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1、,高中英语选修10译林版,Unit 4 Law and order,“Wanted by the FBI.”To the murderer,or the bank robber,these are the most frightening words in the world.When the criminal(罪犯)hears them,he knows that six thousand trained persons are after him. Why should he be so afraid?There are hundreds of cities and thousands o

2、f villages where he can hide.There are large forests and deserts where he can lose himself.Besides hes usually rich with stolen money.,Money can make it easier to hide.With money,the criminal can pay a dishonest doctor to operate on his face and make him hard to recognize.Money can pay for a hideout

3、 in some faroff place.But the criminal knows what happened to public enemies such as John Dillinger,Baby Face Nelson,and Machine Gun Kelly.They had plenty of money and good hideouts.Yet one by one they were found by the men of the FBI. They know every trick the criminal knows and many more.If he mak

4、es just one mistake,theyll get him.Thats why,the man who is hunted cant sleep.Thats why he becomes nervous,why he jumps at every sound.When he makes a mistake,hell no longer be“wanted by the FBI”Hell have been caught.The FBI began on May 10,1924.Attorney General Harlan FStone chose JEdgar Hoover,a y

5、oung lawyer in the Department of Justice,to head the new agency(机构)“What we need is a wholly new kind of police force,”he said.“Criminals today are smart.They use stolen cars and even planes to make their gateways.They have learned to open,any lock.The criminal would have discovered science.We cant

6、beat them with old methods.We have to train officers to work scientifically.”JEdgar Hoover quietly went ahead with his plans.He picked his men carefully.They had to be between the ages of twentyfive and thirtyfive.He wanted only men with good manners and good character.When working as his officers t

7、hey would have to meet all kinds of people.Hoover wanted men who could handle a teacup as well as a gun.He chose men so carefully that he made the FBI the hardest service in the,world to get into.The FBI cannot help in every police problem.It can look into only certain crimes against the government.

8、Solving all other crimes is the duty of local police forces.,1Before he worked with the FBI,J.Edgar Hoover was a _Apoliceman BlawyerCteacher Dgeneral,2A man who can“handle a teacup as well as a gun”has both _Acourage and mannersBstrength and kindnessCwisdom and energyDability and humor答案 1.B 2.A,Per

9、iod One Welcome to the unit & Reading,高中英语选修10译林版,.Words: 1_adj.理论的 _ n理论 2_ vt.下载 n已下载的数据资料 3_ vt.删去,删除 4_ n(计算机)文件;档案 5_ adj.冒犯的,攻击性的 _ vt. & vi.冒犯;犯罪 _ n罪犯 6_ n仇恨 _ v憎恨,theoretical,theory,download,delete,file,offensive,offend,offender,hatred,hate,7_n财产 8_ vt.评估;计算 _ n评估_自我评估 9_ n支票 10_ adj.适宜的;成熟

10、的 11_ n公司;商行 adj.坚定的 _adv.坚定地 12_n(计算机)数据库 13_vt.& vi.泄露;渗漏 _ n漏洞;泄露 14_adj.机密的 15_n嫌疑犯 _vt.怀疑(某人有罪等),property,assess,assessment,Self-assessment,cheque,ripe,firm,firmly,database,leak,leak,confidential,suspect,suspect,16_ n签证 17_n合作 _v合作 18_ vt.起草;选派 _ n草稿,草案 19_ vt. & vi.商定 20_n申请者 _v申请_ n求职,申请,应用 2

11、1_vt.使成为必要;涉及;(使)参加_adj.有牵连的,visa,cooperation,cooperate,draft,draft,negotiate,applicant,apply,application,involve,involved,.Phrases: 1_知识财产 2_银行账户 3_ (与)合作,联合 4_保持,不落后 5_违法 6_强行进入 7_无疑地;很可能 8_与相联系,intellectual property,bank account,join forces,keep up,break the law,break into,no doubt,relate to,.Fas

12、t Reading: 根据Reading选择最佳答案 1The Paragraph 4 mainly tells us about _Aa survey conducted by the Computer Security InstituteBan increasing number of online cases cheating people of moneyConline cases cheating large companies of moneyDsome statistics about cybercrime,2Little is known about cybercrime be

13、cause _Athe situation is really too badBmany companies are unwilling to report the casesCcompanies fear they will lose customersDcompanies are sure they can protect their customers money,3According to the Reading,which of the following statements is true?AThe Internet has expanded for one hundred ye

