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1、- 1 -民族中学 2018-2019 学年度上学期 10 月月考试卷高二英语本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分。满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。请在答题卷上作答。第 I 卷 选择题(共 100 分)第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How did the woman feel w

2、hen she was called by the head?A. She was pleased. B. She was relaxed. C.She was nervous.2. What is the woman doing?A. Offering help. B. Asking for help. C. Asking for permission3. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a bookstore. B. In a library. C. In the post office.4. How much does the

3、 man have to pay?A. 20 dollars. B. 30 dollars. C. 40 dollars.5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman will go to the airport by taxi.B. The woman is asking the man for advice.C. The womans car has broken down.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 题。6. On which day of Februa

4、ry will the painting class start?A. 16th. B. 18th. C. 20th.7. How many times a week will a learner go to the painting classes?A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.8. How much will a member of the Painting Club pay?- 2 -A. $ 140. B. $ 100. C. $ 70.听第 7 段材料,回答第 9-11 题。9. Where is the man living?A. 17 Mal

5、lett Street. B. 70 Mallett Street. C. 17 Marett street.10. Which house is on fire?A. Number 16. B. Number 18. C. Number 20.11. Why is there nobody in the house on fire?A. They went shopping. B. They went to work. C. They went abroad on holiday.听第 8 段材料,回答第 1 2-14 题。12. What is Mr. Carson doing when

6、Mr. Prince calls him?A. Attending a meeting.B. Having a talk with his customer.C. Having lunch with his friends.13. Whats Mr. Princes telephone number?A. 68621427 extension (电话分机) 4063.B. 68262714 extension 4306.C. 68261427 extension 4036.14. When can Mr. Carson ring Mr. Prince according to the woma

7、n?A. In the morning. B. After lunch C. It is not mentioned.听第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。15. What do we learn about the woman?A. She is 20. B. She is too old. C. She swims every day.16. How old was the woman when she was famous?A. She was twenty. B. She was thirteen. C. She was fifteen.17. What do we learn a

8、bout the woman from the dialogue?A. She took part in the Olympic Games.B. She still swims for international competitions.C. She used to swim thirty-five miles every day.听第 10 段材料,回答第 18-20 题。- 3 -18. Where did Henry Ford come from?A. Germany. B. America. C. Australia.19. How much did Henry get every

9、 week when he worked in a machine shop?A. $2.15. B. $2.5. C. $5.20. Which of the following is NOT true according to the speech?A. Henry began to work for money at the age of 6.B. As a boy Henry enjoyed repairing watches and machines.C. Henry was the inventor of the first car.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(

10、共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AImagination Stage is a childrens theater in the state of Maryland. A special performance is put on for children with autism (自闭症) each day. People with autism have difficulty communcating and socializing with other people. Children in

11、 the theater are allowed to move around during the performance. Its OK if they shout out or hold their ears when the music is too loud. These special performances are sometimes the only thing that a family can go to the theater together to see if a child has autism.That is the same idea with Autism

12、on the Seas. This company organizes vacations for families of children with autism, especially vacations on cruise ships. Jamie Grover is director of group development in Autism on the Seas. He said, “With our staff on board, parents know that they are going to be able to relax, enjoy their vacation

13、, and participate in ship activities. They know that their children are well taken care of.”The benefit of such vacations organized by Autism on the Seas is not waiting in huge lines on departure day. The company has staff to help in the ports. Waiting in long lines or being in the middle of big cro

14、wds can cause problem behavior in children with autism. Autism on the Seas helps families avoid - 4 -situations like that.Autism on the Seas works with the help of cruise companies like Royal Caribbean. Special times or places are arranged for families to play video games, go skating or rock climbin

15、g, or eat dinner. Autism on the Seas also directs families to organizations that can help them pay for these vacations.Bambi Van Woert from the state of Michigan went on a cruise with her 7-year-old Ben, who has autism. She said, “I would never do something like this myself. I cannot take Ben shoppi

16、ng by myself at this point, so for me to try to do a cruise without help would be absurd.”21.What makes the childrens theatre Imagination Stage special?A. That it only allows children with autism to enter.B. That it puts on plays performed by people with autism.C. That it mainly puts on plays about

