TIA EIA IS-812-1999 TIA EIA-41-D Message Segmentation《消息分割》.pdf

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1、TIAIEIA INTERIM STANDARD TIAEIA-41-D Message Segmentation TIA/EIA/IS-812 AUGUST 1999 TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION STD.EIA TIA/EIA/IS-812-ENGL 1999 II 3234b00 Ob24432 547 = NOTICE TIAEL4 Engineering Standards and publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating mi

2、sunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respe

3、ct preclude any member or nonmember of TIA/EIA from manufacturing or selhg products not conforming to such Soindards and Publications, nor shaU the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than TIA/EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either

4、 domestically or internationay. Standards and Publications are adopted by TIA/EIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, TWEIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting

5、 the Standard or Publication. TIA/EIAINTERIM STANDARDS TIA/EIA interim Standards contain information deemed to be of technical value to the industry, and are published at the request of the originaing Committee without necessarily following the rigorous public review and resolution of comments which

6、 is a procedural part of the development of a TiA/EIA Standard. A/EIA Interim Standards should be reviewed on an annual basis by the formulating Committee and a decision made on whether to proceed to develop a TIA/EIA Siandard on this subject, TIA/EIA Interim Standards must be cancelled by the Commi

7、ee and removed from the “MEIA Standards Catalog before the end of their third year of existence. - ._ Publication of this TIA/EIA interim Standard for trial use and comment has been approved by the Telecommunications Industry Association. Distribution of this TIA/EIA Interim Standard for comment sha

8、ll not continue beyond 36 monhs from the date of publication. It is expected that following this 36 month period, this TIA/EIA Interim Standard, revised as necessary, will be submitted to the American National Standards Institute for approval as an American National Standard. Suggestions for revisio

9、n should be directed to: Standards American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 199 1 ANSI T1.209-I989 Operations, Administration. Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAM American National Standards Institute, Inc.; 1989 8 8 12 3 STD=EIA TIA/EIA/IS-BLE-ENGL 1799 I 3234600 Ob24438 Tb5 I TINEIA IS-81 2 1 3

10、 T/.lA=41-D CHAPTER 5 MODIFICATIONS 6 7 E 9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 ie ao 19 21 za a3 ad 25 26 This section defines the Mobile Application Part (MAP) operations and parameters from the TIA/ElA-41.5- D that are applicable to support of SCCP segmentation and reassembly. This section also defines new m

11、essages and parameters that support lower layer (e.g. SCCP) message segmentation and reassembly. This section shall be included in the next revision of the TZA/EZA-41 standad. 5.1 SS7-BASED DATA TRANSFER SERVICES 5.1.2 Signaling Connection Control Part (TlNElA-41.5-D, page 5-8) For TIAEZA-41 applica

12、tions, the SCCP is defined in ANSI T1.112, with the following exceptions and limitations: SCCP Class O connectionless service is tisee reouested from the SCCP. However. in accordance with SCCP Drocedures. if a TZMIA-41 message is segmented by the SCCP. the seauence of XUD T messages carrvine the seg

13、ments are sent using SCCP Class 1 seauenced connectionless service. The In-Seauence Deliverv btion field of the Segmentation uarameter within each of the XUDT messages is set to O, to reflect the original request for Class O service.) * Whether to set the return message on error or discard message o

14、n error option in the Protocol Class parameter of the UDT or XLJDT message is at the discretion of the implementation. If return messalze on error is reauested bv the SCCP user for a segmented message. then only the first XUDT messape sent shall have return messalze on error reauested. 27 4 STD-EIA

15、TIA/EIA/IS-BLZ-ENGL L999 3234b b24439 9TL TINEIA IS-812 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IS 17 18 19 10 a1 22 5.3 ITU-7-BASED DATA TRANSFER SERVICES 5.3.2 Signaling Connection Control Part (TINEIA-41 .D-5, page 5-1 1) For TIAEIA-41 applications, the SCCP is defined in ITU Q.711 - 12.714, with the

16、 following exceptions and limitations: SCCP Class O connectionless service is used reauested from the SCCP. /However. in accordance with SCCP orocedures, if a TIMIA-41 message is segmented bv the SCCP, the seauence of XUDT messages carrvinn the segments are sent using SCCP Class 1 seauenced connecti

17、onless service. The In-Seauence Deliverv Oution field of the sementation oarameter within each of the XUDT messages is set to O. to reflect the original reauest for Class O service.) Whether to set the retum message on error or discard message on error option in the Protocol Class parameter of the U

18、DT message is at the discretion of the implementation. If rerurn messape on error is reauested bv the SCCP user for a segmented message. then onlv the first XUDT messape sent shall have rerum message on error reauested. STD-EIA TIA/EIA/IS-BLZ-ENGL L979 I 3234600 Ob24440 bL3 1 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

19、 16 17 18 19 10 21 TINEIA IS-812 6.4 MAP OPERATIONS SMSNotification (TINElA-41.5-D, page 5-1 08) The SMSNotification operation is used to report a change in an MSs ability to receive SMS messages based on the location or status of the MS. This message, at a minimum, is used to report the ac

20、cessibility of an MS following a postponed SMSRequest or SMSDeliveryPointToPoint. This message may also be used to revoke delivery permission previously granted with either an SMSRequest or an SMSNotification. The SMSNotification operation is initiated with a TCAP INVOKE (LAST). This is carried by a

