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1、1Unit 2 Poems话题诵读 日积月累导语 再别康桥是徐志摩脍炙人口的诗作。1928 年秋天,作者最后一次重访英国剑桥(旧译康桥),乘船返回中国,途经中国南海时,把剑桥的景色和缅怀之情融入诗中,表达了告别剑桥的淡淡哀愁。Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Againby Xu ZhimoVery quietly I take my leave,As quietly as I came here;Quietly I wave goodbye,To the rosy clouds in the western sky.The golden willows by the r

2、iverside,Are young brides in the setting sun;Their reflections on the shimmering waves,Always linger in the depth of my heart.The floating heart growing in the sludge,Sways leisurely under the water;In the gentle waves of Cambridge,I would be a water plant!That pool under the shade of elm trees,Hold

3、s not water but the rainbow from the sky;Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds,Is the sediment of a rainbowlike dream.To seek a dream?Just to pole a boat upstream,To where the green grass is more verdant;Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight,And sing aloud in the splendor of starlight.Bu

4、t I cannot sing aloud,Quietness is my farewell music;Even summer insects heap silence for me,Silent is Cambridge tonight!Very quietly I take my leave,As quietly as I came here;2Gently I flick my sleeves,Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away.词海拾贝1shimmer vi.闪烁2linger vi.继续存留;逗留3shatter vi.破碎;碎裂4

5、verdant adj.嫩绿的问题思考1Who was Xu Zhimo?_2Was Xu Zhimo familiar with Cambridge?_答案:1.He was a great Chinese poet.2Yes,he was.自主预习 步步提高词汇识记.将单词与其正确释义连线1tick A韵;押韵2rhyme B引起矛盾的3contradictory C含盐的;咸的4diamond D钻石;菱形5salty E枝条;支流;部门6branch F交换;交流;互换7sorrow G暖和;温暖8exchange H负担;负荷物9warmth I给标记号10load J悲伤;悲痛答案

6、:1I 2A 3B 4D 5C 6E 7J 8F 9G 10H.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ adj.无穷的;无止境的2_ n最低限度;最少量3_ n翻译;译文4_ adj.赤裸的;光秃的;稀少的5_ adv.永远36_ adj.适当的;正当的答案:1.endless 2.minimum 3.translation 4.bare 5.forever 6.appropriate.根据英语释义写出单词1_: place where young children are cared for, usually while their parents are at work, etc.2_:strong

7、 feeling of any kind3_:take sb/sth; transmit sb/sth; make ideas, feelings, etc. known to another person4_:make fun of sb in an unkind way5_:small simple house, esp. in the country6_:that can bend easily without breaking7_:existing in material form; that can be touched, felt, etc8_:the regular way in

8、 which sth happens or is done9_:to change the form of sth10_:at the end of a period of time or a series of events答案:1.nursery 2.emotion 3.convey 4.tease5cottage 6.flexible 7.concrete 8.pattern9transform 10.eventually.选用短语的适当形式完成句子make sense;either.or.;take it easy;pay attention to;run out of;in part

9、icular;make up1Mr Smith, I have an ache on my leg._Let me have a look.2If we _ water, we will die.3This funny book _ ten units.4. Look at the picture, _ its colour and then paint another one just like it.5. Among all English poems, I enjoy those written by Shakespeare _答案:1.Take it easy 2.run out of

10、 3.is made up of4pay attention to 5.in particular.领会句子所用句型并译成汉语1The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory,but they_are_easy_to_learn_and_recite4_2Some rhyme (like B) while others do not (like C)_3Though_strange they all were true._4Should the traveller return,this stone would utter sp

11、eech._5With so many different forms of poetry to_choose_from,students may eventually want to write poems of their own._答案:1.这些诗可能没有什么意义,甚至(有些)看起来自相矛盾,但是它们容易学,也容易背。2有些(清单)诗押韵(如 B),有些不押韵(如 C)。3虽然奇怪,但它们都是真的。4行人归来石应语。5有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。 语篇理解课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1There isnt any reason why people w

