
www.ecma.ch - Internet: helpdeskecma.ch8-Bit Coded Character SetStructure and Rules.Standard ECMA-43December 1991Standardizing Information and Communi


1、www.ecma.ch - Internet: helpdeskecma.ch8-Bit Coded Character SetStructure and Rules.Standard ECMA-43December 1991Standardizing Information and Communication SystemsPhone: +41 22 849.60.00 - Fax: +41 22 849.60.01 - URL: http:/www.ecma.ch - Internet: helpdeskecma.chMB E-043.DOC 24-02-99 15,458-Bit Coded Character SetStructure and Rules.Brief HistoryECMA published the first edition of this Standard ECMA-43 for an 8-bit coded character set in December 1974. It was a verygeneral standard based o。


3、 CONVERSIN DETIPOS DE INFORMACIN CODIFICADARecomendacin UIT-T X.408(Extracto del Libro Azul)NOTAS1 La Recomendacin UIT-T X.408 se public en el fascculo VIII.7 del Libro Azul. Este fichero es un extractodel Libro Azul. Aunque la presentacin y disposicin del texto son ligeramente diferentes de la versin del Libro Azul,el contenido del fichero es idntico a la citada versin y los derechos de autor siguen siendo los mismos (Vase。

4、GLES DECONVERSION ENTRE DIFFRENTS TYPESDINFORMATIONS CODESRecommandation UIT-T X.408(Extrait du Livre Bleu)NOTES1 La Recommandation X.408 de l UIT-T a t publie dans le fascicule VIII.7 du Livre Bleu. Ce fichier est unextrait du Livre Bleu. La prsentation peut en tre lgrement diffrente, mais le contenu est identique celui du Livre Bleuet les conditions en matire de droits dauteur restent inchanges (voir。

5、various countries of telematic services and computer-based store-and-forward messageservices in association with public data networks creates a need to produce standards to facilitate international messageexchange between subscribers to such services.The CCITT,considering(a) the need for interpersonal messaging and message transfer services;(b) the need to transfer messages of different types having a large variety of formats;(c) that the F-series of Recommendations defines telematic services;(d。

标签 > 编码字符转换规则[编号:210003]

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