21、 TCAP QUERY WITH PERMISSION package. The Parameter Set is encoded as follows: Table 96 SMSNotification INVOKE Parameters jMSNotification INVOKE Parameters Timer: SNT Notes: a. b. These parameters are mutually exclusive; however, one must be present. Included to indicate the temporary routing address

22、 of an MS-based SME. c. Include if routing of SMS messages to the smified MS is allowed and if any aplicable CaDabiiities are set. The SMSNotification operation success is reported with a TCAP RE“ RESULT (LAST). This is carried by a TCAP RESPONSE package. The Parameter Set is encoded as foliows: Tab

23、le 97 SMSNotification RETURN RESULT Parameters 22 6 STD-EIA TIA/EIA/IS-BLZ-ENCL 1999 3234600 0624441 55T a TINEIA IS-812 SMSRequest 2 (TINEiA-41 .D-5, page 5-1 09) 3 The SMSRequest operation success is reported with a TCAP RETURN RESULT (LAST). This is carried by a TCAP RESPONSE package. Th

24、e Parameter Set is encoded as foilows: 8 9 7 Table 99 SMSRequest RETURN RESULT Parameters I Notes: a. Include if not received in SMSRequest INVOKE and SMS delivery is allowed, 10 11 12 13 a4 b. Include if delivery of SMS messages is denied or deferred. c. These parameters are mutually exclusive. d.

25、Include if routing of SMS messages is applicable. e. Include if routin9 of SMS m essapes to the sDecified MS is allowed and if any aDDiicabie CaDabiiities are set. 7 6 a 10 11 :I 12 13 Field Value Type 14 IS 16 17 Reference Notes 18 19 Length 20 a1 22 23 24 IMPLICIT OCTET SRING variable octets M 6.5

26、.1.1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 TINEIA IS-812 6.5 MAP PARAMETERS 60 TransactionCapabiIity (TIAfEIA-41.5-D, page 5-315) The Transactioncapability (TRANSCAP) parameter indicates a systems transaction capability at the current time (Le., this capability may change over time). I I I I Identifier

27、 kransactionCaDabi1iW IMl I Profile (PROF) (octet 1, bit A) Bits H G F E D C B A Value O0 1 1 Busy Detection (SVSU) (octet 1, bit B) Bits H G F E D C 6 A Value O O 1 1 Announcements (ANN) (octet I, bit C) Bits H G F E D C B A Value O O 1 1 Meaning The system is not capable of supporting the

28、IS-41-C profile parameters. The system is capable of supporting the fS-41-C profile parameters. Meaning The system is not capable of detecting a busy condition at the current time. The system is capable of detecting a busy condition at the current time. Meaning The system is not capable of honoring

29、the AnnouncementList parameter at the current time. The system is capable of honoring the AnnouncementList parameter at the cumnt time. 8 STD-EIA TIA/EIA/IS-BL2-ENGL 1799 II 3234b00 Ob24443 322 II 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 33 34 35 36 31 38 39 40 41 T

30、INEIA IS-812 Table 192 TransactionCapability parameter (continued) Remote User Interaction (RUI) (octet 1, bit D) Bits H G F E D C B A Value Meaning O The system is not capable of interacting with the user. 1 i The system is capable of interacting with the user. O Subscriber PIN Intercept (SPINI) (o

31、ctet 1, bit E) Bits H G F E D C B A Value Meaning O O The system is not capable of supporting local 1 1 The system is capable of supporting local SPINI SPINI operation at the current time. operation. UZ Capabiliv Indicator (UZCI) (octet 1, bit F) Bits H G F E D C B A Value Meaning O 1 O 1 The system

32、 is not User Zone capable at the current time. The system is User Zone capable at the current time. NDSS Capability (NDSS) (octet 1, bit G) Bits H G F E D C B A Value Meaning O 1 O 1 Serving system is not NDSS capable. Serving system is NDSS capable. NAME Capability Indicator (NAMI) (octet 1, bit H)

33、 Bits H G F E D C B A Value Meaning O 1 O 1 The system is not CNAPKNAR capable. The system is CNAPKNAR capable. Multiple Terminations (octet 2, bits A-D) Bits H G F E D C B A Value Meaning O O O O O The system cannot accept a termination at this time (Le., cannot accept routing infonnation). Termina

34、tionList (TL) (octet 2, bit E) Bits H G F E D C B A Value Meaning O O The system is not capable of supporting the 1 1 The system is capable of supporting the TerminationList parameter at the current time. TerminationList parameter at the current time. 9 1 2 3 4 5 10 Il 12 13 14 15 STD=EIA TIA/EIAIIS

35、-BLZ-ENGL 1999 3234600 Ob24444 269 TINEIA IS-81 2 Table 192 TransactionCapability parameter (concluded) WIN Addressing: (WIN A) (octet 2, bit F) Bits H G F E D C B A Value Meaning O I O The system is not capable of supporting the TrigperAddressList parameter. 1 The system is capable of supporting th

36、e TriggerAddressList parameter. Lower Laver Senmentation the lower protocol layer (e.g., SS7 SCCP) will perform Sa. Invoke recovery procedures (e.g., send only the relevant parameters that fit into the transport medium used). 2-1-1-1 2-1-2 ELSE: 2- 1-2-1 2- 1-3 ENDIF. 2-2 ELSE: 2-2- 1 Invoke recovery procedures (e.g., send only the relevant parameters that fit into the transport medium used). 2-3 ENDIF. 3 ELSE: 3-1 Send message as is. 4 ENDIF. 11

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