TIA EIA IS-725-A-1999 Cellular Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations - Over-The-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP) & Parameter Administration (OTAPA)《蜂窝式无线电远程通信系统间操作 空中激活业务供.pdf

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TIA EIA IS-725-A-1999 Cellular Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations - Over-The-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP) & Parameter Administration (OTAPA)《蜂窝式无线电远程通信系统间操作 空中激活业务供.pdf_第1页
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TIA EIA IS-725-A-1999 Cellular Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations - Over-The-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP) & Parameter Administration (OTAPA)《蜂窝式无线电远程通信系统间操作 空中激活业务供.pdf_第2页
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TIA EIA IS-725-A-1999 Cellular Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations - Over-The-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP) & Parameter Administration (OTAPA)《蜂窝式无线电远程通信系统间操作 空中激活业务供.pdf_第3页
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TIA EIA IS-725-A-1999 Cellular Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations - Over-The-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP) & Parameter Administration (OTAPA)《蜂窝式无线电远程通信系统间操作 空中激活业务供.pdf_第4页
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TIA EIA IS-725-A-1999 Cellular Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations - Over-The-Air Service Provisioning (OTASP) & Parameter Administration (OTAPA)《蜂窝式无线电远程通信系统间操作 空中激活业务供.pdf_第5页
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1、I TIAIEIA e INTERIM STANDARD I I Cellular Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations - Over-the-Air I Service Provisioning (OTASP) * Sections 4c, Sc, 6c and 7c being specific to CDMA, Sections 4T, ST, 6 and 7T being specific to mu. . t .4 GENERAL BACKGROUND AND ASSUMPTIONS The OTASP feature is i

2、ntended to meet a need of the wireless industry to enable and expedite in a secure manner the process by which potential wireless service subscribers can activate (;.e., become authorized for) new wireless service(s) or current subscribers can request changes in their existing service, without the i

3、ntervention of a third party or parties. The OTAPA feature is initiated by the network service provider (and not by the mobile subscriber) to program Mobile Stations Number Assignment Module (NAM) parameters and the CDMA Preferred Roaming list or the TDMA intelligent Roaming Database (IRDB). These p

4、arameters control the wireless network usage by the MS. Administration of such parameters without the involvement of mobile subscribers simplifies and significantly improves the customer care process by the network service providers. OTAPA does not require a voice dialosue with the service providers

5、 customer service center and thus there is no need of involvement or interaction with the mobile subscriber during parameter administration. OTAPA can be performed at anytime while the MS is powered on and it does not interfere with normal end user operation (e.g., placing or receiving calls). If th

6、e mobile originates, receives, or ends a call while the OTAPA is in propess, the OTAPA is terminated. For CDMA, if an OTAPA ovenide mechanism is provided, the default setting shall be “off“ (meaning OTAFA is permitted by default). The Stage-2 and Stage-3 recommendations provide OTASP 2 43 4: A5 46 4

7、7 Je 44 5c 5: 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 2 SUBSCRIBER FEATURE DESCRIPTION This section provides the Stage 1 (based on the TWEIA-664 model) Subscner Feature Description for Over-The-Air Service Provisioning and Ketwork Feature Desc r ID t ion fcx . It is common to CDMA and TDMA. Over-The-Air Paramete

8、r Administration 2.1 OVER THE AIR SERVICE PROVISIONING (OTASP) The Over the Air Service Provisioning (OTASP) feature allows a porential wireless service subscriber to activate (ie., become authorized for) new wireless service, and allows an existing wireless subscriber to make changes in existing se

9、rvices without the intervention of a third party. OTASP typically includes the following: A call to the service provider customer service center. “Over-The-Air“ programming of Number Assignment Modules AMs), and optionally, service provider or manufacturer specific parameters (e.g., lock code, call

10、timer). An Authentication Key Generation procedure. he OTASP feature has the following objectives: 1. To support OTASP on digital systems, and, optionally, analog systems. 2. , To simplify the service provisioning process for both the user and the wireless service provider. 3. To increase efficiency

11、 of mobile station NAM pro,mamming and reduce the possibility of errors during initial service provisioning programming. 4. To enable a potential wireless user to easily choose a desired wireless service provider. To minimize the ability to fraudulently use wireless service. To keep the distribution

12、 of the Authentication Key (A-key) secure. 5. 6. 7. To safeguard user information. One of the primary objectives of OTASP is the ability to provide a secure authentication key to an MS to facilitate authentication. Authentication is the process by which information is exchanged between an MS and the

