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1、MIL-S-15103F(SH)16 March 1988SUPERSEDINGMIL-S-15103E(SH)9 January 1981(See 6.7) IMILITARY SFECUICATIONSALINITY INDICATING EQUIPMSNTThis specification is approved for use within the Naval Sea SystemsCommand, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by allDepartments and Agencies of the Depacc

2、ment of Defenae.1. SCOPE1.1 . This specification covers salinity indicating equipment con-sisting of multi-channel consoles and sensors. Multi-channel consoles providefor individual salinity channel modules, individual visual alarms, a commonmeter, and a common audible alarm. These consoles have the

3、 ability to actuateexternally-operated dump valves, indicators, and alarms. Consoles employtemperature compensated salinity aensore.1,2 Cknsole type designation. The console type designation shall be inthe following form aa specified (ace 6.2.1):Equipment salinity COneole Dump valve Maximum Salinity

4、(see 1.2.1) channel type circuits indication modulesmodule (see 1.2.3) (see 1.2.4) and scale providedcapacity(see 1.2.2)units (see (ace1.2.5) 1.2.6)Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinentdata which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:

5、Commander, Naval Sea Systems Coummnd, SEA 55Z3, Department of che Navy,Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the self-addressed Standardization DocumentImprovement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document orby letter.AFsSCN/A FSC 6630DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for public rel

6、ease; distribution unlimitedI1.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-15103F(SH)1.2.1 Equipment. The equipment shaIl be identified by the four-letter1symbol “IC/SB” which denotes that che equipment is part of the interior communi-catio

7、n (IC) system, salinity indicating circuit (SB).1.2.2 Salinity channel module capacity. A number denotes the maximumnumber of selinity channel modules that can be accommodated by the console.Consoles shall be available in capacities of 1, 7,. and 15 channels for the basicconsole and 7 and 15 channel

8、s for the repeater console.1.2.3 Console type. A single letter denotes the console type as follows:I B- Basic coneole.R- Repeater console (sac 3.10.1).M- Dual meter coneole (see 3.10.2).1.2.4 Cump valve circuits. This designation, consisting of one digit and1the lerter D, denotes the number of dump

9、valve control circuits provided. ThepOible designations are 3D, 2D, lD, and OD (OD Dignifying that there is nodump capability providad).1.2.5 Maximum indication and scale units. This designation, as shown below,denotes the maximum range of the tranamttter or meter readout and the scale units.Scale u

10、nits are indicaced by M (microsiemens per centimeter (/cm) ) and p (Partsper million (p/m) of chloride). Standard rangea ehall be as follows:005M o to 5 Vslcm050tl O to 50 fcmO1OP O to 10 p/m of chlorideD2500M O to 2500 vS/cm005M/050M Dual meter console; O to 5 uS/cm and O to 50 vSlcmMetere for appl

11、ications requiring other than the standard meter scales shall beapproved by NAVSEA. h “S” following the scale unit designation shall indicatea special meter requirement.1.2.6 Salinity modules provided. This number denotee the actual number ofsalinity channel modules provided.1.2.7 Special console re

12、quirements. An “S” following the number ofsalinity a75odules provided shall indicate a special console requirement.1.3 Salinity sensor type designation. The salinity sensor type designationshall be in the following form:IC/SBIdentification Material Senmor concant(see 1.3.1) (see 1.3.2) (see 1.3.3)2I

13、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-III!IIMIL-S-15103F(SH)1.3.1 Identification. The salinity sensor shall be identified by the fourleccers “IC/SB” denoting interior communication salinity indicating circuits.1.3.2 Meterial designation. Th

14、is designation shall indicate the materialof the sensor e follows:1 - Braae.2- C0rr0si0n7esistant eteel.1.3.3 Seneor conetant. This designation shall indicate the aeneor conacantas follows:No designation - 0.l/cm5 - 5.o/cm10 - loo/cm2. APPLICABLE DOCUMSNTS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specification

15、s and standards. The following specifications and stan-dards form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unlessotherwise specified, the Iesues of these documente shall be those listed in theissue of the Department of Defense Index of Specificationsand supplement thereto, cited

16、in the solicitation.SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALPPP-F-320 - Fiberboard; Corrugated and(Container Grade), and Cut Shapes.and Standards (DoOISS)Solid, Sheet StockMILITARYMIL-S-901 - Shock Teets, If.1. (High-Impacc ); ShipboardMachinery, Equipment and Systems , Requirementsfor.MIL-R-575 7 - Relays, Electromag

