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1、1新目标八年级英语上册寒假作业练习七一、重点单词1纸;纸张(n.) _ 2.污染(n.) _ 3.将来;未来(n.)_ 4污染(v.)_ 5.环境(n.)_ 6.行星(n.)_ 7地球(n.)_ 8.种植(v.)_ 9.参加;部分(n.)_ 10和平(n.)_ 11.海;海洋(n.)_ 12.天空(n.)_ 13公寓套房(n.)_ 14.太空;空间(n.)_ 15.人的(adj.)_ 16有危险的(adj.)_ 17.已经(adv.)_ 18.工厂(n.)_ 19相信(v.)_ 20.不同意(v.)_ 21.甚至;连(adv.)_ 22形状;外形(n.)_ 23.倒塌;掉落(v.)_ 24.在

2、里面(prep.)_ 25可能存在的(adj.)_ 26.不可能的(adj.)_ 27.一方(n.)_ 28很可能;大概(adv.)_ 29.在期间(prep.)_ 30.假期;假日(n.)_ 31单词;词(n.)_ 二、重点短语1寻找;寻求_ 2.突然倒下;跌倒_ 3许多;大量_ 4.多次;反复地_ 5太空站;宇宙空间站_ 6.在天空_ 7参与(某事) _ 8.在电脑上_ 9活到_ 10.免费_ 11更少的空闲时间_ 12.处于危险之中_ 13在地球上_ 14.挽救地球_ 15像一个人_ 16.能够叫醒_ 17看起来不可能_ 18.在某些方面_2三、重点句子1每个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。

3、Everyone should play a _ _ _ the earth. 2我有时看得到(我的)城市里的蓝天, I sometimes see _ _ in my city,. 3现在已经有机器人在工厂里干活了。Today there are _ robots _ in factories. 4并且它们反复地干着简单的工作。.and they do simple jobs over and _ _5一些机器人十分像真人。Some robots are very _四、单项选择( )1We have no more vegetables in the fridge.I _ and buy

4、some. Ago Bwent Cwill go Dwas going ( )2_ students went to clean the streets last Sunday. ATwo hundreds BTwo hundreds of CHundreds of DHundred of ( )3Look!There are two planes _ in the sky. Afly Bflying Cto fly Dare flying ( )4A cold shower will soon _. Awake you up Bwake up you Cwaking you up Dwaki

5、ng up you ( )5There _ more robots in the future. Awas Bis Cis going to have Dwill be ( )6Do you know if he _ to play football with us? I think he will come if he _ free tomorrow. Acomes;is Bcomes;will be Cwill come;is Dwill come;will be ( )7Did you clean your room? No.But I _ it in half an hour.Acle

6、aned Bhave cleaned Cwill clean DClean ( )8It usually _ my mother about half an hour to cook supper.Apays Btakes Cspends DCosts ( )9To live a green life,we should try to save _ energy and produce _ 3waste. Amore;less Bless;more Cmore;fewer Dfewer;more( )10Dont keep water running when you wash hands.

7、_. AI hope so BIm afraid not CSorry,I wont DIts nothing 五、完形填空I think that the world will be an easy place to live in.We _1_ have machines and robots and they will _2_ us do all the _3_ jobs,and we dont have to do things _4_ washing dishes and _5_ the beds, though we wont have any dishes at all.Mayb

8、e we will just throw the dishes away after each meal.I _6_ that doctors will be able to _7_ us alive _8_ a long time.I hope that when I am 80 years old,there _9_ something that will keep me alive for _10_ 80 years,so I will live to be 160 years old. ( )1A.will Bcould Cdo Dcan ( )2A.teach Bhelp Ctell

9、 Dask ( )3A.good Beasy Csame Dboring ( )4A.like Bas Cfor Dto ( )5A.make Bdo Cdoing Dmaking ( )6A.know Bhope Csee Dlisten ( )7A.let Bkeep Clearn Dask ( )8A.to Bwith Cfor Dafter( )9A.will Bwill be Care Dare going ( )10A.other Bmany Cmore Danother 六、阅读理解What do you think the future will be like?Here ar

10、e some answers from some students. Mary:If we dont take good care of the earth now,our children and grandchildren will be born in a world with much pollution.There will be fewer trees and more buildings,because there will be more people. Jack:I agree with Mary.Things will be worse.The weather in the

11、 future will be much hotter.Humans wont be able to live on the earth.We will have to look for another planet to live on. Linda:I think the life in the future will be better.Most people in the world will use 4“green cars” by 2020,so there will be less pollution and people will live to be 200 years ol