13、 network for the purpose of confming and validating the identity of the MS. A successful outcome of the authentication process occurs oniy when it is demonstrated that the MS and the network possess identical sets of Shared Secret Data (SSD). The OTASP feature incorporates a cryptographic Authentica

14、tion Key Generation procedure. This procedure allows the network to exchange Authentication Key parameters with an MS. These parameters are used to generate the A-key that is used to generate the SSD. The Authentication Key Generation procedure enhances security for the subscriber and reduces the po

15、tential for fraudulent use of wireless telecommunications service. Subscriber Feature Description 3 MAIN-OTA TINEINIS-725-A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3a 35 36 37 30 29 LO .e: 42 43 AJ 45 45 L: ce cc SC 5- 52 53 SC 55 56 57 58 59 EQ Any

16、Authentication Key Generation a1;orithm chosen shall satisl the followin; subscriber, system operator, and equipment manufacturer requirements for A-key delivery to the MS: The subscriber should not be required to make any keypad entries in addition to those required to initiate OTASP. The MS should

17、 not be required to contain secret information (e.g., Authentication Key) when it is initially delivered to the subscriber. The MS shall be capable of normal operation, including full authentication, after the end of the service provisioning procedure. For MSs that contain more than one Number Assig

18、nment Module (NAM)!, OTASP may be used to perform service provisioning for the NAM selected by the user. MSs may be reprogrammed after they have been initially programed. Reprogramming is performed using the same procedures as initial programming. There may be some cases in which an MS shall be proh

19、ibited from being reprogrammed. It is left to the service provider to determine and control which MSs shall not be reprogrammed. Applicability to Telecommunications Services OTASP is applicable to all telecommunications services. 2.1 .I Normal Procedures With Successful Outcome Authorization OTASP m

20、ay be made generally available for all subscribers (current and potential) by the service provider. De-Authorization OTASP may be withdrawn by the service provider. Registration OTASP has no registration. De-Registration OTASP has no de-registration. Each NAM may be associated with a different servi

21、ce provider. MAIN-OTA 4 Subscriber Feature Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 s. 35 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 47 48 09 50 51 52 53 so 55 56 57 58 59 60 Activation OTASP has no activation. De-Activation OTASP has no de-activati

22、on. invocation For initiation of OTASP fiom the MS, the user may enter a feature code possibly followed by supplementary digits (e.g., any number of digits to be interpreted by the Serving MSC). The following are offered as examples: *FC 1x1 *FC DN + WI where: DN is a Directory Number (e.g., NPA+NXX

23、+XXXX for NANP, ZZZZ for digits to be interpreted by the Serving MSC) for the service provisioning center of the selected system *FC + XX + mI where XX indicates a particular system, (e.g O0 for the 800 MHz, A-Band system 01 for the 800 MHz, B-Band system, etc). Refer to CDMA for the complete list o

24、f XXs. Note: In this case, the MS shall be designed so that the choice of system automatically sets the NAM parameters that identify the preferred system However, the preferred system may be reprogrammed when the rest of the NAM parameters are downloaded.; or *FC + xx + DN i where DN is a Directory

25、Number (e.g., hTA - NXX + XXXX for NAhT) for the Customer Service Center (CSC) of the selected service provider and XX denotes the local system, as in the previous example. Based on the DN, the current serving system may route the call to the desired service providers CSC; or *FC + MCC + YYYY .+ XE

26、where: MCC is the Mobile Counv Code, and Yrrr is the System Operator Code (SOC) of the selected system (refer to TDMA); or *FC i MCC + ZZZZZ + fsl where: Subscriber Feature Description 5 MAIN-OTA TINElAlIC-725-A i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3

27、3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 52 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 $3 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 iMCC is the Mobile Country Code, and ZUZZ is the System ID (SID) of the selected system; or Optionally, OTASP may be initiated by an alternative method (Le., from a landline phone). in this case, OTASP procedures are

28、implementation and service provider specific. Normal Operation With Successful Outcome This section describes a typical sequence of procedures for OTASP invoked from the MS. which results in a successful outcome. It is a service provider specific decision whether to compIete the procedure in one or

29、duple steps. 1. A user acquires an OTASP capable MS. 2. The user must provide a charged battery or external power source for the MS before proceeding with OTASP. The user is within the desired home system of the desired service provider service area, or obtains information on how to contact the serv

30、ice provider from outside the desired service provider service area. 4. The user “powers-on” the MS. 5. The user selects which NAM to program (if multiple NAMs are supported). 6. A service provider is selected. The following are some of the means by which a service provider may be selected - The MS

