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1、17下 Unit 5 知识点归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 5657)1 amazing things 令人惊奇的事2 a UFO 一个飞碟3 come on 过来,加油4 look at its bright lights 看它明亮的光5 the lights on the plane 飞机上的灯6 sleep with their eyes open 睁着眼睛睡觉7 Our eyes are the same size from birth. 我们的眼睛和出生时一样大。8 Our nose and ears never stop growin

2、g. 我们的鼻子和耳朵从没有停止生长。9 300 times larger than the Earth 比地球大 300 倍10 in the back of the elephants feet 在大象的脚背上11 Isnt that amazing? 那不是很令人惊奇吗?Reading (P. 5860)1 the ghost in the park 公园里的鬼2 one Sunday morning 一个星期日早晨3 go to Sunshine Park 去阳光公园4 as usual 像往常一样5 hear a whisper from the bushes 听到来自灌木丛的低语声

3、6 turn around 转身7 see nothing 什么也没看见8 leave the park quickly 很快离开公园9 on their way home 在他们回家的路上10 happen to sb 发生在某人身上11 reply to sb. 答复某人12 ask for 请求、要13 tell Andy everything 告诉安迪一切14 stand beside the tree 站在树旁15 listen carefully 认真听16 search the bushes 搜查灌木丛17 Here it is. 它在这儿18 say to oneself 自言

4、自语19 find a little cat 找到一只小猫20 a little milk 一点牛奶21 sound like a whisper 听起来像低语声22 pick up the little cat 捡起小猫23 pick it/them up 把它/它们捡起来24 go to find Millie 去找到米莉25 later that day 那天晚些时候26 take the little cat to the animal centre 把小猫带到动物中心27 say something happily 高兴地说某事28 find out 查明、弄清楚229 go awa

5、y 走开30 shout at somebody 向某人大叫31 look carefully for sth 仔细寻找某物32 run away 逃跑33 tell Andy about the strange sound 告诉安迪关于奇怪的声音34 go back to the park 回到公园35 give the little cat to Amy 把这个小猫给了艾米Grammar (P. 6162)1 the Fun World Museum 趣味世界博物馆2 take a lot of photos 拍许多照片3 some of us 我们中一些人4 stop doing st

6、h 停止做某事5 buy cards of the animals 买动物卡片6 come back to school 回到学校7 A small monkey is only 11 centimetres tall. 一只小猴子只有 11厘米高。8 what else =what other things 其它什么?9 learn about some strange birds like dodos 了解一些像渡渡鸟一样奇怪的鸟(的知识)10 live on the earth 生活在地球上11 a long time ago 很久以前Integrated Skills (P. 6364

7、)1 talk about animals 谈论动物2 have a very long neck 有一个很长的脖子3 have only 7 bones in its long neck 长 脖子里只有 7根骨头 4 live on the ground, in trees or in water. 生活在地上、树上或水里 5 eat little or noth ing for months 数月吃得很少或甚至不吃 6 in cold winter 在寒冬7 live in very dry places 生活在很干燥的地方8 live without water for a long t

8、ime. 没有水能生存很长时间 9 Ants can smell things well. 蚂蚁能很好地嗅到东西。10 be surprised to know 很惊讶地知道11 It is interesting that. 是有趣的。12 I know that +句子. 我知道。13 need to keep our house clean 需要保持我们的房子干净14 Im not afraid of animals any more. 我不再害怕动物。15 hear of a young man 听说一个年轻人16 travel around over 80 countries by

9、bicycle 骑自行车周游 80多个国家17 read about a man 读关于一个人(的文章)18 the other day 前几天19 onethe other 一个另一个20 write with one hand and draw with the other . 用一只手写字,另一只手画画儿 21 at the same time 同时22 know about an artist 了解一位艺术家23 draw 3-D pictures with chalk 用粉笔画三维图片324 this afternoon 今天下午25 talk to/with her 和她交谈26

10、I hope +句子. 我希望。27 watch a short film 看一个短电影28 show a lot of amazing things 展示许多令人惊奇的事情29 let me come with you 让我跟你一起来Task (P. 6 667)1 get its name from a man called John 得名于一个叫 John的男人2 l ove playing cards very much 非常喜欢打牌3 stop for lunch=stop to have lunch 停下来吃午餐4 put meat between two pieces of br

11、ead 把肉夹在两块面包之间5 eat the same food 吃同样的食物6 become popular 变得受欢迎7 the first TV show 第一个电视节目8 by 1935 在 1935年前9 in use 在使用10 in 1926 在 1926年11 per 100 families 每 100个家庭12 most families 大多数家庭13 at least/ at most 至少/至多14 Now TVs can be as large as 152 inches. 现在电视有 152英寸大。15 We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things.我们生活在有许多奇妙事物的美好世界里。


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