SMPTE ST 291-1-2013 Ancillary Data Packet and Space Formatting.pdf

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1、 Copyright 2011 by THE SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS 3 Barker Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 761-1100 Approved September 23, 2011 Document renumbered February 28, 2013 Table of Contents Page Foreword . 2 Intellectual Property 2 Introduction 2 Legacy Equipment (Informative)

2、 3 1 Scope . 4 2 Conformance Notation . 4 3 Normative References . 4 4 DID and DID/SDID Registration Process . 5 4.1 SMPTE Technology Committees . 5 4.2 Other Organizations, Companies and Individuals (External Entities) 5 4.3 Registration Request Conflicts . 6 5 Ancillary Data Packet Format 6 5.1 An

3、cillary Data Packet Types 6 5.2 Component Interface Ancillary Data Packet Format 7 5.3 Composite Interface Ancillary Data Packet Format . 8 6 Ancillary Packet Format Data Elements 9 6.1 Data Identification Word (DID) (Type 1 and 2 Data) 9 6.2 Secondary Data Identification Word (SDID) (Type 2 Data on

4、ly) . 10 6.3 Data Identification Word for Deletion of an Ancillary Data Packet . 11 6.4 Data Block Number (DBN) (Type 1 Data only) 11 6.5 Data Count (DC) 12 6.6 User Data Words (UDW) 12 6.7 Checksum Word (CS) 12 7 Ancillary Data Space Formatting (Component or Composite Interface) 13 7.1 Component Da

5、ta Space . 13 7.2 Composite Data Space 13 7.3 Presence, Positioning, and Deletion of Ancillary Data Packets in Available Space 13 8 Exceptions from Ancillary Data Space Formatting 14 8.1 Error Detection and Handling Packet . 14 8.2 SDTI Header Packets 14 9 Protected Codes 14 9.1 Ancillary Data Envir

6、onment 14 Annex A Bibliography (Informative) . 15 Annex B Example of Ancillary Data Formats (Informative) 16 Annex C Example of a Component Ancillary Data Space Showing Packet Deletion (Informative) 17 Page 1 of 17 pages SMPTE ST 291-1:2011 Revision of SMPTE ST 291:2010 NOTE: This document previousl

7、y numbered SMPTE ST 291:2011; Content Unchanged SMPTE STANDARD Ancillary Data Packet and Space Formatting SMPTE ST 291-1:2011 Page 2 of 17 pages Foreword SMPTE (the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) is an internationally-recognized standards developing organization. Headquartered a

8、nd incorporated in the United States of America, SMPTE has members in over 80 countries on six continents. SMPTEs Engineering Documents, including Standards, Recommended Practices, and Engineering Guidelines, are prepared by SMPTEs Technology Committees. Participation in these Committees is open to

9、all with a bona fide interest in their work. SMPTE cooperates closely with other standards-developing organizations, including ISO, IEC and ITU. SMPTE Engineering Documents are drafted in accordance with the rules given in Section XIII of its Engineering Operations Manual. SMPTE ST 291-1 was prepare

10、d by Technology Committee 32NF. Intellectual Property At the time of publication no notice had been received by SMPTE claiming patent rights essential to the implementation of this Standard. Attention is drawn, however, to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject

11、 of patent rights. SMPTE shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Introduction This section is entirely informative and does not form an integral part of this Engineering Document. Ancillary data packets and space formatting described by this Standard reside in th

12、e Ancillary data space defined by an interconnecting interface document. Ancillary data space in a serial interface is a space not used by the main data stream and can be used as a transport for data associated with the main data stream. The type of payload data carried in the ancillary data space i

13、s defined in separate application documents. SAV (Start of Active Video) and EAV (End of Active Video) markers that mark active digital video/data spaces exist on all serial digital interfaces (SDI, HD-SDI and SDTI), regardless of the number of TV lines used by the television system. During the hori

14、zontal interval of every television line, the ancillary data space that is located between EAV and SAV markers is called horizontal ancillary data space (HANC). During the vertical interval of each field or frame, the ancillary data space located between SAV and EAV markers is called vertical ancill

15、ary data space (VANC). Ancillary data packets are divided into Type 1 and 2, where Type 1 uses a single ID word and Type 2 uses two ID words. Using such a method allows for a wider range of identification values within the limited ID word space. In addition, a total of 189 data identification values

