
_ (历史) of more than 5,000 years.4. The e_(大象) are friendly to us.5. Can you hear the _(奇怪的) noise?6. Our school is only five _ (分钟)walk from here.7. M


1、 (历史) of more than 5,000 years.4. The e_(大象) are friendly to us.5. Can you hear the _(奇怪的) noise?6. Our school is only five _ (分钟)walk from here.7. Most people like eating _ (三明治)in the USA. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. What a _(love) present you have!2. Very _(quiet), he opened the door for the dog.3. “What shall I do?” he said to _(he).4. Air is so important for us. We cant live _(with) it.5. Millie was _(s。

2、others _( 九十) birthday.3. There are two _ in the house.4. Giraffes are so tall so that they can eat the _ (leaf) from trees.5. All the teachers in our school are _ (friend) to us.6. Monkeys in the park always make people _ (laugh).7. Do you often hear the girl _ (play) the piano next door?8. Remember _ (turn) off the lights when you leave the classroom.9. Look! Daniel _ (row) a boat on the lake .10.Can you swim _ (cross) the river?11。

3、3.Please _(传递)the photos to me. I want to look at them.4.I noticed a bird _(撞) the tall tree some time ago.5.The man likes living_(独自) in the small house.二用所给词的适当形式填空:1. My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.2. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night. 3. _ you _ (visit) your grandparent s last Spring Fest ival? 4. _ he _ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he _. 5. What _ she _ (。

4、people go out to dinners.4. My father is going to _(计划) a trip to Japan.5. I will ask an _(工程师) to check the bicycle for you .6. Today a lot of v _ will come to our school.7. We need some more p and forks for the dinner.8.The sun is now _ (在下面) the hills. And it is getting dark now.9. My toy car is broken. Can you help me (修理)it?10. Young people can learn a lot of useful skills in _(学院).11.Im very _ (幸运的) to have a friend like you12. You need。

5、5 be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事6 welcome visitors like you 欢迎像你一样的拜访者7 in Ninth Street 在九号大街8 most of them 他们中的大多数人 9 around your neighbourhood 在你的街区四周10 live in a neighbourhood like that 住在像那样的街区里 Reading (P. 2022)1 What are your neighbours like? 你的邻居们怎么样?2 Theyre kind and helpful. 他们友好又乐于助人。
3 some of them 他们中的一些人4 meet at the community centre 在社区中心见面5 share their different skills 分享他们的不同技能6 hel。

6、n the fridge. 冰箱里没有东西了。
5 go to the supermarket 去超市6 wait a minute 等一会儿7 We only have 5 yuan. 我们只有五元。
8 be enough for 对足够9 a tin of dog food 一听狗食10 of course not 当然不11 order a pizza 点一块比萨12 things to do in Sunshine Town 在阳光镇要做的事13 exchange students from the UK 来自英国的留学生14 enjoy Chinese food 喜欢中国食物15 love playing football/watching films 喜爱踢足球/看电影16 watch some wonderful films 。

7、7 in Fifth Street 在 5号大街8 be from Japan 来自日本9 learn about homes in different countries 了解不同国家的家 10 Mount Fuji 富士山11 the White House 白宫12 the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔13 the CN Tower 加拿大国家塔14 Big Ben 大本钟15 Red Square 红场16 the capital of Japan 日本的首都Reading (P. 810)1 homes around the world 世界各地的家2 live in a town 15 miles from London 住在离伦敦 15英里的镇上3 my favourite room 我最喜欢的房间4 sit there 坐在那儿5 my family and I 我和我的家人6 enjoy a cup of tea 品一杯茶7 have a beautiful garden 有个漂亮的花园8 live in a flat 住在公寓里9 h。

8、 path between the hills. 山之间有条小径。
6 go up/go down 上去/下来7 have to 不得不8 go on a trip/have a trip 进行一次旅行9 be east/west/south/north of 在东/西/南/北部10 be far away from 远离11 about 3 kilometres away 约 3公里远12 get there by bus/take the bus there 坐汽车到那儿13 go to for the class trip 去某地班级旅行Reading (P. 4446)1 a trip to the zoo 去动物园的旅行2 Here we are. 我们到了。
3 in front of South Gate 在南大门的前面4 Go stra。

9、亮的光5 the lights on the plane 飞机上的灯6 sleep with their eyes open 睁着眼睛睡觉7 Our eyes are the same size from birth. 我们的眼睛和出生时一样大。
8 Our nose and ears never stop growing. 我们的鼻子和耳朵从没有停止生长。
9 300 times larger than the Earth 比地球大 300 倍10 in the back of the elephants feet 在大象的脚背上11 Isnt that amazing? 那不是很令人惊奇吗?Reading (P. 5860)1 the ghost in the park 公园里的鬼2 one Sunday morning 一个星期日早晨3 go to Sunshine Park 去阳光公园4 as usual 。

10、plant trees 植树6 help an old man 帮助一位老人7 clean up the park 把公园打扫干净8 give a seat to someone on the bus 在公共汽车上给人让座9 collect things for Project Hope 为希望工程收集物品10 visit an old peoples home 拜访老年公寓11 the children in poor areas 贫困地区的孩子12 need clothes and shoes most 最需要衣服和鞋子13 send some to them 寄一些给他们14 be able to=can 能、会15 pay for pens and notebooks 为钢笔和笔记本付款16 raise some money for them to buy notebooks。

