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1、1Module 2 语法.单句改错1Yesterday I met Tom.We havent seen for years._2She is sending text messages just now,so she didnt see me._3I had gone to London before._4Jane is here,but I didnt hear she has come until this morning._5During my stay in Beijing,I had visited all the places of interest._6In the past,

2、I have met a lot of difficulty._7He told me in the past two years he gained a lot._8Its time that we go shopping._9He said he left.Would you like to see him off this afternoon?_10They finished the work by the end of last week._答案1haventhadnt 2.iswas 3.gonebeen4has comewas coming 或 haswould 5.去掉 had6

3、去掉 have 7.gained 前面加 had 8.gowent9leftwas leaving 10.finished 前面加 had.用括号中动词的正确形式完成句子1I_(hope) to meet Mr. Thompson this morning but I found nobody left in the room when I came.2When I entered the classroom,the lecture_(begin) and the audience_(listen) carefully and with interest.3As she waited for

4、the medicine report from the doctor,her nervousness_(grow)4Youve agreed to go,so why arent you getting ready?But I_(not realise) that you_(want) me to start at once.5He_(leave) school last year and is now earning his living at an advertising agent.6The reporter said that the UFO_(travel) east to wes

5、t when he saw it.7Come in,Peter.I want to show you something.Oh,how nice of you! I never_(think) you were going to bring me a gift.28I would rather you_(go) shopping tomorrow.9No sooner_I_(leave) my house than it began to rain.10It was the first time he_(be) to Qingdao.答案1had hoped 2.had begun;were

6、listening3grew 4.didnt realise;wanted 5.left6was travelling 7.thought 8.went9had;left 10.had been.用所给动词的正确时态填空When I _1_(walk) into the classroom,the teacher_2_(hand) out the tests.I_3_(feel) very nervous.I had not studied at all at the weekend as I_4_(think) it would be an easy test.I_5_(go) throug

7、h the test many times but I could only answer three out of the twenty questions.I_6_(not want) to fail the exam.Then,I put my book under my desk, opened it and started looking for the answers.The teacher_7_(not look) at me,so I copied something.Suddenly,I felt a hand on my shoulder! The teacher caug

8、ht me cheating.I_8_(not know) what to say.Luckily,the teacher didnt punish me for cheating and instead_9_(give) me a second chance.My teacher said it would be very difficult for me to make progress if I_10_(not work) hard.答案1walked 2.was handing 3.was feeling4had thought 5.went 6.didnt want7wasnt lo

9、oking 8.didnt know 9.gave10didnt work.完形填空It seems that since the arrival of the smart phone in 2007, we have seen the appearance of a new problem, and a _1_ 21stcentury problem. While our world is getting more _2_, people become more disconnected, _3_ our conversation and real human interactions. G

10、enerally, many people are ignoring the person in front of him/her and _4_ their smart phones. Lack of a proper word to describe this phenomenon, however, _5_ us from discussing it and solving it.Now. the “word problem” _6_ exists since a group of lexicologists (词汇学教授) who gathered at University of S

11、ydney, Australia, on 22nd May, 2012, has created a new word for it. _7_ it isphubbing (低头族). This word is a _8_ of Phone and Snub (ignore) and it describes the act of snubbing someone in a _9_ setting by looking at your cell phone instead of _10_. Just on the second day after its _11_, the word had

12、gone viral (popular) in local social conversations. And then it soon championed _12_ with the help of new global movement“Stop phubbing”. Within a year, over 180 countries were using it.While numbers of people were questioning the improper social etiquette, phubbing, another _13_ happened at San Fra

13、ncisco last month. A college student was randomly _14_ by a shooter in a metro carriage. The _15_ fact is that the killer had taken out his pistol many times in front of people, 3_16_ those innocent passengers. But nobody actually had noticed that _17_all of them, obviously, were _18_ by their table

14、ts or smart phones. People were _19_ of the upcoming danger, which _20_ the death of that college student. What an astonishing truth!1. A. technologically B. uniquelyC. specially D. powerfully2. A. separated B. unitedC. connected D. developed3. A. losing B. sharingC. making D. destroying4. A. being

15、interested in B. being addicted toC. getting bored with D. getting concerned about5. A. saves B. bansC. discourages D. prevents6. A. for the time being B. sooner or laterC. no longer D. not at all7. A. Therefore B. HereC. Thus D. Just8. A. contribution B. commitmentC. combination D. composition9. A.

