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1、MIL-L-19140E28 June 1984SUPERSEDINGI!0 MIL-L-0019140D(SH)21 October 1982MIL-L-19140C12 November 1964(See 6.6)LUMBERMILITARY SPECIFICATIONAND PLYWOOD , FIRE-RSTARDANT TREATEDThis specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agenciesthe Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 =. This specificati

2、on covers requirements for fire-retardanttreated lumber and plywood, including laminated veneer lumber processed bypressure impregnation, using qualified fire-retardant chemical treatments .1.2 Classification.of1.2.1 m. The fire-retardant treated lumber and plywood shall be ofthe following types bas

3、ed on the durability of the treatment (see 6.2. 1):Type I - Non-weather-resistant (for interior use) .Type 11 - Weather resistant (for interior or exterior use).1.2.2 Categories. The treated lumber and plywood shall be of the followingcategories based on use (see 6.2. 1):Category 1 - General use.Cat

4、egory 2 - Naval shipbuilding and repair.IBeneficial comments (recommendations , additions, deletions ) and any pertinentdata which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:I Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 55Z3, Department of the Navy,Washington, DC 20362 by “sing th

5、e self-addressed Standardization DocumentImprovement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this documentor by letter.FSC 5510Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-19140E2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 S

6、pecifications. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifi-cations of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Indexof Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation form apart of this specification to the extent specified herein.SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALMM-

7、L-736 - Lumber; Hardwood.MM-L-751 - Lumber; Softwood.NN-P-530 - Plywood, Flat Panel.MILITARYMIL-L-14362 - Lumber: Unitizing andMIL-P-18066 - Plywood, Ship and BoatLoading of.Construction.(Copies of specifications required by contractors in connection withspecific acquisition functions should be obta

8、ined from the contracting activityor as directed by the contracting officer. )2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of thisspecification to the extent specified herein. The issues of the documentswhich are indicated as 00D adopted shall be the issue listed in the currentDoOISS

9、and the supplement thereto, if applicable.AMIiRIcAw WOOD PRSSERVERs ASSOCIAHON (AWpA) STANDARDScl - Preservative Treatment of All Timber Products by PressureTreatment General Requirements.C20 - Treatment of Structural Lumber, Fire-Retardant by PressureTreatment.C27 - Treatment of Plywood, Fire-Retar

10、dant by Pressure Treatment .M2 - Instructions for the Inspection of Treated Lumber Products.M3 - Standard Quality Control Procedures for Wood PreservingPlants.M6 - Brands Used on Forest Products .(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Wood PreserversAssociation, P.O. Box B49, St

11、evens vine, MD 21666. )a71ia712Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-19140EASTMD 143 - Small Clear Specimens of Timber. (DoD adopted)D 2016 - Moisture Content of Wood. (DoD adopted)D 2898 - Accelerated Weathering of Fire-Retardant Tre

12、ated Woodfor Fire Testing.E 69 - Combustible Properties for Treated Wood by the Fire-TubeApparatus .E 84 - Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.(DoD adopted)(Application for copies should be addressed to ASTM, 1916 Race Street,Philadelphia, PA 19103. )(Industry association specifica

13、tions and standards are generally availablefor reference from libraries. They are also distributed among technical groupsand using Federal agencies. )2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text ofthis specification and the references cited berein, the text of this specificat

14、ionshall take precedence.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Qualification. The fire-retardant treated lumber and plywood furnishedunder this specification shall be products which are qualified for listing onthe applicable qualified products list at the time set for opening of bids (see4.3 and 6.5).3.2 Material.3.2.

