NAVY MIL-D-23000-1961 DECODER GROUP OA-3369( ) APX-7《OA-3369( ) APX-7译码机小组》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-D-23000-1961 DECODER GROUP OA-3369( ) APX-7《OA-3369( ) APX-7译码机小组》.pdf_第1页
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1、_ - M I L- D - 23000 (W EP) 15 SEPTEMBER 1961 MILITARY SFECIFICATION This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope - The equipment oovered by this specification shall provide an active readout function of SIF reply- codes within an IF

2、F M4RK X SIF radar recognition system. APIE-7 ification shall be in accordanoe wtth Specification KCZ-N-18307. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-23000 5 I 7777706 OL5L787 7 I MIL-D-23OOO (WEP) 3.208 Standard Conditions - The fol

3、lowing condi- tions shall be used to establish normal performnce characteristics under standard conditions and for making laboratory bench tests. Te nperature Altitude Normal ground Room ambient (30 t. 10%) - Vibration None Humidity Room ambient up to 90% relative humidity .Input pmr 27.5 - +.Oe5 V

4、M3 voltage 342.9 Service Conditions - The equipment shall operate satisfactorily under the environmental service conditions or reasonable combination of these conditions in accordance with Speoifi- cation MIL-E-$h? for Glas8 IA equipment, except as modified herein. satitfactorily when sub jected to

5、the vibration r equiremnts of Curve I and II of Specification MIL-E-SbOO. Vibration - The equipment shall operate 3.2410 Primary Input Power Requirements - The equipment shall meet all applicable requirements of MIL-SIID-704 and shall give specified perfomnce from the folldng power source wi

6、th characteriatics as defined in MIL-STD-704 having limits as specified therein. The pqr required shall not exmed the specified amounts. (i) Interferenoe Control - The generation of radio interference by the equipment and the vulnerability of the equip- ment to radio interference shall be controlled

7、 within the limits of Speoification MIL-1-6181. DC Power 28 V, Category.”, 1.5 hps. 3.2.U 3.3 Performance - Unless otherwise specified, values set forth to establish the requirements for satisfaotory per- fonnance apply to performance under b (2) two amphtude-mozulated aig- nala with quadrature modu

8、lation; the modulation being a function of the relative instantaneoua position of the antenna and PPI.curaor; b, Generate a range-admuth gate for segregating tar- get8 selected for readout, provide co if a puise is shfted .t 0.5 mec or more from nominal posi- tion, the code madou% shall not Fefect t

9、his displaced pulse. 0.5 usee shifted pulse shall be considered effectively as of zero value . ) (The Decoding at =rem Temperatures - The decoding tol- erances specified in shall apply for equipnent operation within the temperature range of 2OoC and + or IP-hlk/APA-l2s (ModJfied)*; o

10、r IP-229/APA-56 (Mdifi ed) * * Modifications to Azimuth-Range Indicators are not part of this upc- . ific ation. 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 General - Items covered by this specification shall

11、 be subjected to the (1) Preproduction Tests (2) Production Sample Tests . (3) Acceptance Tests (4) Lfe Tests Preproduction Tests - Preproduction tests shall be made on an equipment foiiowing tests to determine compliance with all applicable requirements: 42 representative of the production equipmen

12、ts to be supplied under the contract, Preproduction tests shaU consist of the foliowing: (1) Contractors Demonstration Tests (2) Service Approval Tests Contractors Demonstration Tests - Contractors demonstration tests shall be accomplished under the responsibility of the contractor and shall be cond

13、ucted in accordance with the approved test procedure of 4,6. The government inspector and the procuring activity shall be advised when testa are to be conducted so that a representative may be designated to witness.or supervise the test8 when so desired, Contractors not having adequate faciiities to

14、 canduct all required tests shall obtain the services of a commercial testing laboratory, The contractor shall submit aU data collected in conducting these tests to the procuring agency for review and approval, This data shall include a list of all electrical and electronic parts giving their specif

15、ied voltage, current and temperature rating and the appiied circuit voltage, current and ambient and surface temperatures, The ambient and sur- face temperature shall be obtained under the extreme high temperature operating condition. This data may be included as part of the preliminary parts list.

