1、SAE ARP*98A 62 8357340 0028328 4 i. SCOPE AIQD CLACSIFiCATION 1-1 Scope: This specification establishes the requirements for shielded, detachable high tension spark plug ids for reciprocating engines. 1.2 Classification: The leads shall be of the following grades for use in the stipulated temperatur
2、e range: Grade - A 250 to -35F Grade - B 450 to -65F !&e following documents are applicable to the extent stated herein: AS 293 Spark Plug - Spring Contact for High Voltage ARP 457 Ferrule - High Altitude Spark Flug Lead MEC-372 Cable, Power, Electrical-Ignition, High Tension MIL-E-25lll(ASG) Engine
3、s, Aircraft, Reciprocating, Qualification Tests for r.nx-6181 Interference Wts, Tests and Design Requirements, Aircraft, Electrical and Electronic Equipment MS 33586(ASG) Metals, Definition of Dissimilar 3. XEWRPIENTS: 3.1 Materials: Materials shall be of the best quality and of the lightest Au. met
4、als used in the shielded detachable leads shall be of These metals shall be adequate practicable weight suitable for the purpose intended. 3.1.1 Metals: 7 8 corrosion resistant type or shall be suitably protected to resist corrosion during normal service life. for the temperatures encountered for th
5、e particular classification. Dissimilar Metals: Unless suitably protected against electrolytic corrosion, dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate contact wth each other. Dissimilar metals are defined in Drawing MS 33586. 3.1.2 Non-Metallic Materials: AU Non-Metallic &terials used in
6、the shielded detachable leads shall be oil, gasoline, age, and weather resistant en must be adequate for the temperatures encountered for the particular clsssificetion. 3.1.3 Protective CoverinR: aie flexible metal shielding of the detachable leads may be provided with a suitable oil, ea6oline, age
7、and weather resistant covering. a%inst chafing and abrasion and must withstend the temperature require- ments of te applicable me without adverse affects or restriction aie coveripg must provide adequate protection . of the lebl performance. O t- 7 -1yb2 kW.brlhma-8a-kimn. +lrwru.a. . SAE ARP*q8A 62
8、 = 8357340 00283229 b 3.1.8 Cable: Cables rball conform to the 6peciflc graba %f mM-3?w a8 require by the applicable lead classification. 3.1.5 btlsCGWu6 Imulatlon: All ineating materiels other than cable shell bo adequate tor the particular lea ciassificetion. 3.2 Design: lhe detachable leads shall
9、 provide satisfactory Mio inter- ference suppression per MIGI-6181 ad mechanicel protection to the enCl0Sed cable. 3.2.1 Construction: Ihe detachable lesds shall be conetnicted of flexible braided conduit or other suitable construction, meeting the require- ments of the specification. !the soldered,
10、 brazed, crimped, siiaged, or other type joints shall be suitable for the psrticular grade of lead Specified. 3.2.2 Terminal Connectors: me leads shall be constructed wlth Ferniles, High Altitude Spark Plug Leed, in accomance with AFP 457 unless otherwise specified. 3.2.3 Te2ininals: ikrminals, slee
11、ves, aprings, and eyelets shall conform to the requirements of Ih.aKing AS 293 erd the particular &rade classification, unlees otherwise specified. 3.3 Ekrrkinq: Each -tion lead sball be durable and legibly marked at a convenient location or on a metal tag penmnentiy securd to the assembly. In addit
12、ion, Grade A leade shall show manufacturing cable date coe. high grade practice suitable for aircraft ignition components. Infomtion to be incorpomted shall inclde the manufact- name and part nuuiber. 3.4 Workmanship: All details of mhanship shall be in accordance with Rads shell sstisfy the require
13、ments specified in Section -ce: 4. PJCPECTION AND QAI3FICATION TESTS: 4.1 Test Classifications: Ihe inspection an3. testing of shielded detachable swk plug leads Sku be Chssified a6 fOlh?6: 4.1.1 Qai ificatlan Tests: Qualification tests are those tests acccmplished 4.1.2 Inspection CPests: Inspectio
14、n tests are those tests accomplished on on samples submitted for qualification as a satisfactory product. de-chable leads nianufactured and submitted lmmrd6 RiLfiint of a contract or purchase order. SAE ARPU48SA 62 = 8357340 0028330 2 m.2 Qualification Teste: Qrialificatioa test semplee sw consist o
15、f 8 sufficient ninnbcr of leab to squip the engine for which the are desiepcdl .plus 6 additional leads. Three of the mitiona. eae eball be not leSS than 24 nor more tbtrn 30 inches in length. !he ueliiicstion test Of Us shall consist of the foliowing tests corIucte 021 the quantities indicate sab i
16、n the ozder Uste. -4.2.1 All Qualification Test fieads: a. &unInetion of Proauct b. Capscitsnce E. High Potential faspection d. Electrical hakage e. &Leakage J+.2.2 airee Additional fennn: -a. Heat Endurance b. Electrical Leal8e c. AIrLeaWe Reference -P h: 5.2.1 L 5.2.2 5.203 5.2.4 5b2-7 4.2.3 hree
17、Additional hn Iieads (24“ to 30“ long) 6. cold Bending b. Electrical t#lkrUre C. Airme 4.2.4 Eng lne Set of Leab a. Shielding Fmperties b. Engine Endurance c. High Potential inspection . Electrical Leakage e. Airwe t. Shielding Properties (Before m. Test) (mer m. Test) 5.2.6 5.2.4 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.2.9
