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1、1Lesson 50 Tips for Good Communication 单词闯关1.途径,手段;护照 _2正确的;恰当的 _(副词)_3承诺;许诺 _4.取消 _(过去式/过去分词)_5interpersonal _6listener _7contact _短语互译1.眼神交流;目光接触_2浪费时间做某事_3遵守诺言;守信_4准时;按时_5(时间、空间)在前面_6.make an effort to do sth. _7make sure _8be interested in _9set a time _10tell lies_2句型在线1.你曾经发现结交新朋友困难吗?Have you

2、ever found it hard to _ _ _?2当你初见未曾见过的人时,尽最大努力做到这一点。_ _ _ _ to do this when you first meet someone new.3务必以友好的方式向别人微笑和问候。_ _ you smile and greet others _ _ _ _.4.微笑可能是通向良好交流的途径。Smiling can be_ _ _ good communication. 5主要的事情是找到一个你们两人都感兴趣的话题。The main thing is _ _ a topic you are both _ _6表明你是一位好的倾听者的一

3、个简单方法就是进行眼神交流。One simple way to show you are a good listener is to_ _ _7没有人想浪费时间和一个不诚实的人交谈。No one wants to _ _ _ _ someone who is not honest.8人们会信任那些总是守信的人。People will trust those_ always_ _ _课文初探根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1.Here are six tips for being a good listener.( )2.Try to remember his or her name

4、when you first meet someone new.( )3.One way to show you are a good listener is to smile.( )4.Nobody likes talking to someone dishonest.( )5.When you set a time to meet your friend, try your best to be on time.1 proper adj. 正确的;恰当的观察 Find a proper topic.找一个恰当的话题。Complete the dialogue with proper wor

5、ds or sentences.用恰当的单词或句子完成对话。探究 proper 是形容词,用来修饰名词;其副词形式为_,意为“恰当地” ,用来修饰动词。If you dont eat properly, youll get sick.如果你吃得不当,就会生病。3活学活用1(1)2018安徽 The speaker showed some _ examples to make the science report easy to understand.Aawful BstupidCproper Dthick(2)2018乐山 To sing an English song _(正确地 ), I

6、listen to the CD again and again, and check every word in the dictionary.2 promise n. 承诺;许诺观察 Keep your promises.信守你的诺言。探究 promise 为可数名词,其复数形式为_。常用短语: make a promise 许下诺言;keep ones promise_;break ones promise_。Not only did he make a promise, but also he kept it.他不仅许下了诺言,而且信守了诺言。拓展 promise 还可以作动词,意为“

7、允诺,答应” 。promise sb. sth. 意为“答应某人某事” 。promise to do sth. 意为“_” 。He promised to help us.他答应帮助我们。 2(1)2018河南Its useless to regret what has been done. Dont make those mistakes again.I wont. Thats a(n) _. Aorder BdecisionCpromise Dagreement(2)2018无锡 You _(promise) to take our boy to Disneyland last year.

8、 Dont let him down again.3 cancel v. 取消观察 If you have to change your plan or cancel it, let your friends know ahead of time.如果你不得不改变或取消你的计划,要让你的朋友提前知道。Because of the bad weather, the football match was cancelled.由于天气不好,足球比赛被取消了。探究 cancel 意为“取消,撤销(计划、债务、合同等)” ,多用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。其过去式和过去分词形式均为 cancel(

9、l)ed;现在分词形式为 cancel(l)ing;第三人称单数形式为 cancels。3由于身体不好,他不得不取消了这次旅行。He had to_ _ _ because of poor health.4 passport n. 途径,手段;护照观察 Smiling can be a passport to good communication. 微笑可能是通向良好交流的途径。探究 passport 是名词,常见搭配:a passport to意为“去的护照;的方法/途径” ;get a passport 得到护照;travel with a passport 带着护照旅行; passpor

10、t control 护照监察处,入境检查。I have a French passport. 我有一本法国护照。The only passport to success is hard work. 获得成功的唯一途径是努力奋斗。44Education is the passport _ the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Ain Bat Con Dto1 Have you ever found it hard to make new friends?你曾经发现结交新朋友困难吗?探究 (1)句中的

11、 it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语是 _; hard 作_语。All of us find it necessary to take exercise every day.我们所有人都发现每天锻炼是有必要的。(2)make friends (with sb.) 意为“(和某人)交朋友” 。12018眉山 We find _ impossible for us _ a foreign language well in a short time.Aone; learnBit; to learnCthat; to learnDthis; learning2 Make a great effort to

