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1、MIL-D-81694 (AS) AMENDMENT 5 25 January 1984 SUPERSEDING AMENDMENT 4 24 Novmber 1982 MILITARY SPEC IF ICATION DISPENSING SET, COUNTERMEASURES AND CHAFF AN/ ALE - 3 9 This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-D-81694(AS) dated 2 February 1972 and has been approved by the Naval Air Sys

2、tems Comnand, Department of the Navy and is available for use by all Department and Agencies of the Department of Defense. Previous issues of this specification and amendments are hereby decl assi fied. for: decl assi fication. Ci te this amendment as authority PAGE 5 3.3.1: Change 2.5 pounds to 2.1

3、 pounds. PAGE 6 * 3.3.6: Delete in its entirety and substitute: “Interference control . - The equipment shall operate within the limits specified by the tests listed in Table I, Class ID of MILOSTD-461A, as modified herein by Paragraph Specific requirements of the equipment either augmentin

4、g or deleting those listed herein may be set forth in the purchase description by the procuring activity. PAGE 6 * Add new paragraph as follows: “Test parameter exceptions. - The following relaxations to the limits of MIL-STD-461A and Notice 3 are allowable when the programmer and sequencer

5、 switches are interconnected and operating together with 1/2 Ohm, 10 watt resistors used as loads in place of impulse cartridges. Test - CE03 and CE04 Broadband Emissions Broadband Emissions Broadband Emissions Devi ation (db) Frequency (HZ) +20 +4 3 +2 5 +29.5 2OK 150K 1.5M 2M 1 of 9 FSC 5895 Provi

6、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-VIL-D-8367LI (5) 58 7777906 0372005 MIL-D-81694 (AS) AMENDMENT-5 Broadband Emi ssi ons Broadband Emissions RE02 (Broadband Emissions) RE02 (Broadband Emi ssi on s RE02 (Broadband Emissions) RE02 (Broadband E

7、missions) RE02 (Broadband Emissions) RE02 ( Broadband Em! ssi on s RE02 (Broadband Emissions) RE02 (8roadband Emissions) RE02 (Broadband Emissions) RE02 (Broadband Emissions) RE02 (Broadband Emissions) +26 +26 +8 +8 +7 +21 O +7 +10 +15 +20 +15 +10 25M 504 14K 140K 500K 25M 2 5M 35M 5oM 50M 1 OOM 100

8、M 1G Note (1) All testing will be accomplished fn singles mode. Test limits do not apply during reset. Test limits are established by straight-1 ine interpol ation between points given. The above relaxations to the limits of MIL-STD-461A are in addition to the re1 axations granted by Notice 3 to MIL

9、-STD-461A. Note (2) Shortening of Burst Intervals and Salvo Intervals during CSO2 testing is permitted for interference signals of 0.4 Vrms or greater above 750 KHZ when applied to the 5 Vac lighting line. Uncontrolled firings are not permitted during any test.“ PAGE 7 * Delete in its en

10、tirety and substitute: “The programer shall operate continuously at a maximum ambient temperature of +55% with the lighting circuit energized and +95% with the lighting circuit not energized. For the purpose of MIL-E-5400, short term, intermittent, or high temperature storage extremes do not apply.“

11、 PAGE 8 Delete in its entirety and substitute: ROW than 10 watts at 5.0 volts, AC, 400 HZ. No lighting power is required for the dispenser or sequencer switch. No lighting power is required for the programer above +55% ambient.“ “Input power for lighting of the programer shall require not

12、PAGE 0 Change 900 IIW to 1.5 watts. .- 3 I 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-81694(AS) AMENDMENT- 5 .+ PAGE 10 -2 -1: Delete “14/28 VAC“. PAGE 10 Change “2.5“ to “2.1“ pounds. PAGE 10 Chang

13、e “Automatic“ to “Program“. PAGE 10 (2): In second sentence add “0.50“ to intervals listed. PAGE 11 Table I: Change “Automatic“ to “Program“. PAGE 12 Table I, Note 1C: Delete Note 1C in its entirety and substitute: “Burst Quantity (RI and Burst Interval (Fixed No.) - Four, five, or six b

