1、TT-P-Z?760A-. -30 DECEMBER 1994SUPERSEDINGITT-P-276022 OCTOBERFEDERAL SPECIFICATIONPRIMER COATING : POLYURETHANE, ELASTOMERIC, HIGH-SOLIOSThe General Services Administration has authorizedthe use of this federal specification by all Federal Agencies1. SCOPE1990This specification covers the requireme
2、nts for two types(see l!l)%wo classes (see 1.2.2) of low volatile organic compound (VOC)content (see 3.4.2), solvent-borne, elastomeric, polyurethane primer coatings.These primer coatings are formulated primarily for spray application, arecompatible with polyurethane topcoats, and are intended for u
3、se on aircraftand other eouioment sub.iectedto structural flexing at low temperatures. Themaximum vol;tiie organi compound (VOC) content of-the admixed primer coatingsis 340 grams per liter (g/l) or 2.B pounds per gallon (lbs/gal). Unless aspecific type and/or class is referenced in the contract or
4、purchase order,TT-P-2760A, Type I, Class C is the default. Class N may not be substitutedfor Class C, unless authorization for its use is given by the procuringactivitv or enaineerinq authority for the system or item to which the primercoating-is to be applid. See 6-.13for the-cross-reference ofprev
5、ious revisions of this specification.1.2 Classification. The primer coatings shall be of theand classes as specified (see 6.2):classes tofollowing types1.2.1 m. The primer coatings consist of the following types:Type I - Standard pigmentsType 11 - Low infrared reflective pigments1.2.2 Class The prim
6、er coatings consist of the following classes:.Class C - Strontium chromate based corrosion inhibitorsClass N - Non-chromate based corrosion inhibitorsBeneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinentdata which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed t
7、o:Commander, Systems Standardization, Code 4.1.11B120-3, Naval Air WarfareCenter Aircraft Oivision, Highway 547, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100, by using theself-addressed Standardization Oocument Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426)appearing at the end of this document or by letter.WC N/A FSC 8010STRIBUTI
8、ON STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TT-P-2760A1.3 Part numbers. Part numbers, for cataloging purposes, may beassigned in accordance with 6.7.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1
9、 Government documents.2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The followingstandards form a part of this specification to the extentUnless otherwise specified, the issues of these documentsthe issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards(DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited
10、in the solicitation (see 6.2).specifications andspecified herein.are those listed inSPECIFICATIONSFEOERALQQ-A-250/4 -QQ-A-250/5 -QQ-A-250/12 -PPP-P-1892 -MILITARYMIL-C-5541 -MIL-C-8514 -MIL-A-8625 -MIL-L-23699 -MIL-C-38334 -MIL-R-81294 -MIL-T-81772 -MIL-H-83282 -MIL-C-83286 -MIL-C-852B5 -STANDARDSFE
11、DERALFED-STD-141 -Aluminum Al10Y 2024,”Plate and SheetAluminum Al10Y Alclad 2024, Plate and SheetAluminum Al10Y 7075, P1ate and SheetPaint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials:Packaging, Packing and MarkingChemical Conversion Coatings on Aluminum andAluminum AlloysCoating Compound, Metal Pretreat
12、ment, Resin-AcidAnodic Coatings, for Aluminum and AluminumAlloysLubricating Oil, Aircraft Turbine Engine,Synthetic Base, NATO Code Number 0-156Corrosion Removing Compound, Prepaint, forAircraft Aluminum-SurfacesRemover, Paint, Epoxy, POIYSU1fide andPolyurethane SystemsThinner, Aircraft CoatingHydrau
13、lic Fluid, Fire Resistant, SyntheticHydrocarbon Base, Aircraft, Metric, NATO CodeNumber H-537Coating, Urethane, Aliphatic Isocyanate, forAerospace ApplicationsCoating: Polyurethane, High-Sol idsPaint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials;Methods of Inspection, Sampling and Testing2Provided by IHSN
14、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-JT-p-2760AFED-STD-313 - Material Safety Data, Transportation Data andDisposal Oata for Hazardous Materials Furnishedto Government ActivitiesFED-STD-595 - Colors Used in Government ProcurementMILITARYMIL-STD-105 - Sampl
15、ing Procedures and Tables for Inspection byAttributes(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications andstandards are available from the Defense Printino Service. StandardizationDocuments Order Oesk, Attn: 000SSP - Customer Srvice, 700 Robbins Avenue,Building 40, Philadelp
16、hia, PA 19111 -5094.)2.1.2 Other Government documents. The following other Governmentdocuments and publications form a part of this document to the extentspecified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues are those citedthe solicitation.inCOOE OF FEOERAL REGULATIONS (CFR)DEPARTMENT OF LABOR29