18、5.2.4 5.2.7 5.2.8 592.3 -4.3 Inspection Tests: mch lead submitted for acceptance towards fulfillment of a contract or purchase ozder shall be subjected to the foliowing tests in the order listed. 1. Examiaation of Product 2. cllgh Potential mpection 3. ElectricalLmhge Reference WP h: 5.2.1 5.2.3 5.2
19、.4 In rbbition, relectab let& 8M.l be 6ubJect to ruyy of the other tests rpecifial herein which the inspector coneldere necessary to etennine coniarmance with the -ents of thi epecfication. SAE ARP*48A 62 m 83573YO 0028331 4 m 5. mT CONDITIONS AND REQu-: 5.1 Tust Conitiom: Ihe Surr0irna-S in which a
20、ll quification tests =e cducte shall be as close to the folloviag CoMitions SB is possible. 5.1.1 le alr ehall be essentially free ran duet, -6, fims, ard PFoductS of canbustion. 5.1.2 The tempemturc shaU be sppraximstely 75 F ard the pressure should be approximately one atmosphere. 5.1.3 !lhe relat
21、ive himiiaity shall be approatimateiy 56. 5.2 %?st Rewlremnts: aie betachable leads shall sstisfy the qualifications an Inspection requirements as specified when subjected to the tests headed 88 f0Um: 502.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 aoaminstion of Muct: Inspection for acceptance urder a contract or pu
22、rchase order shall be carefuly examined for confoxvance wlth the requirements of this spec- fication &/or applicable &awing8 for which no test metha are Each lead submitted for Qwllfication or peified. Capscitance: when measured at approximately loo0 cycles per second shall not exceed 33 micro-micro
23、farads per foot of length, ferrule seat to fernile eeat, for 7 mp cable axid 37 micro-mlcroparads for 5 mn cable. IuRh Potential inspection: ieds shall withstan a 60 cycle alternating current potential of 12 KV RMS mnimum applied between the conductor and the shielding for 5 minutes, without failure
24、. Electrical eaka,q e: thl of 15 KV nnlmnn applied between the conductor an shielding. lealcage current for the vol-e ueed shall be equivalent to a minhum resistance of not less than loo0 megoilms. lieat Endurance: The lcads shall be installed in suitable mating recep- tacles smiiating installation
25、conditione adi placed in a circulating air oven maintained at a temperature of 250 F 2 5F for Grade A 14s or 450 i, 53 for Caade B leads for a period of 5 hours. During this period, the Inebri oball be eubjected to a 60 cycle alternating current potential e 12 KV FiMS mlnhum for Orade A lea86 airb 1
26、0 KV FUS minimum for Orade B leab applisd between the corductor axmi the shielding. The leade shall then be aged at the specified temgemture for a period of il5 hours. At the canclueion of the 115 hour parid, azd while still at the elevated temperature, the leab ehall be again subJected to a 60 cycl
27、e alteniatlng current potential of 12 KV minimum for Grade A leads an8 10 KV raaC mhhm for urdle B loada applied between the conuctor arid the shielding for 5 hours wlthout electrical ailure. me capacitance between the conductor an the shielding fPRds shell be eubJected to a direct current poten- Ih
28、e SAE ARP*YBSA 62 8357390 0028332 b - - . - - 2i -so and maintaineci st a tsrqpsratura or -35 +O -5F for emde A lds or -65 +O . -5F for Grab B leads for a perid of 24 hours. At the conclueion Of the 24 hour period, and while still raaintained at the decreased temper- ature, the lead& Shall be muad o
29、n a 4-inch diameter &el for the fuu length of the les8 at the rate of 20 turne per minute. Ibe lerrds shall show no evidence of niechanicalf8ilure or deterioration. The leads, while Still at the specified low temperature, shall be subjected to a 60 cycle alternating current potentiai of U KV RMS min
30、imum applied between the conductor snd the shielding for a period of 2 hours without electrical failure. 5.2.7 $Lr Wce: Each terminal connector shall be installed in a suitable service type rast- receptacle. With the assembly inmiersed in =ter an a pressure of 25 psi maintained in the tenulal well,
31、there shall be no leakage past the terminal seel during e test period of 5 minutes. tion MILI-611, and the shielding of the leads shall not pexmit Fadio interference in excess of the limits 8pecified therein. 5.2.8 Shielding bperties: Ms shall be tested in accol.dance with Specifica- 5.2.9 Eng ine E
32、ndurance: The engine set of lesds shall be installed on the engine for which they wre designed aad subjected to the i50 hour engine test of Specification MILE-25lll.(ASG). of malfunctioning or breakdown at the conclusion of this test. lhe leads shall show no evidence 5.2.10 Service Test: Leails whic
33、h ere similar to existing approved leads may, after completing requirements of 5.2.1 to 5.2.8 be subjected to e i50 hour service test. fulfillment requirements of 5.2.9. Satisfactory completion of the test will constitute 6. HEJECTIOIVS: %he requirements of this specification shall be cause for reje
34、ction. Leads which have been rejected niay be reworked or replaced to correct the defects snd resubmitted for acceptance. Before resubmission, full particulars concerning previous rejection and the action taken to correct the defect shall be furnished. without specific approval. Failure of aqy shielded detachable lead to conform to any of &?ad13 redected mer retests shall not be resubmitted Prepared by the SAE AIrcraFt Piston Engine Ignition Subcairnittee of te SAE Ignition Research Connnittee I