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1、1夹叙夹议文(2016浙江卷)During the war,my husband was stationed at an army camp in a desert in California. I went to live there in order to be _1. C_ him. I hated the place. I had never _2. A_ been so unhappy. My husband was ordered out on a longterm duty,and I was left in a tiny shack (棚屋) alone. The heat w

2、as _3. D_ almost 125F even in the shade of a cactus (仙人掌). _4. B_ a soul to talk to. The wind blew nonstop,and all the food I ate,and the very air I breathed,were _5. B_ with sand,sand,sand!I was so sorry for myself that I wrote to my parents. I told them I was _6. C_ and coming back home. I said I

3、couldnt stand it one minute longer. I _7. C_ be in prison!My father answered my _8. D_ with just two linestwo lines that will always sing in my _9. D_ two lines that completely changed my life:Two men looked out from prison bars,One saw the mud, the other saw the stars. I read those two lines _10. A

4、_ . I was ashamed of myself. I made up my mind I would find out what was good in my present _11. C_ ;I would look for the stars. I made friends with the natives,and their _12. B_ amazed me. They gave me presents of their favorite artworks which they had _13. A_ to sell to tourists. I studied the del

5、ightful forms of the cactus. I watched for the desert sunsets,and _14. B_ for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the sands of the desert had been an ocean _15. A_ . What brought about this _16. D_ change in me? The desert hadnt changed, _17. B_ I had. I had changed my _18.

6、 A_ . And by doing so,I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing _19. D_ of my life. I was excited by this new world that I had discovered. I had looked out of my selfcreated prison and _20. C_ the stars. 文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者为了陪伴丈夫来到沙漠。恶劣的生存环境让作者感到不快乐。而作者父亲回信中的两行话彻底改变了她,让她改变了生活态度,学会了在逆

7、境中享受生活。2 Aoff BbehindCnear Dbeyond解析:上文语境题。根据空格前的 went to live there可以看出,作者到那里住的目的是希望离丈夫近(near)一些。off 离开;behind 在后面;near 在附近;beyond超出,远于。 Abefore BalreadyCthen Dstill解析:上下文语境题。根据上文使用的过去时及下文 I said I couldnt stand it one minute longer. 可知,作者在此之前(before)从未那么不快乐过。before 在之前;already已经;then 然后,那么;still 仍

8、然。 Ainflexible BincomprehensibleCuncontrollable Dunbearable解析:下文语境题。由破折号后的 almost 125F even in the shade of a cactus可知,即便是在仙人掌的阴凉里,这种炎热也是让人无法忍受的(unbearable)。inflexible缺乏弹性的,不可改变的;incomprehensible 难懂的,不可理解的;uncontrollable 控制不住的,无法管束的;unbearable 无法忍受的,承受不住的。 AOnly BNotCMany DSuch解析:上下文语境题。由该段内容可以看出,作者

9、所居住地方的炎热的天气、永无休止的风、所吃的食物、呼吸的空气都令人无法忍受。空格处应该指这里没有(not)作者可以与之聊天的人。only 仅仅,只有;not 没有;many 许多;such 那样的。 Acovered BfilledCburied Dcharged解析:上下文语境题。此处各选项均可填入构成短语:be covered with用覆盖;be filled with充满 ;be buried with被 掩埋;be charged with被指控犯(罪)。由该句语境可以看出,无论是作者吃的食物还是呼吸的空气,到处都充满了(were filled with)沙子。 Acatching

10、up Bkeeping upCgiving up Dgetting up解析:下文语境题。由后面的 I said I couldnt stand it one minute longer. 可以看出,由于居住地恶劣的环境,作者打算放弃(give up)并准备回家。catch up赶上;keep up保持,维持;give up 放弃;get up 起床。 Aought to Bmight wellCwould rather Dhad better3解析:上下文语境题。由该空所在句可知,作者在信中告诉父母,她一分钟也坚持不下去了,她宁愿(would rather)去蹲监狱。ought to应该;m