15、1 Pressure treatment. Lumber shall be given pressure treatment inaccordance with AWPA Cl and C20. Plywood shall be given pressure treatmentin accordance with AWPA Cl and C27. Whenever the quantity to be treated issufficient, lumber (or plywood) of different thicknesses shall be treated inseparate ch

16、arges. For treating species other than those covered by AWpAstandards, the AWPA schedule for the species having treating characteristicsmost closely resembling those of the one to be treated, shall be followed.3.2.2 Species or types. The lumber or plywood furnished under thisspecification shall be o

17、f those species or types which are receptive to pressureimpregnation (see 6.3).the grade ordered, afteraccordance with MM-L-736for plywood.I 3.2.3 .Material treated shall be of such quality as to meettreatment and drying. Material shall be ordered inand MM-L-751 for lumber and MIL-P-18066 and NN-P-5

18、303.2.3.1 Lumber. Onless otherwise specified (see 6.2. 1), incising of aspecies is required if that species had been incised in qualification approvaltests. Lumber may be incised to a depth of 3/8 inch if necessary to achieveadequate impregnation. Incising shall not be permitted if unsuitable for en

19、d use. Plywood. Plywood shall not be incised.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-19140E3.2.4 Drying and conditionin as specified in 4.6.6, shall be equal to or betterthan the material granted qualification approval (see 4.3.

20、1).3.11 Solution concentration and chemical composition. The solutionsamule, taken from the autoclave following the treatment of the lot of lumberor plywood, shall have a concentration of the fire-retardant salts equal to orexceeding the concentration of these salts in the solution used in preparing

21、the treated wood of the same species approved for qualification. Chemicalcomposition of the solution shall be identical to that used in qualifying thetreatment. The concentration and chemical composition of fire-retardant saltsin the solution shall be determined as specified in Moisture c

22、ontent. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2. 1), the mois-ture content of fire-retardant treated lumber or plywood at the time of delivery,shall not exceed the following limitation when teated as specified in 4.6.8:Lumber less than 4 inches in thickness (nominal) . 19 percentLumber 4 inches and over

23、 in thickness (nominal) Any stage ofseasoningPlywood, all thicknesses . 14 percentoIIoIn lumber or plywood 2 inches or less in thickness , the difference in moisturecontent between shell and core shall not exceed 3 percenc.3.13 Naterial identification. Individual pieces of treated material shallbe i

24、dentified according to the use category as specified (see 6.2. 1).3.13.1 Category 1 (general use). Each piece shall be legibly mrked on ornear each end with the chemical designation or treatment name and the symbol FRor FRX for type I or type II treatments, as applicable. When specified(see 6.2. 1),

25、 each piece shall be marked at no greater than 3 foot intervals onat least one edge or face with the following information as required. Markingshall be legible and indelible and may be coded in accordance with the symbolsof AWPA M6:(a) Treaters brand symbol or treatment name.(b) Testing laboratory s

26、ymbol or label.3.13.2 Category 2 (Naval shipbuilding and repair use). fbis category OnlYaPPlies to tYPe II material and unless otherwise specified (see 6.2. 1), to onlystaging (scaffold) plank material and plywood. Staging planks shall be legiblymarked using a burned-in brand having characters at le

27、ast 3/4-inch tall andl/16-inch deep with the following designation:(a) FR-X.(b) Numerals for last two digits of year of treatment.(c) A numeral designator assigned to the manufacturer to denote thetreatment name and the specific treating plant. ManufacturermaY add a treatment symbol or trademark if

28、desired.Some space shall be allowed between the character groups of (a), (b), and (c)to aid legibility. This designation shall appear at least once on each edge,at alternate ends, near the end but not closer than 18 inches from the end.5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking perm

29、itted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-19140EIAdditionally, planks shall be colored with a permanent, weather-proof, non-smudging dye or stain (nonfilm-forming type) of distinctive color in tbe blueto blue-green color range. Coloring material shall be nonirritating to the skin oand halide-free. Co

30、loring may vary from a single stripe not less than 1-3/4inches wide on each face to complete coloring of all surfaces. Coloring may beinterrupted at intervals to imprint the manufacturers name or trademark. Ply-wood sheets shall be color stained as required for planks and shall have theabove plank d

31、esignation indelibly marked on the back face near each end. Inthe event plywood markings are not easily legible due to surface roughness,lack of contrast between color stain and marking or other reasons, branding asfor planking shall be employed on the back face.3.14 Workmanship. Fire-retardant trea

32、ted material shall meet the gradeor type of lumber or plywood specified in the contract or order. In the specialcase where treatment is performed on Government -owned material, a prior agreementshall be made concerning the amount of degrade permitted (see 6.3.2).4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Re

33、sponsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the con-tract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of allinspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified inthe contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other