16、 social B. particularC. formal D. regular10. A. showing respect B. taking part C. making progress D. paying attention11. A. settlement B. union C. survival D. invention12. A. alongside B. worldwide C. everywhere D. nationwide13. A. tragedy B. account C. anecdote D. incident14. A. ruined B. injured C

17、. killed D. hanged15. A. amusing B. inspiring C. frightening D. shocking16. A. aiming at B. waving to C. heading for D. throwing at17. A. so B. because C. if D. though18. A. robbed B. welcomed C. attracted D. trapped19. A. ashamed B. short C. afraid D. unaware20. A. resulted from B. lay inC. led to

18、D. made for4答案与解析1B 词义辨析题。句意:自从 2007年智能手机问世以来,一个新的问题,即一个二十一世纪特有的问题随即出现了。technologically“技术上地” ;uniquely“独特地;特有地” ;specially“专门地;专程地” ;powerfully“强大地;强烈地” 。由句意可知,B项正确。2C 逻辑推理题。句意:尽管世界联系越来越紧密,人与人之间的关系却越来越疏远。separated“分开的” ;united“团结的” ;connected“有联系的” ;developed“发达的” 。故选 C项。3A 词义辨析题。lose“失去” ;share“共享

19、” ;make“使得” ;destroy“摧毁” 。根据句意可知选 A项。4B 逻辑推理题。句意:很多人忽视眼前的人,一味地沉迷于手机中。be interested in “对有兴趣” ;be addicted to“沉迷于” ;get bored with“对厌烦的” ;get concerned about“对关心;担忧” 。故选 B项。5D 逻辑推理题。句意:然而,没有一个恰当的词来描述这种现象,这妨碍了我们讨论和解决这个问题。save. from“免除麻烦(做)” ;ban. from“禁止(做)” ;discourage. from“劝阻( 做)” ;prevent. from“阻止

20、 ,妨碍” 。D 项符合题意。6C 词义辨析题。句意:2012 年 5月 22日,一个新的词汇 phubbing(低头族)产生了,所以“词的问题”不复存在了。for the time being“目前;暂且” ;sooner or later“迟早” ;no longer“不再” ;not at all“一点儿也不” 。7B 固定搭配题。Here it is 是习惯用语。8C 固定搭配题。phubbing 是个合成词,是 phone和 snub两个单词各取一部分合成的一个新词,a combination of“的结合” 。9A 词汇复现题。结合下文 in local social conver

21、sations可知,这个新造的词指的是在社会交往环境中一个人低头看手机而不关注眼前与之交谈的人的行为。10D 词义辨析题。show respect“表示尊敬” ;take part“参加” ;make progress“取得进步” ;pay attention“关注” 。11D 逻辑推理题。由第二段笫一句中的 has created a new word可知,phubbing是新创造出来的,D 项符合题意。settlement“定居;解决” ;union“联合;协会” ;survival“幸存;遗物” ;invention“发明” 。12B 逻辑推理题。由下文句意“一年不到,180 多个国家在

22、使用这个词”可知,是世界范围内的。alongside“在旁边” ;worldwide“全世界的” ;everywhere“到处” ;nationwide“全国的” 。故选 B项。13A 逻辑推理题。由后文讲述的惨烈事件可知,这是一个悲情故事。故选 A项。tragedy“悲剧” ;account“解释” ;anecdote“趣闻;轶事” ;incident“事变;小插曲” 。14C 逻辑推理题。由下文 the death of that college student可知,那个大学生被枪杀了。be hanged“被绞死” 。15D 逻辑推理题。句意:杀人犯曾当着众人的面多次拔出手枪,瞄准无辜的乘