17、netic, General Specificationfor.MIL+4-10304 - Meters, Electrical Indicating, Panel Type,Ruggedized, General Specification for.MIL-M-10304/23 - Meters, Electrical Indicating, Panel Type,Ruggedized: Voltmeter and Ammeter, DC, LongScale (Flush Mounting, Round Flange, 4-1/2Inch), Style 44.MIL-P-15024 -

18、Plates, Tags and Bands for Identification ofEquipment.MIL-P-15024/5 - Plates, Identification.MIL-A-15303 - Audible Signals: Alarm8, Bells. Buzzers, Horns ,and Sirens, Electronic, Shipboard.MIL-V-16556 - Valve, Solenoid, Three-Way Bypess (Naval Ship-. .I t.oara uee).MIL+-16S78 - Wire, Electrical, Lns

19、ulated, General Specifi-cation for.3IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-15103F(SH)IMILITARY (Continued)MIL-W-16878/4MIL-E-17555MIL-L-19140MIL-S-19500MIL-R-19523MIL-P-24423MIL-R-39016uIL-T-46072STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-108MIL-STD-16

20、7-1!41L-STD-454MIL-STD-461MIL-STD-462MIL-STD-701DOD-STD-1399,Section 300- Wire. Electrical, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)Insulated, 200C, 600 volts, Extruded Insulation.Electronic and Electrical Equipment, Accessories,and Provisioned Items (Repair Parts): Packagingof.Lumber and Plyvood, Fire Retard

21、ant Treated.Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for.Relays, Control, Naval ShipbOard.Propulsion and Auxiliary Control Consoles andAssc.ciacedControl and I=stmentaciOn Equipnent,Naval Shipboard Use, Baaic Design Requirements.Relays, Electromagnetic, Established Reliability,General Specificat

22、ion for.Tube, Round, Copper Alloy Numbers 330, 331, 332and 370 (Leaded Brasa), Seamless.Definitions of and 8asic Requirements for Enclo-sures for Electric and Electronic Equipment.Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment(Type I - Environmental and Type II - InternallyExcited).Standard General Re

23、quirements for ElectronicEquipment .Electromagnetic Emission and SusceptibilityRequire=nts for the Control of ElectromagneticInterference.Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics,Measurement of,Lists of Standard Semiconductor Devices.Interface Standard for ShiDboard Svstems ElectricPower, Altern

24、ating Current. (Met;ic)2.1.2 Other Government drawings. The following other Governumnc drawingsform a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless other-wise specified, the issues shall be those in effect on the date of thesolicitation.DRAWINGSNAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND (NAVSEA)8

25、03-5184176 - Bronze Valve Assembly for Salinity IndicatingEquipment.803-5184177 - Corrosion Resistant Steel Valve Assembly forSalinity Indicating Equipment.(Copies of specificatlons, standards , and drawings required by contractorsin connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained

26、from thecontracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity. )4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-15103F(SH)2.2 Ocher publications. The following documents form a part of thisspecification to the extent specified herein

27、. Unless otherwise specified, theissues of the documents which are DoD adOpcd ehall be thOse listed in theissue of the DoDISS specified in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified,the isues of documents not listed in the DoDISS shall be the issue of thenongovernment documents which 1.9current on

28、 the date of the solicitation.AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND NATERIALS (ASTM)A 269 - Standard Specification fnr Seamless and WeldedAustenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service.(DOD adopted)A 276 - Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-ResistingSteel Bars and Shapes. (DoD adnpted)B

29、 16 - Standard Specification for Free+ utting Brass Rod, Bar,and Shapes fnr Use in Screw Nachines. (DOD adopted)D 1125 - Standard Methods for Electrical Conductivity andF for example, relationship betweensignal level and conductivity sensed.3.4.3 Mater module. The meter shall provide a readout of th

30、e conductivitylevel of the sensor whose channel ie selected by the oparator. The meter moduleshall cc.ntaina meter, a meter test switch, a channel selector switch and asensor simulator variable reeistor. The censor simulator varieble reeietor maybe located in each of the salinity channel medulea in

31、lieu of the mater module. Meter. The meter shall be a 6-1/2 inch, round flange, 250-degreescale, 2 percell scale accuracy, 1 milliampere (MA) range, ruggedizeddirect current (de) milli.ammater panel mater in accordance with MIL-11-10304 and?41L-M-10304/23. The mater shall have a white dial ba

32、ckground with black markingeand pointer. The scale shall be approximately logarithmic with numbered divisioneand unnumbered eubdivisione, including a meter teet point marking. Variations tothese standard meter acalee shall require NAVSEA approval (see table 1), NOTE:This should be added to acaleplat

33、e: Multiply reading by 100 when reading channelwith 10.O/cm sensor constant.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I-+

34、!06.5!14.3!21.8K2L-S-15103F(SH)TA8LE 1. Meter scale calibration.


