1、The Teleconmiunications Industry Association represents the conmiunications sector of NOTICE TIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvemen
2、t of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for their particular need. The existence of such Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of TIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Pu
3、blications. Neither shall the existence of such Documents preclude their voluntary use by non-TIA members, either domestically or internationally. TIA DOCUMENTS TIA Documents contain information deemed to be of technical value to the industry, and are published at the request of the originating Comm
4、ittee without necessarily following the rigorous public review and resolution of comments which is a procedural part of the development of a American National Standard (ANS). TIA documents shall be reviewed on a five year cycle by the formulating Committee and a decision made on whether to reaffirm,
5、 revise, withdraw, or proceed to develop an American National Standard on this subject. Suggestions for revision should be directed to: Standards remove the parentheses and the words “To be“ from the specification number; and remove all footers. NOTE -When a fiber manufacturer prepares the Detail Sp
6、ecification, no ballot is necessary; hence there is no need for headers, footers, and Project Numbers. (TIA assigns the document number when a fiber manufacturer requests it.) 2 Title: Include a descriptive title in boid-face type on the cover page. It shall contain the words “Detail Specification,“
7、 and include a brief description of the fiber type. Include the name of the preparer and/or organization just under the title. Example: Detail Specification for 82.51125 pm class la graded-index, multimode optical fiber Prepared by TIA FO-6.6.x Working Group on . . 3 TINEIA: Enter the name and addre
8、ss of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)/Electronic Industries Association (EIA), under whose authority the Detail Specification is to be issued. 4 Detail Specification number: Enter the TINEIA number of the Detail Specification, the date of issue, and any further information required
9、 by the national system. Obtain the last two characters of the Detail Specification number (“xx“ in the example below) by applying to the Engineering staff of TIA. TIA inserts the date of issue when the Detail Specification is published. Example : Detail Specification TINEIA492AAxx 5 Generic Specifi
10、cation number: Enter the number of the TINEIA Generic Specification: Electronic Components of Assessed Quality in Accordance with Generic Specification TIA/ElA4920000-B WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 3 STD-EIA TIA-q92AAOO-A-ENGL A998 3234b00 059L1i20 5TL TINEIA-492AA00-A 6 Blank Detail Specifica
11、tion number: Enter the number of the Blank Detail Specification from which the Detail Specification was derived: Blank Detail Specification EIAlTIA492AA00-A 4.1.2 Identification of the fiber 7 Outline drawing: If desired, show an outline drawing that includes the main dimensions that are of importan
12、ce. Alternatively, this drawing may appear in an annex to the Detail Specification. 8 Description: Enter a short description of the type and class of optical fibers. Example: Class la graded-index multimode optical fibers. 9 Constuction: Describe the nominal cladding diameter, nominal core diameter,
13、 nominal coating diameter, and generic coating composition. I O Application(s): Define the application or group of applications covered. Example: used in local area networks. 4.2 Body of the Detail Specification If a Contents page is used, use an dd-numbered page, page i. Place the Foreword on the n
14、ext available odd-numbered page (e. g., iii or v). If an Introduction is used, place it on page 1, the next available odd-numbered page. The Scope shall immediately follow any Introduction. All remaining text in this Blank Detail Specification refers to the pages of the Detail Specification that fol