12、rite poetry.( )2Not all poems tell a story or describe an emotion.( )3Haiku,a Japanese form of poetry creates a special feeling using the minimum of words.( )4Tang poems are easy to write than the other forms of poetry.( )答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F.读课文回答问题1. What kind of feeling is conveyed in Poem G? (1 wo

13、rd)_2What does the word “flexible” (Line 15, Page 10) most likely mean? (no more than 2 words)_3In Poem E, what subject is the speaker writing about? Does the speaker like the subject? Give a reason for your answer.(no more than 30 words)_54What feelings of the woman can we learn from Poem H?(no mor

14、e than 5 words)_答案:1.Happiness. 2.Easily changed. 3.Summer.No.The reader gets the feeling that the speaker cant wait until the summer is over.The words “drooping, dreading, week in,week out” and “endless” convey this feeling. 4.Loneliness, love, trust and sorrow.读课文完成下列表格A few simple forms of Englis

15、h poemsForms of poems Characteristics ExamplesNursery rhymeHave strong 1._Have a lot of 2._Easy to learn and 3._Poem A4._poemsEasy to writeRepeat 5._ and some rhyme while others do notPoems B & CCinquainMade up of 6._ linesConveys a 7._ picture in just a few wordsPoems D & EHaikuA Japanese form of p

16、oetryMade up of 8._ syllablesGives a 9._ picturePoems F & GTang poems The 10._ has a free form Poem H答案:1.rhythm 2.repetition 3.recite 4.List 5.phrases 6.five 7.strong 8.17 9.clear 10.translation课文深层理解.读课文匹配段落大意1Poem 1 Ais an amusing nonsense poem which describesimages of some ridiculous things.2Poe

17、m 2 Bis a description of a lovely brother.3Poem 3 Cdescribes how a butterfly rests on a tree.4Poem 4 Dis a nursery rhyme that illustrates a fathers love for his baby.65Poem 5 Eis a description of hot and boring summer.6Poem 6 Fdescribes that the weather is warmer andthe village is full of happy chil

18、dren.7Poem 7 Gis about losing a football match and the writer lists a lot of excuses for their failure.8Poem 8 His a translation of a Tang poem, whichdescribes a woman who waited for her beloved husband to come back from a journey.答案:1.D 2.A 3.G 4.B 5.E 6.C 7.F 8.H.阅读 P10P 11教材原文,选择最佳答案1What is the

19、text mainly about?AThe reasons why people like and write poetry.BAn introduction to several forms of English poetry.CThe difference between English poetry and Asian poetry.DThe way to write good English poetry.2How many kinds of poems does the passage talk about?A8. B7. C6. D5.3Poem A is about_Aa fa

20、ther who is going to buy his baby a billygoatBa father who is going to buy his baby a mockingbirdCa father who shows his love for his babyDa father who is going to buy his baby a diamond ring4Which two poems have rhyming lines?APoems A and B. BPoems C and D.CPoems E and F. DPoems G and H.5What can w

21、e learn about Haiku from the text?AIt is a form of English poetry.BIt is made up of five lines.CIt can give a clear picture.DIt is popular with Japanese writers.答案:1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C知识聚焦 讲练互动要点直击1convey vt.传达;表达;运送;转让7(教材原句 P10)Others try to convey certain emotions.有些(诗)则是为了传达某种感情。Words can not con

22、vey my feelings at the moment.此时言语无法表达我的感受。Passengers are conveyed by bus to the airport.旅客们被公共汽车送往机场。归纳拓展convey sth to sb 向某人传达/运送某物convey sth/sb to some place 把某物/某人送到某地convey sb/sth from A to B 把某人或某物从 A 地运送到 B 地convey ones feelings/thanks/wishes to sb 向某人表达某种感情/谢意/祝愿易混辨析convey/transport/transmit

23、词语 辨析convey表示“传达;传送” ,常指通过媒介传递、输送,也常用来表示“交流、使知道、传达(信息、情感等)”transport主要限于人或有形物体的,往往是长距离的运输,常指交通运输transmit 指发送或传播某物,特别是信号的传送、疾病的传播即学即练选词填空:convey,transport,transmit。The food _ by air was quickly sent to the refugees.They are trying to find a better way of _ energy.The song _ how deeply he loves his co