12、d.For space travel,I would say,we will visit Mars (火星) in about fifty years. ( )1They are talking about _. Apollution Bweather in the future Cthe moon Dlife in the future ( )2What does Mary think life will be like in the future? AThere will be fewer trees. BEverybody will have a car. CPeople will li

13、ve longer. DPeople will have to live on space stations. ( )3What does the underlined word “planet” mean in Chinese? A飞船 B宇宙 C星球 D岛屿( )4Why does Jack think humans will have to look for another place to live on? AThere will be too many buildings. BThe earth will be too hot to live on. CThere will be t

14、oo many people. DThere will be too much pollution on the earth. ( )5How many things does Linda predict? AOne. BTwo. CThree. DSix.七、词汇运用 . 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1Dont _ (相信) a stranger easily. 2Summer is coming.After the exam,well have two months _ (假期)3It will _ (可能地) rain soon.Take an umbrella with you. 4Th

15、e new _ (行星) is about ten times size of the earth. 5The villagers _ (建造) a bridge out of wood. .八、补全对话。AEverything will be free.BYes,I think every home will have a robot.CI think I will be a doctor.DNo,there wont.There will be less pollution.EWe will study at home on computers.A:Hello,Sally!5B:Hello

16、,Tony!A:Do you think there will berobots in every home?B:1._A:Do we have to go to school every day in the future?B:No,we dont.2._A:Will people use money in the future?B:No,they wont.3._A:Will there be more pollution?B:4._A:What do you think you will be in the future?B:5._A:OK,I see.九、短文填空. 从方框中选择合适的

17、单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。holiday, rocket, agree, do, live, predict, take, little, much, special, or, onWhat will the future be like?Different people have different 1. _Kelly thinks that every family will have a robot.The robot can help people 2._ the housework.Andy says that students wont 3._ books to s

18、chool.They will study 4._ computers or iPads.Sarah believes most people would like to ride bikes to school 5._ work.So there will be 6._ pollution in the future.Sue thinks that people will have more free time to take 7. _They will probably fly the 8._ to the moon on vacation.Mark says scientists wil

19、l make a 9._ kind of medicine to make people live longer.He hopes people will 10._ to be more than 150 years old十、书面表达未来总是让人充满幻想,请根据下列提示,以“The Life in the Future”为题写一篇 70词左右的英语短文。提示:1.想象一下未来的生活会是什么样子;2具体介绍一下未来的生活:很多事情都由电脑和机器人完成。例如:料理家务、购物、看病,孩子们通过网络把课堂搬到家里,人们可以活到 200岁等;63为了未来的美好生活,我们现在应该努力学习,力争早日实现理

20、想。要求:1.语句通顺,内容完整,语法正确;2想象内容要合情合理,不要逐字翻译提示的内容。参考答案一、重点单词1 paper 2 pollution 3 future 4 pollute 5 environment 6 planet 7 earth 8 plant 9 part 10 peace 11 sea 12 sky 13 apartment 14 space 15 human 16 dangerous 17 already 18 factory 19 believe 20 disagree 21 even 22 shape 23 fall 24 inside 25 possible 2

21、6 impossible 27 side 28 probably 29 during 30 holiday 31 word二、重点短语1 look for 2 fall down 3 hundreds of 4 over and over again 5 a space station 6 in the sky 7 play a part in (sth.) 8 on computers 9 live to (be) 10 be free 11 less free time 12 in danger 13 on the earth 14 save the earth 15 like a hum

22、an 16 be able to wake up 17 (sth.) seem(s) impossible 18 at some point三、重点句子1 part in saving 2 blue skies 3 already, working 4 over again 5 humanlike四、单项选择1-5 CCBAD 6-10 CCBAC五、完形填空1-5 ABBAD 6-10 BBCBD六、阅读理解1-5 DACBB七、词汇运用1 believe 2 holiday 3 probably 4 planet 5 built八、补全对话71-5 BEADC九、短文填空1 predict

23、ions 2 do 3 take 4 on 5 or 6 less 7 holidays 8 rocket 9 special 10 live十、书面表达The Life in the FutureWhat do you think the life in the future will be like? Every family will have computers and robots.Computers will help us know a lot about the world.Robots will help us do most of the housework.They ca

24、n help us do some cleaning,cooking or washing.We can do some shopping and see a doctor without going out.Students can study at home on computers.People will live to be 200 years old because of the better medical care. Our life will be better and better.For this,we should study hard.I believe well be able to do this.


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