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1、1第二十三天单句改错1、There was a time that nature could never have kept me spellbound._2、Ever since he graduated from college, he dreamed of taking a bike trip._3、The people who homes were destroyed by the earthquake have lived in the new buildings._4、There is a garbage can around that are pieces of garbage

2、and waste paper._5、将下列句子由直接引语变为间接引语1.“Dont swim out too far,” the teacher said to the students._2.“Do,please, send me to a warm place, ”she said to me._3.“Make sure the door is shut when you go out,” Father said to me._4.Sally asked me, “ Will you please pass me the dictionary?”_5.“ Ben ,can you com

3、e here tomorrow? ”Rose asked _阅读理解6、 Youre sitting on the sofa, and theres your dog, right at your feet. You stand up? He stands up. But then you head to the bathroom, and guess who comes with? Why, your dog, of course. But why? Why does your dog follow you like a shadow, no matter where you go?2Eve

4、r get the feeling youre being followed? As for why your companion follows you everywhere you go, read on !“When dogs follow their owners, there can be several scientific explanations, depending on the dog and the individual situation,”according to Mary Burch, Ph.D., an animal behaviorist(行为学家).These

5、 explanations include:Positive reinforcement(正面强化): When your dog follows you, good things happen. Think dog food, a hot bath and taking a walk around the neighborhood. Your dogs no dummy. And one of his many talents is learning from experience, that is “reinforcement.”Natural instinct(本能) to be par

6、t of a pack: In fact, a study out of Princeton University that was published in the journal, Science Advances, shows that your dogs drive (驱动力)to follow you around (as well as watch you attentively and seek physical contact (身体接触) from you) lies in his genes(基因). Feel good chemicals(化学物质): Your pres

7、ence causes your dogs brain to release “feel good” chemicals, Dr. Primm explains, citing this study. Considering how much we as humans enjoy those feel-good chemicals, its no surprise your dog likes them tooand will follow you around to get some!Sense of responsibility : As you move about your home,

8、 your dog might feel that you are patrolling your territory (巡视领地) and take on the duty to assist you.1.What is the passage mainly about?A.Explanations for some dog behaviorsB.Some natural instincts of the dogsC.The reasons why dogs follow youD.Dogs are good friends of human2.How does the author int

9、roduce the topic?A.By listing numbersB.By giving examples3C.By telling a storyD.By making a survey3.What does the underlined word “dummy” mean in Para 5?A.cuteB.considerateC.stupidD.lovely4.Why does the dog like to be part of a pack?A.This kind of behaviour is reinforcedB.Dogs brain releases chemica

10、lsC.Dogs have sense of responsibilityD.It is passed from elder generations7、To: The Manager of Mezzo Mash RestaurantDear Sir,Last Tuesday evening I went with two friends to your restaurant for my 18th birthday. Id booked the table for eight oclock and we arrived about ten minutes late, but that was

11、not a problem. The waiter, who was very polite, showed us to our table and we studied the menu. I ordered a fish pie and my friends ordered some salads. However, after about fifteen minutes, the waiter told us that there was no more fish pie. He apologized (道歉) and suggested ordering something else.

12、 I looked at the menu again and decided to have the same as my friends a salad.When the food came, it was very good. After wed finished, we decided to order some desserts (餐后甜点). The waiter said that, unluckily, it was too late. There wasnt enough time for us to order desserts. He said he was very s

13、orry but our table was booked by another group at nine thirty and we would have to leave.4We paid the bill and left feeling very unhappy. It spoilt (毁坏) my birthday. Nobody told us when we arrived that there was a time limit (限制). It was very unsatisfactory and I doubt that well go to your restauran

14、t again.Yours faithfully,Martin Cary1.Why did Martin and his friends fail to have any dessert?A.Someone had booked their table.B.They had to be home by 9:30.C.It was too expensive.D.There was none left.2.What is Martin Cary trying to do in the letter?A.Cancel a booking.B.Offer a suggestion.C.Ask for

15、 information.D.Express dissatisfaction.3.What does Martin think about their experience?A.The food took too long to arrive.B.They got to the restaurant too late.C.They wont visit the restaurant again.D.There was not much choice on the menu.8、 Its good to get along with your teacher because it makes t

