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1、1第二十二讲 九年级(下) Modules 14旅 行旅行所涉及的内容非常广泛,可归纳为以下三个方面:1.旅行安排;2.旅行故事及感受;3.景点介绍。【提分好词】1.go camping 去露营2.go abroad 出国3.go for a picnic 去野餐4.go to the beach/countryside 去海滩/乡下5.climb the mountain 爬山 6.take a study trip 参加研学旅游7.take a photo 照相8.book a ticket 订票9.on vacation/holiday 在度假10.places of interest

2、名胜古迹11.somewhere interesting 有趣的地方12.go on a summer camp 参加夏令营13.on the way to.在去的路上14.have fun/have a good/great time 玩得愉快15.pay a visit to.去参观16.show sb.around 带某人参观217.decide to do sth.决定做某事18.cant wait to do sth.等不及做某事19.consider doing sth.考虑做某事20.be about to do sth.即将做某事21.hope to do sth.希望做某事2

3、2.look forward to doing sth.期望做某事23.have plans for/prepare for 为做打算/做准备【提分好句】1.Through travel, we can get some valuable experiences.通过旅行,我们能获得一些有价值的经历。2.Im going to the countryside to get close to nature.我打算去郊区亲近一下大自然。3.The Great Wall is a wonderful place to visit.长城是一个旅游的好地方。4.I feel very happy and

4、 excited about the coming trip.对于即将到来的旅行,我感到既高兴又兴奋。5.Im going to Beijing with my friends next weekend.I hope we will have a good time there.下周末我打算和朋友们一起去北京。我希望我们在那里玩得开心。6.I think that trip is meaningful.我认为那次旅行是有意义的。7.I met many people and made friends with them during my trip.在我的旅途中,我遇到很多人并和他们交了朋友。

5、8.Traveling really opens your eyes to other cultures.旅游真正能使人开阔眼界,了解其他文化。9.Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.读万卷书,行万里路。310.Its my pleasure to tell you about my plan of the coming summer vacation.我很高兴告诉你我对即将到来的暑期的安排。11.How meaningful and colorful my vacation will be! 我的假期将会多么有意义并丰富

6、多彩啊!旅行可以使人放松,开阔眼界。诸多旅行中,你最难忘的是哪次呢?请以“The trip I will never forget“为题,根据以下提示与要求,用英语写一篇短文,记叙你的一次旅行。提示:1.Where did you go?2.What did you do there?3.How did you feel about the trip?要求:1.短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名等信息;2.不少于 80 词。The trip I will never forget【写作指导】本题为命题作文,审题时需注意提取以下信息:1.主题:难忘的旅行2.体裁:记叙文43.人称:第一人称4.时态

7、:一般过去时思路点拨:通过分析所给的三点提示可以看出文章可以分三段。第一段,指出去哪里旅行;第二段,叙述旅行过程中的见闻及活动;第三段,总结对这次旅行的感受。【思维模板】【高分佳作】The trip I will never forgetI had a two-day trip to Qingdao with my friends last summer vacation.We had a wonderful time there.We went to Qingdao by bus.When we got there in the afternoon, we couldnt wait to g

8、o to the beach near our hotel.The weather was 【得分点拨】开门见山,直奔主题,交代了旅行的时间、目的地和相关人物等信息;had a two-day trip to, had a wonderful time 等的使用令人眼前一亮。使用了 when 引导的时间状语从句以及固定搭配 couldnt wait to do sth.,句式灵活多变。as.as 结构的使用,体现了扎实的5nice.Everything was as beautiful as I imagined.We walked along the beach and enjoyed th

9、e soft sand, the gentle wind and the blue sea.In the evening, we had a big dinner.It was really delicious.The next morning, we went to Laoshan Mountain.It is not high, but there is an old and interesting story about it.So it receives a lot of visitors every year.I enjoyed this trip so much that I will never forget it.语言基础。enjoy 后跟三个并列的宾语,为文章增色不少。结尾再次点题,so.that 结构的使用 使情感表达更充分。


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