NAVY MIL-C-14814 B-1978 CARTRIDGE IMPULSE M270《M270推进弹药筒》.pdf

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1、MIL-c-14814Eq os ) 10 January 1978 SUPERSEDING MIL-C-l4814A( MU) 2 July 1973 Beneficial comnents (recomiiendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which my be of use in irrprovingthis docmnt should be addressed to: Camanding Officer, Naval Ordnance Station, Standardization Division (Co

2、de 611), Indian Head, Md. 20640, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this docunent or bv letter. , I MILITARY SPECIFICATION CAEt!XlIXX, IhlPULSE, M270 This specification is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Comnd (O

3、S), and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Departnent of Defense. 1. SOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers M270 inpulse cartridges for use with propellant actuated devices in aircrew emergency escape system. 2. f!J?PLIcmm I!muMmm 2.1 Issues of docmnts. The following docu

4、ments of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Military MGC-60539 MILL43125 mmm Militaq MIGSI11-105 Coating, Anodic, Conventional for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Cartridges for Car

5、tridge Actuated/ Propellant Actuated Devices, General Design Specification for Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes FSC 1377. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 1% PAGES. i P Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-* DRAWINGS NAVAL

6、 FiDNANCE STATION, INDIAN HEAD, MD (We Ident 14083) C 8597235 C 9234228 C 9234229 C 9234230 D 10524680 C 10533830 D 10551427 D 10551428 F 10551431 F 11820864 Ring, Retaining carton, AltemF: IV, Classification of defects. I 1 Method of Inspec t on Classification Defect CRITICAL 1 2 3 4 5 MAJOR 101 10

7、2 MINOR None defined CRITICAL, None defined MAJOR 101 102 103 104 105 MINOR 201 202 203 204 * Primer (Drawing 11820864) Metal defective Primer foil discolored Mixed primers Inproper assembly Mixed primrs Burr Foreign mtter Ring, Retaining (Drawing C 8597235) Concentricity of inside diamter with outs

8、ide diameter Diameter, outside, min Diamter, inside, max Metal defective Protective finish inadequate or defective Diamter, outside, max Diameter, inside, min Thickness Surface finish Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Gage %e Gage Visual Visual Gage Gage Gage Visual Provided by IHSNot

9、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-14814B 13 9 9999706 0277089 7 9 I Classification TAEEE IV. Classification of defects. - continued Defect hlethod of CRITICAL None defined MAJOR 101 102 103 *lo4 105 106 107 108 109 201 202 203 204 205 CRITICAL None

10、 defined MAJOR 101 102 103 104 105 MINOR 201 202 Case, Castridge (Drawing D 10524680) Concentricity of head with body Straightness of base Diameter of body, min Diamter of head, min Thickness of base niickness of sidewall at head Protective finish inadequate or Burr or sharp corner Foreign matter de

11、fective Diameter of body, max Diamter of head, niax hcation of datum diameter Radius or chamber missing or Surface finish impmper Disc, Sealing (Drawing C 10533830) incorrect Dimter, min Metal defective Pmtective finish inadequate or Burr Foreign matter defective Diameter, max Thickness 7 Gage Gage

12、Gage Gage Gage Gage Visual Visual Visual Gage Gage - Gage Visual Visual Gage Vi& Visual Visual Visual Gage Gage Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-14L4B 13 m 7939906 0297070 3 m MILG14814B( Cis) Classification _Method-oS . CRITICAL

13、 1 MAJOR 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 MINOR 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Cartridge Head (Drawing D 10551427) Metal defective Concentricity of head with primer Ooncentricity of head with body Concentricity of cartridge head pmtrusion with primer pocket Concentric

14、ity of primer pocket recess with primer pocket Diamter of prkr pocket Diamter of primr pocket recess Depth of primer pocket Thickness of wall at open end of Thickness of wall at open end of Thickness of wall at base of primer Thichess of head hation of datum diamter Surface finish of primer pocket P

15、rotective finish inadequate or Burr, except where permitted Foreign mtter pocket counterbore cavity pocket recess impmper defective Diamter of head Diameter cartridge head protrusion Diameter of body Depth of counterbore Height of cartridge head protrusion Total length Radius or chamfer missing or S

16、urface finish inproper, except as incorrect otherwise classified 8 /-? Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-14B14B 13 797970b 0277093 5 MIL-C-l4814B( OS ) TABLE IV. Classification of defects. - continued I I )Method of Inspection Def

17、ect I Classification Cartridge Head Ass&ly (Drawing D 10551428) CRITICAL 101 102 201 202 wton, Packing Am Any part missing Improper assembly Metal defective Primer not fully seated Prhr not below flush with surfaces Diameter of body, min Junction top edge of prbr and pocket not properly sealed and c

18、rimped Dianieter of body, max Total length, niax nition, for Cartridge, impulse, M270 : carton, Alternative Packing Amnunition, for Cartridge, kawing C 9234228) CRITICAL, None defined MAJOR None defined 201 202 203 204 -205 206 antents loose Quantity of contents incorrect Separator or filler missing

19、 Head sealer inamplete, loose or Cut or damaged through inpregnated Marking missing, incorrect or distorted layers illegible Visual Visual Visual Gage Gage Gage Visual Gage Gage Drawing C 9234229: npulse, 1.4270 Manual/Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repro

