
drivers have all (1) and can control a fast -moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself?There is a virtual (虚拟的) driver in the smart c


1、drivers have all (1) and can control a fast -moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself?There is a virtual (虚拟的) driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has “eyes,“, “brains“, “hands“ and “feet“, too. The minicameras (2) each side of the car are his “eyes“, which (3) the road conditions ahead of it. They watch the (4) to the cars left and right. There is also a highly automatic driving (5) in the car. It is the built-in computer, which is the virtual drivers “brain。

2、o speakers speak in exactly the same 3 . We can always hear differences 4 them, and the pronunciation of English 5 a great deal in different geographical 6 . How do we decide what sort of English to use as a 7 ? This is not a question that can be 8 in the same way for all foreign learners of English. 9 you live in a part of the world 10 India or West Africa, where there is a long 11 of speaking English for general communication purposes, you should 12 to acquire a good variety of the pronunciati。

3、ch this mindset, I first teach people the effect of making excuses, which will 1 them to believe the external (外部的) false 2 and keep them from stepping into the power they have to 3 happiness and success.Take me and my 4 to lose weight for example. When I was 25, I weighed 150 pounds. To make the 5 of my weight become smaller, I seemingly did whatever I could in a few months, but I 6 saw good results. So I started whole-heartedly believing I had a thyroid(甲状腺)problem. Lat。

4、g and online video games, information is meant to be 1 . Solitude can be hard to discover 2 it has been given up. In this respect, new technologies have 3 our culture.The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n) 4 as weve known it. People have become so 5 in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted 6 theyd rather not be. Today we can talk, text, e-mail, chat and blog, not only from our 7 , but from our mobile phones as well.M。

5、 evenings. A man will be 2 the newspaper,and seconds later it 3 as if he is trying to 4 it. Or he will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger 5 next to him. 6 place where unplanned short sleep 7 is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾)so 8 that the professor has to ask another student to 9 the sleeper awake. A more embarrassing(尴尬) situation occurs when a student starts falling into sleep and the 10 of the head pushes the ar。

6、fficult and 2 topic, Im going to talk about some of the things that 3 helped me to cope better after losing my dad in 2012.The most important 4 is not to “bottle things up“. At first, I didnt tell anyone how I really felt when I should have spoken about it. No one should be 5 to feel upset after losing someone they love, as its an 6 time. It is important to talk about how you feel to people you 7 so they can support you. I “opened up” to few people, but it was nice。

7、rson I pass by. My friends say it is not good to 2 . We may come across beggars or homeless people begging every day and all beggars have their ability to survive. It 3 them that I never listen.On a 4 day, my friend and I were walking to the bus stop 5 I passed a beggar lady. I had seen her several times before and had always given her a few 6 . That day, I gave her 2 Euros. I was waiting for the bus and reading a book when I 7 to see that lady standing in front of me. She 。

8、ifficult and 2 topic, Im going to talk about some of the things that 3 helped me to cope better after losing my dad in 2012.The most important 4 is not to “bottle things up“. At first, I didnt tell anyone how I really felt when I should have spoken about it. No one should be 5 to feel upset after losing someone they love, as its an 6 time. It is important to talk about how you feel to people you 7 so they can support you. I “opened up” to few people, but it was nic。

9、 evenings. A man will be 2 the newspaper,and seconds later it 3 as if he is trying to 4 it. Or he will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger 5 next to him. 6 place where unplanned short sleep 7 is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾)so 8 that the professor has to ask another student to 9 the sleeper awake. A more embarrassing(尴尬) situation occurs when a student starts falling into sleep and the 10 of the head pushes the ar。

10、chine and, since gasoline was expensive, they could not 2 trips to the laundry several miles away. Keeping clothes 3 became a problem for young Johns household.A family friend joined the army, and his wife 4 to go with him. Johns family 5 to store their furniture while they were away. To the familys 6 ,the friend suggested they use their Bendix. So this is how they 7 the washer.Young John helped with the washing, and across the years he 8 a love for the old, green 。

