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1、12019 中考英语完形填空精选(2)第一篇(2019 选练)通读短文,掌握大意,从所给的选项中选出一个最佳选项。One day when I was drinking in a coffee shop, I saw a young woman sitting alone at a table. She was 1 a beautiful necklace(项链). There was a fat man at a table not far 2 her. He was looking at her 3 all the time.Suddenly the lights went out. Th

2、e coffee house was in 4 . The woman started to shout. She was very 5 . A few minutes later, the lights came on again. The woman was 6 . Her necklace was gone.The manager quickly 7 all the doors. He telephoned the police. 8 could get out of the coffee house. The police soon came. The police officer 9

3、 his men to look for the necklace. They then searched the whole coffee house. But they could 10 nothing.The police officer 11 the faces of all the people in the coffee house. He saw the fat man and looked at the man 12 . He went up to the man and picked 13 the bowl of soup on the table. He then 14 t

4、he soup into a glass. The necklace fell out. The police caught the man and 15 him away. The young woman was happy to get back her necklace. 1. A. wearing B. dressingC. putting onD. having2. A. by B. to C. beside D. from3. A. ring B. necklace C. glasses D. watch4. A. light B. dark C. bright D. white5

5、. A. happy B. exciting C. afraid D. sad6. A. crying B. laughing C. smiling D. singing27. A. openedB. turned offC. closedD. turned on8. A. Nobody B. Anyone C. Someone D. Everyone9. A. decided B. hoped C. let D. asked10. A. look for B. see C. find D. find out11. A. watched B. saw C. looked upD. looked

6、 at12. A. excitedly B. carefully C. happily D. sadly13. A. on B. out C. up D. over14. A. took B. brought C. poured D. threw15. A. carried B. brought C. got D. took【答案】(1)A;(2)D;(3)B;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)C;(8)A;(9)D;(10)C;(11)A;(12)B;(13)C;(14)C;(15)D; 【考点】社会现象类,记叙文 【解析】 【分析】这篇文章主要讲了一个小偷偷了女士的项链,然后被警察查了出

7、来带走了小偷,最后女士的项链也得到了。(1)词意考查题,根据“She was 1 a beautiful necklace(项链). ”可知她戴着一串漂亮的项链;A 项“wearing”可译为“穿着;磨成;使疲乏;同意”表状态;B 项“dressing”可译为“穿着;装饰”表动作;C 项“putting on”可译为“穿上”表动作;D 项“having”可译为“有,穿上”表动作;而项链戴在她的脖子上表的是状态。故选 A。(2)介词考察题,根据“There was a fat man at a table not far 2 her. ”与“far from”固定搭配可知此处应该填 from。故

8、选 D。(3)细节考察题,根据前文可知女士身上有一串漂亮的项链;A 项“ring”可译为“戒指” ;B 项“necklace”可译为“项链” ;C 项“glasses”可译为“眼镜,玻璃” ;D 项“watch”可译为“手表” 。故选 B。(4)细节考察题,根据“ Suddenly the lights went out. ”可知突然灯灭了,所以3现在咖啡馆陷入了黑暗里面;A 项“light”可译为“光;发光体;电灯;点火器” ;B 项“dark”可译为“黑暗;暗色;暗处” ;C 项“bright”可译为“车头灯;光辉,辉煌” ;D 项“white”可译为“白色;白种人;空白;白色颜料” 。故

9、选 B。(5)细节考察题,根据“The woman started to shout. ”可知这个女士开始尖叫起来,从她的尖叫可以看出来她当时非常生气。故选 C。(6)词意考查题,根据“A few minutes later, the lights came on again. The woman was 6 . Her necklace was gone.”可知过了几分钟之后电来了,这个女士哭了起来,因为她的项链丢了。故选 A。(7)词意考查题,根据“He telephoned the police.”和前文可知这个咖啡馆的老板报警了,所以由常识可知他首先应该把门关了。故选 C。(8)细节考

