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1、1Unit 24 Society Section 课后演练提能 KEHOUYANLIANTINENG夯实基础知识.单词拼写1The man was _ (判决) to death for murder.答案:sentenced2There are many bad customs that ought to be _ (废除)答案:abolished3He had been ill for a long time and _ (因此) he was behind in his work.答案:consequently4The children were _ (摇动)happily on the

2、 rope.答案:swinging5I care more about the _ (精神的)life than the material life.答案:spiritual6His father works as a_ (商人)so he has no time to look after his family.答案:merchant7Some little children have the habit of_ (吸吮)their thumbs in their mouths.答案:sucking8The next day she went to the shop to buy anoth

3、er _ (平底锅)答案:pan9Her _ (祈祷)was answered and her son came back safely.答案:prayer10The composition is not well written, and _ (而且),there are many spelling mistakes in it.答案:moreover.选词填空take place, contribute.to., to start with, be known as, do away with, play an important role in1The UN._ internationa

4、l relations.答案:plays an important role in2They _ a lot of money _ the Hope Project.2答案:contributed; to3This was a rather small team _ but has now expanded considerably.答案:to start with4_ the bad habits that might damage your health.答案:Do away with5Shanghai _ the base of Chinas industry.答案:is known a

5、s6As we know, the 2012 Olympic Games _ in London.答案:took place.完成句子1But for your help, I couldnt _ my glasses.要不是你帮助,我就不能找到我的眼镜。答案:have found2If you _ my advice, you would not have made such a mistake.如果你听了我的劝告,就不会犯这样的错误。答案:had taken3It was _ that made his father angry.是他说的话使他父亲生气了。答案:what he said4_

6、 are you so late?你怎么这么晚才来?答案:How come5The child was _the nurses care.孩子被交给护士照顾。答案:committed to.单句语法填空(不多于 3 个单词)1It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _(play) after 11 oclock at night.答案:shouldnt be played 句意:旅馆管理部门恳请客人晚上 11 点后不要打开收音机。由 request 可知 that 从句应用 should动词原形, play 与

7、radio 间为被动关系,所以此空填 shouldnt be played。2 I am looking forward to the day _ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.3答案:when 考查定语从句。句意:我一直都在期待着我的女儿能够阅读并理解我对她的感情的那一天。先行词是 the day,后面的定语从句结构非常完整,所以使用关系副词 when 在句中作时间状语,同时引导定语从句。3Do you think we can get there on time?Yes, so long as the

8、 car doesnt break _.答案:down break down“停止运转,抛锚,(身体)垮了” ,符合题意。4I see you got a “D” in biology. _ come?Well, I found that subject hard. I think Ill drop it for history.答案:How 考查交际用语。句意:我看到你生物得了 D。怎么回事?噢,我发现生物难。我想我要放弃它学历史。此处 How come?意为:怎么回事?符合题意。5 Though first _ (shock) to see the car ahead suddenly t

9、urn over, he calmly pulled up to give a hand immediately.答案:shocked 考查从句的省略。句意:看到前面的车突然翻了,一开始他很吃惊,但是他很快平静下来,把车停在旁边,立即开始施救。由句意可知,他很惊讶,所以用shocked。该句 though 后省略了句子的主语 he,和动词 be 的形式 was,也可以补充在though 后,得出填 shocked。6Liu Xiangs breaking the world record was an exciting moment, _ all of us will never forget

10、.答案:one(that) one 指代 moment,作同位语,指代一个“我们永远不会忘记的时刻”。all of us will never forget 是定语从句,作 one 的定语,可以省略关系代词 that。7Many old houses _ (pull) down over the last few years.答案:have been pulled 由 over the last few years 可知应用现在完成时;house与 pull 构成被动关系。所以用现在完成时的被动语态。8The price is too high, and _, the house isnt i

11、n a suitable position.答案:moreover/ whats more/besides/ in addition/furthermore. 句意:价格太高,此外,地理位置也不合适。9The worlds population hit 7 billion on Monday among celebrations and concerns about _ the growing number of people will affect the earths resources.答案:how 考查名词性从句中引导词的选择。分析句子可知空格处引导宾语从句,从句已为完整句子,考虑连接

