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1、17上 Unit 6 短语归纳 Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 68 69) 1. 食物和生活方式 food and lifestyle2. 在中午 at noon3. 吃块汉堡 have a hamburger4. 十点半 half past ten = ten thirty 5. 有益于我们的健康 be good for our health6. 吃苹果 eat apples7. 一天一苹果,医生远离我! An apple a day keeps the doctor away!8. 给我十个 give me ten9. 各种各样的食物 all

2、kinds of food10. 他们是我的最爱。 Theyre my favourite.Reading (P.70 72) 1. 保持健康 keep fit/healthy2. 健康 be healthy3. 跳舞半小时 dance for half an hour 4. 对我来说重要 be important for me5. 早餐喝牛奶,吃面包 have milk and bread for breakfast6. 午餐吃鱼和蔬菜 eat fish and vegetables for lunch 7. 两餐之间感觉饥饿 feel hungry between meals8. 含太多糖

3、 have too much sugar9. 对我的牙齿有害 be bad for my teeth10. 爱玩电脑游戏 like playing computer games11. 很少锻炼 seldom exercise12. 需要改变我的生活方式 need to change my lifestyle13. 计划吃更多水果和蔬菜 plan to eat more fruit and vegetables14. 一个游泳池 a swimming pool15. 在我家附近 near my home16. 计划去游泳 plan to go swimming17. 做运动 do sports1

4、8. 有健康的生活方式 have healthy lifestyles/have a healthy lifestyleGrammar (P. 73 74)1. 五个男人/女人 five men/women2. 他们的生命 their lives 3. 十只绵羊 ten sheep 4. 四个土豆/西红柿 four potatoes/ tomatoes5. 三只脚 three feet 6. 二十个 牙齿 twenty teeth 7. 一块面包 a piece of bread8. 一杯水 a glass of water9. 一盘鸡 a plate of chicken10. 一袋盐 a

5、packet of salt11. 两袋大米 two bags of rice12. 三杯茶 three cups of tea13. 四公斤肉 four kilos of meat14. 五盒牛奶 five cartons of milk15. 六瓶果汁 six bottles of juice216. 我们需要买什么? What d o we need to buy?17. 家里只有一个苹果 have only an apple at home18. 买几瓶果汁 buy a few bottles of juice19. 需要一些鸡肉 need some chickenIntegrated

6、 Skills & Study Skills (P.75 77)1. 如何保持健康 how to keep fit2. 少于,小于 less than3. 多于,不仅仅 more than4. 多长时间一次 how often5. 的总数 the total number of6. 一周不到三次 less than 3 times a week7. 散步 take a walk=go for a walk=go walking8. 你每晚睡多长时间? How long do you sleep every night?9. 九个多小时 more than 9 hours 10. 你每周看多长时

7、间电视? How long do you watch TV every week?=How much TV do you watch every week?11. 你的生活方式不健康。 Your lifestyle is not healthy.12. 需要多锻炼 need to exercise more 13. 多吃健康食品 eat more healthy food14. 你想点什么? What would you like to order?15. 看菜单 have a look at the menu16. 一些绿豆 some green beans17. 一些牛肉怎么样? How/

8、What about some beef?18. 想要一些蔬菜吗? Would you like some vegetables?19. 行,好 all right=OK20. 吃些米饭/鱼 have some rice/fish21. 我可以喝一瓶可乐吗? Can I have a bottle of cola?22. 尝起来不错 taste good23. 苹果派 apple pie 24. 公共汽车上的男生 the schoolboys on the bus25. 树上的苹果 the apples on the tree26. 树上的三个玩具火车 three toy trains in

9、the tree Task (P. 78 79)1. 为保持健康而踢足球 play football to keep fit 2. 吃健康的食物 eat healthy food 3. 喝杯牛奶 drink a glass of milk 4. 帮助我很好开始这一天 help me start the day well5. 给我提供整个下午的能量 give me energy for the whole afternoon6. 午餐吃米饭或面条 have rice or noodles for lunch7. 喝汤,吃鱼和蔬菜 have soup, fish and vegetables8. 需要它们保持健康 need them to keep healthy9. 喝许多水 drink lots of water

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