16、 are reserved for 8-bit applications, whereas up to approximately 29,000 values are provided for 10-bit applications. The basic formats of ancillary data packets are similar for both Type 1 and Type 2, but they differ in the use of a data block number. The definitions of the individual parts that ma

17、ke up the ancillary data packet, such as ancillary data flags (ADF), data identification (DID), secondary data identification (SDID), data block number (DBN), data count (DC), data validity checksum (CS), together with restrictions on user data words (UDW), are specified in this standard. All of the

18、 assigned Ancillary ID codes are documented in the SMPTE online register (maintained by SMPTE-RA, LLC) titled “Assigned Ancillary Identification Codes,“ which serves as a register for the ancillary ID space SMPTE ST 291-1:2011 Page 3 of 17 pages and is an element of this document The reason for such

19、 a register is to assure timely updated information on assigned ancillary codes for implementers. Documents utilizing ancillary data, as defined by this standard, normatively include their assigned ID values, so the SMPTE online register need not be a normative reference. Legacy Equipment (Informati

20、ve) The serial digital interfaces (SMPTE ST 259, SMPTE ST 305, and SMPTE ST 292) and component parallel digital interfaces (SMPTE ST 125, SMPTE ST 274 and SMPTE ST 296) are capable of passing 10-bit words (Data 9 Data 0). Some legacy equipment, however, is capable only of processing 8-bit data words

21、 (carried on interfaces as Data 9 Data 2). Passage of 10-bit words through such equipment therefore will result in truncation of the two least significant bits (Data 1 and Data 0) of ancillary data words. SMPTE ST 291-1:2011 Page 4 of 17 pages 1 Scope This standard specifies the basic formatting str

22、ucture of the ancillary data space in digital video data streams in the form of 10 bit words. Application of this standard includes, but is not limited to, 525-line and 625-line standard definition digital television interfaces (component and composite), high definition digital television interfaces

23、 (750 and 1125 lines), and D-Cinema interfaces that provide 8-bit or 10-bit ancillary data spaces. Space available for ancillary data packets is defined in documents specifying connecting interfaces. Ancillary data packet payload definitions for a specific application are specified by a SMPTE Standa

24、rd, Recommended Practice, or Registered Disclosure Document, or by a document generated by another organization, a company, or an individual (an Entity). When a payload format is registered with SMPTE, an application document describing the payload format is required, and the registered ancillary da

25、ta packet is identified by a registered data identification word. 2 Conformance Notation Normative text is text that describes elements of the design that are indispensable or that contains the conformance language keywords: “shall“, “should“, or “may“. Informative text is text that is potentially h

26、elpful to the user, but not indispensable, and that can be removed, changed, or added editorially without affecting interoperability. Informative text does not contain any conformance keywords. All text in this document is, by default, normative, except: the Introduction, any section explicitly labe

27、led as “Informative,“ or individual paragraphs that start with “Note:” The keywords “shall“ and “shall not“ indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the document and from which no deviation is permitted. The keywords, “should“ and “should not“ indicate that, among several

28、 possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required; or that (in the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is deprecated but not prohibited. The keywords “

29、may“ and “need not“ indicate courses of action permissible within the limits of the document. The keyword “reserved” indicates a provision that is not defined at this time, shall not be used, and may be defined in the future. The keyword “forbidden” indicates “reserved” and in addition indicates tha

30、t the provision will never be defined in the future. Unless otherwise specified, the order of precedence of the types of normative information in this document shall be as follows: Normative prose shall be the authoritative definition; Tables shall be next, followed by formal languages, then figures

31、, and then any other language forms. Note that, throughout this standard, a lower case “h” following a numerical value indicates hexadecimal notation. 3 Normative References No Normative references are specified for implementation of this standard. SMPTE ST 291-1:2011 Page 5 of 17 pages 4 DID and DI

32、D/SDID Registration Process Type 1 and Type 2 Data Identifier values (see Section 5.1) shall be registered with SMPTE by following the process defined in this section. The current list of registered values shall be contained in an online register at: http:/ The on

