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1、1Lesson 6 Jennys Diary一、认知学习目标1.背会课后单词和预习部分短语并熟练运用。 2.熟悉课文内容,了解中国的一些历史文化。 3.小组合作掌握重点句型及结构。二、预习成果展示读课文,找出下列短语,翻译并背会。1. our last night _ 2. fly home _ 3. so much _ 4. the Beijing Opera _5. over 2,000 years old _ 6. the Birds Nest 8. a few years old _9. a famous and beautiful building _ 10. Where else

2、11. housands of years _ 12. in time _ 13. be over _三、课堂研讨助学1. It is only a few years old.翻译 He is new, he has few friends here. 翻译 _点拨:few + 意为 表否定。a few+ 意为 表肯定。He has friends.So he feels lonely. But I have friends.I feel happy.2. Where else can you travel thousands of years back in time? 翻译 two hu

3、ndred 翻译 , three thousand 翻译 总结:thousand / hundred 的用法: 表示确数 表示概数 There are over three students in our schoolLook !I can see birds flying in the sky.3.讨论,并选代表向全班汇报。回答要点:1、一般过去时态的用法、谓语构成、时间状语等。 2. 规则动词过去式的构成: _ _ _ _3. 找出下列不规则动词过去式:如 go see eat do .四、当堂训练检测I. keep a _(日记) in English every day.2. Miss

4、 Wang is the _ (最后) teacher to leave school.3. Our school will _(举行) a sports meeting on the playground next Friday.4. There are over three _ (千) students in our school.5. -Can you play the _ (乐器)? -Yes, I can.6. _ (别的什么) do you know about China?7. Jenny usually flies home during the summer holiday.(同义句)Jenny usually _ home _ _ during the summer holiday.28. What else do you know about China? (同义句)What _ _ do you know about China?9. You may go to Xian with your friends. (一般疑问句) _ I go to Xian with _ friends?10. Its 1,114 kilometres from Xian to Beijing. (划线提问) _ _ is it from Xian to Beijing?


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