10、察题,根据“ 8 could get out of the coffee house. ”和前文可知咖啡馆的老板第一时间关门了然后报警了,所以没有人出去。故选 A。(9)词意考查题,根据“The police soon came. The police officer 9 his men to look for the necklace. ”可知警察很快就来了,然后警官命令了他的部下去找项链;A 项“decide”可译为“决定” ;B 项“hoped”可译为“希望” ;C 项“let”可译为“允许,任由;让,随;假设;出租” ;D 项“asked”可译为“询问,要求,请求” 。故选 D。(10

11、)细节考察题,根据“They then searched the whole coffee house. But they could 10 nothing.”可知他们搜查了整个咖啡馆,后面用但是转折了所以从这里可知他们什么也没有找到。故选 C。(11)词意考查题,根据“ The police officer 11 the faces of all the people in the coffee house. ”可知警官注视这咖啡馆里所有人的脸;A 项“watched”可译为“注视,注意” ;B 项“saw”可译为“看见;观看;领会;考虑” ;C 项“looked up”可译为“查出,兴旺”

12、 ;D 项“looked at”可译为“看,瞧,注意,寻找”。故选 A。(12)词意考查题,根据“He saw the fat man and looked at the man 12 . ”可知他看到那个胖子并且仔细地看着他,A 项“excitedly”可译为“兴冲冲;兴奋地,激动地;勃然” ;B 项“carefully”可译为“仔细地;小心谨慎地;警惕地;周密地” ;C 项“happily”可译为“快乐地;幸运地,幸福地;巧合地,适当地;” ;D 项“sadly”可译为“悲哀地;忧愁地;令人遗憾地;不幸地” 。故选 B。4(13)词意考查题,根据“He went up to the man

13、 and picked 13 the bowl of soup on the table. ”可知他走到那人面前并且拿起了桌上的汤,A 项“pick on”可译为“挑选;招惹; 找茬儿; 责备” ;B 项“pick out”可译为“挑选;取出;了解;衬托” ;C 项“pick up”可译为“捡起;接载;学会;逮捕” ;D 项“pick over”可译为“挑出来;老谈,老想” 。故选 C。(14)词意考查题,根据“He then 14 the soup into a glass. The necklace fell out. ”可知他把汤倒进了玻璃杯里面,然后项链掉出来了;A 项“took”可译

14、为“接受;学习;取得” ;B 项“brought”可译为“带来;促使;提供” ;C 项“poured”可译为“倾,倒;涌流;倾泻” ;D 项“threw”可译为“扔;抛;掷;投” 。故选C。(15)词意考查题,根据“The police caught the man and 15 him away.”可知警察带走了那个男的并且带走了他;A 项“carry sb away”可译为“使某人失去控制” ;B 项“bring sb away”可译为“使某人离开” ;C 项“get sb away”可译为“让某人离开” ;D 项“take sb away”可译为“带走某人” 。故选 D。【点评】做完形填

15、空大致可以分为三个步骤:一.通览全文,把握大意。拿到文章后不要急于做题,先跳出空格通读一遍,了解全文结构和基本内容。二.逐句分析,选择答案。联系上下文,结合语境,遵循从前到后,先易后难的做题原则,拿不准的可以先放下,稍后再考虑。三.复读全文,逐空验证。细心检查语义是否连贯,语法是否正确,搭配是否合适等。 第二篇2016 中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案记叙文 Hello, everyone! I m Caitlin. Id like to tell something about my story. Four years ago, I needed to pay for university m

16、y parents couldnt pay for it all. My teacher told me about Student Aid(助学金). I felt very excited, but I knew it wasnt to get the aid. After several minutes , I decided to have a try. But I failed. I a plan for my university. I asked my parents to pay for the first year. Then I tried my best to make

17、to pay for the rest.When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a . I often asked my friends to 5do their homework and acted a teacher. To make my dream , I worked hard at university. Now , I become a teacher. I want to tell you that there must be a way. You just have to find it.【小题 1】 Ahim Byou Cher D

