1、2/7/2009 TB-200 1 of 1 PIA Technical Bulletin TB-200 Parachute Industry Association Publications February 7, 2009 Technical Bulletin Format This is a pdf file that allows you to see what the format should be for your new technical bulletin. You are encouraged to contact for the actual TB-200 Word t
2、emplate to use as the basis for your document so we can keep the format of all technical bulletins uniform. In the template, the header with PIA logo and footer are created for you, you will highlight any group of parenthesis and replace with pertinent information. You will highlight the instructions in the body of the template and replace them with the information. When you have completed your technical bulletin using the TBtemplate, save it as TB-xxx, giving it the correct TB number and send it to where it will be converted to pdf and posted to the website.