1、MIEC -8159O(AS) 12 August i968 I ITAR,Y SPECIF ICATION COCKPIT CANOPY SYSTEM, FIXED WING SINGLE AND MULTI-PLACE, FIGHTER, ATTACK, AND TRAINER AIRCRAFT, GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR This specrifieation has been approved by the Naval Air System Command, Departiaent of the Navy 1. SCOPE 1.1 This apeoifica
2、tion establishes the general requirements for the deaign and installation of a cockpit canopy y6temt on fixed wing single and multi-place fighter, attack, and trainer airoraft, 1.2 Clasaifiaation - Cockpit oanopy syetems ahall be oonsidered gen- erally a8 fixed or openable types; orew esoape provisi
3、ons may be inoorpor- ated in either type. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMWTS 2.1 The following epeoifications, rtandars, and pubhoationa of the iaaue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this speci- fiaation to the embnt epecified herein. SPECIFICATIONS lliu Design, Installation and Defoggin
4、g Systems, General. Specifiuation for nterohangeability and Replawability of Component Parts For Airoraft and H6il6 Airplane Strangth eotionk. The derrign ahall-be in maordame with the reqummnts outlined herein. the o and hangup whiah will preoludar foraeable opening or jettisonlrig for emergmy esaa
5、pe or resaue. For example, atmtura designa wbioh result in heavy minbers being temainated at the edge of aanopy or hatoh openings in such a manner that araah loade applied in ran- dom direotdone oould came distortion of the opening shall be avoided. tiona of crlidng oanopiee to proteot the trauks an
6、d rollers fiaan failure due to wear cawed by vlbratioa. 3.3.3 Proviad.on shrllbe made at the fully open and Rillg oloaed pari- 3.3.4 Transparent panel and frame design irhall oonsider optioai limi- tation of the material to be used, Cylindrioal and spherical radii of non- planar tranrparent paels wi
7、ll not leave the deirice unrestrahed. Alternatively, if after failure of any one support, the remaining support permits uncontrolled motion of the device, there shall be nothing in the possible field of mo- tion which, if atrwk, aoud adversely affect the aircraft or it8 occupants. When the canopy ia
8、 jettisoned, the portions of the actuating device which leave with the oanopy, and the portions of the device which remain with the aircraft, shall be so restrained as not to inhibit function of any other system, cause damage to the aircraft or injury to its occupants. 39 - Power to the system shall
9、 not be required to maintain the can= opy or hatch in locked condition, espeuiell. in flight. 310 Huaian Factors 3 i10.1 pckpit Srime - man the canopy is open, there ahall be suffi- cient clearance between the openable section and the surrounding fixed structure tio permit reasonably oonvenient ingr
10、ese ad egress by aircrew ab tired with flight apparel and survival equipment peculiar to the airoraft. When the canopy is dosed, there shall be aufficient clearance for head and torso movement to perform crew duties, as specified in M5 33573, 3.10.2 Vision - The cockpit emlosure shall be d
11、esigned to provide vision - For aircraft utilizing a tandem amkpit arrangement in which from the cockpit as required by MILSTD-850, as a minimum. the pilot may ocoupy the rear aockpit, the vision requirements of paragraph shall apply. the front aockpit, the effect of such obstructio
12、n must be kept to an absolute minimum and must be demonstrated by a moakup. be as defined by the detail speoifieatian of the airplane. If forward vision is limited by the man aad seat in 3.10.3 - tias - Optical requ.trements of all transparent areu shall 3 . 10.4 - Coukpit Reflections - Windshield a
13、nd canopy configuratiane shall be coordinated with locations of internal light souraes, light baffles, and orientation of reflective surfaces for an optiratm configuration. Pro- posed oockpit t3lOSUre configurations shall be verified w a lighting mock- up. Point source and distributed illation effec
14、ts shall. be demonstrated. 3.10.5 - The me of heat IOUTOOLI to keep transparent areas free of fog and ice shall be carefully evaluated for uncomfortable temperature rise on the oreumen. Surface temperature shall. be controlled td maintain the aiin- imum required to provide olear vision. Designs shal
15、l conform to the re- quirements of MIET-5842. 11 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3,10,6 - The physical forces generated in canopy opening or jettisoning shall cause no effects on the crewmen which my inhibit escape from the air- cra
16、ft either in-flight, on the surface, or when submerged. 3.10.7 - Nindblast protection shall be provided for rear seat occupants of aircraft utilizing a tandem cockpit arrangement to permit operation of seat ejection controls or flight and landing from the rear seat subsequent to canopy jettison, 3 ,
17、 11 - Maintainablj tx 3,ll.l - Designs which require special tools for handling, installation, or rigging should be avoided, Appropriate attach points shall be provided and abeled for sling attachment to hoist canopy or hatch from aircraft. 3.11.2 - Designs which require lengthy and complicated rigg
18、ing shal be avoided, Not more than 8 man hours should be required to rig a canopy system after complete disassembly. Removal and reinstallation tim of the same can- opy on an airplme shall not exceed 30 minutes, utilizing the efforts of two men, or one man hour, after it had been previously rigged,
19、Rigging to pre- cise dimensions and close tolerances is usually difficuit to accomplish and frequently results in misrgged or unsafe conditions due to human error, -. designed to permit removal and re-installation without affecting the rigging of the entire system, 3,21,3 - lse the following tests s
20、hall be performed as a minimum. Statiq - Satisfactory oanopy jet*isori oapability shall be Tho complete oanopy jettison system, and its demonskated by jettisoning a oanopy from an abplane or oamplete aockpit mounted in a euitable jig. aontrol system shall be utiiaed in condwting this test.
21、 oapability shall be demonstrated for all modes of aanopy aotuatiara whioh might be used in flight. cockpit on a test sled operated at the prescribed air speed. shall be conducted at minimum aind maximum limits of the flight emape en- velope. operation to permit escape shall be demonstrated. Complia
22、nce with the re- quirements of this specifioation and the detail epeoifioation of the airplane shall be demonstrated. 4.4 _Qualiitv Confo=e T esta - The quality odormance tests for aooept- ano8 ehall consist of those testa required by appliaable speeifiaations listed in 2.1 and the folloiring: 4.3.2
23、.3.2 Simulated Flipht - Satisfaotory inflight oanopy jettison Flight performanoe may be simulated by mounting the Jettison tests hderwater Owaim or Jettis on - Satisfwtory underwater oanopy 1 (a) Examination (b) Functional poration 4.4.1 ma tim - The canopy system shall be inspeoted to doter
24、mine ocnnplipnoe with the requirements specified herein with respeot to materials, workmawhip, and all other requirements not ccnrered y testa. 4.4.2 bt ional br ation - !the entire oanopy system shall be tested for proper functioning and reliable operation of all moving parts. 5. PREPARATION FOR DE
25、LIVERY. HOT APPLICABLE; 6. NOTES 6.1 Intonded Uae 6.1.1 This specification establishes design practices and mthods for airerat canopy design for fixed wing fighter, atta&, and trsiner airurait. Preparing Activity: Navy - AS Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-