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1、17 下暑假作业 Unit2 练习(45 分钟)一、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.Lily always helps me with my homework, she is very h_.2.Do you know my next door n ?He is a doctor.3.Im a (服务员).Im very busy when people go out to dinners.4. My father is going to _(计划) a trip to Japan.5. I will ask an _(工程师) to check the bicycle for you

2、.6. Today a lot of v _ will come to our school.7. We need some more p and forks for the dinner.8.The sun is now _ (在下面) the hills. And it is getting dark now.9. My toy car is broken. Can you help me (修理)it?10. Young people can learn a lot of useful skills in _(学院).11.Im very _ (幸运的) to have a friend

3、 like you12. You need to_ (检查) it before you hand in your homework13.Its very lucky for me to have a _(社区) centre like that.14. The computer is _(坏了). I need to ask some one to fix it.15. Its a very useful book for language learners to make their writing _(技能) better.16.These _ ( 经理)are having a mee

4、ting.17. There is a _(通知,布告) on the wall. Lets go and see it.18. He has to look after his _(生病的) mother at home.19. What do you want to be in the _(未来)?20. I dont know _(任何人) in this town.21.I often use the computer to look for _ (信息) on Baidu.22.How many _(牙齿)do you have?23.Mr Green teaches _ Engli

5、sh. (我们)24. If you (注意) anything unusual, please call me.25. We can see a (群) of sheep eating grass at the foot of the hill.二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.There (be)a football match this weekend.2. I think our team _(win) the football match next week.3. What _ you _(do) during the coming Sunday ?4. My classmates

6、 _(play) different kinds of ball games this Saturday.5. -_ you _(join) the party next Sunday ? -No, I _.6. Daniel and Kitty _(buy) food for the coming picnic this afternoon.7. Its cloudy. I think it _(rain) soon.8. What are you going to do this weekend? I (go)camping.9. What do you want to buy? I (b

7、uy)a coat.10. we (take)some snacks and drinks for the camping?11. When we (meet)? At 8:00 tomorrow morning.12.I will ask someone (show) you around Beijing tomorrow.13.Would you like to do some (shop) with me on Friday?14.He will ask Simon (fix) the bicycle. It doesnt work. 15.Im _ enough to get the

8、last ticket for the film. (luck)16. I think there isnt _(something) wrong with your computer.17. His brother helps me with all kinds of _(problem).18. Im _(call) from my new home.19.Li Leis mother _(have) to _(wash) clothes on Sundays.20. My (old) brother works in a restaurant as a cook三、单项选择 ( )1.-

9、What is your husband? -A .He works in a restaurant near our home.A. teacher B. nurse C. cook D. policeman( ) 2 .There _a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow .A was B is going to have C will have D is going to be 2( ) 3. Mother _me a nice present on my next birthday.A. will gives B. will give C. gives D

10、. give( ) 4_you _ free tomorrow? No . I _ free the day after tomorrow.A Are; going to ; will B. Are; going to be ;willC. Are; going to ;will be D. Are ;going to be ;will be ( ) 5. _ a concert next Saturday?A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are( ) 6. He _ in three days .A. co

11、ming back B .came back C. will come back D. is going to coming back( ) 7. Who _ we _swimming with tomorrow afternoon?A. are ;go B. do ;go C. will ;going D. shall ; go( ) 8.The girl 16 years old next week. A. is going to B. will be C. be D. was四、句型转换1.Im lucky to have a community centre in my neighbo

12、rhood.(改为同义句)to have a community centre in my neighborhood.2.We shall hold the party in the Sunshine Park this Saturday. (提问)_ _ we _ the party this Saturday?3. Millie will take her dog to the park with her.(改否)Millie _ _ her dog to the park with her.4. He is going to see Mr. Wu tomorrow (提问)_ _he _

13、 _ _tomorrow.?5.Kitty and Sandy will start a campfire tonight. (改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答)_ Kitty and Sandy _ a campfire tonight ?Yes, _ _.6. We shall meet at 9:30 a.m. at the school gate._ _ we _at 9:30 a.m.7. She is going to listen to music after school.(对画线部分提问)_ _ she _ _ _ after school?8. There is someth

14、ing wrong with Davids computer.(对画线部分提问)_ _ with Davids computer?五、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.拥有这样的社区中心,我们很幸运。Were _ _ _ a community centre _ _.2 她打算下周六去买鞋子。She is next Saturday.3.我们将在什么地方见面? meet?4.明天你准备干什么?What tomorrow?5.你有困难时通常向谁求助?Who do you usually_ _ _ when you are in trouble?6.志愿者常帮助我们处理各种类型的问题。The volunt

15、eers often help us _ _ _ _ problems.7.周末你们在礼堂开会吗?Are you _ _ _a _in the hall _ _?8.我的电脑没有问题。There isnt _ _ _ my computer.9.他将叫人修理窗户。He is _ _ _ someone _ _ the window.10.所有他们小组成员都将要去帮助老人们修理洗衣机。_ _ _ _ are_ _ to help the old fix the _ _.11.他们将很高兴给你一些信息。 They will _ _ _ tell you some_.12.看天上的乌云。就要下雨了。 Look at the black clouds. It _ _ _ rain.13.他的哥哥打算成为一名艺术家当他长大的时候His _ brother _ _ _ be an _ when he grows up.14.我想分享我的技巧并且帮助有困难的人。I want to _ my _ and help the people _ _.15. 妹妹在哪里?她在浴室淋浴。 1Where is my sister? She _ _ _ _ in the _.


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