17、people with autism.D. That it puts on special performances for kids with autism.22.What do we know about the company Autism on the Seas?A. It helps families of children with autism pay for vacations.B. It was started with the help of the cruise company Royal Caribbean.C. It organizes vacations for f

18、amilies of children with autism.D. It takes care of kids with autism while their parents are away.23.The third paragraph mainly tells us _.A. some occasions that kids with autism should avoidB. some behavioural problems of children with autismC. some activities children with autism can take part inD

19、. the benefit of vacations organized by Autism on the Seas24.Bambi Van Woert is mentioned in the last paragraph to show that _.A. parents of a child with autism dont want such tripsB. parents of a child with autism live a very difficult lifeC. children with autism dont like doing anything with their

20、 parentsD. such cruise trips can really help families of children with autism- 5 -BIf you are interested to find a part time job or learn something different during your spare time, you can have a look at the following jobs offered by the DC Public Library.Teens of Distinction ProgramThe DC Public L

21、ibrary offers part time jobs for teens through the Teens of Distinction Program. Teens work 10-12 hours per week all year long, helping the library with important tasks and projects. The Teens of Distinction Program is now hiring! To apply, you have to: be a DC resident have and maintain at least a

22、2.5 grade point average be 16 to 18 years old be able to work 10-12 hours per week be able to work for DCPL for at least 9 monthsOh, and of course you have to impress us with your wonderful personality!Teen Volunteer OpportunitiesIf you want to earn community service hours for school, Youth202 is a

23、good choice.Youth202 is a radio program created by youth and for youth. You can learn radio production skills, interview people around you, and help keep other teens to learn news, events, and anything else you think is important.Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)Every summer, teens can work her

24、e to help library customers organize books and learn lots of new skills, such as program planning, writing and media production.On Friday, January 25 at 12:15 pm, the application for the 2014 SYEP will be open to teens between the ages of 14 and 21.Applications will be processed on a first come, fir

25、st served basis. Space is limited this year, so teens are encouraged to apply early, and remember not to miss the deadline, Saturday, February 16.25.Working for the Teens of Distinction Program, teenagers will _- 6 -become a DC residentwork 10-12 hours per weekwork for DCPL for at least 9 monthshave

26、 a wonderful personalityA. B. C. D. 26.Who has the biggest chance to work for the 2014 SYEP?A. A teenager who applies early.B. A teenager who is popular. D. A teenager who gets high grades in exams.27.The aim of the text is to _A. introduce the DC Public LibraryB. describe the job of library workers

27、C. offer teenager part time jobs in the DC Public LibraryD. teach how to apply for parttime jobsCNobody likes having to deal with an upset child. If your little one is hurt, scared or sad, your heart breaks for her. If shes mad, it can make you mad. You want to be there for her and comfort her, but

28、the best way to do that will depend mainly on two things: why shes upset and how old she is. Be calm and open-minded when trying to comfort your upset child.Try to find out why your child is upset, because that affects how you should respond and what will be most effective in trying to comfort her.

29、Take her aside and sit down to talk on her level, physically and emotionally. Be sure she knows she has your complete attention while shes telling you about the friend who wouldnt share her new toy and so on. Even if youve got 20 other things you need to get done, make yourself take a break and focu

30、s on her for a few minutes.Listen carefully to what your child says, and also pay attention to what shes not saying. If she says shes upset because “she hates her stupid school”, you must “choose to accept it” to read between the lines. Maybe - 7 -shes struggling with her studies, or the teacher sco

31、lded(责备) her in front of everybody. Patiently listen and try to draw her out so you know what kind of problem youre dealing with.Sometimes just knowing someone hears her pain goes a long way toward comforting an upset child. Dont make excuses or blame others, just let her know her feelings are natur

32、al and understandable. Give her permission to feel sad for a little bit or even cry a little, and give her a big hug. Then help her think of ways to get over the hurt and refocus her attention on another activity or friend.28.What is the purpose of the author in the passage?A. To show an upset child

