
others _( 九十) birthday.3. There are two _ in the house.4. Giraffes are so tall so that they can eat the _ (leaf) from trees.5. All the teachers in our


1、others 九十 birthday.3. There are two in the house.4. Giraffes are so tall so that they can eat the leaf from trees.5. All。

2、3.Please 传递the photos to me. I want to look at them.4.I noticed a bird 撞 the tall tree some time ago.5.The man likes liv。

3、eople go out to dinners.4. My father is going to 计划 a trip to Japan.5. I will ask an 工程师 to check the bicycle for you 。

4、vity one Preview一写出下列单词的词性词义和划线部分的音标.1. wild 2. delicious 3. bear 4. giant 5. dolphin 6. kangaroo 7. squirrel 8. tiger 二。

5、5 be afraid to do sthbe afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事6 welcome visitors like you 欢迎像你一样的拜访者7 in Ninth Street 在九号大街8 most of 。

6、n the fridge. 冰箱里没有东西了.5 go to the supermarket 去超市6 wait a minute 等一会儿7 We only have 5 yuan. 我们只有五元.8 be enough for 对足够9。

7、亮的光5 the lights on the plane 飞机上的灯6 sleep with their eyes open 睁着眼睛睡觉7 Our eyes are the same size from birth. 我们的眼睛和出生时一。

8、lant trees 植树6 help an old man 帮助一位老人7 clean up the park 把公园打扫干净8 give a seat to someone on the bus 在公共汽车上给人让座9 collect。

9、7 in Fifth Street 在 5号大街8 be from Japan 来自日本9 learn about homes in different countries 了解不同国家的家 10 Mount Fuji 富士山11 the 。

10、e tired 疲劳,累6 too heavy 太重7 complain too much 抱怨太多8 complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事9 The bag isnt that heavy. 这只包没那么重.1。

11、ease 应该说请5 watch sb do sthdoing sth 看某人做某事正在做某事6 watch them swim around 看它们游来游去7 watch them playing football 看他们在踢足球8 sl。

12、 path between the hills. 山之间有条小径.6 go upgo down 上去下来7 have to 不得不8 go on a triphave a trip 进行一次旅行9 be eastwestsouthnorth。

13、 have a guess5. 美猴王 the Monkey King6. 中国新年 Chinese New Yearthe Spring Festival7. 端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival8. 中秋节 the 。

14、 many times a day5. 打排球打网球踢足球 play volleyballtennisfootball6. 擅长做某事 be good at doing sth 7. 喜欢游泳 enjoylove swimming8. 你最。

15、 4. 我们做某事,好吗 Shall we5. 去山上散步 go walking in the hills6. 很少出去 seldom go out 7. 早饭午饭晚饭后 after breakfastlunchsupper8. 需要好好休。

16、f past ten ten thirty 5. 有益于我们的健康 be good for our health6. 吃苹果 eat apples7. 一天一苹果,医生远离我 An apple a day keeps the doctor 。

17、事 how to do sth 6. 照料你的电子狗 look after your edog7. 你叫什么名字 Whats your name8. 遇到你很高兴. Nice to meet you. 9. 你好,我叫米莉. Hello, 。

18、 Thats right.5. 没关系. Thats all right. 6. 在床上再过 10分钟 spend ten more minutes in bedspend another ten minutes in bed7. 把你的红。

19、I have no money.4. 钱包在这儿. Heres the wallet. 5. 跟我来 come with mefollow me6. 需要你拿所有的包 need you to carry all the bags 7. 服。

20、estWhich is your favourite subject3. 学校开放日 School Open Day4. 几天几号今天十月九日. 两种 Whats the date today Its 9 October.What date。

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