achoice Btreat Cpresent Dcharge答案 B解析 Its my treat.我来买单,还可以用 My treat。7Mr Wang treated

12、his students _ his good friends.Aas Bfor Cto Din答案 A解析 treat sb as/to be 把某人当作。8The specific medicine has _ gastric ulcer(胃溃疡)thoroughly and he has never suffered from his stomachache since he took it.Acured him of Btreated him forCled him to Dinformed him of答案 A解析 “用药来治愈某人的疾病”用 cure sb of some illn

13、ess。9He is too pessimistic!I cant _ his pessimistic view of the state of the economy.Asubscribe to Bsubscribe withCdisagree to Ddisagree with答案 A解析 subscribe to 赞同。句意为“他太悲观了!我不赞同他对经济局势的悲观看法”。10He is familiar _ French but Chinese is not familiar _ him.Ato;with Bwith;with Cto;to Dwith;to 答案 D解析 sb be

14、familiar with.某人对熟悉;sth be familiar to sb 某事为某人所熟知。11To her disappointment,what she had devoted herself to _ in nothing but failure. Aresulting BresultsChas resulted Dresulted 答案 D4解析 result 是主句的谓语动词,根据时态需要,要用一般过去式。12_ in her music,the young girl knocked over a pile of books.AHaving deeply absorbedB

15、Deeply absorbingCDeeply having been absorbedDDeeply absorbed答案 D解析 考查非谓语动词。be absorbed in“专心于,全神贯注于” ,在句中要用absorb 的过去分词,作状语。13It is known to all that only _ are persevering can achieve success in the future.Athey BthoseCthose who Dpeople答案 C解析 考查代词与从句连接词的用法,其中 those 做主语,who 引导定语从句,修饰前面的代词 those。14Fr

16、ankly speaking,you dont sing _ your sister.You need more practice.Ahalf as well as Bhalf thanChalf of Das half as答案 A解析 考查英语中倍数的表达。half as well as.“有的一半好” ,as.as 结构中要用原级。其他均不对。15You should have informed me that the lecture was canceled.I _ all the way here through the heavy rain.Amustnt have run Bca

17、nt have runCshouldnt have run Dneednt have run答案 D解析 考查情态动词与完成式的搭配,neednt have done sth 意为“本没必要做某事” ,符合题意。.完形填空I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV.One day,a sociologist proposed that the _1_ society has been consuming modern humans little by little.For fear that I would become a v

18、ictim of the consumer society,I _2_ hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood._3_ the shopkeeper Mr.Johnson was selling me the bicycle,he said, “This is the best thing you _4_ have done.Life has become hopelessly _5_A bicycle is simple,and it brings to you _6_ things:fresh air,sunshine and exerci

19、se.”I agreed.Happy as a child,I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets.After some time,I _7_ at the other end of the town. I was _8_ that this simple vehicle could let me _9_ long distances in a fairly short time.But how _10_ did I really go?Since I hated to be _11_,I went back to Mr. Jo

20、hnson and asked him to _12_ an odometer(里程表 )on my bicycle.He agreed,but _13_, “An odometer 5without a speedometer(速度计 )is like a _14_ without a knife.”I admitted he was right and in a few minutes,the two devices(装置)were _15_ to the handlebars of my bicycle.“What about a horn?”he then asked.“Look,th

21、is horn is no larger than a matchbox and has many _16_ ”Attracted by these functions,I bought the horn.“You cant leave the back part _17_, ”noted Mr. Johnson. He fixed a metal box with buttons _18_ the seat,and said, “Is there anything better than this oven when you feel _19_ on your way?I can give

22、you a special discount.”I was not strong enough to _20_ the offer.“I congratulate you once more;this is the best thing you could have done, ”said Mr.Johnson in the end.1A.adult Bhuman Cconsumer D bachelor答案 C解析 考查名词辨析。根据本句中的 consuming 和下句中的 consumer society 可知,答案为 C。consumer society 意为“消费社会” 。A 项意为

23、“成人” ,B 项意为“人类” ,D项意为“单身” ,都与语境和文章主题不符。2A.eventually BimmediatelyCreluctantly Dgratefully答案 B解析 考查副词辨析。根据本句中的 hurried 并结合语境可知,我立即赶到附近的自行车商店,B 项意为“立即” ,符合语境;A 项意为“最后,终于” ,C 项意为“不情愿地” ,D 项意为“感激地” ,都与语境不符。3A.Although BBecause CAs DUnless答案 C解析 考查连词辨析。根据语境可知,当老板在卖自行车给我的时候说,C 项意为“当时候” ,符合句意,故 C 项正确。A 项意为

24、“尽管 ”,B 项意为“因为” ,D 项意为“除非” ,都与句意不符。4A.would Bshould Cmust Dcould答案 D解析 考查情态动词辨析。根据语境可知,该句意为“这是你所能做到的最好的事” 。could have done 意为“能够做到的” ,与语境相符,故 D 项正确。A 项意为“愿意” ,B 项意为“应当” ,C 项意为“必须” ,都与语境不符。5A.boring BcomplicatedCstressful Dtough答案 B解析 考查形容词辨析。根据下句中的 A bicycle is simple.并结合语境可知,该句意在表达:生活是很复杂的,而自行车是简单的