14、ars.BThe thief has no chance to steal something through the Internet.CAnyone can make money through the Internet.DFighting cybercrime requires great efforts.,4When people receive emails,they _Amust be cheated of some moneyBmust be involved in the cybercrimeCmay receive computer virusesDmust classify

15、 these emails and send money to others 5When the big companies databases or money are stolen,_Aall of them report the cases to the policeBonly the customers report the cases to the policeCmany of the companies dont find the stealingDthe companies often pay the thieves money to keep the contents,6Fro

16、m the Reading we can learn that _Afighting cybercrime need the Council of EuropeBteamwork is the key to dealing with cybercrimeCthe cybercrime only takes place in the USA, Canada,Japan and South AfricaDthe Internet in the USA is very safe答案 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.B,.Careful Reading: 根据Reading中的内容完成表格

17、,每空一词,答案 1.more 2.regarding 3.legal 4.laws 5holes 6.against 7.but 8.foreign 9.Conclusion 10.difficulty,1Fighting this kind of crime,which is called cybercrime,requires great effort and _ many countries working together.打击被称为网络犯罪的这种犯罪,需要极大的努力并牵涉到各国的通力协作。归纳拓展involve vt.使专注于;使参加;拖累;牵涉involved adj.有牵连的;

18、受影响的involvement n参与,Key Words,involves,语境感悟 (1)She _ reading her favourite novel.她专注地读着她最喜欢的小说。 (2)The goal is _in the decisionmaking process.目标是使工人们参与到决策过程中来。 (3)This project calls for the _the local government.这个工程需要地方政府的参与。,involved herself in,to involve workers,involvement of,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子这起严重的事故

19、涉及9辆汽车和2辆卡车。_ (2)单项填空There is a new problem _ in the popularity of private cars _ road conditions need to be improved.Ainvolving,that Binvolved,thatCinvolved,where Dinvolving,which,The serious accident involved 9 cars and 2 trucks.,答案 B 解析 be involved in意为“涉及”,此处应使用involved作后置定语。第二空应选that,引导同位语从句。,2

20、Committing crime online is no longer a _ possibility,and we are facing criminals who realize that by doing so,they can make money with little risk of being caught.进行网络犯罪已经不再是理论上有可能性,我们正面临着这些犯罪分子,这些犯罪分子以为这样做可以挣钱而几乎没有被捕的风险。归纳拓展theoretical adj.理论上的;理论的theoretically adv.理论地theory n理论;原理;学说,theoretical,语

21、境感悟 (1)In college I will study _ physics.在大学我将学习理论物理学。 (2)A _ basis is necessary when one wants to learn a lot about a certain subject.当一个人想要就某一学科多学些东西时,理论基础是必要的。,theoretical,theoretical,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子你说的理论上是正确的。_进化论在这个领域是流行的。_,What you said is theoretically right.,The theory of evolution is popular i

22、n this field.,(2)单项填空For me,the book is too _;I need a practical guide.Atheoretical BabstractCdifficult Dartificial答案 A解析 theoretical与下文的practical形成对比。句意为“对我来说,这本书理论性太强;我需要一本实用手册”,故选A。,3In many other cases,company databases or customer secrets are stolen,and the companies must pay the thieves money

23、to keep them from _the contents.在另外的许多案例中,公司的数据库或顾客资料被盗,这些公司必须向窃贼付钱让他们不要泄露这些资料。归纳拓展(1)leak v(气体、液体等)漏,渗;使泄露,泄露(秘密等)。(2)“泄露”的其他英语表达:let out泄露make sth public/known使某事公开/泄露give away泄露,leaking,语境感悟 (1)They _the information to the press.他们把消息透露给了新闻界。 (2)The ship _badly.船漏得很厉害。 (3)The news _消息泄露出去了。 即时跟踪

24、(1)翻译句子别把这个计划泄露给新闻界。_这个消息很快被公开了。_,have leaked,was leaking,has leaked out,Dont let out the plan to the press.,The news was soon made public,(2)单项填空It seems water _ from this tap for some time.Ahad leaked Bis leakingCleaked Dhas been leaking答案 D解析 leak(气体、液体等)漏。句意为“似乎水从这个水龙头一直流,已经流了一段时间了”。,4Cybercrime

