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1、,Period Three Task & Project,高中英语选修10译林版,.Words: 1_adj.体贴的 _ vt.考虑,认为 _ n考虑,考察,关心 2_ n(学校的)食堂 3_ n良知 4_ n盖子 5_ adj.无说服力的;瘸的 6_ n暂令停学;暂停,considerate,consider,consideration,cafeteria,conscience,lid,lame,suspension,7_n钱包 8_ vt.使顺利;使光滑 _adj.光滑的 9_ n行李 10_vt.视察;检查 _ n视查 11_vt.进口,输入 _n进口,输入 12_adj.真品的;逼真的

2、 13_ n证书,证明 14_ vt. & vi.补偿;弥补;给(某人)赔偿,purse,smooth,smooth,luggage,inspect,inspection,import,import,authentic,certificate,compensate,.Phrases: 1_面临 2_把告上法庭 3_非法拷贝 4_目前 5_对构成挑战 6_购买盗版 7_知识产权 8_属于 9_内疚,问心有愧,be faced with,take sb to court,illegal copying,at present,pose a challenge to,buy pirated versi

3、ons,intellectual property,belong to,a guilty conscience,10_世界知识产权组织 11_世界贸易组织 12_使生效,实施,the World Intellectual Property Organization,the World Trade Organization,put into effect,.Fast Reading: 根据课文内容选择最佳答案 1What is the definition of intellectual property?AIt is the property that can be sold and boug

4、ht.BIt is ideas that people think out.CIt is inventions that havent been put into practical use.DIt is inventions,writing,artwork,symbols and designs used in business.,2Why are ideas more valuable than many material things?ABecause research and development is very important in todays world.BBecause

5、ideas can often be turned into reality.CBecause if you have good ideas,you will make a great fortune.DBecause ideas are invisible.,3How do you understand the sentence“Many countries are in legal straits now”?AMany countries are legally located in oceansBMany countries lack laws concernedCMany countr

6、ies are developing legally.DMany countries dont have any law at all,4To protect intellectual property,what should we do?ADont buy pirated products,or download music and films illegally.BNever download anything online.CAlways buy products in shops.DDont listen to music online.答案 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A,.Care

7、ful Reading: 根据课文内容填空,每空一词 1Laws have been _ in most countries that make _ illegal to copy intellectual property _ paying the inventor or creator. 2If someone spends his or her time,effort and money _(write)a book,for example,he or she deserves to be paid for it,_ _it is just a draft. 3Because of th

8、is,the Chinese government has added its signature _ several laws _(protect)intellectual property.,4In 2003,_ was estimated that 35 percent of software on computers worldwide was pirated,_ equaled a loss of $29 billion for the original producers. 5If you buy a product _ you think might be pirated,suc

9、h as a designer purse,ask to see a certificate _(show)it to be real. 答案 1.passed it without 2.writing even if 3to protecting 4.it which 5.that showing,1I realize now what I did was not very _现在我意识到了我过去所做的不是很周到。归纳拓展considerate adj.体贴的,体谅的consider vt.认为;把看作,考虑;vi.考虑;细想consideration nU考虑,关心be considere

10、d as(把某人)看作;(被)认为consider doing sth考虑做某事,Key Words,considerate,consider itadj.that.认为做是的 have consideration for.为着想 take.into consideration把考虑在内 under consideration在考虑中 on no consideration决不 out of consideration for.出于对的考虑 in consideration of.考虑到;作为对的回报,易混辨析 consider.as./regard.as./ treat.as.,语境感悟 (

11、1)_to bring me my raincoat. 你为我带来雨衣,真是想得周到。 (2)Shes a very _ 她是一个很懂得体贴和关心的人。 (3)I _ him _ a fool.我把他看作一个傻子。,It was considerate of you,considerate and caring person,consider,as,即时跟踪 翻译句子 (1)他被认为是化学方面最杰出的权威。_ (2)他们不会被当作敌人对待。_,He was regarded as the foremost authority on chemistry.,They will not be tre

12、ated as enemies.,2For example,when you enter a country which is a member of the WTO,your luggage may be _ by customs to make sure that you are not trying to import pirated goods,or the police may check street stands and stops to make sure that the goods they are selling are authentic.例如,当你进入一个世界贸易组织