25、。B 项意为“复杂的” ,符合句意;A 项意为“令人厌烦的” ,C 项意为“有压力的” ,D 项意为“艰苦的” ,都与语境不符。6A.natural Bmysterious Ccomplex Dunique答案 A解析 考查形容词辨析。根据本句中的 fresh air,sunshine and exercise 可知,这6些都是“自然的” ,A 项意为“自然的” ,符合句意;B 项意为“神秘的” ,C 项意为“复杂的” ,D 项意为“独一无二的” ,都与语境不符。7A.gave up Bbroke down Ccalmed down Dended up答案 D解析 考查动词短语辨析。该句意为“

26、一段时间之后,我抵达小镇的另一头” 。D 项意为“以而告终,结束” ,符合句意。A 项意为“放弃” ,B 项意为“发生故障” ,C 项意为“平静下来” ,都与语境不符。8A.amazed Bamused Cconfused Dconcerned答案 A解析 考查形容词辨析。根据语境可知,对于这么简单工具的作用,我感到很惊奇。A 项意为“惊奇的”符合句意。B 项意为“愉快的” ,C 项意为“困惑的,不解的” ,D 项意为“关注的” ,都与语境不符。9A.march Bdrive Ccover Dmeasure答案 C解析 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,该句意为“这种简单的工具在如此短的时间内能够让

27、我行驶如此长的路程” ,cover long distances 意为“经过漫长的路程” ,故 C项正确。A 项意为“行军” ,B 项意为“驾驶” ,D 项意为“测量” ,都与语境不符。10A.far Blong Cfast Ddeep答案 A解析 考查形容词辨析。根据第二段第一句中 an odometer 可知,我安装了里程表,是想知道我实际上行驶了多远,A 项意为“远的” ,符合句意,故 A 项正确。B 项意为“长的” ,C 项意为“快的” ,D 项意为“深的” ,都与语境不符。11A.unreliable BimpracticalCunprepared Dinaccurate答案 D解析

28、 考查形容词辨析。根据语境可知,我在自行车上装里程表,是因为我想知道精确的里程。D 项意为“不准确的” ,与 hated 连用,符合句意,故 D 项正确;A 项意为“不可靠的” ,B 项意为“不适用的” ,C 项意为“没有准备的” ,都与语境不符。12A.fix Bcheck Crepair Dlay答案 A解析 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,该句意为:我回去找 Johnson 先生,在自行车上安装了一个里程表。A 项意为“安装” ,符合句意。B 项意为“检查” ,C 项意为“修理” ,D 项意为“放置” ,都与语境不符。13A.swore Badded Creplied Dconcluded答

29、案 B解析 考查动词辨析。根据该句中的 but 并结合语境可知,他又补充说了些话,B 项意为“补充,增加” ,符合语境;A 项意为“发誓” ,C 项意为“回答” ,D 项意为“总结” ,都与语境不符。14A.pencil Bfork Cbox Dcake答案 B解析 考查名词辨析。该句意为:有里程表没有速度计,就如有刀却无叉。B 项意为“叉” ,符合句意。15A.distributed BconvertedCapplied Dattached7答案 D解析 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,这两种装置被绑在把手上,D 项意为“绑上,系上” ,符合句意。A 项意为“分配” ,B 项意为“转换” ,C

30、项意为“申请” ,都与语境不符。16A.shapes Bsizes Cfunctions Dmodels答案 C解析 考查名词辨析。根据下句中的 Attracted by these functions 可知,这种喇叭虽小,功能却有很多。C 项意为“功能” ,符合句意。17A.loose Bblank Cbare Dincomplete答案 C解析 考查形容词辨析。根据语境可知,该句意为:“你不能让后座部位空着” 。C 项意为“空的,无遮蔽的” ,符合语境。A 项意为“松散的” ,B 项意为“空白的” ,D 项意为“未完成的” ,都与语境不符。18A.beside Bbefore Cbelow

31、 Dbehind答案 D解析 考查介词辨析。根据常理可知,自行车的后座当然在自行车座位的后面。D 项意为“在后面” ,故 D 项正确。19A.sick Bhungry Chot Dthirsty答案 B解析 考查形容词辨析。根据本句中的 oven 可知,老板意在推销烤箱,理由是在回家的路上可能会饿。B 项意为“饥饿的” ,符合句意。20A.consider Bwithdraw Cmake Dresist答案 D解析 考查动词辨析。根据最后一段可知,老板推销成功,我无法拒绝他的推销。D项意为“抵抗,拒绝” ,符合句意。A 项意为“考虑” ,B 项意为“收回” ,C 项意为“做” ,都与语境不符。

32、Period Two Word Power & Grammar and Usage.短语填空stay away from;break the habit;give up;stay up late;all day long;be short for;to conclude;discriminate against;letter by letter;known as1Samuel Clemens,_ Mark Twain,was a famous American writer.2Why did you _ school?3We read in two ways:a new or unknown