24、untry.完成句子。_ how angry I am with her.言语无法表达我对她有多么生气。The pipes _ natural gas _ every corner of the city from the company.这些管道将天然气从公司输送到城市的每个角落。Your luggage will _ (convey) to the hotel by taxi.出租车会将你的行李送到酒店。单句改错。8Please convey my best wishes for her._答案:transported transmitting conveys Words can not

25、convey convey to be conveyed forto2flexible adj.灵活的;可弯曲的(教材原句 P10)List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.“清单诗”诗句的长短比较灵活且有重复的短语,这就形成了这种诗的模式和节奏。This tube is flexible but tough.这管子柔软但很坚固。归纳拓展flexibly adv.灵活地flexibility n灵活性;柔韧性;适应性

26、即学即练完成句子。Computers offer a much greater degree of _ (flexible) in the way work is organized.利用计算机,工作安排可以灵活得多。He dealt with the matter _(flexible)他灵活地处理了这件事情。We can _ your starting date.你从哪天开始,(时间上)我们可以灵活一点。Your spare time can _你的业余时间可以灵活运用。答案:flexibility flexibly be flexible about be used flexibly3w

27、hile conj.然而(教材原句 P10)Some rhyme (like B) while others do not (like C)有些(清单)诗押韵(如 B),有些不押韵(如 C)。He likes pop music,while I am fond of folk music.他喜欢流行音乐,而我喜欢民间音乐。归纳拓展while 用作并列连词,表对比,意为“然而” 。while 用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“在期间,当的时候” 。从句中的谓语动词通常是延续性动词。9while 用作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管” ,相当于 though。while 用作从属连

28、词,引导条件状语从句,意为“只要” ,相当于 as long as。即学即练写出下列句子中 while 的含义。While I understand what you say,I cant agree with you._My wife kept silent while I was writing._While there is a will there is a way._Their country has plenty of oil,while ours has none._完成句子。You like sports,_你喜欢体育,而我却喜欢读书。_,I do not know them

29、well.尽管他们是我的邻居,但我对他们了解得并不多。答案:虽然;尽管 在期间;当的时候 只要 然而 while Id rather read While they are my neighbours4take it easy 放松;不紧张;从容(教材原句 P10)if we hadnt taken it easy.如果我们没有放松警惕The doctor told me to take it easy and not to worry too much.医生告诉我放松点,别太担心了。Take it easy,you are sure to succeed.放心好了,你一定会成功的。归纳拓展t

30、ake things easytake it easytake ones time 别着急;慢慢来take sth seriously 认真对待某事take.for granted 认为想当然take.for example 以为例take.by surprise 使大吃一惊易混辨析take it/things easy take ones time10词语 辨析take it/things easy指在心理上“别紧张” “别着急” ,相当于 dont be nervoustake ones time指在时间上不用慌张,因为 Theres enough time left即学即练完成句子。_

31、and youll get well soon.别紧张,你很快就会好起来的。If we _,we would have passed the exam.如果我们没有放松的话,我们就通过考试了。You can hand in the report in three days,so _你可以在三天后交上报告,因此可以慢慢来。单句改错。He told me to take things easily and stop working so hard._答案:Take it easy hadnt taken it easy take your time easilyeasy5run out (of)用

32、完;耗尽;失效;过期(教材原句 P10)If we hadnt run out of energy.如果我们没有精疲力竭If he hadnt run out of money,he would have bought it.如果他不花光钱的话,他就会买的。 My passport has run out.我的护照已经到期了。归纳拓展run out 用完;用尽run out of(use up)用完;耗尽give out 用完;耗尽;筋疲力尽When I came back,his beer had been used up.当我回来时,他的啤酒已喝完了。They told mum that