33、line register is a record of the uses of the ID values and constitutes an integral part of this document. The normative definitions of all DID/SDID values shall be contained in their associated technical application documents. The register shall designate provisional registration values by a suitabl

34、e notation. Regardless of the availability of an original application document, registered DID/SDID values shall not be changed or deleted administratively. Type 1 and Type 2 value registrations by SMPTE Technology Committees shall follow the process described in Section 4.1. Type 2 value registrati

35、ons by other Entities shall follow the process described in Section 4.2. 4.1 SMPTE Technology Committees SMPTE Technology Committees, during the document standardization process, shall request registration of Type 1 DID and Type 2 DID/SDID values based upon normative value definitions in SMPTE Stand

36、ards, Recommended Practices, or Registered Disclosure Documents. Requests for proposed registrations shall be made to the SMPTE Director of Engineering, who will enter the Type 1 or Type 2 values in the online register, provided there is no known conflict. Provisional DID/SDID values shall be added

37、to the register and indicated by a suitable notation when the defining Engineering Document reaches the Final Committee Draft (FCD) level of approval. The provisional status notation shall be removed when the document is elevated to Draft Publication (DP). Note that these levels of approval (FCD, DP

38、) are defined in the SMPTE Engineering Operations Manual. 4.2 Other Organizations, Companies and Individuals (External Entities) Other organizations, companies, and individuals (i.e., Entities) may request registration of Type 2 DID/SDID values within the Registered to External Entities assigned spa

39、ce and shall be required to submit a complete technical application document (e.g., an external standard) specifying the proposed use of the Type 2 value. Requests and all supporting documents shall be in English and accompanied by complete contact details for the Entity requesting the Type 2 value

40、registration. The submitted technical application document shall contain sufficient information about the ancillary data packet payload that interoperability is enabled and that other users can develop equipment using the Entitys defined ancillary data packet. The document either shall be publicly a

41、vailable, or the right to copy without charge shall be granted to SMPTE. An application by an Entity for assignment of an ID value shall include information indicating whether the submitted technical application document is believed to contain intellectual property rights, so that attention is drawn

42、 to the possibility that some of the elements of the technical application document may be the subject of patent rights. SMPTE shall not be held responsible for identifying any such patent rights. Requests for Type 2 identifiers shall be made to the point of contact listed on the SMPTE-RA website id

43、entified above. Upon determining that these requirements have been met adequately, the SMPTE Director of Engineering shall process the request from an Entity by assigning the desired Type 2 value and entering the assigned code in the online register. SMPTE ST 291-1:2011 Page 6 of 17 pages If the sub

44、mitted document is in draft form, the Entity may request a provisional DID/SDID value. In such a case, a suitable notation signifying a provisional registration shall be made in the online register. Provisional status shall be removed once a final technical application document has been received fro

45、m the Entity by the SMPTE Director of Engineering. Provisional values shall be valid only for 12 months from the date of posting in the online register. If the final version of the Entitys technical application document is not received by the SMPTE Director of Engineering within that time, the provi

46、sional DID/SDID values may be removed from the register and made available for another use. 4.3 Registration Request Conflicts In the event that a request for a value or values is in conflict with an existing registration or with another SMPTE document under development and the Director of Engineeri

47、ng is unable to resolve the conflict with the requesting parties, values shall be issued in the order of their having been requested. 5 Ancillary Data Packet Format 5.1 Ancillary Data Packet Types Ancillary data packets shall be formatted into one of two types: Type 1 or Type 2, as specified below a

48、nd shown in Figures 1(a) and 1(b), respectively. Type 1 Shall use a single-word data identification defined as a data ID (DID) word that is followed by data block number (DBN) and data count (DC) words. Type 2 Shall use a dual-word data identification defined as a combination of a data ID (DID) word

49、 and a secondary data ID (SDID) word that is followed by a data count (DC) word. User Data Words (max 255)Check SumData CountAncillary Data FlagData ID (Type 1)Data Block NumberANC Data packetUser Data Words (max 255)Check SumData CountAncillary Data FlagData ID (Type 2)Secondary Data IDANC Data packet(Figure 1a) Type 1 (Figure 1b) Type 2 Figure 1 Ancillary data types (Component data packets formats shown) Ancillary data shall be defined as 10-bit words. This is required by the structures of the signal


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