34、facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specifiedherein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the rightto perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where sur.hinspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services

35、confortn toprescribed requirements.4. 1.1 General. Unless otherwise specified, and except as mndified oraugmented below, the procedures of AWPA standards M2 and M3 shall be followed.4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspection of requirementsspecified herein are classified as follows:(a) Qualif

36、ication inspection (see 4.3).(b) Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4).4.3 Qualification i“spectio”. Qualification inspection shall be conductedat a laboratory satisfactory to NAVSEA (see 6.5) on sample units as specifiedherein. Qualification inspection shall consist of the examination of 4.5 and

37、 thetests of Qualification of treatment. Except as modified below, all fireretardant treatments shall be subjected to all of the tests and meet all of therequirements stated herein for each species of lumber or plywood. he tests asspecified in may be used in lieu of Tests

38、as specified in4.6.1.2, 4.6.6, and 4.6.7 establish criteria for quality conformance tests andhave no qualification test criteria. After qualification of a treatment appliedto Southern Pine Sapwood , the tests as specified in 4.6.2 through h.6.5 need notbe repeated for any species treated with identi

39、cal chemicals, except laminatedveneer lumber. For this material each species or combination of species shall a716Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-19140EIbe strength tested (see 4.6.2), but the fire test (see 4.6.1) need not be ru

40、nfor any species or combination of species previously qualified in the form ofplywood . Each species to be qualified must be tested according to all require-ments until such time as Southern Pine Sapwood lumber is qualified.4.3.2 Sampling for qualification. Treated material for qualificationtesting

41、shall be selected from a production run of lumber or plywood of eachspecies to be qualified. Sufficient treated material and treating solutionfor required tests shall be selected from the same production run and shall berepresentative of the lot for rate of growth, density and location within theaut

42、oclave. Sampling of unincised, untreated wood for strength tests.Untreated, unincised sections, cut from the same material as selected andtreated for the strength tests , shall be utilized for the tests specified in4.6.2. Material shall be of straight grain, uniform quality, and end-matchedwi

43、th treated samples . Fire tube samples . Samples for the fire tube test (see consist of 10 sticks, 3/8 by 3/4 by 48 inches, of the same a75aterial asbeing treated. Samples shall be precut and distributed symmetrically throughoutthe treating charge. An 8-inch length shall be cut

44、from the end of five of thesticks for he te=ts as specified ii 4.6.3the treatment process.4.4 Quality conformance inspection.consist of the examination as specified in4.6.1.2 and 4.6.6 through 4.6.8.after normal treating and drying forQuality conformance inspection shall4.5 and the tests as specifie

45、d in4.4.1 Let. A sampling lot shall consist of all the material treated ina single charge.4.4.2 Sampling for quality conformance. Sufficient samples of treatedmaterial and treating solution shall be selected from each lot for the testsspecified in 4.4. Samples shall be selected to be representative

46、of the lotfor rate of growth, density and location within the autoclave. Fire tubesamples may be cut in accordance with ASTM E 69, or precut as specified in4.3.2.2. Random samples for visual examination (see 4.5) shall be as specifiedin table I.TA8LE 1. Sampling procedure for inspection.Number of pi

47、ecesin charge40 under41 to 6566 to 110111 to 300301 to 800801 to 3,2003,201 to 8,000Number of piecesin sample2357101525Acceptance number(defective )o001113Rejection number(defective )11122347Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IMIL-L-1914

48、0E4.5 Examination. Fire retardant treated lumber and plywood selected asspecified in 4.4.2 shall be inspected to determine compliance with 3.2, 3.9and 3.14. If any piece does not conform to these requirements it shall beconsidered defective and shall be cause for rejection. If the number of suchpiec

49、es in any sample exceeds the acceptance number for that sample, each piecein the lot represented by the sample shall be checked by the contractor for thedeficiency indicated, and all nonconforming pieces removed.4.6 Methods of test.4.6.1 Fire retardance.4.6. 1.1 Surface b“rni”g characteristics. Fire tests shall be conductedon treated lumber, plywood or laminated veneer lumber in accordance with theprocedures of ASTM E 84. Test material shall remain in the test

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