25、 is a relatively new term that refers to any computerrelated criminal _网络犯罪是一个相对较新的词语,指任何与电脑相关的犯罪。归纳拓展offence n犯罪,冒犯;罪过offend vt. & vi.冒犯;犯罪offender n罪犯offensive adj.冒犯的,令人不愉快的,n.攻击,offence,易混辨析 offence/crime/guilt,语境感悟 (1)What he said _他说的话令人不快。 (2) _was meant.并没有冒犯的意思。 (3)They _the naughty boy for

26、 his conduct.他们因为这个淘气的男孩子的行为而对他生气。 即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子由于他是初犯,我们将原谅他的错误。_,is offensive,No offence,are offended by,Because he is a first offender,we will forgive his mistake.,(2)单项填空Because it was his first _,the punishment wasnt too severe.Aoffence BcrimeCguilt Dcommitment答案 A解析 offence指轻一点的犯罪,与first搭配,表示“初

27、犯”。句意为“由于他是初犯,惩罚较轻”,故选A。,5It is also important to draft new laws and _ international _for fighting cybercrime.起草新的法律并商讨打击网络犯罪的国际标准也很重要。归纳拓展negotiate vt. & vi.洽谈;协定,协商negotiate with.与谈判,达成,谈成,negotiate,standards,语境感悟 (1)They _a peace treaty.他们最终谈判达成了一个和平条约。 (2)We _the school administration about the

28、tuition increase.我们与校方协商学费上涨问题。,finally negotiated,negotiated with,即时跟踪 单项填空 It is clear that in modern society high _ and demands are placed on teachers. Amotivations Bexpectations Cstandards Dopportunities 答案 B 解析 考查名词词义辨析。句意:显然,在现代社会人们对教师有很高的期望和要求。motivation动机;expectation期望,要求;standard标准;opportun

29、ity机会。结合句意,此处选用expectations。,6Information relating to _,staff and the workings of our company are private and confidential.与我们公司的申请者、工作人员和公司的工作有关的信息都是私人的、保密的。归纳拓展applicant n申请者apply v申请;使用;应用application n求职;申请;应用apply for申请;apply to sb for sth为某事向某人申请;apply to.对适用;apply oneself to.专心致力于,applicants,注

30、意 在使用过程中我们常用apply for表示“申请”,若表示“ 向某人申请”则用apply to sb。 语境感悟 (1)There were _the job.有500多人申请这份工作。 (2)Further information is available _the principal.申请书请交校长,届时将提供详情。,over 500 applicants for,on application to,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子你应该当面/写信申请。_ (2)单项填空The book didnt _ children probably because it employed too man

31、y scientific terms.Aapply to Battend toCintend to Dattach to答案 A解析 apply to适用于;attend to照料,处理;intend to do打算做;attach to与有联系,故答案为A。,You should apply in person/by letter,1Firstly,the council lists crimes _security,such as hacking(illegally accessing other peoples computers and files through an Interne

32、t connection)and spreading computer viruses.首先,欧洲议会列出了涉及与安全相关的犯罪,如黑客行为(通过因特网非法访问他人的电脑和文件)和传播电脑病毒。归纳拓展relate to与相联系,与有关relate vt. & vi.相关;涉及,把联系起来,常与介词to搭配,Key Phrases,related to,relative n亲属/戚 adj.有关系的;有关的 relation n关系;联系;亲属 relate.to.把和联系起来 be related to和有关系/联系 in relation to和联系起来;关于;涉及 strange to

33、relate说也稀奇,语境感悟 (1)I cant _ what he does _ what he says.我无法把他做的和他说的联系起来。 (2)I have a lot to say _ that affair.关于那件事我有许多话要说。 (3)Dont you concern about the discussion _your career?难道你不关心这个涉及你事业的讨论吗?,relate,to,in relation to,related to,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子他和我家有亲戚关系。_说起来奇怪,有一次我在巴黎遇见了史密斯。_,He is related to my fa

34、mily.,Strange to relate,I once met Smith in Paris.,(2)单项填空Facing the global financial crisis,the Chinese government has taken many measures _ peoples life to deal with it.Arelated Brelated toCrelating Drelating to答案 B解析 考查非谓语动词。related to意为“与有关”,答案为B。,2The technical skills of these criminals are amo

