
mation about yourself and express personal opinions. 二 、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a s


1、mation about yourself and express personal opinions. 二 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS ABOUT 6 MIN In this part of the test。

2、ant clients arrival. mention the time of his departure. Write 3040 words on your Answer Sheet. Do net write in capital l。

3、ess personal opinions. 1How to spell your name 2Which kind of transport would you like to choose when you want to go to 。

4、ession that puts everyones ideas to work. Let your staff know C1your door is always open C2 support them and listen to t。

5、 tons. 3 Which graph is correct4 Who is asked to call back A Dorothy Borrow. B Francis Gregory. C Isabel Hawkins. 5 Whic。

6、tock of coal A 115 tons B 45 tons C 70 tons 4 Which graph is correct 5 What is the woman doing A Making Apology B Taking。

7、o go abroad. B It takes thirty minutes to check in for domestic flights. C More time is requested for international flig。

8、 time after 25th, September. 2 Launch schedule 245 Press conference. 315 TV advertising starts. Distribute posters. 76 D。

9、ts Department. 2 Who is expected to make a phone call A Robert Deng B Mr. Jones C Hilton 3 What is John Birds reason for。

10、quired information. B Your services could be of interest to a range of companies. C Some other companies might be given 。

11、lifications B previous experience C recognised training 2 MEMO To: Factory staff From: Factory Manager Date: 19 November。

12、es look forward to a raise in the salary and a promotion. For the managers, appraisals are about reviewing the past perf。

13、 Some colleagues will show their talents that night. P. S. : Everyone is allowed to bring only one friend there. Friday 。

14、hen and where the party is; inviting them to the party. Write 30 40 words on you Answer Sheet. 二 PART TWO 2 Read this no。

15、rmation about yourself and express personal opinions. 二 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS ABOUT 6 MIN In this part of the tes。

16、mation about yourself and express personal opinions. 二 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS ABOUT 6 MIN In this part of the test。

17、ings twice.1 On what day will they meet2 Which is the correct direction3 Which department did Susan work forAFinance Dep。

18、n about yourself and express personal opinions.二SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS ABOUT 6 MINIn this part of the test you are。

19、 employee3 What department will the company not grant forAMechanical MaintenanceB Geometries Engineering TechnologyC Civ。

20、use with two garages and two bathrooms.B The house with more than three bedrooms and a garage.C The house with two bathr。

标签 > BEC商务英语初级[编号:321219]

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