1、 MIL-T-b0bOA (1) 9999906 20l13183 867 MIL-T-60680A AMENDMENT 1 19 December 1995 MILITARY SPECIFICATION THRUSTER, CARTRIDGE ACIUATED, M16 REMANUFACFUIPED METAZ, PARTS ASSEMBLY This amendment forms apart ofME-T-60680A, dated 12 April 1993, and is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Depa
2、rtment of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. GENERAL COMMENT Note: MJL-T-60680AY dated 12 April 1993, was issued with incorrect concluding information. It is a limite coordinated specification within Navy-OS. Each page should be marked MiL-T-60680A(OS). PAGE 3 3.3: Delete last sentence. 3.6.4: Change heading from “Oil leakage.“ to “Fluid leakage.“ Delete the second sentence and substitute: “Ensure r;ng ad distribution is uniimite FSC 1377 Licensed by Information Handling Services