12、副词,根据句意应用 how。句意:在各种仪式中,世界人口在星期一达到了七十亿,也引起了人们对日益增长的人口究竟会如何影响地球的资源这一问题的关注。410Mom, I am taking part in the poem reading contest to be held tomorrow. I feel a little nervous.Take _ easy.答案:it 由所给的语境“I feel a little nervous”可知,此处应回答“Take it easy”,表示“别紧张,放松” 。提升实战能力.完形填空Watching TV is a very popular past

13、ime in the UK but what kind of programmes do British people like to watch? Well, the mostwatched TV programmes every week are very popular dramas that are usually _1_ at least four times every week. They are dramas based in one neighborhood that try to _2_ ordinary life in the UK we _3_ these dramas

14、 “soap operas” or “soaps.”SIn the early days of TV, there were often dramas on during the _4_. Back in those days, it was _5_ for the husband to go out to work and for the wife to stay at home and _6_ the house and the children. Most of these daytime dramas were _7_ entertaining the housewives who w

15、ould traditionally be at home, probably doing the _8_. Companies selling washing powder or soaps would _9_ their products at times _10_ these dramas were on. P1And _11_ those companies would _12_ sponsor the drama. So came the W1word “soap”So what about the word “opera”? Well, thats _13_ these drama

16、s are often an exaggeration of real _14_. They are supposed to represent W2 P2ordinary lives _15_, to make them entertaining, lots of dramatic _16_ are included, like murders, divorces, affairs etc. All happen probably much more _17_ than they would in a normal neighborhood.Most soap operas these da

17、ys are _18_ in the evening. Each show will have several different storylines happening at once that _19_ over several shows. The same cast (演员阵容) members will _20_ in every show too.在英国,看电视是一种很普遍的消遣方式,而“肥皂剧”是收视率颇高的电视节目。本文讲述了“肥皂剧”这个名称的由来及“肥皂剧”的发展。1A.in BonCat Doff答案:B 这里指电视剧的上演,故用 on。下一段第一句也有提示。2A.pr

18、edict Bexplain5Cimagine Ddescribe答案:D 这种电视剧通常“描述”的是英国的日常生活。3A.doubt BwriteCcall Dthink答案:C 我们把这种电视剧叫作(call)“肥皂剧” 。4A.day BnoonCevening Dnight答案:A 由下文 Most of these daytime dramas 可知,那时的电视剧通常在白天上演,故选 day。5A.difficult BtraditionalCunusual Dillegal答案:B 那时候丈夫外出工作、妻子待在家中是一种传统,故选 B 项(traditional)。6A.look

19、for Btake overCtake out Dlook after答案:D 妻子在家做家务和照看小孩,故 look after(照看)符合题意。7A.tired of Bfond ofCaimed at Dinterested in答案:C 那时候白天播放电视剧旨在供家庭主妇们消遣。be aimed at.“旨在” 。8A.washing BcookingCreading Dshopping答案:A 根据下文 Companies selling washing powder or soaps 可以推知,此处针对主妇们洗衣服的事,故此处应选 washing。9A.buy BsellCadve

20、rtise Dsuggest答案:C 卖洗衣粉或肥皂的厂家要为自己的产品在电视上“做广告” 。10A.until BwhenCbefore Dafter答案:B when 在此处引导一个时间状语从句。11A.already BalwaysCnever Dsometimes答案:D 有时(sometimes)商家(为了给产品作宣传)会为电视剧提供赞助。12A.still Byet6Cever Deven答案:D 为了给产品作宣传,有时商家“甚至”会为电视剧提供赞助。13A.because BthoughCwhy Dwhere答案:A 这里解释上文提出的问题,故用 because 引起一个表语从句

21、。14A.life BbookCplace Dcountry答案:A 这种电视剧中的故事通常对现实“生活”情景进行夸张描述。15A.and BbutCso Dor答案:B 这种电视剧既要反映日常生活,又要具有娱乐效果。but 在这里表示上下文的转折。16A.persons BactorsCevents Daccidents答案:C 下文的 murders, divorces, affairs 等指的是生活中的各种“事件” ,故选events。17A.carefully BquicklyCsuddenly Dregularly答案:D 电视剧里发生的事件要比真实生活中的更加有规律,故选 regu

22、larly。18A.shown BgivenCwiped Dmade答案:A 如今这种电视剧大部分在晚上播放(show)。19A.stay BcontinueCbegin Dfinish答案:B 电视剧中的故事通常要持续播出好几部,故选 continue。20A.react BuniteCappear Dreply答案:C 同样的演员阵容会出现(appear)在每一部电视剧中。7.阅读理解Children are helpless and are at the mercy of adults during disasters and P1times of crisis . Children o