16、Service Approval Tests - At the completion of-the contractors demonstration tests and when requested by the procuring activity, the equipment shall -be delivered to a specified government laboratory for additional testing, This addional testing may consist of duplicating tests previouely conducted a

17、nd such other tests as are deemed necessary to determine compliance with till applicable design and performance requirements. Accessory Material - In addition to the complete equipment submitted for service approval tests, the contractor shall also submit the accessory material md design and teatdat

18、a specified in Specification MIL-E-5400. This information shall indicate the physical and electrical characteristics of the equipment and establish the equipments compliance with applicable requirements, 4.2.3 4.2,l . 4.2,l.l 4.2.2 4. 2.2.1 SCO e of Tests - Preproduction tests shall include all test

19、s deemed necessary to determine that the -+- eq pmen meets di the requirements of this specification and the contract, Preproduction tests shall include environmental tests in accordance with Specification MIL,-T-6422 and interference tests in accordance with 8pecification MIL-1-8181. * Provided by

20、IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - - MIL-D-23000 58 m 797970b 0353775 2 m - MIL-D-23000(wEp) 4.2.4 Preproduetion.Approva1 - Approval of the preproduction model shall be by the procuring activity upon satisfactory completion of all tests. No produ

21、ction equipments shall be delivered prior to the approval of the preprodudtion model. Prefabrication of production equipment prior to the approval of the preproduction model is at the contractors own risk. The approved preproduction model will be returned to the contractor for his use in the fabrica

22、tion and testing of equipment to be submitted for acceptance. The preproduction model shall not be considered as one of the equipments under the contract; however, it may be reworked by the contractor and submitted for acceptance as a productidn equipment. Equipments supplied under the contract shal

23、l in all respects, including design, construction, workmanship, performance and quality be equivalent to tne approved preproduction sample. Each equipment shall be capable of successfully passing the same tests imposed on the preproduction sample, Evidence of non-compliance With the above shall cons

24、titute cause for rejection or if already accepted by the government it shall be the obligation of the contractor to make necessary corrections as approved by the procuring activity. equipment shall be selected from the first ?0 production equipments submitted for acceptance and sent to a designated

25、goverpment laboratory for tests. The equipment shall be selected by the government inspector after the equipment has successfully passed all individual tests. Scope of Tests - This equipment may be subjected to any and all tests the procuring activity deems necessary to assure that the production eq

26、uipment is equivalent to the approved preproduction sample in design, onstruction, workmanship, performance and quality and that it is capable of meeting all applicable requirements. Production Sample Approval - Approval of the production sample shall be by the procuring activity upon satisfactory c

27、ompletion of all tests. Any design, material or performance defect made evident during this test shall be corrected by the contractor to the safisfaction of the procu.ring activity. Upon failure of the production sample to pass any of the tests, delivery of equipment under the contract shall cease u

28、ntil proper corrective action is approved and accomplished. Corrective action shall also be accomplished on equipment previously accepted when requested by the procuring activity. 4.2. 5 4. 3 Production Sample Tests - When requested by the procuring activity, one 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 Reconditioning of

29、Production Test Sample - On completion of the production sample test the equipment shall De reworked by the contractor by replacing all wear or damaged items. After reworking the contractor shall resubmit the equipment for acceptance. 4.4 Acceptance Tests - The contractor shall furnish all samples a

30、nd shall be responsible for accomplishing the acceptance tests. All inspection and te6ting shall be under the supervision of the government inspector. Contractors not having testing facilities satisfactory to the procuring activity shall engage the service of a commercial testing laboratory acceptab

31、le to the procuring activity. The contractor shall furnish test reports showing quantitative results for all acceptance tests. *ch reports shall he signed by an authorized representative of the contractor or laboratory, as applicable. Acceptance or approval of material during the course of manufactu

32、re shall not be construed as a guarantee of the acceptance of the finished product. Acceptance tests shall consist of the following: (1) Individual .Tests (2) Sampling Tests (3) Special Tests u Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.4.1 in