13、的成员国时,你的行李可能会被海关检查,以确保你没有企图携带侵权物品入境,或者警察会检查街边货摊和商店,以确保它们所出售的商品是正品。,inspected,inspect vt.检查,视察,检阅; inspection n视察;检阅 inspect school 视察学校 inspect troops阅兵 inspect.for.检查是否有,归纳拓展,易混辨析 examine/inspect/investigate/scan examine:最普通用词,可指粗略地查看,也可指仔细观察或调查以确定事物的性质、功能、特点等。 inspect:侧重按一定质量标准检查某物,找出不足或不同之处。 inve

14、stigate:指为发现事实真相或了解掌握情况而进行深入细致的现场考察。 scan:原义是仔细地检查分析,现用于仔细看或浏览。,语境感悟 (1)Two policemen held up a truck _the drivers license.两个警察让一辆卡车停住以便检查司机的驾驶证。 (2)He was instructed _the cargo on the ship and detain such cargo if necessary.他奉命去检查船上所载货物并于必要时扣留该货物。 (3)You _well before you buy it.在买车之前你应该详细检查一番。,so a

15、s to inspect,to inspect,should inspect the car,即时跟踪 翻译句子 (1)教育部部长视察了我们学校。_ (2)船长想检查你的行装。_,The Minister of Education inspected our school.,The captain wants to inspect your kit.,1One of the conditions of belonging to the organization is that these laws must be _by member countries.加入这个组织的条件之一是这些法律必须被

16、成员国实施。归纳拓展put.into effect将付诸实施have an effect on.对有影响cause and effect因果take effect起作用in effect事实上,起作用,Key Phrases,put into effect,语境感悟 (1)We must _as soon as possible.我们必须尽可能快地将这些计划付诸实施。 (2)While men also secrete(分泌)oxytocin,_ _(它的效果减少了)by male hormones. (3)From the letter,the writer learnt _ _从这封信中,

17、作者得知老师对他的学生产生多么大的影响。,put these plans into effect,its effects are,reduced,what great effects a,teacher might have on his students,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子 有些古时的法律现在仍然有效。_ 服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了。_.,Some ancient laws are still in effect,The aspirins soon took effect,(2)单项填空Now the situation is getting worse.We cant ignore

18、 the bad _ inflation is having on the global economy.Aeffect BfailureCresult Dimpression答案 A解析 由have effect on.可知答案为A。,2However,in everyday life,we _ now _ decisions about how to respect intellectual property rights.但是,在日常生活中,我们现在面临着如何尊重知识产权的决定。归纳拓展be faced with.相当于 be in the face of.,表示“面对”。face n脸

19、,面部 vt. & vi.转向;面对;正视facial adj.面部的face(to the)south朝南,are,faced with,in(the)face of面临 look/stare sb in the face正视某人,就在眼前 slap sb in the face打某人耳光 face to face面对面地 lose face丢脸,失面子 face to face with.面对着 face up to勇敢面对(同)be brave enough to deal with make a face做鬼脸,易混辨析 face/appearance/look,语境感悟 (1)_ h

20、as changed greatly.该村的面貌改变了许多。 (2)The house _这所房子面向大海。 (3)Dont give up.You shoul _不要气馁,你应正视困难。,The face of the village,faces the sea,face the difficulty,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子面对困难我们决不能放弃。_ (2)单项填空_ with a difficult situation,Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.ATo face BHaving facedCFaced DFacing答案 C解析

21、此处Faced with a difficult situation相当于Because Arnold was faced with a difficult situation。,In the face of difficulty,never shall we give up.,1When people are speaking,they are _expressing facts and ideas,_revealing something about how they feel.说话的时候,人们不仅表达事实和观点,还揭示他们的感受。归纳拓展(1)这是一个主从复合句,when引导时间状语从句

22、,not only.but also连接并列谓语。(2)not only.but also.不但而且,连接并列的主 语、表语、宾语、状语。,Key Structures,not only,but also,(3)如果并列的是主语,谓语动词和邻近的主语保持一致,即就近原则。同类的词还有:or,either.or,neither.nor.等。 (4)如果连接从句且not only位于句首,则从句采用部分倒装语序。,语境感悟 (1)He is _a teacher _a doctor.他不但是个老师,也是个医生。 (2) _ the nurses want a pay increase,they w