33、their money soon gave out/ran out.他们告诉妈妈他们的钱很快就用完了。11易混辨析run out/run out of词语 辨析run out意为“用完” ,是不及物动词短语,通常以物作主语,指时间、食物、金钱等被耗尽、用光。与 give out 用于此意时相同,但 give out 不用于时间run out of表示“用完”时,是及物动词短语,主语通常为人,后接宾语,意为“耗尽、用光(时间、食物、金钱等)” 。在用于此意时与 use up 同义即学即练用 run out of/use up 或 give out/run out 的适当形式完成句子。I _ th

34、e petrol.I must find a gas station before it _我的汽油快用完了。我得趁它还没用完,赶快找到加油站。It is estimated that oil _ in 2020.据估计 2020 年石油将耗尽。句型转换。Please lend me some money.Mine has been used up.I _ my money.Please lend me some.My money _Please lend me some.Our food supply ran out soon after the earthquake.We _ our fo

35、od supply soon after the earthquake.答案:am running out of/am using up runs out/gives out will run out/will give out have used up/have run out of has run/given out ran out of/used up6though 引导的让步状语从句(教材原句 P10) .though strange they all were true.虽然奇怪,但它们都是真的。句式分析though strange 是省略句,在句中充当让步状语,相当于 though

36、 they were strange。归纳拓展状语从句的省略原则:12(1)从句的主语和主句的主语一致,并且从句的谓语动词是 be 的某种形式时,从句主语和系动词 be 一起省略。(2)从句的主语和谓语部分是 it is/was 时,it is/was 部分可以一起省略。Though (I was) late for work,I was happy because I helped him.虽然我上班迟到了,可我因为帮助了他而高兴。Look out for the traffic while (you are) crossing the street.当你过马路时,要小心车辆。即学即练完成句

37、子。He is very busy all day _他整天很忙而他妻子什么也不做。_,she went on working.虽然她很累了,但她还是继续工作。With _,I have no time to go out.有这么多工作要做,我没时间出去。Please tell me the reason _请告诉我你为什么缺席。He can finish the difficult task _他能用一种简单的工具完成这个困难的工作。句型转换。Though tired after a days hard work,he still told his children stories unti

38、l they fell asleep._ after a days hard work, he still told his children stories until they fell asleep.She thought I was praising her child, while, in fact,I was scolding him for his bad behaviours at school.She thought I was praising her child,_ , I was scolding him for his bad behaviours at school

39、.Though the house was built ten years ago,it still looks very new._,the house still looks very new.答案:while his wife does nothing Although tired so much work to do why you were absent using a simple tool Though he was tired but in reality Though/Although built ten years ago7be made up of 由组成13(教材原句

40、P10)Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain,a poem made up of five lines.另一种学生容易写的简体诗是五行诗,一种由五行字组成的诗。The medical team is made up of five doctors and ten nurses.这支医疗队由五个医生和十个护士组成。归纳拓展make up 构成;组成;编造;化妆;补上make up for sth 弥补make out 理解;辨认出make for sth 向移动;促成即学即练单句语法填

41、空。Twelve doctors make _ the medical team.They hurried on to make up _ lost time.完成句子。The actors _ when we arrived.当我们到达时,演员们正在化妆。That one weekend _ all the disappointments Id had.那一个周末补偿了我曾有过的一切失望。答案:up for were making up made up for8in particular 尤其;特别 (教材原句 P11)Did you know that English speakers a

42、lso enjoy other forms of Asian poetryTang poems from China in particular?你知道吗?说英语的人也喜欢其他类型的亚洲诗,尤其是中国的唐诗。归纳拓展particularlyin particular 特别;尤其be particular about 对讲究;挑剔be particular to 为所特有即学即练单句语法填空。I like all the four seasons,spring _ particular.She is particular _ what she wears.As is known to all,p

43、andas are particular _ China.完成句子。14Are you doing anything _ tonight?你今晚有什么特别的事要做吗?Some children _ their food now.现在有些孩子非常挑食。This kind of clothes _ the king.这种衣服是国王特有的。答案:in about to in particular are particular about is particular to9with 短语(教材原句 P11)With so many different forms of poetry to choose from,students may eventually want to write poems of their own.有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。句式分析


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