15、low the Foreword, as shown in the pages covering figure 2. Include clauses 1 through 5, as appropriately amended by the preparer, in the Detail Specification. Subclauses 3.6 and 3.7 cover optional material that may be added to the Detail Specification. When included, list such added material under t
16、he appropriately numbered headings. Referring to clauses 1 through 5 in figure 2, note that the language used that is not within square brackets represents desired text, although it is not necessarily intended that this language be copied exactly. Language enclosed in square brackets is primarily of
17、 an instructional nature and is not intended to be permanent text in the body of the Detail Specification. WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 4 STD-EIA TIA-472AAOO-A-ENGL 1778 3239b00 0571421 938 U TINEIA492AAOO-A 4.3 Availability of diskettes It is possible that Figures 1 and 2 of this Blank Detail
18、 Specification may be available on a diskette. This could save time for preparers of Detail Specifications who use this document. Address all inquiries to the TIA Engineering Department, requesting information on price and software format(s) available. WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 5 STDmEIA TI
19、A-492AAOO-A-ENGL 1998 3234b00 0571422 374 TIAIEIA492AA00-A Il + PN-mm l (To be TIAIEIA492AAxx) 2 + Detail Specification for. . . Prepared by . relecommunications Industry Association 3 Electronic Industries Association 2500 Wilson Boulevard firlington, VA 22201 -3836 Electronic components of assesse
20、d quality 5 in accordance with Generic Specification TIAIEIA-4920000-B Outline drawing: VI ABC, TIA SC FO-6.6, Mo-Da-Yr c I i Detail Specification 141 TIAIEIA49AAxx Blank Detail SI Specification TIAIEIA492AAOQ-A Description: SI Construction: r91 Applications: lo1 WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 7
21、 Previous page is blank STDOEIA TIA-472AAOO-A-ENGL L798 D 3234b00 05711423 200 D TINEIA492AA00-A Figure 1 - Front page format WG F0-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 91/96 8 STD-EIA TIA-q92AAOO-A-ENGL $998 323Lib00 059LLi2Li /Li7 1 TINEIA-492AAOO-A PN-m (To be TINEIA-AAxx) rhis page left blank. ABC, TIA SC FO-6
22、.6, Mo-Da-Yr i STD*EIA TIA-q72AAOO-A-ENGL 3798 3234b00 0591425 O83 TIAIEIA-492AAOO-A Figure I (cont.) - Front page format WG F0-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 10 STD-EIA TIA-972AAOO-A-ENGL 1798 3234b00 057L92b TIT m TIAIEIA-492AA00-A PN-xxxx (To be TIAIEIA-492AAxx) Contents Foreword . v Introduction i
23、 I Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Background infomation . 2 3.1 Required specifications . 2 3.2 Marking . 2 3.3 Numbering system 2 3.5 Ordering information . 4 3.6 Additional information (not for inspection purposes) . 4 3.7 Additional requirements 4 3.4 Other requirements . 3 4 inspection requi
24、rements 5 4.1 Qualification approval . 5 5 4.2 Quality Conformance Inspection (QCI) . 5 Quality assessment tables . 6 Annex A (normative). Quality Conformance Inspection (QCI) codes and levels . 13 Annex B (normative). Alternative part-number codes for multicellular attributes . 15 Annex C (informat
25、ive). Surrogate and other test procedures 20 Table 1 . Dimensional specifications . 8 Table 2 . Mechanical specifications . 9 Table 3 - Optical specifications 10 Table 4 - Environmental specifications 12 . ABC. TIA SC FO-6.6, Mo-Da-Yr 111 Figure 2 . Text format WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC F0-6.6,5/1/96 11 S
26、TD=EIA TIA-492AAOO-A-ENGL 3778 D 3234b00 0593427 95b PN-m (To be TIA/EIA492AAxx) Fis page left blank. ABC, TIA SC FO-6.6, Mo-Da-Yr iv Figure 2 (cont.) - Text format WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 12 STD-EIA TIA-492AAOO-A-ENGL 1798 3234b00 0593428 872 TlAIEIA-492AA00-A PN-xxxx (To be TINEIA492AAx
27、x) Detail Specification for . Foreword (This Foreword is informative only and is not part of this Standard.) This document comes from TIA Standards Proposal Number xxxx, formulated under the cognizance of TIA FO-6, Committee on Fiber Optics, FO-6.6, Subcommittee on Optical Fibers and Materials, and