14、ursts at the fixed time interval. lhe number bursts shall have equal probability of occurrence. Any additional salvos will occur at the salvo Interval .“ PAGE 13 Change first sentence to read: 0.125 second) dispensing of a single desired payload each time the single amde is selecwd on the

15、 cockpit control unit and the press-to-dispense switch is pushed in.“ “Single Mode. The programer shall provide for imnediate (within PAGE 14 Change “Flare-Rapid Fire sequence“ to read “SALVO Flares sequence. “ PAGE 14 Add to end of sentence “(or equivalent).“ 3 Provided by IHSNo

16、t for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-D-BI674 (5) 58 = 7777906 0372007 I = MIL-D-81694 (AS) AMENDMENT 5 PAGE 14 ) correct designation per NAVAIR 11-100-1. In 2 places change “squib“ to “impulse cartridge“. This is the PAGE 15 In 6 p

17、laces change Isquib to “impulse cartridge“. PAGE 15 In one place change “squib“ to “impulse cartridge“. PAGE 22 4.5.1: Change “vol tate“ to “vol tage“. PAGE 26 Figure 1: Change pin letters on programer: PIN A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V - NEW G H J U L M B C E R D F N T K A P S V

18、- FUNCTION Man. Chaff M It. 20 2 Y Chaff ctr. 22 +28VDC L-20 Clk INH Ext. clk GND L-10 Spare Flare ctr. 5Vac Reset Jam ctr. R-10 R-20 4 1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-8167LI (5) 58 m 7977906 0172008 3 MIL-0-81694 (AS) AMENDME

19、NT-5 PAGE 27 Figure 2: Change following dimensions: From - 8.440 6.250 To 8.60 6.70 Change: Note 1 from 1.9 to 2.1 lbs Note 2 from 0.9 to 1.5 watts PAGE 30 Figure 5: Under Note 1, add decimal point to read weight Housing 4.66 lbs. Di Spenser ( 1 oaded) 21.30 1 bs. PAGE 31 * Figure 6: Delete in its e

20、ntirety and substitute new Figure 6. PAGE 34 Delete in its entirety and substitute: “Power Control . A switch position shall be provided on the Payload Selector Control (see rotary switch to control the primary power to the AN/ALE-39 dispenser system. This position shall be label

21、ed “OFF“. In the “OFF“ positiion primary power shall not be provided to the program- mer and control units. In any other position (SALVO F, C, F/S, F/M, J) primary power shalt be provided to the control and programmer units of the WALE-39 dispensing system.“ PAGE 34 Delete in its entirety

22、and substitute: Shall be provided for selection of type payload to be dispensed. The rdtch positions shall have the following functions and labels In a clockwise rotation: - Salvo flares (SALVO F (PULL), poweroff (OFF), Chaff (Cl, nate-single (F/S), Flare-multiple (F/M), and Jammer (3). See sub- par

23、agraph below regarding salvo flares control configuration. A red press to-dispense momentary switch, labeled “DISP“, shall be located in the center of the Payload Selector Control to initiate the dispensing seq- uence. It shall operate in conjunction with the Payload Selector Control rnd

24、the Mode Select switch (“ “Pay1 oad Selector Control A sing1 e six-posi tion rotary switch 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-0-81694 (AS) AMENMENT-5 PAGE 34 Delete In its entirety and substitute: rotary paylo

25、ad selector control switch shall be provided to actuate the progranmer flarefiring sequence (reference paragraph The switch position shall be labeled as indicated in paragraph above, 8nd it shall have a striped background as specified In MIL-C-81774, para- graph When th

26、e salvo fiares position is selected it shall initi- ate the flores salvo without having to press the press-to-dispenseu tuf tch .“ “Salvo Flares Control . A guarded pull-di position on the PAGE 34 Change Reference .“ to read “(reference 3.SeZe5.4) .“ PAGE 35 Change ““ to

27、 read ““ PAGE 35 Mode Control : Delete In its entirety and substitute: “Mode Select. A single, long throw, positive action, three-position toggle smhm be provided to operate ln conjunction with the payload selector control and press to-dispense button to select the dispensing mode.

