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1、17下 Unit 8 知识点归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 9293)1 bring sb sth=bring sth to sb 带某物给某人2 bring me something to eat 给我拿点吃的东西来 3 How rude you are! 你真没礼貌!4 should say “please” 应该说“请”5 watch sb do sth/doing sth 看某人做某事/正在做某事6 watch them swim around 看它们游来游去7 watch them playing football 看他们在踢足球8 s

2、leep on my knees 睡在我的膝盖上9 hold it in my hand 把它握在我的手里10 feed her carrots/feed carrots to her 喂她胡萝卜11 play with him in the park 和他在公园里玩12 teach him to speak 教他说话13 teach sb how to do sth 叫某人怎样做某事14 teach us Maths 教我们数学teach oneself sth=learn sth bv oneself 自学Reading (P. 9496)1 poems about pets 关于宠物的诗

3、2 My dog is the cleverest o all the animals. 我的狗是所有动物里最聪明的。3 My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 我的狗是所有动物里最聪明的。4 run after a ball 追赶一只球5 with eyes open wide 睁大眼睛6 do wonderful tricks 耍精彩的把戏7 build sb sth=build sth for sb 为某人建造某物8 build me camps out of ticks 用树枝为我搭帐篷9 fight with sb 和某人打架10 my best

4、 friend 我最好的朋友11 look after sb (well) =take (good) care of sb(好好)照顾某人12 till the end 直到最后13 dont need a bed 不需要一张床14 bark at sb 对某人吠叫15 She isnt any trouble. 她一点也不麻烦。16 make some trouble 惹麻烦17 We neednt/dont have to feed her much. 我们不需要喂她许多。18 need a gentle touch 需要温柔的抚摸19 rhyme with 和押韵20 do other

5、things 做其他的事情21 look around for me 到处找我22 What are the pets like? 宠物像什么?23 hide under the chair 藏在椅子下面 24 make some noise 发出一些噪音25 come to visit us 来拜访我们2Grammar (P. 9798)1 sleep on the sofa 睡在沙发上2 make nice sounds 发出好听的声音3 be easy to look after 照顾起来容易4 get tired 变得疲劳5 sleep anywhere 睡在任何地方6 a speci

6、al friend of mine 我的一个特殊的朋友7 repeat my words 重复我的话8 say hello to sb 和某人问好9 come back home 回到家10 all the time=always 一直11 keep a pet at home 在家里养个宠物12 give him dog food 给他狗食13 Goldfish are easy to look after. 金鱼容易 照顾。14 Theres nothing wrong with keeping a snake if you like it. 如果你喜欢,养蛇不是问题。Integrated

7、 Skills (P.99100)1 pick up goldfish with your hands 用你的手拿金鱼 2 pick them up 把它们捡起来3 Dont put your goldfish in the sun. 不要把你的金鱼放在阳光下。4 A goldfish can weigh up to 400 grams. 一条金鱼可能重达 400克。5 some goldfish 一些金鱼6 eat special fish food 吃特殊的鱼食7 feed them once a day 一天喂它们一次8 join the Pet Club 加入宠物俱乐部9 There

8、was a talk yesterday. 昨天有一个报告。10 learn about how to look after them 了解关于如何照顾它们11 tell me more about 告诉我更多关于12 need clean water 需要干净的水13 need to feed them often 需要经常喂它们14 How big can goldfish grow? 金鱼能长多大?15 grow up 成长、长大成人15 They can grow up to be 20 centimetres long. 它们能长到 20厘米长。16 like exercise a

9、lot 非常喜欢运动17 walk him in the park 带他去公园散步18 take him for a walk in the park 带他去公园散步19 brush her fur 刷她的毛20 put them in clean water 把它们放在干净的水里 21 never feed them too much 从不喂它们太多Task (P. 102103)1 my favourite pet 我最喜爱的宠物2 She has long, grey fur and white paws. 她长着灰色长毛和白色的爪子3 She weighs about 2 kilogr

10、ams. 她体重约 2公斤。4 eat the cat food 吃猫食35 warm milk 热牛奶6 be friendly and quiet 友好且安静7 quite small 相当小8 sleep in a basket 睡在篮子里9 play with a ball 玩球10 live in a cage 住在笼子里11 lie on the bed/floor 躺在床上/地板上12 give her clean water 给她干净水13 brush her fur 刷她的毛14 enjoy it very much 非常喜欢它15 What is it like?= What does it look like? 它看上去怎么样?16 How heavy is she? =How much does she weigh? 她有多重?


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