18、it【小题 2】 Aalthough Bso Cbecause Dor【小题 3】 Aeasy Buseful Chard Denough【小题 4】 Asleeping Bresting Ccrying Dthinking【小题 5】 Awanted Basked Ctold Dmade【小题 6】 Atime Bmoney Cfood Dadvice【小题 7】 Apilot Bnurse Cdoctor Dteacher【小题 8】 Ato Bas Cwith Dfor【小题 9】 Acome in Bturn up Ccome true Dturn on【小题 10】 Aserious

19、 Bpoor Ckind Dreal第三篇【2012 岳阳】 完形填空。通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。On a Friday night, a young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance (通道口)of the subway station. The music was so wonderful 31 people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat.The next day, the violinist c

20、ame to the entrance again. He 32 6his hat as usual. Beside the hat there was a piece of paper. It said,“George Sang has put an important thing 33 my hat by mistake. Welcome to claim(认领) it.” Soon the people went to see the words and they 34 guessed what it could be. After a while, a man came up and

21、said,“I know you would certainly come here.” The violinist asked,“ Did you lose something?”“A lottery ticket(彩票).” The violinist took out a lottery ticket with Georges name on it. George took it and danced 35 .George was 36 office worker. He bought the lottery and won a prize of $500,000. But when h

22、e gave $50 to the violinist for his wonderful music, the lottery ticket was thrown into his hat, too. The 37 was a poor college student. That morning, he was going to fly to Vienna for his education. However, when he 38 the lottery ticket, he didnt go as he had planned. Instead, he went to the entra

23、nce again to wait for the owner of the lottery ticket.Later someone asked the violinist 39 he didnt take the lottery ticket to pay for his high education. He said,“Although I dont have much money, I live happily. If I take the money, I will lose honesty, and I 40 be happy forever.”( ) 31. A. but B.

24、that C. because ( ) 32. A. put down B. put up C. put on ( ) 33. A. above B. under C. into ( ) 34. A. both B. all C. whole ( ) 35. A. slowly B. happily C. sadly ( ) 36. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 37. A. office worker B. crowd C. violinist( ) 38. A. looked B. looked for C. found ( ) 39. A. why B. how C. th

25、at ( ) 40. A. will B. wont C. would 【答案】3135:BACBB 3640:BCCAB第四篇7Choose the best answer to complete the passage.Every day we have a math class. We always show 31 interest in it. Some sleep, some daydream, others read something else.32 listens to our math teacher. To33this problem, our clever math te

26、acher found a 34out at last.Mr. Black thought since everyone liked candy, the only way to 35 0ur attention was to give us candy. A clever36 came upon him.He put a lot of candy inside a big ball that any-one could 37 . In class he asked us some questions. When anybody answered one question 38. Mr. Bl

27、ack would throw the ball to the student and the student could 39 some of the candy out of the ball. Then, the student would have to throw the ball to the40 with the right answer, and as that.The idea 41 us all sit up and pay attention for a while but soon almost all of us went back to 42. We all ate

28、 too much candy. The only person in our math class who43 liked the idea was a fat boy named Ward. He just44 eating and eating until finally even Mr. Black had to say, “Im 45 . Ward, but I just dont have enough money to buy you candy. “( )31.A. great B. much C. little( )32.A.Everyone B.Someone C.Nobo

29、dy( )33.A. do B. solve C. make( )34.A. ball B. question C.way( )35.A.get B.pay C.give( )36.A. advice B.idea C. head( )37.A. keep B. eat C. open( )38. A. quickly B. calmly C. correctly( )39. A. take B. send C. receive( )40. A. student B. teacher C. next one( )41.A.made B.called . C.forced( )42.A.list

30、en B.sleep C.eat( )43.A. never B. also C. still( )44, A. stopped B. helped C. kept( )45.A.sorry : B.glad C.excited8【参考答案】完形填空 31-35ccbca 36-40bccac 41-45abcca第五篇September is the time for students to go back to school! For Chinese students, most schools start on the same day. We will share summer sto

31、ries with the same classmates 61 the first-year students. But in US schools, students get ready for classes a little 62 .First of all, US schools dont all start on the same day. Classes begin any time between August and September. Every 63 decides when to begin their classes. If summer are too 64 .