28、 The switch shall be labeleb Single SNGL) , Standby (STBY), and Program (PRGM) . “SNGL“ “PRGM“ When the switch is moved to SNGL“ or lower positSon and the press-to-dispense button Is pressed a ringle burst of the respective payl oad shal 1 be dispensed wi thi n O .O75 seconds The single mode may als

29、o be Initiated while on automatic dispensing sequence is in operation by selecting SNGL“ and pressing the press-to-di spense button .“ Yhen the switch is moved to the “PRWU or upper position snd the press-to-di spense button Is pressed, the programed sequence command for the sel ected payl oad ( ref

30、erence shall be entered into the programer. The programer shall control the rates snd quantities of the appropr i ate payl oa until the di spensi ng progrm 1 s coinpl eted e Once a programed di rpensing sequence has been initiated It must be completed before another programed dispensing se

31、quence can be initiated. A programed sequence may be lnterrupted by a manually Initiated single burst, after which the programed sequence will then resume.“ 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-D-Lb9 (5) 58 9999906 0172010 1 M MIL-

32、D-81694 (AS) AMENDMENT-5 PAGE 35 30.15.4: Change “(Pin A)“ to “(Pin 6)“. Add the following sentence - “This switch shall function independent of the payload selected (C, F/S, F/M, 3) on the Payload Selector Control .“ PAGE 36 Warning Receiver Override. Delete in its entirety and substi tute

33、.: , “Warning Receiver Override. A two position toggle switch shall be provided to d isconnect the interface circuit in the control unit from the automatic AN/AiR-50 warning receiver (J2-Ml input. The switch shall be labeled “WR AUTO CHAFF“ in the upper position and “OFFI in the lower posi- tion. re

34、ceiver. A repeat delay circuit shall be utilized to prevent the CHAFF- AUTO code from being generated more often than 30 seconds apart.“ In the CHAFF-AUTO fire command code when initiated by the warning PAGE 36, after first sentence: Delefe and substitute: “The logic interface between contr

35、ol and programer units is positive-true with logical “O“ defined as 0.1 to +1.0 volts, and logical 1 defined as +10.0 to +12.0 volts. In the logical “O“ conditions, the control unit circuitry shall be capable of “sinking“ 3.2ma from the programer unit. The control unit shall provide an open circuit

36、to the programmer to satisfy the 1 ogical “1“ condi tion.“ PAGE 36 “Y Change to as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. “Chaff Manual “ to “Chaff Sing1 e “Chaf f-Auto“ to “Chaff Programmed“ “Fl are Si ngl e-Manual “ to “F1 are Si ngl e“ “fl are Si ngl e-Auto“ to “il are Si ngl e Programed“ “

37、F1 are Mu1 ti pl e-Manual “ to “F1 are Mu1 ti pl e“ “fl are Mu1 tipl e-Auto“ to “fl are Mu1 tipl e Programmed“ “Jamner Manual“ to “Jamner Single“ “Jammer Auto“ to “Jammer Programmed“ 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-BLb74 (5) 5

38、8 7779706 OL720LL 3 MI L-D-8 1694 ( AS ) AMENDMENT-5 PAGE 36 Fire Comnand Encoder: Change function of item 9 from “Rapid Fire-Flare“ to “SLAV0 F1 ares“. PAGE 37 30.2.1, in one place change “squibs“ to “impulse cartridges“. PAGE 38 30.3.1, in 2 places change Squib“ to impulse cartridges“.

39、The margins of this amendment are marked with an asterisk to indicate where changes (addi ti ons, modifications, correct4 ons , deletions) from the pre- vious amendment were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no 1 iabil ity whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these n

40、otations. Bidders and contractors are rautioned to evaluate the require- nents of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous amendment. Preparing activity ( Project 5895-N311) Navy- As a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-/ r7 - 4 MIL-D-BLb74 (5) 58 W 7777906 OL720L2 5 W MIL-D-81694 I AMENDMEHT- 5 I . f7U.C. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1964-705-040/A1208 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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