33、word is spelled out _4I wish I could _ smoking.5Laws are needed which do not _ anyone.6_,it was a great success.7Doing anything _ will come to nothing but get us bored.8I am going to _ to finish my paper.9It is a pity to _ the job.810USA _ the United States of America.答案 1.known as 2.stay away from

34、3.letter by letter 4.break the habit of 5.discriminate against6To conclude 7.all day long 8.stay up late9give up 10.is short for.翻译句子1教育是我们可以用来同艾滋病作斗争的强大武器。(a powerful weapon)_答案 Education is a powerful weapon we can use to fight Aids.2艾滋病是一种致命疾病。(a deadly disease)_答案 Aids is a deadly disease.3艾滋病病人

35、不应该另外遭受歧视的痛苦。(additional pain)_答案 Aids patients shouldnt suffer the additional pain caused by discrimination.4不要在公共场所吐痰。(in public) _答案 Dont spit in public.5她太老了,已经失去了劳动能力。(lose the ability)_答案 She is so old that she has lost the ability of labour.单项填空1It is difficult to judge what words are _ and w

36、hat words are not.Aworth to look upBworth being looked upCworth looking upDworthy of looking up答案 C解析 短语 be worth 后面要求跟动名词形式,且用主动形式表示被动的意思,而 be worthy 后的结构为 of being done 或 to be done。2The brake of your bicycle has come loose.Youd better _ it.Asettle Bfix Cpick Dcorrect答案 B解析 考查动词的辨析。前一句话说明自行车闸松了,因此

37、这里使用动词 fix,表示“加固;拧紧”的意思。3The road sign is easy to read;the words _ well.Acome out Bstand out Cgo out Dkeep out答案 B解析 短语 stand out 的意思为“突出;显眼;醒目” 。4On the opposite wall _ dozens of pictures _ two maps of China.Ahang;includingBis hung;together with9Care hanged:withDare hanging;as well as答案 A解析 句意:对面墙上

38、挂着十几张画,其中包括两张中国地图。5The question _ we can get enough coal for the winter has not been cleared up yet.Athat BifCwhich Dwhether答案 D解析 考查同位语从句的引导词的用法。根据句子“has not been cleared up yet”判断,此处使用 whether,表示“是否”的意思。6The computers made by our company sell best,but several years ago no one could have imagined t

39、he role in the markets that they _Awere playing Bwere to playChad played Dplayed答案 B解析 句意:几年前没有人能够想象到计算机在市场中将会扮演的角色。be to do sth 表示将来的动作。7The reason _ she missed school this morning was _ she had to look after her sick grandpa.Awhy;that Bbecause;whyCthat;because Dwhich;that答案 A解析 reason 后面是个定语从句,was

40、 后面是个表语从句。reason 作先行词时,关系副词用 why;reason 作主语时,后面的表语从句只能用 that 引导,故答案为 A。8The year 1959 _ the first appearance of a real flying ship in the world.Asaw Bwatched Ccame Dtook答案 A解析 句意:1959 年见证了世界上第一艘飞船的出现。此处为拟人的手法。9Not only _ to leave his homeland,but _ taken away.Ahe was forced;was everything he hadBwas

41、 he forced;everything he had wasCwas he forced;was everything he hadDhe was forced;everything he had was答案 B解析 not only. but(also)连接的并列句,not only 放到句首引起句子部分倒装。10Not only I and Mary but also Jane _ having one exam after another.Ais tired of Bare tired ofCis tired with Dare tired with答案 A解析 be tired o

42、f“厌倦;厌烦” ; be tired with“因而疲劳” 。not only. 10but also 句型的主谓一致遵循就近一致的原则,故该句话的主语为 Jane。11It made many countries angry _ America,without the _ from the UN,started a war in Iraq.Athat;permission Bwhich;permitCwhich;permission Dthat;permit答案 A解析 第一空为 that 引导的主语从句,陈述事实,it 为形式主语。名词 permission为不可数名词,表示“许可,同意

43、”的意思,而 permit 为可数名词,意思为“通行证” 。12Your face seems _Ive probably met you here before.Afamiliar Bknown Csimilar Dalike答案 A解析 familiar 熟悉的;similar 相似的。13Im sure the red team will _ the game over the blue team.Awin BbeatCdefeat Dsucceed答案 A解析 动词 win 的宾语为“比赛;奖项”等,而 beat 的宾语为“人或运动队” 。14They spend the money

44、on themselves rather than _ it to their families.Ato contribute BcontributedCcontributing Dhaving contributed答案 C解析 rather than 的前后为对比的并列关系,所以应根据前面的谓语动词 spend 来使用动名词形式,构成 spend money doing sth 结构。15The longlasting meeting,filled with arguments and quarrels,ended in disorder,_ no agreements.Areached Bto reachCreaching Dwould reach答案 C解析 此处为动名词形式作伴随状语。.阅读理解The bad condition of the economy has us all thinking about ways that we can make a living.Why not start


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