12、do this when you first meet someone new. 当你初见未曾见过的人时,尽最大努力做到这一点。探究 make a great effort to do sth. 意为“尽力做某事” 。effort 多作可数名词,意为“努力” 。His efforts were wasted.他的努力都白费了。拓展 spare no effort 意为“不遗余力,极力” ;with (an) effort 意为“费力地,使劲地” ;without effort 意为“毫不费力地,轻松地” 。22018黄冈志愿者们正在努力地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。(make)The vol

13、unteers _ _ _ _ to provide Russia World Cup with better service.3 The main thing is to find a topic you are both interested in. 主要的事情是找到一个你们两人都感兴趣的话题。探究 (1)“you are both interested in”作定语修饰先行词 _, 由于关系代词在定语从句中充当_语,故此处省略了 that 或 which;如果关系代词在定语从句中作_语,则不能省掉。(2)be interested in 意为“_” ,其后可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,其

14、中 interested 作形容词,意为“感兴趣的” 。此时主语通常为人。3(1)2018辽宁 The four tools _ people use for Chinese handwriting are called “Four Treasures of Study”Athat Bwho Cwhat Dwhom(2)2018淮安我爷爷在他七十多岁的时候开始对摄影感兴趣。My grandpa became _ in photography _ _ _.4 One simple way to show you are a good listener is to make eye contact

15、. 表明你是一位好的倾听者的一个简单方法就是进行眼神交流。探究 contact 作名词时,意为“接触;联系” 。5常用短语make contact with 与取得联系 lose contact with 与失去联系,make eye contact 眼神交流;目光接触I finally made contact with her in Paris.我最终在巴黎与她取得了联系。拓展 contact 还可作动词,意为“联系,联络(如用电话或信件)” 。Ive been trying to contact you all day.我整天都在设法与你联系。4当你和顾客交谈时,保持眼神交流是重要的。I

16、t is important to keep _ _ when you talk with the customers.5 No one wants to waste time talking to someone who is not honest.没有人想浪费时间和一个不诚实的人交谈。探究 waste 作及物动词,意为“浪费;滥用” ,常用短语:waste(in)doing sth.浪费做某事;wasteon浪费在上。拓展 waste 还可作名词,意为“浪费;滥用” 。Dont let all the food go to waste.别让这些食物白白浪费掉。5.(1)2018遂宁 Mor

17、e and more people have realized that we shouldnt _(浪费)food. (2)Never waste time _ TV too much.Awatch BwatchesCwatching Dwatched(3)2018随州 Nothing is a _ /weIst/ if you have a creative mind.6详解详析Lesson 50 Tips for Good Communication 【课前自主预习】单词闯关1passport 2.proper; properly 3.promise 4cancel; cancel(l)

18、ed/cancel(l)ed5人际的;人际关系的 6.听者 7.接触;联系短语互译1eye contact 2.waste time doing sth.3keep ones promise 4.on time 5ahead of 6.努力做某事 7.确保 8.对感兴趣 9约定时间 10.撒谎句型在线1make new friends 2Make a great effort3Make sure; in a friendly way 4a passport to5to find; interested in6make eye contact7waste time talking to8who;

19、 keep their promises课文初探15 FTFTT【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 properly(1)C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个发言者列举了一些恰当的实例以使得其科学报告容易理解。awful 意为“可怕的” ;stupid 意为“愚蠢的” ;proper 意为“合适的” ;thick 意为“厚的” 。根据语境知选 C。(2)properly/right/correctly2 promises 信守诺言 食言,说话不算数 答应做某事(1)C 考查名词词义辨析。order 意为“顺序,命令” ;decision 意为“决心” ;promise 意为“承诺,诺言” ;agreem

20、ent 意为“协议” 。根据上句“后悔做过的事情是没有用的。不要再犯那样的错误”和答语中“我不会了”可知答题空表达“承诺,诺言”的意思。故选 C。(2)promised3 cancel the trip4 D句型透视1 动词不定式/to make new friends 宾语补足B 考查固定句式。 句意:我们发现对于我们来说,要在短时间内学好一门外语是不可能的。 “find it形容词(for sb.)to do sth.”中的 it 作形式宾语,动词不定式7是真正的宾语。故选 B。2 are making an effort3 topic 宾 主 对感兴趣(1)A 考查定语从句的引导词。句意:这四种人们用来写书法的工具被称为“文房四宝” 。先行词 The four tools 是物,所以此处应与物有关。故选 A。(2)interested; in his seventies4 eye contact5 (1)waste (2)C (3)waste课文回顾1Make a great effort 2.care 3.Make sure 4.in a friendly way 5.Talk about 6tell jokes 7.carefully 8.eye contact 9truth 10.Keep your promises


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