28、F0-6.6.x, Working Group on or If a manufacturer prepares the Detail Specification and it is not to be balloted, there is no need to request and use a TIA Standards Proposal Number. Also, omit the paragraph immediately above. If this document has been revised, give the identity of the original or pre
29、vious edition as a NOTE. Indicate the annexes and whether they are normative or informative, or both. Give 4-6 key words, as and if appropriate and helpful. rhe Introduction (or Scope, if there is no Introduction) shall follow on the first available odd-numbered page. ABC, TIA SC FO-6.6, Mo-Da-Yr V
30、Figure 2 (cont.) -Text format WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 13 STD-EIA TIA-472AAOO-A-ENGL 3778 323Lib00 0593429 727 TINE IA492AAOO-A PN-XXXX (To be TINEIA492AAxx) This page let blank. ABC, TIA SC FO-6.6, Mo-Da-Yr vi Figure 2 (cont.) - Text format WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 14 TINEIA-492
31、AA00-A PN-m (To be TINEIA-492AAxx) introduction Put introductory remarks here, if any. Otherwise, proceed directly to Scope. I Scope This Detail Specification applies to Add other important information, such as environmental conditions. 2 Normative references Where applicable, this Detail Specificat
32、ion shall use information and related documents referenced in Generic Specification TIA/EIA-4920000-B, Sectional Specification TINEIA- 492AOOO-A, and Blank Detail Specification TlNEIA492AA00-A. (Hereafter in this document, they will be referred to as the Generic Specification, Sectional Specificatio
33、n, and Blank Detail Specification, respectively.) Reference any other documents that may be required. ABC, TIA SC FO-6.6, Mo-Da-Yr 1 Figure 2 (cont.) - Text format WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 15 STD*EIA TIA-492AAOO-A-ENGL 1998 M 3234bUU 0573q31 387 TINEIA-492AA00-A PN-m I (To be TINEIA492AAxx
34、) I 3 Background information 3.1 Required specifications This Standard takes the entire contents of clause 4 of the Sectional Specification into account. The tables of this document include the minimum list of attributes specified in clause 4 of the Sectional Specification. 3.2 Marking Marking shall
35、 conform to the provisions of 3.3 of the Sectional Specification. 3.3 Numbering system The numbering system shall conform to 3.8 of the Generic Specification. EIAs publication EP-I 3 provides 5 characters for specifying the part number beyond the characters required to specrfy the number of this Det
36、ail Specification. Use the part number to specify the following multicellular attributes, in the order given: fiber length, tensile proof, coating diameter, attenuation at two wavelengths, and bandwidth length product at two wavelengths. See Annex 6 for codes to use for each of the 5 characters. If
37、using other attributes for the and those tests (part of EIA/TIA-455-A, usually) which are used as surrogates. Some detail is given. If annex C will not be used, omit this paragraph, and change the number in the lead-in sentence from three to two. ABC, TIA SC FO-6.6, Mo-Da-Yr 7 Figure 2 (cont.) - Tex
38、t format WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 21 STD-EIA TIA-492AAOO-A-ENGL L998 3234b 0591937 AT5 Di Sec- tional sub- clause Test pro- cedure(s), Attribute FOTP- 4.2m1 58 plus: Ore 29,43, or 44 diameter 4.2.2 Core non- 176 circularity 42*3 Cladding 45,48, or diameter I 76 - DPC - 1.0 - 4.2.4 ladding
39、45,48, or noncir- culanty 176 4.2.5 Cord cladding concen- 45 or 176 triciiy error 42.6 Coating 55, 163, diameter or 173 TINEIA492AA00-A PN-x (To be TINEIA492AAxx) Table 1 - Dimensional specifications Performance requirements and test conditions Qual. approval & Deriodic reaual. QCI method Code I Level Sample size Freq. - NIA - NIA - An- - nual - 3 - NIA - NIA 5% - - NIA - NIA - An- - nual - 3 - NIA - NIA -t-Cim (see Annex 8.3) N/A = Not aDDkablt? ABC, TIA SC FO-6.6, Mo-Da-Yr 8 Figure 2 (cont.) - Text format WG FO-6.6.2, TIA SC FO-6.6, 5/1/96 22