23、客。但没有人真正注意到这个现象,因为大家都沉醉于他们的手提电脑或手机,最后导致惨剧发生,这不可谓不骇人听闻。16A 词义辨析题。aim at“用枪指向,瞄准” ;wave to“向挥手致意” ;head for“前往;出发” ; throw at“投向” 。17B 逻辑推理题。由上下文逻辑关系判断,此处表原因。故选 B项。518C 固定搭配题。be robbed of“被剥夺” ;be welcomed by“受欢迎” ;be attracted by“被吸引” ;be trapped in“受困于” 。句意:他们都被电脑或手机吸引。19D 固定搭配题。be ashamed of“对感到羞愧”

24、 ;be short of“缺乏” ; be afraid of“害怕” ; be unaware of“没有意识到” 。由句意可知,D 项正确。20C 词义辨析题。result from和 lie in同义,意为“原因在于” ;lead to“导致;通向” ;make for“前往;有利于” 。由句意可知,C 项正确。.阅读理解Its a too long story8 months to be exactwith an ending thats short and sweet.Ruthie has,finally and happily,been reunited with her fam

25、ily.The story goes back to August,2014.Ruthie,8 months old,was sitting on the back seat of the family car when her owner walked hurriedly into a Long Island store.When Nancy Noel returned a few minutes later,Ruthie was nowhere in sight.Noel and her husband,Lincoln Werden,got in touch with Nassau Cou

26、nty police,put up fliers(传单) around their Manhasset neighborhood.But no sightings of Ruthie were reported.Until last week,that is,someone sent Ruthie to a Manhattan shelter after finding her walking slowly around the Bronx25 miles from where she was taken on that fateful August day.And then,shelter

27、workers searched Ruthie for a possible microchip(微芯片)she had one fixed under her skin.It showed her familys name and address.Ruthie was immediately reunited with Noel and her daughter,Sara Werden.“We never thought we would see her again, ” said Werden.“We were just amazed.”Shes no longer the tiny pu

28、p they last saw.In fact,Ruthie gained 10 pounds during her months away from home.Shes on a diet now,and has already lost one and a half pounds.Ruthie also has a new friend to play with.The family had got another dog, named Holly,after losing the hope of ever finding their beloved Ruthie.1According t

29、o the passage,when did Ruthie get together with her family?AIn August 2014. BIn December 2014.CIn February 2015. DIn March 2015.2According to the passage,Ruthie should be_Aa pet dog that Nancy Noel raised6Bone of Nancy Noels daughtersCone of Hollys sistersDa policeman working for Nancy Noel3The corr

30、ect time order of the following events is_aRuthie was sent to a shelterbRuthie stayed outside a Long Island storecRuthie had a microchip fixed under her skindRuthie reunited with her familyeShelter workers found Ruthies owners addressAb,a,e,c,d Bc,a,e,b,dCb,e,d,a,c Dc,b,a,e,d4Which of the following

31、can be inferred from the passage?ARuthie was stolen by a thief.BRuthie had enough food to eat during those days.CNancy Noel never lost the hope of finding Ruthie.DRuthie had to put on weight after she was found again.答案与解析本文是记叙文。主人进入商店,宠物狗 Ruthie 在商店外的车上等着。但是几分钟后,当主人从商店里出来的时候,却发现宠物狗不见了,主人通过各种途径,利用各种

32、办法都没能找回,于是主人对寻找 Ruthie 失去了信心。出人意料的是,时隔 8个月后,Ruthie 又重新回到了主人身边。1D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的 Its a too long story8 months to be exactwith an ending thats short and sweet.Ruthie has,finally and happily,been reunited with her family.和第二段的第一句 The story goes back to August,2014.可知,Ruthie 和主人团聚是在 2015年 3月,故选 D。2A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的 Ruthie also has a new friend to play with.The family had got another dog,named Holly, .可知 Ruthie 和 Holly都是宠物狗,故选 A。3D 细节理解题。Ruthie 身上被安装微芯片应该发生在带它去商场失踪之前,Ruthie 回家应该在最后发生,故选 D。4B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的第二、三句可知,Ruthie 在她离开家后的几个月里体重增加了 10磅,现在不得不节食,也因此又减掉了 1.5磅,由此可以推断,Ruthie 在走失的几个月里有足够的食物可吃,故选 B


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