32、then school will usually start a little later.Every year we usually see the same teachers and classmates, but US students have some big changes. In US high schools teachers divide 65 into different levels or focus. Students can choose their favorite teachers and courses according to their abilities

33、and 66 . This means that every year US students will 67 different classrooms for each class. They will meet 68 classmates and teachers in each one. Also, students will go to school a few days early to get their 69 so that they can know the classes every day.For first year students, the first day of

34、school also means they finally get their own lockers (储物箱). Primary school students in the US have to share closets(储物柜) with their 70 . But once students make it to junior high they finally get one.61.A.including B.except C.besides62.A.early B.late C.differently63.A.school B.city C.town64.A.dry B.c

35、ool C.hot65.A.students B.classes C.subjects66.A.ages B.interests C.habits67.A.see B.enter C.build68.A.new B.special C.unfriendly69.A.homework B.books C.schedule970.A.classmates B.teachers C.owners【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍的是美国学生暑假过后九月开学上课的情况。他们和我国学生开学后上课情况大相径庭。61. B 考查介词的用法辨析。including 意为“包括;包含” ;except“除了之外

36、” ;besides“除了之外还有” 。句意:除了刚入学的一年级新生之外,我们将和原来不变的同班同学分享暑假的故事。故选 B。 62. C 考查副词用法辨析。联系上下文可知句意为:但是在美国的学校里,学生准备上课有点不一样。early 意为“早地” ;late“晚地” ;differently“不同地” 。故选 C。63. A 考查名词词义辨析。联系上文可知:美国的学校开学时间并不统一,有的早有的晚。故判断本句句意为:每所学校自行决定其开学日期。school 意为“学校” ;city“城市” ;town“城镇” 。故选 A。64. C 考查形容词义辨析。联系上文,结合下文主句“学校将通常开学晚

37、一点” ,可推断此条件状语从句意为:如果夏季天气太热的话。dry 意为“干燥的” ;cool“凉爽的” ;hot“炎热的” 。根据句意故选 C。65. B 考查名词词义辨析。联系上下文可知:美国学生可以根据自身实际情况自主选择老师和所学课程。故判断本句句意为:在美国,中学的老师把他们的班级分成不同的等级水平和侧重点。students“学生” ;classes“班级” ;subjects“学科” 。根据句意故选 B。66. B 考查动词词义辨析。结合上下文可判断句意为:(美国) 学生可以根据他们的能力和兴趣爱好自主选择他们最喜欢的老师和课程。age 意为“年龄” ;interest“兴趣” ;h

38、abit“习惯” 。故选 B。67. B 考查动词词义辨析。结合上下文可判断句意为:这意味着每年美国学生将进入不同的教室学习。see 意为“从看见;看到” ;enter“进入;参加” ;build“建造” 。故选 B。68. A 考查形容词词义辨析。new 意为“新的” ;special“特别的;特殊的” ;unfriendly“不友好的” 。结合上文可判断本句意为“他们在每一个班级里将认识新的同学和老师” 。故选 A。69. C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:并且(美国) 学生将会早到校几天,来领他们的课程表,以便于他们能了解每天所学的课程。homework 意为“作业” ;book“书” ;schedule“时间表;课程表” 。根据句意故选 C。70. A 考查名词词义辨析。联系下文可知:但是一旦美国小学生升入初中,他们将得到一个属于自己的储物柜。由此可判断本句句意为:在美国的小学生不得不和他们的同班同学共用10储物柜。classmate 意为“同班同学” ;teacher“老师” ;owner“主人” 。根据句意故选 A。


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