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1、17上 Unit 2 短语归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 18 19) 1. 玩运动 play sports2. 喜欢散步 like walking3. 走到我碗边(两种) walk to my bowl=go to my bowl on foot4. 一天很多次 many times a day5. 打排球/打网球/(踢)足球 play volleyball/tennis/football6. 擅长做某事 be good at doing sth 7. 喜欢游泳 enjoy/love swimming8. 你最喜欢的运动是什么?(两种) Wha

2、ts your favourite sport?=What sport do you like best?9. 你经常踢球吗? Do you often play football?10. 每周去游泳 go swimming every week11. 做怎么样? What about doing?Reading (P.20 22) 1. 我最喜欢的足球运动员 my favourite football player 2. 热爱运动 love sports3. 非常喜欢足球 like football very much4. 黄河足球俱乐部的一个新成员. a new member of Hua

3、nghe Football Club.5. 来自广东 come from Guangdong 6. 住在北京 live in Beijing7. 看上去强壮 look strong8. 足球踢得很好 play football very well9. 他看起来强壮而且足球踢得很好。 He looks strong and plays football very well.10. 许多人 many people11. 在他的空闲时间 in his free time12. 学习英语 study English13. 喜欢听音乐 like/enjoy listening to music14. 使

4、他开心 make him happy15. 想要做某事(两种) want to do sth=would like to do sth16. 在下一届世界 in the next Worl d Cup17. 变为现实 come true18. 我希望他的梦想能成为现实。 I hope his dream can come true.19. 李华的理想 Li Huas dream 20. 多大年龄 how old21. 他看上去怎样? How does he look? 21. 在足球俱乐部/兴趣小组 in the football club 22. 足球明星 football star 2Gr

5、ammar (P. 23 24)1. 跳舞很好 dance very well2. 当然 of course 3. 和他的堂兄踢足球 play football with h is cousin4. 在电视上看球赛 watch ball games on TV5. 喜爱画画 love drawing6. 在周末 at /on weekends=at/on the weekend7. 跟你去 go with you8. 观看我们的比赛 watch our games9. 在周末购物(两种) go shopping at weekends=shop at weekends10. 呆在家里 stay

6、 at home11. 跟我的爸爸去游泳 go swimming with my fatherIntegrated Skills & Study Skills (P.25 27)1. 我的许多学生 many of my students2. Daniel不是非常喜欢运动。 Daniel does not like sports very much.3. 另外什么? What else? 4. 你放学后经常做什么? What do you often do after school?5. 你喜欢做其它什么?(两种) What else do you like to do?=What other

7、things do you like to do?6. 使我感觉很棒 make me feel very great7. 使某人做某事 make sb do sth8. 阅读许多有趣的书 read a lot of interesting books9. 我也是。 Me too. 10. 阅读是有趣的。 Reading is fun. Task (P. 2829)1. 非常喜欢篮球 like basketball very much2. 我们学校篮球队的一个成员 a member of our school basketball team3. 谈论篮球 talk about basketball4. 跟某人交谈 talk with sb5. 在电视上观看篮球比赛 watch basketball matches on TV6. 打篮球很好 p lay basketball very well7. 我的偶像 my hero


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