1、. . _. :.:IL-1-22765. (trp) ir:end:.ient - 2 15 Fahrilary 1966 ihmrse-: ing Amendment 1 15Decercber 1961 +:laFe 1, paraorap!: 1.1: ?elete and substitute *lare I, paragraph 1.7: %lete and ci1xtitute Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-KIL-
2、I-22768(1) he ndment -2 Page 2, after paraFraph ;.id “ Vibration_ - The eouinment shall operate satisfactorily when subjectd to the vibration environ3ent as specifid in procedures IV an.? V of Specfication TL-E-5272. .Cl“-.WC inci- and all tcFtc shall be conducted in each of three c
3、iutually perpendiculnr planes in lieu of the circular vibration specified.“ The douhle ampliturie shsll be : nd Substitu:e “accocisted i.? control .I por-!-.ra+ 6.3 (2): Delete an:! Substitute - Central Snecificzt: on- - Intecpited Electronic C-ntral. k.K/ASQ-lS f i c6.t i on :.2 1.- I - 11309 a nd
4、tdi,/;/kSQ-83 Spc-c i fi cat i on !:,IL- 1-8 1036 ?re cf: c! en c e over th i s spe c i fi c at i on . sha 1 1 Il . . L . , . . . . - -. - . .- . -.- . :.:1:;: . . . . .-, , ,.- b i . :in :sterFsl: .Ipeco-iinc s paracraph nwber denotes a chanp? to be made . . . to the spec!Ficctior: vk.ich dici not
5、aFpear in !Jmendment - 1, F:z:.l:= . -. . -. - . -.-.-.-.- . _ - . .-.-. .-.- . : . -. -. . ,.-.- ,.- -.* . . ,._-. _- ._.,_. - . . “I. u -. -. . .-. . . .-. I. :z .- ._ -._ . -. . ._. . _- . . -.- . . . . _I. _“ . . - . . . - - .- -. . ,- .-2- . . . . . I ! -.- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-