33、dividual Tests - Each equipment submitted for acceptance shall be mbjected to the individual tests. These tests shall be adequate to determine compliance with the requirements of material, workmanship, operational adequacy and reliability, As a minimum, each equipment accepted shall have passed the

34、following tests: (1) Examination of Product (2) Operational Test (3) Manufacturing Reliability Test Examination of Product - Each equipment shall be examined carefully to Operational Test - Each equipment shall be operated long enough to permit determine that the material and workman

35、ship requirements have been met. the equipment temperature to stabilize and to check sufficient characteristics and record adequate data to assure eatisfactory equipment operation. Manufacturing Reliability Test - Each equipment shali be operated under the conditions ispecifed herein for a period of

36、 6 hours without failure. A failure shall be defined as anything which causes malfunctioning of the equipment. only those adjustments will be permitted which can be made by using such controls and adjustments that are accessible to the operator during the normal use of the equipment. Tempera

37、ture Ambient room Humidity Ambient room Vibration Any selected frequency within the range of 20 to 30 cps (excluding resonant points) and a minimum amplitude of 13 gs The equipment shaii be vibrated (without vibration isolators) for a period of 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the 6-hour period

38、of operation. Where feasible, the equipment shall be operated during this vibration period for the purpose of detecting flaws and imperfect workmanship. Operation within the specified limits of satisfactory performance is not necessarily required during the vibration period, The direction of vibrati

39、on should be vertical to the normal mounting plane for 5 minutes and lateral to that plane for 5 minutes, Where it is not feasible to vibrate the equipment in 2 directions the vertical direction shall be used, During the 6-hour period- of operation following the 10-minute vibration period, the equip

40、ment shall be mechanically cycled periodically through its various phases of operation, Should a failure occur, it should be repaired and the test started over, except that the 10-minute vibration period need not be repeated when it is certain the failure was not a result of the vibration. Should re

41、petitive failures occur, corrective action shall be taken to eliminate this defect from future equipment. A record shall be kept of all failures. The 6-hour period specified above may be composed of two 3-hour periods to conform with standard working hours, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproducti

42、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-23000 58 7977706 0151797 b m MIED-OOO (WEP) 4.4.2 Sampling Tests - Sampling tests shall be conducted on equipments which have successfully passed the individual tests. Equipments shall be selected for sampling tests by the Government insp

43、ector in accordance with the following: Quantity of Equipments Offered for Acceptance Quantity to be Selected For Sampling Test First 10 1 Next 50 1 Next 75 1 Next 100 1 1 for each additional 200 or fraction thereof Scope of Tests - As a minimum, each equipment selected for sampling tests sh

44、aii be subjected to the foiowing tests: (1) Complete operational test at ambient room conditions, making aU necessary measurements to assure that all applicable specification requirements have been met. may vary for each equipment tested and should be based on results of the preproduction, productio

45、n and special tests, that the test duration shall be 120 hours with no restriction on the number of failures. However, each failure shaU be analyzed as to cause and remedial action necessary to reduce the possibility of its recurrence in future equipment. (2) Operational test at certain environmenta

46、l conditions. The conditions (3) Manufacturing reliability test specified in para. 4.4,l. 3 except 4.4.3 Special Tests - Special tests shaU be conducted on a quantity of equipments for the purpose of checking the effect of any design or material change on the performance of the equipment and to assu

47、re adequate quality control. The equipment selected for special tests may be selected from equipments previously subjected to the sampling tests. made as follows; except that when a Production Sample is requested and delivered to a government laboratory for test (See para. 4.3) the requireme

48、nt for a special test on an early production equipment may be omitted. Special Teats Schedule - Selection of equipments for special tests shaU be (1) n an early production equipment. (2) On an early equipment after an engineering change, (3) Whenever failure reports or other information indicate add

49、itional equipments should be tested. (This will be determined by the . procuring activity, ) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- by the procuring activity. Test procedures previously approved for the preproduction and sampling tests shall be used where applicable, When not applicable, the contractor shall prepare a test procedure and submit it to the procuring activ


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