16、he time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.Its also good to get along with your teacher because, in general, its smart to learn how to relate to the different types of people youll meet throughout your life.But really, theres one super-important reason why you should get along with your teache

17、r. When you do, “learning bursts right open,” says Evelyn Vuko, a longtime teacher who writes an education column called “Teacher Says” for the Washington Post newspaper.5In fact, kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more, but theyre also more comfortable asking questions and gettin

18、g extra help. This makes it easier to understand new material and do the best on tests. When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to when you have problems, such as problems with learning, school issues, or bullying.As a kid in elementary or middle scho

19、ol, youre at a wonderful stage in your life. Youre like a sponge(海绵), able to take in lots of new and exciting information. On top of that, youre able to think about all this information in new ways. Remember teachers are people too, and they feel great if youre open to what theyre teaching you. Tha

20、ts why they wanted to be teachers in the first place to teach!In every school, kids will say certain teachers are tough. In fact, in most cases, your teacher wants to help you. And a teacher whos called tough may be someone who feels strongly about getting his or her job done teaching you what you a

21、re supposed to learn.1.How do you understand the phrase “get along with” in this passage?A.Sing high praise for.B.Follow the example of.C.Leave a good impression on.D.Form a good relationship with.2.From this passage we know that teachers like students who _.A.want to get extra help after classB.thi

22、nk about information in new waysC.understand new material quicklyD.are open to what theyre learning3.If a teacher is tough, he/she is probably _.A.cruel and criticalB.strict but hardworking6C.kind and gentleD.serious but honest七选五9、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Not all people like to work

23、 but everyone likes to play.All over the world men and women and boys and girls enjoy sports._They help to keep people healthy and feeling good. When they are playing games, people move a lot.This is good for their health.Having fun with their friends makes them happy. _In small towns, crowds meet t

24、o watch the bicycle races or the soccer games.In the big cities,thousands of people buy tickets to see an ice-skating show or a baseball game._What are your favorite sports now? You probably play the games that people in your town or city play._Then swimming is probably one of your sports.Boys and g

25、irls in Australia love to swim.There are wonderful beaches there and the weather is good for swimming._Then you would like to ski.There are many skiers in Austria where there are big mountains and cold winters.Does it rain often where you live? Then kite flying would not be one of your sports.It is

26、one of the favorite sports of Thailand.A.How many sports do you like?B.Whats the weather like?C.Is the climate hot where you 1ive?D.Or do you live in a cold climate?E.Many people enjoy sports by watching others play.F.What games have you played?G.Sports help people to live happily.语法填空710、阅读下面材料,在空白

27、处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Miss Gao is my teacher, who _(teach) me English. She is not too tall _ looks so weak. She is fluent in speaking English. She has been teaching me for three years._ other words, she is the only English teacher during my studying in high school. She lets _(we) listen to Engl

28、ish songs before beginning her class, and _ few days later, she asks us to try to follow the _(song) on the tape. I can still remember _(join) in her activities at that time. She is active and _(interest) in her work. And she never minds _(play) all kinds of games with us. By now, she _(become) our

29、close friend.答案以及解析1答案及解析:答案:There was a time thawen nature could never have kept me spellbound.2答案及解析:答案:Ever since he graduated from college, he dreamhs of taking a bike trip.3答案及解析:答案: The people owhse homes were destroyed by the earthquake have lived in the new buildings.4答案及解析:答案:There is a gar

30、bage can around thawic are pieces of garbage and waste paper.85答案及解析:答案: 1.The teacher told the students not to swim out too far.2.She asked me to send her to a warm place3.Father told me to make sure that the door was shut when I went out.4.Sally asked me to pass her the dictionary5.Rose asked Ben if/whether he could go there the next day.6答案及解析:答案:1.C; 2.B; 3.C; 4.D7答案及解析:答案:1.A; 2.D; 3.C8答案及解析:答案:1.D; 2.D; 3.B9答案及解析:答案:G; E; F; C; D10答案及解析:答案:teaches; and; In; us; a; songs; joining; interested; playing; has become

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