11、e tired 疲劳,累6 too heavy 太重7 complain too much 抱怨太多8 complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事9 The bag isnt that heavy. 这只包没那么重。
10 outdoor activities 户外活动11 go camping/cycling/riding/jogging 去野营/去骑车/去骑马/去慢跑 12 What outdoor activity would you like to try? 你想尝试什么样的户外活动?13 What do you like about camping? 你喜欢野营的什么?14 like being outside 喜欢在户外, Reading (P. 7072)1 down the rabbit hole 掉进兔子洞2 one sunny day 。

12、ease” 应该说“请”5 watch sb do sth/doing sth 看某人做某事/正在做某事6 watch them swim around 看它们游来游去7 watch them playing football 看他们在踢足球8 sleep on my knees 睡在我的膝盖上9 hold it in my hand 把它握在我的手里10 feed her carrots/feed carrots to her 喂她胡萝卜11 play with him in the park 和他在公园里玩12 teach him to speak 教他说话13 teach sb how to do sth 叫某人怎样做某事14 teach us Maths 教我们数学teach oneself sth=learn sth bv oneself 自学Reading (P. 9496)1 poems about pets 关于宠物的诗。

13、 have a guess5. 美猴王 the Monkey King6. 中国新年 Chinese New Year/the Spring Festival7. 端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival8. 中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival9. 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day10. 国庆节 National Day11. 五一节 May Day12.圣诞树 Christmas tree13. 你最喜欢的节日 your favourite festival14. 你为什么喜欢它? Why do you like it?15. 在圣诞节得到许多精美的礼物 get lots of nice presents at Christmas16. 在那天 。

14、 many times a day5. 打排球/打网球/(踢)足球 play volleyball/tennis/football6. 擅长做某事 be good at doing sth 7. 喜欢游泳 enjoy/love swimming8. 你最喜欢的运动是什么?(两种) Whats your favourite sport?=What sport do you like best?9. 你经常踢球吗? Do you often play football?10. 每周去游泳 go swimming every week11. 做怎么样? What about doing?Reading (P.20 22) 1. 我最喜欢的足球运动员 my favourite football player 2. 热爱运动 love sports3. 非常喜欢足球 lik。

15、 4. 我们做某事,好吗/ Shall we?5. 去山上散步 go walking in the hills6. 很少出去 seldom go out 7. 早饭/午饭/晚饭后 after breakfast/lunch/supper8. 需要好好休息 need a good rest9. 知道如何做某事 know how to do sth 10. 玩得高兴 have fun =have a good time11. 在校的一天 a day at school12. 起床 get up13. 先做早操 do morning exercises first14. 进行课外活动 do after-school activities15. 做作业 do homework16. 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 。

16、 Thats right.5. 没关系。
Thats all right. 6. 在床上再过 10分钟 spend ten more minutes in bed=spend another ten minutes in bed7. 把你的红衬衫借给我们 lend us your red blouse=lend your red blouse to us8. 穿运动服 wear sports clothes9. 对我来说太大 too large for me Reading (P.94 96) 1. 先生们、女士们 ladies and gentlemen2. 欢迎参加我们的时装秀。
Welcome to our fashion show.3. 向你们展示不同风格的衣服 show you different styles of clothes4. 一双运动鞋 a pai。

17、I have no money.4. 钱包在这儿。
Heres the wallet. 5. 跟我来 come with me=follow me6. 需要你拿所有的包 need you to carry all the bags 7. 服装店 clothes shop8. 花店 flower shop9. 礼品店 gift shop10. 鞋店 shoe shop11. 体育用品店 sports shop12. 玩具店 toy shop13. 圣诞节快到了。
Christmas is coming. 14. 一张音乐光盘 a music CD15. 我不确定。
Im not sure. 16. 对感兴趣 be interested in17. 给他买些。

18、est?=Which is your favourite subject?3. 学校开放日 School Open Day4. 几天几号?今天十月九日。
(两种) Whats the date today? Its 9 October.=What date is it today? Its 9 October5. 几点了?(两种) What time is it?=Whats the time?6. 家长会 the parents meeting7. 在下午两点钟(两种) at two oclock in the afternoon=at 2:00 p.m.8. 在一点半(两种) at 1:30=at half past one10. 此后,在那以后 after that9. 观摩我们的两节课 watch two of our lessons11. 在校门口见面 meet at the sch。

19、f past ten = ten thirty 5. 有益于我们的健康 be good for our health6. 吃苹果 eat apples7. 一天一苹果,医生远离我! An apple a day keeps the doctor away!8. 给我十个 give me ten9. 各种各样的食物 all kinds of food10. 他们是我的最爱。
Theyre my favourite.Reading (P.70 72) 1. 保持健康 keep fit/healthy2. 健康 be healthy3. 跳舞半小时 dance for half an hour 4. 对我来说重要 be important for me5. 早餐喝牛奶,吃面包 have milk and bread for br。

20、事 how to do sth 6. 照料你的电子狗 look after your e-dog7. 你叫什么名字? Whats your name?8. 遇到你很高兴。
Nice to meet you. 9. 你好,我叫米莉。
Hello, Im Millie. 10. 我叫丹尼尔。
My name is Daniel. 11. 早上好/中午好/晚上好。
Good morning/afternoon/evening. 12. 晚安。
Good night.13. 你好。
Hello./Hi.Reading (P.8 10) 1. 欢迎来到七年级一班。
Welcome to Class 1,Grade 7.2. 阳光中学的一名新生 a new student of Sunshine Middle School3. 十二岁 twelve years old4. 留短发 。

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