31、may be programmed to attempt OTASP with one or more service providers. The MS may scan for all available service providers, and present the user with a list from which to choose. he user may explicitly speciQ a service provider by entering the OTASP feature code and the appropriate supplementary dig

32、its. If the user is not within the desired system operators coverage area, the user may be given insmictions on how to contact the chosen service provider. The service provider selection is indicated to the network via a feature code. This feature code shall result in the establishment of a voice ca

33、ll between the user and the selected service providers customer service center. NOTE 1: The MS first attempts OTASP on a digital system, if possible and if available. If the MS cannot acquire a digital system or cannot initiate OTASP on a digital system, the MS may then attempt to initiate OTASP on

34、an analog system. NOTE 2: A service provider shall not be required to support OTASP for subscribers selecting a different service provider. If a subscriber seiects a service provider for OTASP which is not the provider of the current senping system, then the current service provider may route the ca

35、ll to its own customer service representative. an announcement, or to the desired service provider. This is a service provider specific decision. 7. While the call to the customer service center is being established, the ESN is supplied to the network. 3. - - - MAIN-OTA 6 Subscriber Feature Descript

36、ion TIAEfNt S-725-A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3e 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 45 50 5? 52 53 w 55 56 57 58 59 60 8. 9. 1 o. After the customer service representative has established a dialog with the user, the network may u

37、pload some NAM parameters from the MS. These actions may be deferred until after enabling message encryption, voice privacy or both. The customer service representative answers the call and establishes a dialog with the user. NOTE 4: The customer service center shall have a mechanism to associate th

38、e incoming call with the uploaded NAM information. If required. the network and the MS shall exchange Authentication Key Generation parameters and generate the A-key. NOTE 5: The A-key shall not be displayed to the subscriber or customer service representative a1 any time. The network may then perfo

39、rm the SSD Update procedure and invoke digital voice privacy and message encryption mode. NOTE 6: There are three altematives for the order in wbich Steps 8, 9 and i0 may be executed. - Step-8, Step9 , Step10 - Step-9, St-8, Step-IO - Step-9, Step-10, Step-8 The only requirement is for Step-9 ifrequ

40、ired, to be executed before Step-10. 11. The customer service center obtains all user information appropriate for 12. If the user is successfully verified by the customer semce center, the service validating and verifymg the user for wireless service. representative performs the following tasks: - -

41、 Determines subscriber service needs. - Assigns a Mobile Identification Number (MIN) to the user. Creates a subscriber profile record in the network provisioning system data base. Assigns other NAM parameters needed by the MS. - NOTE 7: If the user fails verification, the user may be denied service

42、by the service provider, and the service provisioning process is tenninated. 13. The network transmits the required NAM parameters to the MS over the air interface. 14. If service provisioning is successful, the MS or a signal received from the network may provide validity feedback to the new subscr

43、iber indicating that service provisioning was completed successfully. A flowchart (Figures A1 and A2) in 2.1.5 illustrates the above sequence of procedures. 2.1 -2 Exception Procedures or Unsuccessful Outcome This section lists some of the more probable abnormal situations not described in Nom1 Proc

44、edures With Successful Outcome. Subscriber Feature Oescription ? MAIN-OTA TIAfEIAllS-725A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3a 31 32 33 3r 35 36 37 3e 35 40 41 42 13 4d 45 46 4 43 3 53 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 Registration None identified. De-Registra

45、tion None identified. Activation None identifed. De-Activation None identified. Invocation Typical problems during OTASP invocation may include the following: a. The user attempts to activate the new MS in a poor radio frequency (RF) coverage area. b. The user receives unsuccessfui feedback after th

46、e NAM programming parameters are transmitted into the MS. The OTASP invocation procedure does not complete successfully (i.e., a failure occurs at any time during the process). This can happen, for instance, if the user does not input the correct programming mode for OTASP or the user enters an inco

47、rrect feature code. The user attempts to invoke OTASP: c. d. in an area where OTASP is not provided; or for a service provider that does not provide OTASP; or for a service provider that does not support OTASP for the requested service provider. e. The user is not successfully validated by the servi

48、ce provider. The resoiution of exception procedures for these problems shall be feature implementation dependent. Exceptions While Roaming hone identified. Exceptions During Intersystem Handoff During OTASP procedure, intersystem handoffs may be blocked by the service provider depending upon specifi

49、c implementation. MAIN-OTA 8 Subscriber Feature Description TINEINIS-725-A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 U 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 40 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 2.1.3 Alternative Procedures If the process of programming an MS terminates before OTASP programmin e information is committed to permanent memory, the MS shall rerum to the programmed information in effect before the service provisioning procedure began. It is likely that the service providers customer service represent


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