20、duction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TABLF: N, Classification of defects. - continued Classification ldethod of Defect Inspect ion CRITICAL None defined MAJOR None defined Contents loose Rstrdware missing, loose, broken or iqroperly engaged Strapping missing, loose, broken 01

21、 improperly assembled Content of box exposed Box darmged Marking missing, incorrect or illegible Number of cartons inmrrect Car seal missing, unsealed or improperiy positioned MINOR 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Box, Packing, Amnunition, for Cartridge, Impulse, 70 (Drawing C 9234230) Manual/Visual

22、 Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual 4.6 Sampling for tests. Sampling for tests shall be in accordance with the following: 4.6.1 Hardness. Fifty units fron each heat treated lot shall be selected for this hardness test. drawing requirements shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Failu

23、re of any unit to axply with 4.6.2 Protective finish. Unless otherwise specified, sampling plans and procedures used in determination of the acceptability of coated parts and articles submitted by a supplier shall be in accordance with provisions set forth in MILSIB-105 and MIGC-60539. 4.6.3 Vibrati

24、on. Twelve units shall be selected from the first article ballistic -le and tested in accordance with 4.7.3. of any unit to comply with the requiremnts of 3.3 shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Failure 4.6.4 Ballistics. The twenty-one assenibled castridges from each production lot shall be gro

25、uped and tmpemture conditioned in accorhce with requirenients of 3.4 shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Failure of any cartridge to conply with the 10 f- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIGG14814B( 0s ) 4.6.5 Sealant ap

26、plication. Five assanbled units from each production lot shall be selected for this test. the dranring requiremnts shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Failure of any unit to amply with 4.7 Test methods and procedures. 4.7.1 Hardness. Prior to the application of the protective finish, the hardne

27、ss testing machine shall be use to determine compliance with drawing requirements. 4.7.2 Protective finish. Test procedures for protective finish The unit shall be sectioned shall be in accordance with MIGG-60539. longitudinally to better expse the critical surface to the salt spray. * 4.7.3 Vibrati

28、on. The method and procedure for performing the vibration test shall be in accordance with the vibration test of MIM-83125 4.7.4 Ballistics. The ballistics test shall be perfoimed by the Government (see 6.2). The cartridges shall be grouped and temperature conditioned in accordance with and

29、TAEKE V and rigidly supported in the test fixture. The sample shall be tested within 5 minutes after remval from the conditioning chamber. When this time is exceeded, the sample shall be reconditioned in accordance with Terrrpe rature conditioning. A standard inertM270 cartridge con

30、taining a temperature sensitive element shal be placed in the conditioning chanter at the same time as the sample. one hour longer than the th necessaxy to bring the element contain& in the dumny cartridge to the required tenperature. The conditioning time shall be TAEU3 V. Temperature conditioning

31、sample size. -65O to -70F 65O to 70F 160 to 165F 4.7.5 Sealant application. The cartridge shall be disass,&l& in such a n&nner that determination can be made that the sealant has been applied for the full length of the joining surfaces at the junction of the sealing disc and case sidmll and that the

32、 propellant cavity is free of sealant. 5. .PACKAGING 5.1 Preservation, packaging, packing and -king. Preservation, packaging, packing and marking shall be Level A or Level B as specified by the procuring agency (see 6.2). 5.1.1 Level A. Preservation, packaging, packing and marking shall be in accord

33、ance with Drawings C 9234229 and C 9234230. 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-5.1.2 kvel B. Preservation, packaging, packing and marking shall 6. RXES 6.1 Intended use. be in accordance with Drawings C 9234229 and C 9234228. The M270

34、 impulse cartridge is intended to be used on the CKU-7/A aircraft ejection seat catapult. 6.2 ordering data. Procurent documents should specify the following: * 6.2.1 Procurgoent requirements. a. b. c. d. e. f. Title, nunher and date of this specification, Whether a first article sample is required

35、(see 3.1). Quantity required (including first article sauples). Assigned activity for first article inspection. Government activity assigned for ballistics test. The level of packaging required, * 6.2.2 Contract data requirements. Any data required for delivery in connection with this document shall

36、 be specified on a DD Form 1423 incorprated into the contract. Such data will be delivered as identified on completed (numbered) DIDs (Data Item Descriptions/cD Form 1664) which will be docmnted in the applicable AL (Authorized Data List). beheen the firing of the prinier and the beginning of a cont

37、inuous pressure rise on a pressure tim record. The cartridge described herein and certain of the cmponents are f lammble and/or explosive, consequently presenting hazards in manufacture, handling, storage and shpnt. me contractor should recognize explosion, adverse environment, corrosive atnoosphere

38、, rough handling and electrically induced incidents. 6.3 Delay tim?. Delay time is defined as the time that elapses 6.4 Hazard notice, * Uaded Asse&ly Hazasd Infonmtion: Ekplosive Hazard Classification: Class 3 Storage Coapatibility: Grow B Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazard Class DOT Marking

39、 - Explosive Paver Devices - Class Handle Carefully - (Keep Fire Away) 6.5 Changes from previous issue. The margins of this specification are -ked with an asterisk to indicate where changes (additions, modifi- cations, corrections, deletions) from the previous issue were rmde. l%is was done as a con

40、venience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the mginal notations and relationship to the last previous issue. (=ubYlIDIAN NAVY - S *US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1978-703-1221781 PREPARING ACTIVITY NAVY-0s Project No. 1377-N645 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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