11、ight well有充分理由,足以;would rather宁愿;had better 最好。 Arequest BcallCquestion Dletter解析:上文语境题。由该段第一句中的 I wrote to my parents可知,作者给自己的父母写了封信。request 请求,要求;call 通话,召唤;question 问题;letter 信。 Acomparison BimaginationCconsideration Dmemory解析:下文语境题。由下文可以看出,作者父亲的这两行话彻底改变了作者对生活的态度,所以这两行话总是在她的记忆(memory)里唱响。comparis

12、on 对比;imagination 想象;consideration考虑,体贴;memory 记忆。Aover and over Bby and by10 Cup and down Dnow and then解析:上下文语境题。由上下文语境可知,作者收到父亲的信后反复(over and over)阅读,并为自己感到羞愧。over and over再三,反复; by and by不久,很快;up and down上上下下,来回;now and then 不时,时常。Acompany Boccupation11 Csituation Drelationship解析:上文语境题。由上文可知,空格所在

13、句表示作者下定决心找到自己目前处境(situation)的优势。company 陪伴,公司;occupation 工作,占用;situation 处境,状况;relationship 关系。Amovement Breaction12 Cguidance Dpurpose解析:上下文语境题。由该段内容可知,作者与当地人交朋友,而他们把最喜欢的艺术品作为礼物送给作者。他们的反应(reaction)让作者感到吃惊。movement 运动,活动;reaction反应;guidance 指导;purpose 目的。Arefused Bfailed13 Cmanaged Dhappened解析:上下文语境

14、题。由上下文语境可知,当地人对作者做出的反应让作者感到吃惊,因为他们竟然舍得将拒绝(refuse)卖给游客的艺术品当作礼物送给作者。refuse 拒绝;fail失败,不及格;manage 管理;happen 发生,碰巧。4Aasked Bhunted14 Cwaited Dheaded解析:上下文语境题。各选项均可与空格后的 for构成短语。ask for请求,要求;hunt for寻找; wait for等待;head for前往。由下文中的定语从句 that had been left there millions of years ago可知,作者在沙漠里寻找(hunt for)几百万年

15、前遗留下来的贝壳。Afloor Bsurface15 Crock Dlevel解析:上文语境题。由空格所在句 when the sands of the desert had been an ocean _15_ 可知,沙漠里的沙地曾经是海底(floor)。floor 底部,地面;surface 表面;rock岩石;level 水平。Ashocking Bchallenging16 Cpuzzling Dastonishing解析:上文语境题。由上文可以看出,作者由最初的抱怨并打算放弃在沙漠中的生活,到后来接受自己的处境并学会欣赏生活中的美好可以看出,作者的变化是令人十分惊讶的(astonis

16、hing)。shocking 骇人的;challenging 具有挑战性的;puzzling 令人感到迷惑的;astonishing令人十分惊讶的。Aas Bbut17 Cfor Dor解析:语意关系题。由上文可以看出,沙漠没有改变,但(but)作者发生了变化。as 表原因;but 表转折;for 表原因;or 表示出现相反的情况。Aattitude Bprinciple18 Cidentity Dstandard解析:上文语境题。由上文可以看出,作者由最初的不快乐到后来学会享受沙漠生活,完全是因为自己对生活的态度(attitude)发生了改变。attitude 态度;principle 原则;identity身份,一致;standard 标准。Avacation Boperation19 Caffair Dadventure解析:上文语境题。所给选项中的 adventure与该句中的 experience相对应。vacation假期;operation 操作,手术;affair 事务,事件;adventure 冒险,奇遇。Asought Bcounted20 Cfound Dreached5解析:上文语境题。作者将自己从最初感受到沙漠之苦到后来体验到沙漠生活的快乐的转变比喻为在自设的监狱里发现(find)了星星。seek 寻找;count 数数;find 发现;reach到达。


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