17、CFR 1910.1200 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards -Hazard CommunicationsDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION49 CFR 171-178 - Subchapter C - Hazardous MaterialsRegulations(Application of copies of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) should beaddressed to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Governm
18、ent Printing Office,Washington, DC 20402.)2.2 Non-Government Dublications. The following documents form a partof this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified,the issues of the documents which are Department of Defense adopted are thoselisted in the issue of the 000ISS cit
19、ed in the solicitation. Unless otherwisespecified, the issues of documents not listed in the 00DISS are the issues ofthe documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2).AMERICAN NATIONAL STANOAROS INSTITUTE (ANS1)ANSI-2129.1 - American National Standard for the PrecautionaryLabeling of Hazardous Indus
20、trial Chemicals(Application for copies should be addressed to the American National StandardsInstitute, Inc., 1430 8roadway, New York, NY 10018.)3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AMERICAN SOCIETYASTM-B117ASTM-D522ASTM-D882ASTM-D1200AST
21、M-O121OASTM-01296ASTM-D1640ASTM-01649ASTM-02247ASTM-02370ASTM-02803ASTM-D3335ASTM-D3718ASTM-D3924ASTM-D3960ASTM-E275TT-P-2760AFOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM)Standard Test Method of Salt Spray (Fog) TestingMandrel Bend Test of Attached Organic CoatingsStandard Test Methods for Tensile Properties ofT
22、hin Plastic SheetingStandard Test Method for Viscosity of Paints,Varnishes and Lacquers by Ford Viscosity CupStandard Test Method for Fineness of Oispersionof Pigment - Vehicle SystemsStandard Test Method for Odor of VolatileSolvents and OiluentsStandard Test Method for Orying, Curing, or FilmFormat
23、ion of Organic Coatings at RoomTemperatureStandard Specification for Strontium ChromatePigmentStandard Practice for Testing Water Resistanceof Coatings in 100% Relative HumidityStandard Test Method for Tensile Properties ofOrganic CoatingsStandard Test Method for Filiform CorrosionResistance of Orga
24、nic Coatings on MetalStandard Test Method for Low Concentrations ofLead, Cadmium, and Cobalt in Paint by AtomicAbsorption SpectroscopyStandard Test Method for Low Concentrations ofChromium in Paint by Atomic AbsorptionSpectroscopyStandard Specification for Standard Environmentfor Conditioning and Te
25、sting Paint, Varnish,Lacquer, and Related MaterialsStandard Practice for Determining VolatileDrganic Compound (VOC) Content of Paints andRelated CoatingsStandard Practice for Describirm and MeasurinaPerformance af Ultraviolet, Visble, and Near:Infrared Spectrophotometers(Application for copies shaul
26、d be addressed to the American Society forTesting and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.)(Nongovernment standards and other publications are normally available framthe organizations which prepare or distribute the documents. These documents.alsa may be available in or through 1ibra
27、ries or other informationalservices.)2.3 Order of Precedence. In the event of a conflict between the textof this document and.the references cited herein, the text of this document4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TT-P-2760Atakes prece
28、dence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicablelaws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 Qualification. The coating furnished under this specificationshall be products which are authorized by the qualification activity for1isting on the app
29、licable Qualified Products List (QPL) at the time set foraward of contract (see 4.3 and 6.4). Any change in the formulation of aqualified product wil1 necessitate its requalification. The material suppliedunder contract shall be identical, within manufacturing tolerances, to theproduct receiving qua
30、lification.3.2 Material . Materials used to manufacture coatings supplied underthis specification shall be of such a quality as to produce coatingsconforming to the requirements of this specification. Chlorinated solventsare prohibited from the formulation of this coating. When tested inaccordance w
31、ith ASTM 03335 (see 4.6 and Table II), no component of the coatingshal1 contain cadmium, cadmium compounds, or more than 0.06 percent (%) byweight of lead metal or lead compounds. Class N primer coating shall notcontain chromium (see Toxicity. The manufacturer shall certify (see 6.3) th
32、at thecoatings supplied under this specification have no adverse effect on thehealth of personnel when used for its intended purpose and with theprecautions listed in 5.2.1. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSOS) shall beprepared and submitted in accordance with FED-STD-313. The MSDS shal1 alsomeet the
33、 requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200 (see 6.6). Questions pertinent tothe effect(s) of these coatings on the health of personnel using them shal1 bereferred by the procuring activity to the appropriate medical service, whowill act as its adviser.3.4.1 Piqments. Class C: The pigment portion of th