33、 is very tough.B. To share his experience of keeping a child.C. To tell how to comfort an upset child.D. To get advice on how to raise a child.29. When faced with an upset child, the parents_.A. may feel at a loss(不知所措)what to do nextB. should turn to experts for adviceC. should keep him company all

34、 the timeD. will easily get angry and frustrated30.When parents have a talk with their child patiently, she can .A. focus her attention on the talkB. understand her parents easilyC. talk about her new toy with youD. open her heart to the parents31.The underlined part in the passage means to_.A. advi

35、se her to tell the reasonB. drive her out of homeC. take her to the outsideDWhy do people feel so rushed? Part of this is a perception (认知) problem. - 8 -Generally, people in rich countries have more free time than they used to. This is particularly true in Europe, but even in America free time has

36、been inching up. Womens paid work has risen a lot over this period,but their time in unpaid work,like cooking and cleaning, has fallen even more significantly, thanks in part to dishwashers, washing machines and microwaves, and also to the fact that men shift themselves a little more around the hous

37、e than they used to.The problem, then, is less how much time people have than how they see it. Ever since a clock was first used at a workplace to record labor hours in the 18th century, time has been understood in relation to money. Once hours are financially quantified (量化), people worry more abou

38、t wasting, but tend to save or use them more profitably. When economies grow and incomes rise, everyones time becomes more valuable. And the more valuable something becomes, the rarer it seems.Once seeing their time in terms of money, people often_the former to maximize the latter. Workers who are p

39、aid by the hour volunteer less of their time and tend to feel more upset when they are not working.The relationship between time, money and anxiety is something Gary Becker noticed in Americas post-war boom years. “If anything, time is used more carefully today than a century ago,“ he noted in 1965.

40、 He found that when people are paid more to work, they tend to work longer hours, because working becomes a more profitable use of time. So the rising value of work time puts pressure on all time. Leisure time starts to seem more stressful, as people are forced to use it wisely or not at all.32.Wome

41、ns time in unpaid work has fallen partly because _.A. mens ability to support a family has been improvedB. mens involvement in housework has increasedC. womens leisure time was taken up by heavy houseworkD. women become more skilled at household equipment33.From the second paragraph, we learn that _

42、.A. labor hours were recorded with a clock- 9 -B. people havent realized the value of timeC. more work hours bring in more moneyD. The rise of incomes makes time less valuable34.The underlined phrasegrow stingy withcan probably be replaced by “_“.A. refuses to delay B. intend to killC. try to accumu

43、late D. hesitate to spend35.According to Gary Becker, what causes people feel anxious about time?A. The wrong way of time being spent.B. Peoples willingness to work hard.C. The increasing value of work time.D. More and more leisure time.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为

44、多余选项。Both men and women are living longer these days in industrialized countries. 36 In general, they can expect to live six or seven years more than men. One reason for this is biological.One important biological factor that helps women live longer is the difference in hormones between men and wome

45、n. 37 Between the ages of about 12 and 50, women produce hormones that are involved in fertility(生育能力). These hormones also have a positive effect on the heart and blood flow. In fact, women are less likely to have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks.38 They help the body defend itself

46、against some kinds of infections. This means thatwomen generally get sick less often and less seriously than men. The common cold is a good example: women, on average, get fewer colds than men.39 Scientists are still not exactly sure how influence aging, but they believe that they do. Some think tha

47、t a womans body cells have a tendency(倾向) to age more slowly than a mans. Others think that a mans body cells have a tendency to age more quickly. 40 A. However, women, on average, live longer.- 10 -B .The biological factor plays an important part.C. Women are also helped by their female genes.D. Th

48、e female hormones also protect the body in another way.E. Recent research seems to support both of these possibilities.F. Therefore, women are more healthy than men and can live a better life.G. Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to control carious body to control various body fun

49、ctions.第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。Its a sad and familiar voice that we often hear in big cities: “Can you spare some change?”Usually, when faced with that particular _41_, I have feelings of guilt if I pass by _42_giving a coin or two.I had that feeling _43_in Venice while on a to


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