11、tional tourist destination.Hainans tourism industry has grown 2 , but its suffered from 3 is called “growing pains”. During the Spring Festival of 2018, thousands of holidaymakers returning home were stuck in a 4 traffic jam on the island.In order to develop Hainan into an international 5 of tourism and consumption, the government will 6 the duty-free policy to 7 sales.In the future, the special-trained police in Hainan will equip 8 with more high-tech devices 。

12、e French, who consume rich food. 2 to stay thin. Now a 3 by Cornell University suggests 4 life style and decisions about 5 may affect weight. Researchers concluded that the French tend to stop eating when they feel 6 . However, Americans tend to stop when their 7 are empty or their favorite TV show is over.According lo Dr. Joseph Mercola, a 8 expert, the French see eating 9 an important part of their life style. They enjoy food and therefore spend a 10 time at。

13、 northern skies at night. Or (3) you have seen sheets or curtains of colored light. Sometimes the lights seem to wave in the wind. It is a truly amazing (4) . You may have seen the aurora borealis.Some ancient people thought the lights (5) from goddesses riding through the sky with shining shields, but astronomers today know (6) . These scientists know that explosions on the sun cause the aurora borealis. From the explosions come (7) pieces of matter which spin around the earth. The small pieces。

14、hand and the free end, (2) straight ahead. Suddenly she (3) . Then she goes no further. Something seems to be pulling the free end of the branch downward so that it points (4) the earth. “This is it!“ shouts the woman, and beckons to the driver of a well-digging machine waiting at the roadside. Soon, excavating thirty feet (5) , the well-digger strikes water.How can this woman know where there is (6) underground? She is a dowser-one who believes that a forked stick or similar instrument will mov。

15、ondback has killed more humans than (2) snake. It is easily excitable, very aggressive, frequently hungry, and deadly poisonous. Yet it doesnt really hiss. Rather, it (3) its tail. A mature rattler can move its tail up and down between fifty and a hundred times a second! The hollow rattles (4) the tail, beating against each other, create the “hissing“ sound.Why does this creature (5) rattles? Rattlesnakes molt three times a year, shedding their outer layer of skin each time. But the molting。

16、 one or two sharp edges, and (3) attaching it to a wooden handle. The young men would spend many hours practicing to become expert (4) the tomahawks use. It became an excellent weapon. This was especially true when used by a brave (5) .To make a tomahawk, the Native American first had to find a (6) that was the proper shape and weight. Then it had to be attached to a (7) . One way to do this was to bore or burn a hole (8) a wooden stick, then push the stone through it and tie the stone and 。

17、History books U U 1 /U /Umention it, but the truth is that many of our greatest figures were U U 2 /U /U“beatniks“ when they were teenagers. They were given to daydreaming, indecision, plain dullness, and they showed no U U 3 /U /Uof being doctor, lawyer or Indian chief.So, young men and women, if you suffer from the same U U 4 /U /U, dont despair. The world was built by men and women whose parents worried that they would “neve。

18、ock into smooth, gleaming iron. (2) this new technology, he taught his people to make hard, durable weapons for defeating their enemies and sharp axes for cutting the forest to make fields. By the time the first Europeans arrived in the 19th century, iron had become (3) in the kingdom of Rwanda.Other traditional African societies tell stories of (4) ironworkers who descended from heaven or came from other lands. The prevalence of such legends (5) the importance of ironworking in these cultures, 。

19、key, golf, or tennis. It may be mountaineering. Those who have a(n)U U 2 /U /Ufor climbing mountains are often U U 3 /U /Uwith astonishment. Why are men and women willing to U U 4 /U /Ucold and hardship, and to take risks in high mountains? This astonishment is caused, U U 5 /U /U, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity.Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, U U 6。

20、 The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality, and this (1) leads to further sharing. In such a home, the (2) boy and girl learn to (3) the equality more easily than did their parents and to prepare more fully for (4) in a world characterized by cooperation (5) by the “battle of the sexes“.(6) the process goes too far and mans role is regarded as (7) important and that has happened in some eases-we are badly off as before, only (8) reverse.It is time to (9) the role o。

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