36、6169.6175.0180.0184.6188.9192.9196.6200.0206.290-2!ps0. MS)egreee0.05.911.5


38、,161.265.469.273.176.780.383,787.190.396.6102.5108.0113.3118.2123.0127.6131.9136.0140.0147.4154.1160.3166.1171.4183.1193.1201.6208.9221.0230.623S.3244.7250.0-1IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

39、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-15103F(SH)TABLE 1. Meter scale calibration. - Continuedo-5 IJs 0-50 IJS 0-2500 IIS o-1o pJla Degrees ps Dagreee Degrees plm Degrees4.4 229.2 24.0 211.8 1200.0 .211.8 - -4.6 236.3 26.0 216.7 1300.0 216.7 - -4.8 243.2 28.0 221.1 1400.0 221.1 - 5.0 2

40、50.0 30.0 225.0 1500.0 225.0 - - -35.0 233.3 1750.0 233.3 - - . 40.0 240.0 2000.0 240.0 - - - 45.0 245.5 2250.0 245.5 - . 50.0 250.0 2500.0 250.0 - - Selector switch. The selector switch shall permit monitoring theoutput of any SCM on the meter. Switching from one channel to another shall not

41、cause inadvertent false alarms. The selector switch shall hava an off position. Sensor simulator variable resistor. The sensor eimulator variableresistor shall provide a simulated, adjustable sensor reaiscance to net and checkalarm setpoints-of the SCMa. The sensor simulator variable resistor

42、 shall containa front-mounted rotary knob. The full counterclockwise position of the knob shallsimulate approximately zero, and the full clockwise position shall simulate mmterfull scale. The sensor simulator variable resistor shall provide a simulatedsensor resistance to the SCM whose function swit

43、ch is in the simulate mode. Thigresistance, which shall be readable on the meter, shall be continuously adjustableover che full meter range. Meter test switch. The meter test switch shall be front mounted,push-button type, used to teat meter operation. Depressing this switch shallcause the me

44、ter pointer to indicate at the test point (0.5 A marking). Metertest shall conform to the accuracy requirements of Power supply module. Input power to the salinity indicating equip-ment shall be 115 V, 60 Hz, type I in accordance with DOD-STD-1399, section 300(see 3.8.3 and 3.8.4). The p

45、ower supply module shall provide power to all thesalinity channela In the console, under all conditions of operation. Power tothe external dump valve aolenoida shall not be routed through the power supplymodule. A yellow label on black background shall be attached to the front ofthe power supply a75

46、odule and shall read:“CAUTION115 VOLTS ONDUMP CIRCUITS ATALL TIKSS”The power supply module shall contain fusingsides of the incoming power line and a power10with indicating fuseholders for bothon light with green lens covar. -1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

47、out license from IHS-,-,-I!4IL-S-15103F(SH)3.4.5 Dump module. Dump circuitry shall actuate an independent, solenoidoperar.eddump valve. Dump operation shall nccur when the SCM connected to aparticular dump circuit senaas the salinity alarm aet point. It shall bepossible to connect any one of the dum

48、p circuits to any SCM by tha usa nf jumperwires “located inside the console (See 3.4.2). The ability of the equipment toprovide zero, one, two or three dump circuits can be accomplished by either onedump module having the capability of up to three dump circuits, or by three dumpmodules each having o

49、ne dump circuit. In either cese, the maximum salinitychannel module capacity of the cnnsnle shall not be compromised. Dump relay. A dump ralay shall be provided for each dump cfrcuit.The relay with contacts shall be in accordance with MIL-R-5757, MIL-R-39016, orMIL-R-19523, shall have a mfnimum rating at 115 V, 60 Hr.of 5 A continuous, andshall handle a 10 A eurge. A eolid state dump circu

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