34、e Class C primer coatingshall contain: strontium chromate, as the corrosion inhibitor and conformingto ASTM D1649; siliceous extenders; and other pigments, as required. Class N. The pigment portion of the Class N primer coatingshall contain: non-chromate corrosion inhibitors; siliceous extend
35、ers; andother pigments, as required. When tested in accordance with ASTM D3718 (see4.6 and Table 11), the Class N primer coating shall not contain chromium.3.4.2 Volstile orqanic comoound (VOC) content. The maximum VOC contentof the primer coating at application shall be 340 g/1 (2.8 lbs/gal), whent
36、ested in accordance with ASTM D3960 (see 4.6 and Table 11). The resistivityof the solvents shal1 be suitable for electrostatic spray application.3.4.3 Thinner compatibility. The admixed primer coating shall becompatible with thinner conforming to MIL-T-81772, Type I (see 6.13). All5Provided by IHSNo
37、t for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TT-P-2760Athinners used with this coating must be “urethane grade”, with a water contentof less than 0.05% by weight.3.5 Phvsical Drooerties - Liauid.3.5.1 Condition in container. The primer coating, “after standingwith
38、out agitation for a minimum of 14 days, shall be capable of being mixed byhand by vigorously stiring with a paddle, and, within 5 minutes, shall besmooth, homogeneous and pourable, when tested in accordance with 4.6.1. Theprimer coating shall be free of grit, skin, seeds, lumps, foreigncontaminants,
39、 abnormal thickening or livering, and shall not exhibit pigmentflotation or excessive settling that cannot be reincorporated to a smooth,homogeneous state by mixing with a hand paddle. The containers shal1 exhibitno deformation due to internal pressure, when examined in accordance with4.
40、Storaqe stabilitv. The primer coating, as packaged by themanufacturer, shal1 meet al1 requirements specified herein after storage for aminimum of one year from the date of manufacture, at a daily ambient airtemperature of 35 to 115F (1.7 to 46C).3.S.3 Accelerated storaqe stabilit. The primer coating
41、, as packagedby the manufacturer, shal1 meet al1 requirements specified herein afterstorage for 14 days at 140 * 5F (60 * 3C), when tested in accordance with4. Color. TYDe 1. The color of the Type I primer coating shall be thenatural color of the corrosion inhibiting pigments used, w
42、ith the exceptionthat tinting to a darker shade is permitted to improve hiding power. Tvpe II. The color of the Type 11 primer coating shall be darkgreen.3.5.5 Q. The odor of the admixed coating, wet or dry, shal1 becharacteristic of the thinners used and shall not be obnoxious, when tested i
43、naccordance with ASTM 01296 (see 4.6 and Table II). In addition, the air-driedfilm shall retain no residual odor 48 hours after application.3.S.6 V. The viscosity of the admixed primer coating shall notexceed 30 seconds through a number 4 Ford,Cup, when tested in accordance withASTM 01200 (see 4.6 a
44、nd Table II).3.S.7 Pot life. The viscosity of the admixed primer coating shall notexceed 60 seconds through a number 4 Ford Cup after storage in a closedcontainer at room temperature for 4 hours, when tested in accordance withASTM 01200 (see 4.6 and Table 11).6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprodu
45、ction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TT-P-2760A3.5.8 Fineness of wind. The fineness of grind of the primer coatingshall be a minimum of 5 on the Hegman scale when tested in accordance withASTM D1210 (see 4.6 and Table II).3.6 Phvsical orooerties - Film.3.6.1 Surface amearance.
46、The admixed primer, applied to “A” testpanels (see 4.5) in acordance with 4.5.1, shall not sag, run, or streak, andshal1 dry to a smooth, uniform surface free from grit, seeds, craters,blisters, and other irregularities after air drying for 24 hours.3.6.2 Dryirm time. The admixed primer coating, app
47、lied to “A” testpanels (see 4.5) in accordance with 4.5.1, and tested in accordance withASTM D1640 (see 4.6 and Table 11), shall be tack-free within 5 hours and dry-hard within 8 hours.3.6.3 Liftinq. When separately applied to primer coating that has air-dried for 1, 4, and 18 hours, the polyurethan
48、e topcoat (see 4.5.2) shallexhibit no lifting or other film irregularity, when tested in accordance with4. Adhesion. The primer coating, applied to “C” test panels (see4.5) in accordance with 4.5.1, shall not peel away from the substrate afterimmersion in water for 24 hours, when tested in
49、accordance with FED-STD-141,Method 6301 (see 4.6 and Table II).3.6.5 Flexibility. The applied primer coating shall meet therequirements of and before and after exposure for four hoursto a temperature of 350 * 5F (177 * 3C). Ambient flexibility. The primer coating, applied to “B” testpanels (see 4.5) in accordance with 4.5.1, shall exhibit a minimum impactelongation of 60% when tested in accordance with at 21 * 5