23、ant reduced hours as well.护士们不仅要求提高工资,还要求缩短工作时间。 (3) _ I like reading _I like listening to music.我不但喜欢阅读,而且我还喜欢听音乐。,not only,but also,Not only do,Not only do,but also,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子不但汤姆,而且吉姆也喜欢这部影片。_ (2)单项填空The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only _,but students became more interested in

24、 the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy,Not only Tom but also Jim likes this film.,答案 B 解析 not only前置作状语,句子则进行部分倒装,答案为B。,2I will repay the money _我会尽快还钱归纳拓展(1)as soon as.尽快地;一就,引导时间状语从句。(2)表示“一就”后接时间状语从句的连接词(组)还有:once,the

25、moment,the minute,the second,hardly.when.,directly,immediately/instantly.,no sooner.than.,scarcely.when.等。(3)特殊的时间状语从句连词还有:every time每当,每次;the first time第一次时候, next time下次时。,as soon as I can,语境感悟 (1)She gave a ring to her mother _ she landed in Japan.她一到日本就给她妈妈打电话了。 (2)We _supper _ we began to repai

26、r the machine._we had supper _we began to repair the machine.我们一吃过晚餐就开始修机器了。 (3)_,I cant help recalling my childhood in the countryside.每当看那部电影,我就忍不住回想起在农村度过的童年。,immediately,had no sooner had,than,No sooner had,than,Every time I see the film,即时跟踪 (1)翻译句子他一看见我就朝我跑来。_你下次来上海早点儿给我打电话。_,He ran to me as s

27、oon as he saw me,Call me earlier next time you come to Shanghai.,(2)单项填空Please use this small car for the time being,and Ill offer you a larger one _ I become rich.Aas soon as BunlessCas far as Duntil答案 A解析 as soon as一就,故选A。,如何写应用文 应用文是高考书面表达中考查得最多的体裁。它接近考生的实际生活,易于表达,能充分考查考生的写作水平。其内容常以解脱事物为主,要求把事物的性


29、息,如:时间、地点、参加人、理由、或者是活动内容等。2根据不同的文体采用不同的人称和时态,如日记一般用过去时,通知用一般现在时和将来时等。,下面是一个中学生给某报编辑部写的一封信,仔细阅读并就信的内容以编辑的名义给此中学生回一封信。I am an active girl,and I speak and laugh loudly in the classroom,like a boy.I dont care about small matters.On the contrary,my neighbor,the girl who sits next to me,speaks quietly and

30、 dare not do the things I often do.I can understand this.,【实战演练】,Dear editor,,What I cant stand is that she often gets angry with me about small things.How can I get along with her? Yours, Sunny 注意: (1)书信格式要规范; (2)回信需就原信内容给出至少三条建议(如谈心,相互理解,参加他们的生日等活动,谈论共同话题,分享快乐等等); (3)字数:150左右。,1时态:一般现在时和一般将来时。 2人称

31、:第二人称为主,第一、三人称为辅。 3目的:提出至少三点建议,达到让他们互相理解、和谐相处、互相帮助、共同进步的目的。 4文章布局:三个层次: 肯定想同这女孩交朋友是对的。 三点建议。 相信他们能互相理解并成为朋友。,【写作步骤】 一、谨慎审题,合理谋篇,二、列出要点,初步成稿 1Its good that you want to be friends with this girl. 2Youd better first have a hearttoheart talk with her. 3Its better for you to ask her to join you and your

32、classmates in all kinds of activities. 4Helping each other is also very important for both of you. 5She will understand you in time. 6It is certain you two will be good friends in the future.,三、巧用连接,通顺全篇 【参考范文】 Dear Sunny,Its very good that you want to be friends with this girl.In my opinion,youd be

33、tter first have a hearttoheart talk with her,because understanding each other is very important for you two.And I also think its better for you to ask her to join you and your classmates in all kinds of activities,such as birthday parties,going out for a walk,discussing some fashionable topics,and so on.Besides,,helping each other is also very important for both of you.Just share happiness and sadness with her.And I believe she will understand you in time and it is certain you two will be good friends in the future.Good luck to you. Yours, Editor,再见,

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