23、f all ages need to know about their own survival . W1 W2It is up to adults to teach children how to survive even in the worst of P2times.There are many types of survival. Children should know how to survive physical and even emotional disasters to the best of their abilities. Physical survival inclu

24、des caring and preserving the body from harm and injury. W3Emotional survival is how to deal with disasters without support from loved P3ones or friends.Some of the basic survival strategies for all levels include knowing how to make a shelter and look for water and food. Children can be taught duri

25、ng camping trips how to set up a tent. Looking for food and water can also be 8taught at an early age. Children can learn what plants and fruits are safe to S1eat. They can also learn where to look for water. Equally important, children should know signs of danger and how to avoid fires, flood or so

26、cial dangers such as crime scenes. At an early age, children should know how to hide from danger. All children should have someone to contact during a crisis situation. Safe places such as a church or neighbors house should be selected for places of refuge if the child is separated from the family o

27、r unsafe at home. Many W4abuses and deaths could thus be avoided.Emotional survival for children is much harder since they are so dependent for support on adults. If separated from adults, children should at least know their names and their home addresses.S2It is extremely important that children in

28、 modern society need more than ever the love and support of the extended family such as grandparents, uncles and aunts. Parents alone cannot provide all the necessary guidance for raising a child.灾难无处不在,成年人应该从小就教育孩子们怎样在灾难发生时保障自己的安全。1Who are to be responsible for the survival of the children in disas

29、ters?AAdults. BTeachers.CRelatives. DPeople in general.答案:A 细节理解题。由第一段可知 adults 应该负责,全文也一直在隐含着这一点,尽管最后一段提到了父母和爷爷,叔叔等亲人,但实际上都是成年人,而亲人可能会含有未成年人。2Which of the following belongs to the physical survival?AProtecting the head first.BFacing disasters alone.CLooking for belongings.DGetting help from others.

30、答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“preserving the body from harm and injury”可知答案。3Some of the basic survival strategies can make children learn _.Awhat plants and fruits are dangerous to eatBthey should face the danger bravely and directlyChow to look for food and water when they were born9Dhow to be involved in soc

31、ial dangers such as crime scenes答案:A 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Children can learn what plants and fruits are safe to eat”可知答案。其中 safe 与 dangerous 是一对反义词,了解哪些不能吃,也就是了解哪些能吃的过程。4We can infer from the passage that _.Amany deaths could be avoided with these strategiesBchildren who know their names are safeCall childr

32、en need to be taught to swimDit takes a village to raise a child答案:D 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知:孩子需要大家庭的照料,仅靠家长在养育孩子的时候的指导是不足够的,因此可知养大一个孩子需要全村(众多)人的努力。A 项是事实;B 项太绝对,并不一定知道名字就安全;C 项未提到。5Whats the best title for the passage?ATypes of Children Survival in DisastersBWays of Keeping Children Safe in DisastersCDiffer

33、ences between Physical and Emotional SurvivalDResponsibilities of Parents for Children Safety in Disasters答案:B 主旨大意题。全文就成年人应该教会孩子们面临灾难时应采取的对策这一观点展开。其他几项都是段落大意和细节。10.短文改错Yesterday my classmate took part in a “Lowcarbon Life, Green Travel” campaign. We started out earlier by bike and carried some drin

34、ks and foods in a backpack. While we rode, it sudden began to rain. Luckily we had brought umbrellas with us and we hurried to large house. When we made our way there, my classmates saw everyone standing under a tree. We know that its dangerous to standing under a tall tree when it rains because it

35、may get stuck with 11lightning. We shouted to him but asked him to take shelter with us. It wasnt long before the rain was stopped and we continue our trip happily.答案:Yesterday my took part in a “Lowcarbon Life, Green Travel” classmateclassmatescampaign. We started out by bike and carried some drink

36、s and foods in earlierearlya backpack. While we rode, it began to rain. Luckily we had brought suddensuddenlyumbrellas with us and we hurried to large house. When we made our way athere, my classmates saw standing under a tree. We know that its everyonesomeonedangerous to under a tall tree when it rains because it may get stuck standingstandlightning. We shouted to him asked him to take shelter with us. It withby but andwasnt long before the rain stopped and we our trip happily.was continuecontinued


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