35、ng the best in the world,which means that governments must join forces to _with the advances in technology used by the criminals.这些罪犯的技术水平在世界上属于先进水平,这意味着政府必须集中力量跟上罪犯所运用的先进的技术。归纳拓展keep up保持步速,不落后;使保持良好状态;保持(情绪等)keep up with与保持联系,跟上,keep up,keep back隐瞒 keep to oneself保守秘密 keep on doing sth持续不断地做某事 kee

36、p off使不接近 keep away不接近;阻止(某人)走近,语境感悟 (1)Dont walk so fast.I _不要走得这样快。我跟不上! (2)My sister _me questions.我的妹妹不断问我问题。 (3)He told us the whole story but _the names.他告诉了我们整件事,但隐瞒了人名。,cant keep up!,kept on asking,kept back,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子 蔬菜短缺,价格居高不下。_ 他走得太快,他的儿子跟不上了。_ (2)单项填空Would you slow down a bit,please?

37、I cant _ you.Akeep up with Bput up withCmake up to Dhold on to答案 A解析 keep up with sb跟上某人。,The shortage of vegetables kept the prices up.,He walked too fast and his son could not keep up.,3A survey conducted in 2002 by the Computer Security Institute,a private organization in the USA,showed that 90 p

38、er cent of the 503 biggest companies and government departments questioned had had their security systems _in the previous year;about 80 per cent of them had lost millions of dollars.美国的一家私人机构,电脑安全协会,2002年进行的一项调查表明,在被调查的503家最大的公司和政府部门中,有90%的单位安全系统在前一年遭到入侵;大约80%的单位损失了数百万美金。,broken into,break into强行进入

39、某处;突然开始(大笑、唱歌、欢呼等)。 break up解散,驱散,分解,分手;break down抛锚,出故障,毁掉,坍塌,崩溃;break in强行闯入,打岔;break out(疾病、战争、火灾等)突然爆发;break away from与脱离关系。break off停止。,归纳拓展,语境感悟 (1)His house _last week.上周有人闯入了他的房屋。 (2)As the presidents car arrived,the crowd _loud applause.总统的汽车到达时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。,was broken into,broke into,即时跟踪

40、(1)翻译句子 他一句话只说了一半就停住了。_ 行窃者计划洗劫银行。_,He broke off in the middle of a sentence.,The thieves planned to break into a bank.,(2)单项填空The criminal _ from the policeman who was holding him.Abroke off Bbroke awayCbroke up Dbroke down答案 B解析 句意为“这名罪犯从那名抓住他的警察手中逃脱”。break off突然结束,中断;break away from从逃脱,脱离;break u

41、p分裂,解体;break down分解,抛锚,出毛病,故答案为B。,A survey conducted in 2010 by the Computer Security Institute,a private organization in the USA,showed that 45.6 percent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies _in the previous year.美国的一家私人机构,计算机安全协会,于2010年进行的一项调查表明,在351家最大的公司和政府部门中,有45.6%的单位安全系统在前一年遭到

42、入侵。,Key Structures,had had their security systems broken into,归纳拓展 (1)本句的主语为a survey,后接conducted in 2010 by the Computer Security Institute过去分词短语充当定语修饰a survey,a private organization in the USA充当the Computer Security Institute的同位语;谓语为showed,后接that引导的宾语从句,谓语为had had their security systems broken into

43、,结构为have sth done,意为“使某事物遭受破坏情况”。 (2)have作为使役动词,后接复合宾语结构,可用于以下三种结构:,have sth doneget sth done(主语)“使/让某事由别人去做”(叫/让某人做某事)。 Ill have/get my bike repaired tomorrow. 我明天要去修自行车。 此外,have sth done还表示“使遭受”之意。 Tom had his leg broken while playing football. 汤姆踢球时伤了脚。 have sb/sth doing使/让某人/物持续地做某事(现在分词表示主动,正在进

44、行) get sb/sth doing使某人/物开始行动起来,The peasants had the tractor working day and night at the harvest time. 农忙时,农民们让拖拉机夜以继日地工作。 注意 have sb doing若用于否定句,其中have有“容忍”之意,此时句中常有情态动词出现。 I wont have you speaking to your parents like that. 我不会容忍你那样子跟你的父母说话。 have sb do sth让某人干某事,表达“让某人干某事”的常见短语还有: let/make sb do sth,He made the workers work all day. 他让工人整天都工作。 get sb to do sth You can get your little brother to help you. 你可以让你弟弟帮你忙。,


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